Gudday all. Here's Sweet Revenge. It was supposed to be a jfet Soldano Avenger on vero, but after boxing it was REALLY noisy and I couldn't work out why - which was a shame because it did sound great under all that. Anyway, I decided I'd recycle the box with something else while not stripping it, meaning I needed something with a BMT tonestack. Turned out I had one of Jimilee's Angry Charlies around, so in it went. I had to float the pots and the guts are a bit of a mess, but it's dead quiet and sounds great. Tayda UV printed enclosure.
WoooooHoooo fancy boi!
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Nice recovery!
I can feel charlie's anger in this build! ;D
Enclosure looks sweet, love the stab button
Quote from: nzCdog on November 03, 2023, 08:06:35 AM
I can feel charlie's anger in this build! ;D
Enclosure looks sweet, love the stab button
You can see his dismay right on the board as well.

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