I want to build something that can overdrive easy, do blues -> metal easily. Not sure if el34/84 are best for that. Something that a rx loop can be added to or is in the design.
Was thinking jcm800, but what else is out there that was really good and maybe more gain? 50w is a perfect area for my use, but open to better options with obtainable parts.
Plexi with a master volume is also an option, but JCM800 is one of "the" 80s metal sounds. I'm not sure how well it will do blues, though.
Ten years ago, I bought an '84 JCM 800 to use in a metal band I was in. I almost returned it because it didn't have nearly the gain I thought it would. Definitely needs a boost. I built an LPB1, boosted the 800 and never looked back. I sold the 800 about 3 years ago and I don't miss it at all
A Plexi or a metal panel JMP would be great. I have a '69 JMP 50 and I hit it with Klon type pedal. That's a lot of gain and can get you into 80's metal. I think it's great for Sykes type tones. Without the boost, you can do blues to sort of an AC/DC grind.
You will likely want some sort of attenuation, particularly if you are playing it at home as even 50W is loud. A master volume would work, but I prefer an attenuator like the Fryette Power Station. Plus, I don't want to mod my vintage Marshalls.
Somebody needs to make a kit that's an SLO with two 6V6s.
As a basement you can try this Blackbox.
Quote from: jubal81 on September 05, 2021, 12:43:50 AM
Somebody needs to make a kit that's an SLO with two 6V6s.
I'd be very tempted by this.
Did you ever see Rej's SLO build? It wasn't 6V6, but it was amazing.
I would say if you want the blues thing make a fender bassman, as I understand it the original Marshalls were just bassman circuits that were modded to work with parts that were available in Europe at the time. Wouldn't get into the metal area on it's own, but hey... we all build pedals here right? If you hit it with the right stuff in front then I think you'll be fine.
I love the JCM800 but I don't think it would be the best for a blues setup. If your primary concern was metal though, that is where I would go.
Either would be a great foundation, with the 800 being a little better for rock and the bassman more so for the blues.
A Marshall 18 watt would kill for the blues stuff, but it sounds on the smaller end for your needs.
All excellent posts, yea the early marshalls were modded fender blues man.
I scored a really good deal on a dark terror, $300. Buys me some time to work out what amp to do, Plexi is definitely an interesting option.
Blues tones aren't a deal breaker, just interested in learning a little of everything, I do have a OCD pedal now and driving a amp a little harder doesn't hurt, the bugera I have needs it to hit overdrive without the gain cranked to distortion, this orange does it with a touch of gain at a low volume.
What I am really interested in is doing something with turrets instead of pcb, but still have some balls to it, Plexi might be it...
Quote from: redkurn on September 06, 2021, 03:38:56 AM
All excellent posts, yea the early marshalls were modded fender blues man.
I scored a really good deal on a dark terror, $300. Buys me some time to work out what amp to do, Plexi is definitely an interesting option.
Blues tones aren't a deal breaker, just interested in learning a little of everything, I do have a OCD pedal now and driving a amp a little harder doesn't hurt, the bugera I have needs it to hit overdrive without the gain cranked to distortion, this orange does it with a touch of gain at a low volume.
What I am really interested in is doing something with turrets instead of pcb, but still have some balls to it, Plexi might be it...
If you're looking for balls, I would consider a 100W over the 50W. I have a '72 100W and it's definitely got more low end push than my 50W. I actually prefer the 50W as it's a sweeter sounding amp, but if you want grunt and balls, the 100W might be a better choice.
Quote from: pickdropper on September 06, 2021, 12:34:20 PM
If you're looking for balls, I would consider a 100W over the 50W. I have a '72 100W and it's definitely got more low end push than my 50W. I actually prefer the 50W as it's a sweeter sounding amp, but if you want grunt and balls, the 100W might be a better choice.
100w plexi? Yea, if that's what will do the job.
Can the 100w be turned down to get a warm sweet sound like the 50w, then that will do for a build project.
I have found some schematics for a few amps, so I'm sure the '72 should be there somewhere.
Quote from: redkurn on September 07, 2021, 08:55:50 AM
Quote from: pickdropper on September 06, 2021, 12:34:20 PM
If you're looking for balls, I would consider a 100W over the 50W. I have a '72 100W and it's definitely got more low end push than my 50W. I actually prefer the 50W as it's a sweeter sounding amp, but if you want grunt and balls, the 100W might be a better choice.
100w plexi? Yea, if that's what will do the job.
Can the 100w be turned down to get a warm sweet sound like the 50w, then that will do for a build project.
I have found some schematics for a few amps, so I'm sure the '72 should be there somewhere.
The '72 is technically not a plexi circuit. That's the metal panel JMP era. My '69 is also a metal panel, but that was the transitional year where most were more or less Plexi builds internally.
To answer your question, no I cannot turn the 100W down to make it sound like the 50W. They are different animals. Both amps are insanely loud and don't really sound great at lower volumes, so I would recommend either adding a master volume control or using an attenuator.
Quote from: pickdropper on September 07, 2021, 12:08:36 PM
The '72 is technically not a plexi circuit. That's the metal panel JMP era. My '69 is also a metal panel, but that was the transitional year where most were more or less Plexi builds internally.
To answer your question, no I cannot turn the 100W down to make it sound like the 50W. They are different animals. Both amps are insanely loud and don't really sound great at lower volumes, so I would recommend either adding a master volume control or using an attenuator.
Which amps do you have again? I'll look up both schematics and choose one.
Quote from: redkurn on September 09, 2021, 05:19:56 AM
Quote from: pickdropper on September 07, 2021, 12:08:36 PM
The '72 is technically not a plexi circuit. That's the metal panel JMP era. My '69 is also a metal panel, but that was the transitional year where most were more or less Plexi builds internally.
To answer your question, no I cannot turn the 100W down to make it sound like the 50W. They are different animals. Both amps are insanely loud and don't really sound great at lower volumes, so I would recommend either adding a master volume control or using an attenuator.
Which amps do you have again? I'll look up both schematics and choose one.
I have a '69 JMP 50 and a '72 JMP 100W SuperLead.
I would also recommend listening to some clips to see what you like. Either one with a boost or OD in front should get you to an 80's metal sound, if that's the type you're going for. I also have an 18W that I built and use all the time as a pedal platform. The 18W has a much cleaner voicing, though. To my ears, the JMP is much better for metal but it doesn't have a ton of clean headroom. Those amps taught me to clean up the sound via the guitar volume.
Also, I think your idea of adding an FX loop is a good one due to the lack of headroom. I add one via the Power Station attenuator and really like having that flexibility.
Quote from: pickdropper on September 09, 2021, 11:19:08 AM
I have a '69 JMP 50 and a '72 JMP 100W SuperLead.
I would also recommend listening to some clips to see what you like. Either one with a boost or OD in front should get you to an 80's metal sound, if that's the type you're going for. I also have an 18W that I built and use all the time as a pedal platform. The 18W has a much cleaner voicing, though. To my ears, the JMP is much better for metal but it doesn't have a ton of clean headroom. Those amps taught me to clean up the sound via the guitar volume.
Also, I think your idea of adding an FX loop is a good one due to the lack of headroom. I add one via the Power Station attenuator and really like having that flexibility.
Cool I'll keep that in mind and look into it.
Pedals can get those amps the rest of the way for sure if they aren't hard enough, still learning this dark terror I got my hands on.