
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: gblekas on November 22, 2024, 12:30:11 AM

Title: Harbinger CDS cells
Post by: gblekas on November 22, 2024, 12:30:11 AM

I had bought a Harbinger pcb quite awhile ago and still haven't built it yet but I am getting the parts together now and can't source the CdS cells wonder if anyone has a source and part number to help a brother out?

Title: Re: Harbinger CDS cells
Post by: mauman on November 22, 2024, 01:07:09 AM
Smallbear usually carries the NSL-7530/7532, but they're out of stock right now.  They do have the 9203 in stock which also works.  Both of these are listed in Bean's build doc.
Title: Re: Harbinger CDS cells
Post by: madbean on November 22, 2024, 01:12:36 AM
The 9203 @ smallbear are pretty good.

Not quite the 50M off resistance of the specially tuned photocells they used to have, but those have not been available for a while. I've used them in a couple Univibe builds with success.