The EHX family of tube brands includes: Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, EH Gold, Genalex Gold Lion, Mullard, Svetlana and Sovtek
JJ is in Slovakia so should be good
Wow, that's something I never even thought about.
Eurotubes encounters major backlog. It's all now depends relationship between customer and vendor. EH rectifiers are great.
Yeah, it might get dicey. The tube supply was already affected by the Shuguang factory burning down in 2019. With New Sensor out of the mix (at least temporary) it's basically up to JJ, which already had increased lead times.
New Sensor is owned by Electro-Harmonix, so I am curious how this whole situation is going to be handled. Will the factory continue to build with the hope that the export market opens back up in the relatively near future, or do they shut down operations? How would EHX even get them operating capital with the withdrawl of US banks from Russia. Will China buy the tubes and somehow make them available on the International market?
Lots of questions, not too many answers.
JJ Tubes have been unavailable here from several vendors for many months because of Corona and general supply chain issues. I hope JJ will be readily available again.
Quote from: Tremster on March 14, 2022, 09:13:53 AM
JJ Tubes have been unavailable here from several vendors for many months because of Corona and general supply chain issues. I hope JJ will be readily available again.
I just picked up a pair of matched/burned-in JJ 6V6s from CEDist (Antique Electronics Supply). They are out of a lot of other stuff, but they at least have that for the moment.
My neighbourhood tube emporium has closed down their website because they are overwhelmed with orders... "We cannot accept any new orders until we get caught up"
I just noticed that the line 6 spider is on stupid deal of the day. Problem solved 8)
I think TubeDepot may have pulled their Russian tubes off the shelf. I have clicked on several and have seen "Sorry, but this product is currently not for sale." I may be using the site wrong, but maybe not.
Sounds like it's time to revisit the Fetron
There are also the Jet City Retrovalves and the "Warm Stone" from AMT
Quote from: Aentons on March 14, 2022, 08:14:07 PM
Sounds like it's time to revisit the Fetron
There are also the Jet City Retrovalves and the "Warm Stone" from AMT
Isn't AMT a Russian company?
Quote from: harryklippton on March 14, 2022, 09:16:37 PM
Isn't AMT a Russian company?
Oh... right.. uuhh... we should steal their tech then :)
And like magic, EHX issued another announcement stating that they now can take orders again.
It would be hilarious if virtue signaling would accomplish what digital emulation couldn't do, finish off the vacuum tube in guitar amplification.
The world needs to pause until after I finish my Archibald build. :P
My hunt for a quad of 6L6's led to Sam Ash who took the order and then went silent. If looking for preamp tubes check out Brent Jesse ( ( Its mostly NOS but full of great info and shockingly high prices on some rare tubes. They've been great for me getting (somewhat) inexpensive tubes for fancy builds. I've even sent in a set of tube measurements from a pair I had and they matched them with a new set so I could go stereo with an eq build.
I actually got a shipping notice on these. Went back for more and they are gone :(
Quote from: Muadzin on March 17, 2022, 12:31:38 PM
It would be hilarious if virtue signaling would accomplish what digital emulation couldn't do, finish off the vacuum tube in guitar amplification.
I'll probably regret asking this, but what does virtue signaling have to do with the current tube shortage?
Folks weren't unwilling to buy Russian tubes, there was an export ban. That coupled with the Shuguang factory in China burning down, left JJ as the only large producer. Fear of supply issues caused panic buying which depleted much of the available stock worldwide.
Now, EHX (which owns the New Sensor Russian tube factory) seems to have worked a deal to secure supply (or maybe just released their existing stock) at higher pricing because the demand is outstripping the current supply.
This scare could certainly push some folks towards modelers and other solid state options. It'll be interesting to see if the Shuguang factory is rebuilt. If Russian tubes prove difficult to source and Shuguang isn't rebuilt, it might be really tough for tube amp manufacturers.
Quote from: pickdropper on March 18, 2022, 01:30:37 AM
I'll probably regret asking this, but what does virtue signaling have to do with the current tube shortage?
Nothing. This guy is a shirt-stirring wind-up merchant. ;D
And just like that EHX announced that they are getting tubes again and that the issue has been resolved, there will be a price rise though (surprise...).
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like it's viral marketing, and we all took the bait. :-[
Quote from: EBK on March 18, 2022, 02:42:23 PM
Looks like it's viral marketing, and we all took the bait. :-[
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really begrudge EHX, but something like that would be lame.
Also I'm trying to actually give a crap about this. I've used the same tube amp as my main amp for twenty years. I replaced the tubes exactly one time, well over a decade ago and it still sounds great.
