
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: add4 on February 02, 2012, 06:37:20 AM

Title: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: add4 on February 02, 2012, 06:37:20 AM
So i wanted to make my first try at pedalpartplus powder coated enclosures.
For 2 painted boxes, the price is 19$ .. i accept that.
Shipping price to europe is ... 39$ ?!?

Am i the only one who find that WAY to expensive for two small, empty, light boxes?
Do you european guys who order from them pay that?
Maybe it's a fixed price and i should buy 20 boxes and not 2?

How do you cope with these HUGE shipping prices?
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: nzCdog on February 02, 2012, 06:42:17 AM
Send them an email about it... I had a friend actually get a refund from PPP on shipping because they overestimated the cost and reimbursed his CC later on
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: marmaliser on February 02, 2012, 07:20:30 AM
I emailed them a while ago and the minimum charge is about 15$ to Europe which was for a standard shipping box
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: GermanCdn on February 02, 2012, 08:20:13 AM
The key to a PPP order to Europe is to order at least 8 - 10 enclosures.  It has nothing to do with the weight, it's all about volume, and the smallest box they use to properly ship the enclosures (i.e. wrapped with packing peanuts) will hold about 10 enclosures (they use the USPS standard size boxes), depending on the size.  And yes, they will refund you the difference if they do overcharge you.  I've had two deliveries from them in the past four months, the first was for 8 enclosures (125B and 1590BB), and the second was for 18 enclosures (1590A, 1290B, 1590B, and 1590BB), shipping on the first order was $40 ish and the second was $72, and I got refunds back on both.  Pays to buy in quantity from them.
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: add4 on February 02, 2012, 08:23:14 AM
Thanks for the information!
just out of curiosity, how big is the refund, are we talking half the shipping price, a quarter, or a few dollars?
i'm trying to estimate the cost of an enclosure if i stop painting them myself... i wanted to try them first, but since everyone seems happy i guess then i'd go for 20 enclosures..
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: GermanCdn on February 02, 2012, 08:28:57 AM
My refunds have been in the $5 - $8 range.  As far as buying from them, my experience has been this - their B stock items (i.e. the stuff they have listed on the Blems and Boo Boos page) are better than most other companies first rate products.  I started by just ordering off their blems page ($7 a box), but I love their colour selection (Cherry Cola and Reptile Green are killer pedal finishes, as well as their Starlights). 
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: GermanCdn on February 02, 2012, 08:36:42 AM
And if you want to max out the value of your shipping, order some 3PDTs or some knobs or some IC mounted pots, it all fits in the same box, and their prices are pretty good on those items
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: add4 on February 02, 2012, 08:37:36 AM
Good to know! thanks!
Title: Re: Pedal parts plus shipping?
Post by: raulduke on February 02, 2012, 02:40:55 PM
That is really helpfull info about the shipping costs German Cdn; thanks mate  :)

I have been scared off by the shipping costs of PPP in the past, but it makes more sense now.