
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: gordo on May 13, 2024, 12:40:43 AM

Title: The transition.
Post by: gordo on May 13, 2024, 12:40:43 AM
Nothing really pedal related here but after 66 years of living in the burbs I've made the transition to living in downtown Chicago (condo in the West Loop to be exact).  Upside is that I'm now 2.5 miles from work.  Downside is that my workbench is now 40 miles from home as opposed to 40 feet.  I do the repairs for a music store in Fox River Grove so they've graciously allowed me to move all my crap to their store.

I predict my output will be dramatically lower, but the upside is that I'll appreciate the time I get at the bench.  I've been doing a lot of guitar electronics lately and seem to be Marshall focused as well (lots of blowed up output transformers for some reason).

Was eyeing Orange County, CA as my next repair stomping ground but will have to put it off for a few years while I ride out revised retirement plans.  Subject to change at the drop of a hat of course.

Sucks to work, but good to be needed, so very little to complain about.
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: madbean on May 13, 2024, 03:59:56 AM
Buddy, my hope for you at 66 is that the only thing in your path forward is enjoying your life to the fullest. You've earned it.

Also, I'd love to lifve in DT Chicago for a bit!
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: gordo on May 14, 2024, 12:04:46 AM
Thanks Brian.  It's been a wild ride and most days I still enjoy the work so will hopefully keep my brains from turning to mush.  Repairs and pedals are a nice reset to the work week.
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: jessenator on May 14, 2024, 12:43:46 AM
Change is the only constant, right?

Man, I can't even fathom that next move myself. Kudos to rolling with it all, Gordo.

I have a few fond memories of visiting friends in chi-town, but you're a braver man to take the urban bull by the horns.
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: Bio77 on May 14, 2024, 05:33:42 PM
Best of luck to you, Gordo!  Bummed your cali plans got postponed.  I was looking forward to kicking it sometime  8)
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: gordo on May 15, 2024, 12:10:48 AM
Hoping to spend any and all vacation time there Jon, so we gotta make that happen!
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: blearyeyes on May 15, 2024, 08:23:03 PM
Let me know if you're around, I'm in so ca.
I don't leave my cave often.
Last time I did I ended up in Manila.
All or nothing!
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: gordo on May 17, 2024, 12:36:56 AM
blearyeyes, would be good to touch base.  You already know I dig the tracks you've been putting out and you've pushed me into learning some keyboard stuff.
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: peAk on May 18, 2024, 02:42:59 AM
Congrats Gordo

Honestly, at 66, that sounds like a dream come true.

Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: culturejam on May 18, 2024, 01:57:34 PM
That sounds amazing! City living has some serious upsides
Title: Re: The transition.
Post by: gordo on May 20, 2024, 01:17:12 AM
I flew out to CA for a few days to intercept a shipping POD of stuff we shipped from here.  I'd shipped a Harmony guitar that the then-president gave me that was never completed.  It was a Chinese knock off of a Gretsch and they spelled the name wrong so I don't believe he moved forward from there.  I put a Bigsby and roller bridge on it with CTS electronics and GFS Filter-tron pickups.

The amp is an old Traynor when they first got into solid-state.  It's a TS-25 and highly under rated.  The original spreaker crumbled so I replaced it with a WGS.

Sometimes it's not about a pedal.  It's just an old amp with an attitude and a cheap guitar with lots of TLC.


Clip was done with my phone using only the amp's reverb.  Fun times. (