I've had more than one conversation with techs that don't get why people replace their tubes so much. Their thinking was if the amp is working well then don't mess with it. I tend to agree with that mentality.
It is also a miracle that tubes aren't already way more expensive than they currently are. Think we've all been working on borrowed time with that one. Not to say I want prices to go up, just that I think a price spike was pretty inevitable one way or another.
Quote from: matmosphere on March 18, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
Quote from: EBK on March 18, 2022, 02:42:23 PM
Looks like it's viral marketing, and we all took the bait. :-[
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really begrudge EHX, but something like that would be lame.
Also I'm trying to actually give a crap about this. I've used the same tube amp as my main amp for twenty years. I replaced the tubes exactly one time, well over a decade ago and it still sounds great.
I've had more than one conversation with techs that don't get why people replace their tubes so much. Their thinking was if the amp is working well then don't mess with it. I tend to agree with that mentality.
It is also a miracle that tubes aren't already way more expensive than they currently are. Think we've all been working on borrowed time with that one. Not to say I want prices to go up, just that I think a price spike was pretty inevitable one way or another.
I haven't used my M/B 400+ much in the past eight or so years, but I played and gigged (locally) it regularly for about a decade and I never re-tubed it. Mainly because it'll cost a billion dollars, but also because it always sounded awesome and I never felt the need. I always did feel like I was playing with fire every time I brought it to a gig since I didn't have a backup, though. Now I'm wishing I'd bought a replacement kit because I don't know what they'll end up costing after the dust settles on this.
Quote from: matmosphere on March 18, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
Quote from: EBK on March 18, 2022, 02:42:23 PM
Looks like it's viral marketing, and we all took the bait. :-[
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really begrudge EHX, but something like that would be lame.
Also I'm trying to actually give a crap about this. I've used the same tube amp as my main amp for twenty years. I replaced the tubes exactly one time, well over a decade ago and it still sounds great.
I've had more than one conversation with techs that don't get why people replace their tubes so much. Their thinking was if the amp is working well then don't mess with it. I tend to agree with that mentality.
It is also a miracle that tubes aren't already way more expensive than they currently are. Think we've all been working on borrowed time with that one. Not to say I want prices to go up, just that I think a price spike was pretty inevitable one way or another.
Yeah, other than a single 12AT7 in my '65 Vibrolux, I've haven't changed any tubes in it for 20 years. The power tubes will need swapping out, but the old glass in there seems to last forever.
I did have a pair of current production EL34 tubes go bad my JMP 50, but those were a lightly used pair that were given to me and I don't know how much life they had on them.
Other than that, I've only changed tubes when I was messing around (generally preamp tubes) and I kept the ones I pulled out as they still worked. For most amps, under most conditions, tubes last a while. I do like having a backup set of power tubes for each amp and some common preamp tubes, but that's more out of caution as they *can* go bad without notice.
Apparently Western Electric (US based tube maker of 300B's) has the equipment necessary for making other common tubes if the demand is there.
Quote from: davent on March 19, 2022, 04:01:03 PM
Apparently Western Electric (US based tube maker of 300B's) has the equipment necessary for making other common tubes if the demand is there.
I filled out the form as well. Their 300B tubes have been highly regarded for a long time in the audiophile world (and have a 5 year warranty). I'd like to see some more commonly used tubes from them.
The interesting thing will be price point. WE's 300B tubes are $700 each, which is pricey, but the NOS equivalents are significantly more expensive and even overseas produced 300B tubes aren't exactly cheap ($235 each for JJs). If WE can make quality power tubes (like EL34/6CA7 or 6L6GC) for 3x the pre-panic buy import pricing, I think they might be able to do well with them.
Quote from: davent on March 19, 2022, 04:01:03 PM
Apparently Western Electric (US based tube maker of 300B's) has the equipment necessary for making other common tubes if the demand is there.
I filled out the survey, but I'm not very sophisticated, so I told them I want 12AX7 and 6V6, which is all that I have firsthand experience with. :-\
I'll fill that out as well.
Maybe I'm a fake hippy but I'd really like to see people as a whole move towards buying less and willing to pay more for higher quality goods made "more locally" that may put less strain on the environment & the "system" in general. The current race to the bottom price expectations make for a hard market for everyone.
Quote from: peccary on March 18, 2022, 04:37:09 PM
Quote from: matmosphere on March 18, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
Quote from: EBK on March 18, 2022, 02:42:23 PM
Looks like it's viral marketing, and we all took the bait. :-[
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really begrudge EHX, but something like that would be lame.
