Alright so this is only my fourth build, so please forgive me if the work is messy.
I had everything put together and used my testing rig to see if everything worked. It did. Now when I went to wire the input/output, power, leds and switches (2), the pedal no longer works. One channel is super fuzzy, but not musically nice in any way, and the other (second in line) channel has no output whatsoever. The audio translates when the pedals are off so the bypass is working correctly and the LED's light up showing power.
I will attach some pictures, but like I say I truly think it is in the wiring. I used a madbean standard wiring guide, but must have missed something stupid. I already tried swapping IC's just to see if somehow they were fried, but that didn't change anything. I guess I am getting tripped up because this pedal has two channels..
If any more pictures are needed, please ask. Any other questions or comments are welcome.
Thanks so much guys!
Well I guess I should have first asked, how do I attach pictures on here?
Every time I try, it says my files are too large. I have tried one at a time.
I had the same problem. Never fixed it but I think I had a bad tone cap, I gave up and made two king of kone boards. Those have their own problems. Pop like the devil. Used madbeans bypass wiring and put in amz led pop protection, driving me nuts. Made two more boards and same problem. I give up. For your thing I connected ic pin 1 and 2, working but I know it was wrong.
Ok so since I knew my problem was in the wiring, I (in a frustrated manner) cut all the wires off the board and started from scratch. I drew a plan on paper of what went where, and I finally got it down!
It works and sounds killer. The hardest part was boxing the dang thing, because I wanted my input/output jacks and 9v power at the top, to save room on my pedalboard. The Inputs/out are sitting between some pots, it was pretty crazy and hectic but I am super glad I stuck with it.
Good luck with you and all your problems. Sound like some kind of grounding issue if there is excessive popping. I'd check that first.
Thanks guys!
I would have thought grounding too, but after two aristocrats and 6 king of klones, one KoK works ok. I don't freaking understand what I'm doin. Glad yours kicks ass
Quote from: tyronethebig on December 19, 2011, 04:57:49 AM
I would have thought grounding too, but after two aristocrats and 6 king of klones, one KoK works ok. I don't freaking understand what I'm doin. Glad yours kicks ass
Maybe how your star grounding..