Made this for a mate I went to Uni with, who also has impeccable taste in TV. I said I'd make him something, he said he's happy with dealers choice so I used some PCBs I'd had from other projects - Honey Bee, Magnavibe and a two submini tube boost thingy using the 40106 charge pump setup. I've used a different chip in a do-over to save space and for more juice but this still works as a 'sweetener' to run the Honey Bee into.
I've too many cans of spray paint lay around so a while back found a video on how to do space stuff and like how it can turn out but I'm now the proud owner of too many pieces of cardboard with planets on them. They're all the same, those blue and green planetoids. Blue, green and planetoidy.
I got right the way up to boxing it for posting today before seeing Drive has two Is in it. I blame the paint fumes but I'd spent so long clear coating at this point that it's a feature not a (Star)bug. Also panicked that the tubes would overheat so drilled some vents on the side as I was pretty much stood at the Post Office counter.
Thats really awesome looking! I love the paint on it! And I think we have all been there, realizing a typo after the fact ;D
Absolutely fabulous and the graphics are epic! Is that airbrush technique or how did you do the look on it? Looks great!
Good lord that looks amazing
Cheers guys!
The paint is just Montana rattle cans. Little blue and green down in a spot you want your planet - streak of white top left, streak of black bottom right, kinda curve them roughly where you want the outline of the circle to be - some scrunched up newspaper pressed on and taken off textures it a bit. Pop a rattle can lid over what you just did and then just diagonal stripes. I don't know what goes first in terms of light and dark to best blend it so I just went top left green/blue/whatever the hell that it is - purple - pink then red.
The most important step is panic when you overlap too much, overspray loads, yell a bit and redo the stripes to blend it better. Spray a bit of white on your fingers and flick it over for the stars and wonder why you didn't put gloves on. All shamelessly pulled from a great Youtube video I would have been better linking to :)
Smeg, you deserve a Rimmer salute for that effort. ;D
Sweet build! And I friggin loved Red Dwarf.
"Now kindly cluck off, before I extract your giblets, and shove a large seasoned onion between the lips you never kiss with." -Rimmer
This is truly astounding and top notch work. I can't come anywhere near how awesome that enclosure looks. And I bet that sounds really cool with those three circuits. This is epic!
Wow! That's all kinds of awesome 8)
Wow! Excellent build! Literally and figuratively stellar!
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Really impressive bro. The artwork is great, so clean inside too! :)