Also I'm trying to actually give a crap about this. I've used the same tube amp as my main amp for twenty years. I replaced the tubes exactly one time, well over a decade ago and it still sounds great.
I've had more than one conversation with techs that don't get why people replace their tubes so much. Their thinking was if the amp is working well then don't mess with it. I tend to agree with that mentality.
It is also a miracle that tubes aren't already way more expensive than they currently are. Think we've all been working on borrowed time with that one. Not to say I want prices to go up, just that I think a price spike was pretty inevitable one way or another.
I haven't used my M/B 400+ much in the past eight or so years, but I played and gigged (locally) it regularly for about a decade and I never re-tubed it. Mainly because it'll cost a billion dollars, but also because it always sounded awesome and I never felt the need. I always did feel like I was playing with fire every time I brought it to a gig since I didn't have a backup, though. Now I'm wishing I'd bought a replacement kit because I don't know what they'll end up costing after the dust settles on this.
I have some amps that tubes last forever in, and some (Marshall Plexi style with EL34's and a Dr Z MAZ38) that burn through power tubes to where there's an audible change to the tone (goes fizzy). Especially in recording you can notice when its time to change. Other than preamp tubes going microphonic and the "fun" of tube rolling to get the amp sounding good I don't change the preamps hardly at all.
Saw today that thetubestore is back on line, looked around but it's been so long since i shopped i have no idea on how much prices have changed of late.
Quote from: imjonwain on March 19, 2022, 05:27:37 PM
I'll fill that out as well.
Maybe I'm a fake hippy but I'd really like to see people as a whole move towards buying less and willing to pay more for higher quality goods made "more locally" that may put less strain on the environment & the "system" in general. The current race to the bottom price expectations make for a hard market for everyone.
I agree that being able to source things more locally and paying more for something that will last longer is the way to go, but I don't know how likely it is that anyone will start manufacturing tubes in the States again.
Quote from: matmosphere on March 18, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
Also I'm trying to actually give a crap about this. I've used the same tube amp as my main amp for twenty years. I replaced the tubes exactly one time, well over a decade ago and it still sounds great.
I've had more than one conversation with techs that don't get why people replace their tubes so much. Their thinking was if the amp is working well then don't mess with it. I tend to agree with that mentality.
My understanding is that preamp valves last just about forever, while power valves (EL34, KT88, that sort of thing) do wear out over time if you thrash the pants off them on a regular basis.
Quote from: jimilee on March 18, 2022, 02:22:30 PM
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what Mike Mathews does... He's a total shyster...
He got a marketing degree from Harvard... Yes, really...
Hellz yeah! High quality, USA made tubes are on the way
... it's based in Georgia, a former Soviet republic, and somehow it's bringing valve production back to North America?
Yay for new valve factories, especially in countries that are not sanctioned, but I'm confused over this.
Quote from: alanp on March 26, 2022, 10:47:42 PM
... it's based in Georgia, a former Soviet republic, and somehow it's bringing valve production back to North America?
Yay for new valve factories, especially in countries that are not sanctioned, but I'm confused over this.
Not sure if you're joking cuz I'm not good with sarcasm and less so online but it's the state of Georgia, USA
Ah, of course... I keep forgetting about the state of Georgia! (My first mental association is the movie "Goldeneye", for some reason, and Eastern Europe.)
It's my least favorite state I've ever been to
Quote from: harryklippton on March 26, 2022, 11:31:26 PM
It's my least favorite state I've ever been to
It's either Mississippi or Alabama for me. Georgia at least has Savannah and Tybee Island.
Quote from: culturejam on March 27, 2022, 12:00:14 AM
Quote from: harryklippton on March 26, 2022, 11:31:26 PM
It's my least favorite state I've ever been to
It's either Mississippi or Alabama for me. Georgia at least has Savannah and Tybee Island.
I have to agree... I live in Alabama and it is the absolute worst... right after Mississippi :)
Quote from: harryklippton on March 26, 2022, 11:31:26 PM
It's my least favorite state I've ever been to
I went for a work conference once.. While it wasn't my favorite place I've traveled, I've gotta say I really loved the aquarium and the food in Atlanta. I think I gained 10 pounds over three days just in fried chicken alone.
Quote from: danfrank on March 26, 2022, 12:42:12 AM
Quote from: jimilee on March 18, 2022, 02:22:30 PM
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what Mike Mathews does... He's a total shyster...
He got a marketing degree from Harvard... Yes, really...
Especially since he's aligned with new sensor, I feel like it was a way to raise prices by scaring everyone with impending doom over scarcity. Pretty good plan. Ironically I got a matched set of ehx 6l6gc for 59 dollars from doug's tubes if anyone is looking to not get ripped off. Those are solid tubes. Also the JJs when eurotubes reopens wont see a price hike, at least thats what they said.
