I traded my VFE Triumvirate for this wah, the pedal just wasn't doing it for me.
I've googled a bit and found lots of people sharing mods for this wah, but the files are dead ends, all broken links.
Apparently it's the same circuit as a crybaby, but uses optic sensors to activate, some say it's tone sucking and I don't really care.
I want to extend the range like a video I found that at half pedal it tops out at stock and full you get more out of it, this one looks like the first BH, but all of the components are through hole.
So if anyone has some ideas...
For reference:
Haven't messed around with this pedal in a LONG time. But here are some notes that I had found from DIY stompboxes way back in the day. I believe this is for Bad Horsie I:
"c5 to a .1uf brings up bass in bypass mode to keep you from loosing your bottom end.
r12 to 56k give the wah some balls
c9 put a switch in there to give you either the .01 a .022 or a .0047
if you do all the other mods you dont' really need this one on the c9.
c14 c15 and c 16 .22uf see the problem with teh bad horsie is the c14 capacitor it goes into a .01 after using the .22uf no no no no no.. bad morley. just replacing this made my buddys pedal sound natural and not "morley"
replace r24 with a 50k resistor and a 100k pot in series. to help with the sweep.
r15 replace with a 100k pot. or you can just add in a 50k pot with the resistor inseries. this will determine the contour of the wah. basically the last two mods i listed here are what the bad horsie II is.."
Bad Horsie as itself has the same basic circuit as Crybaby and EH wah pedal. Modifications of those two pedals will work with your pedal too. See this mod named Terpentyn's TRI wah EX.
Basic Bad Horsie is below. Compare and fiddle around :@) Notice, that TER triwah will do the same thing, without junk opamps and trigger gates, and with additional functions, that you can suit for yourself - freq ranges, resonance setting, FAT wah... and even photoresistor driving, when modified!
Thanks guys, I am open to adding on-on-on toggle switches so I have more options available.
One thing I want to do is get more sweep when rolling the pedal down, up, which ever term is correct.
Is that what you meant by more balls?
I am thinking about the possibility of converting it to using a pot instead of the optical. is it even possible?
Function Resonance and Fat wah will give to this vehement those balls. And switcher of Freq Range will find that right freq you will desire. Those caps it this switch you can change and suit yourself with those you will want. Here I attach TriWah modified with opto-driving. That opto-resistor you can try more types, to find what you need.
Quote from: Zerro on September 21, 2021, 12:42:38 PM
Function Resonance and Fat wah will give to this vehement those balls. And switcher of Freq Range will find that right freq you will desire. Those caps it this switch you can change and suit yourself with those you will want. Here I attach TriWah modified with opto-driving. That opto-resistor you can try more types, to find what you need.
I'll look it over, thanks!