VERY very sad news. Jeff Beck has died of bacterial meningitis.
Man, that is really sad. 2023 starts with the great Beck passed away! Without him, there will be no Andy Timmons or Dann Huff
I had the honor of seeing him with Jan Hammer on the Wired tour when I was a kid. The opening act was Harvey Mandel who was supporting his album The Snake at the time. Between the two of them I spent so much time with my jaw on the floor I'm surprised my tongue didn't dry out. God this one hurts.
Oh wow, I hadn't heard. RIP, Mr. Beck.
I was a big fan of Blow by Blow and Wired back in the day. It was a little before my time but my guitar teacher did a good job of making me aware of a lot of good players. Jeff Beck was always held in high regard.
Man, I just saw that a few minutes ago, they're dropping like flies. Go see your fav artists before it's too late. RIP Mr. Beck.
That's very sad. I remember going to Sam Goody's to by the cassette of "Blow by Blow" and having my teenage mind blown. I think I had been playing guitar for like 6 months at that point.
For anyone that wants a more modern exposure check out Loose Cannon. Still gives me goose bumps.
Saw him twice– the first time I was 15 years old, and I was standing no more than 10 feet away from him. Absolutely blew my mind. One of the concerts that first got me hooked by the thrill of live music.
The second time I had the pleasure of seeing him was on the Stars Allign tour co-heading with Paul Rodgers. That was the first time I got to see Vinnie Colaiuta, my all time favorite drummer, play live— Seeing the two of them play together was a dream come true.
Two months ago I had the opportunity to see Jeff and Johnny Depp for free, but I turned it down thinking I'd have plenty more chances to see Jeff without the craziness of the rabid Depp fans swarming the place. My regret now is incredible. Having seen pictures from the show and heard stories from my sister's boyfriend (the one who was going to get me into the show), it was an absolute madhouse with plenty of the people not even knowing who Jeff Beck was, just there to get a glimpse of Johnny Depp in person. Even still, I'd give anything to go back in time and take the time to see that show.
I'll leave you all with this clip from the second time I saw Jeff. My favorite song of the night... found it on YouTube a few hours ago when I was looking for footage to reminisce.
Thanks for that clip. I know that Jeff's first white strat was a gift from McLaughlin when they toured together and You Know You Know was a big Mahavishnu tune on the tour so a nice homage. A really tasty successor to the tune is Lila's Dance, where McLaughlin quotes himself and gets an absolutely mind bending tape-flanged 12 string sound.
The memory will remain of the great heroes of the guitar.