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on March 28, 2022, 05:03:02 PM
Quote from: danfrank on March 26, 2022, 12:42:12 AM
Quote from: jimilee on March 18, 2022, 02:22:30 PM
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what Mike Mathews does... He's a total shyster...
He got a marketing degree from Harvard... Yes, really...
Especially since he's aligned with new sensor, I feel like it was a way to raise prices by scaring everyone with impending doom over scarcity. Pretty good plan. Ironically I got a matched set of ehx 6l6gc for 59 dollars from doug's tubes if anyone is looking to not get ripped off. Those are solid tubes. Also the JJs when eurotubes reopens wont see a price hike, at least thats what they said.
It's more than alignment with New Sensor. EHX owns New Sensor.
It seems the export ban was real. Many items were banned and tubes were just one of the things on the list. How much of the new EHX pricing is necessary, I have no idea.
Tubes haven't really gone up in price for years. It's somewhat amazing how resistant to inflation they've become. I wouldn't be surprised to see the prices come down a bit when supply normalizes, but it wouldn't be surprising if they never quite get back to where they were before, particularly if demand stays high.
Quote from: pickdropper on March 29, 2022, 03:37:26 AM
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on March 28, 2022, 05:03:02 PM
Quote from: danfrank on March 26, 2022, 12:42:12 AM
Quote from: jimilee on March 18, 2022, 02:22:30 PM
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what Mike Mathews does... He's a total shyster...
He got a marketing degree from Harvard... Yes, really...
Especially since he's aligned with new sensor, I feel like it was a way to raise prices by scaring everyone with impending doom over scarcity. Pretty good plan. Ironically I got a matched set of ehx 6l6gc for 59 dollars from doug's tubes if anyone is looking to not get ripped off. Those are solid tubes. Also the JJs when eurotubes reopens wont see a price hike, at least thats what they said.
It's more than alignment with New Sensor. EHX owns New Sensor.
It seems the export ban was real. Many items were banned and tubes were just one of the things on the list. How much of the new EHX pricing is necessary, I have no idea.
Tubes haven't really gone up in price for years. It's somewhat amazing how resistant to inflation they've become. I wouldn't be surprised to see the prices come down a bit when supply normalizes, but it wouldn't be surprising if they never quite get back to where they were before, particularly if demand stays high.
I thought their statement said something about the price increase was due to new import tariffs from the sanctions and whatnot
Edit: here it is
"Considering various economic pressures, we must raise our wholesale prices. This price increase will apply to all back- and new orders. Also, there will likely be a further price increase for tubes shipped from our NYC headquarters once the government implements heightened tariffs against Russian goods, akin to the 35% rate Canada is now imposing. Other territories, including EU, UK, and Japan, are expected to follow suit."
Quote from: Aentons on March 29, 2022, 04:13:41 AM
Quote from: pickdropper on March 29, 2022, 03:37:26 AM
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on March 28, 2022, 05:03:02 PM
Quote from: danfrank on March 26, 2022, 12:42:12 AM
Quote from: jimilee on March 18, 2022, 02:22:30 PM
Why even bothering announcing something pretty major, and then recanting it two days later???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what Mike Mathews does... He's a total shyster...
He got a marketing degree from Harvard... Yes, really...
Especially since he's aligned with new sensor, I feel like it was a way to raise prices by scaring everyone with impending doom over scarcity. Pretty good plan. Ironically I got a matched set of ehx 6l6gc for 59 dollars from doug's tubes if anyone is looking to not get ripped off. Those are solid tubes. Also the JJs when eurotubes reopens wont see a price hike, at least thats what they said.
It's more than alignment with New Sensor. EHX owns New Sensor.
It seems the export ban was real. Many items were banned and tubes were just one of the things on the list. How much of the new EHX pricing is necessary, I have no idea.
Tubes haven't really gone up in price for years. It's somewhat amazing how resistant to inflation they've become. I wouldn't be surprised to see the prices come down a bit when supply normalizes, but it wouldn't be surprising if they never quite get back to where they were before, particularly if demand stays high.
I thought their statement said something about the price increase was due to new import tariffs from the sanctions and whatnot
Edit: here it is
"Considering various economic pressures, we must raise our wholesale prices. This price increase will apply to all back- and new orders. Also, there will likely be a further price increase for tubes shipped from our NYC headquarters once the government implements heightened tariffs against Russian goods, akin to the 35% rate Canada is now imposing. Other territories, including EU, UK, and Japan, are expected to follow suit."
Yeah, EHX definitely made a statement about it. I think a lot of folks are skeptical and feel that EHX is just price gouging, particularly in regard to stock that they already had in hand.
I don't necessarily feel that way. I think that sudden demand has massively outstripped supply due to fears of shortage, real or imagined. Most of the tube dealers have increased pricing to what consumers are willing to pay. If the supply chain stabilizes and panic buying subsides a bit , pricing may come down a bit.
I get the whole supply and demand thing. I just don't get how tubes became the new toilet paper overnight lol. I don't get panic buying at ridiculous prices. I got a set cause I actually needed them and they were out of stock prior. I got them at the regular price they were. I can understand the price going up on new orders from vendors. It was just nice to see that not everyone thought to instantly pass the buck to the consumer on preexisting stock. I can stomach going from 29 dollars a tube to 40 a tube because I don't go thru them like that. It's the vendors tripling the price that get me. I wonder if this will effect JJ tubes price since they are Slovakian. either way, glad I still have my line6 spider haha
QuoteI think a lot of folks are skeptical and feel that EHX is just price gouging, particularly in regard to stock that they already had in hand.
Oh ok I see... Their statement just says all new and back orders. Where is the ehx existing stock price increase being seen?
"new" orders would be referring to existing stock, wouldn't it? Backorders would be sales of future stock.
Quote from: EBK on March 29, 2022, 04:44:22 PM
"new" orders would be referring to existing stock, wouldn't it? Backorders would be sales of future stock.
I was referring to new stock, not existing stock. I realize it's up to the retailer to do as they please though.
Quote from: EBK on March 29, 2022, 04:44:22 PM
"new" orders would be referring to existing stock, wouldn't it? Backorders would be sales of future stock.
Hmm, I take it to mean that they already have stuff on backorder coming from the factory and new orders are anything after that. I can't imagine they have much stock sitting in the NYC office.
Here is an office tour video. About 9 minutes in they show the tube department which is just one lady sitting at a machine doing matching.
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on March 29, 2022, 02:30:18 PM
I get the whole supply and demand thing. I just don't get how tubes became the new toilet paper overnight lol. I don't get panic buying at ridiculous prices. I got a set cause I actually needed them and they were out of stock prior. I got them at the regular price they were. I can understand the price going up on new orders from vendors. It was just nice to see that not everyone thought to instantly pass the buck to the consumer on preexisting stock. I can stomach going from 29 dollars a tube to 40 a tube because I don't go thru them like that. It's the vendors tripling the price that get me. I wonder if this will effect JJ tubes price since they are Slovakian. either way, glad I still have my line6 spider haha
Yeah, the massive run on tubes was panic buying. I did contribute a bit as I realized I didn't have backups for all of my power tubes, but I wouldn't consider my purchases at the hording level (mine were all at regular price as well). Of course, if everybody decided they need back-up tubes at the same time, it puts an unnatural strain on the supply chain at a time where inventory is lower than normal.
I don't really think most people go through tubes that fast. I had a an EL34 fail in a Marshall last year (those came with the amp when I got it). My Vibrolux has had the same power tubes in it for 25+ years. I do admit that I like having a backup set for all my amps so that I can keep it running in case of sudden failure, but odds are I won't need them for a while. I still fire up a tube amp everyday. I don't leave them off out of fear of consuming tubes.
"He says he aims to launch Western Electric's 12AX7, America's first new tube in decades, this summer. After that he plans to add a string of additional models, versions of the 6L6, EL34, EL84 12 AT7, and 6V6 tubes—a lineup he calculates makes up almost 80 percent of the relevant music equipment, such as guitar and studio amps. If all goes to plan, the US could once again dominate vacuum tube manufacturing."
Quote from: Aentons on March 28, 2023, 07:11:32 PM
"He says he aims to launch Western Electric's 12AX7, America's first new tube in decades, this summer. After that he plans to add a string of additional models, versions of the 6L6, EL34, EL84 12 AT7, and 6V6 tubes—a lineup he calculates makes up almost 80 percent of the relevant music equipment, such as guitar and studio amps. If all goes to plan, the US could once again dominate vacuum tube manufacturing."
I was just wondering what happened with this the other day. Thanks for the link
Glenn Fricker is funny, he misses the point. JJ and the Chinese tubes are really microphonic most of the time, it's about quality and reliability not about sound for most of us. JJ has issues with glass annealing and the tubes crack and lose vacuum, as well as short out and destroy transformers. This is not cool, and I'll pay for good tubes that aren't unreliable junk. The TAD ones are all hand selected, but cost more too because of that 30% good tube problem.