I've noticed most everyone here recomends a long list of parts websites but hardly anyone mentions Mammoth. Is there a reason for this or is it just by chance?
I don't see why not Mammoth.
However, there have been some issues with their service in the past. Some people have noted that they aren't quick to get back to you if you have a question, and that they can have errors in their orders. Some others have noticed that the enclosure finishes haven't been perfect either.
However, my experience has been this:
- They've always made good on problems I've had.
- Mistakes in my orders have been fixed by having the right parts sent to me free of charge
- Blake often returns my email within 3 days, sometimes as soon as 24 hours
- The enclosures I got were pretty good, but I like the customizability of PPP personally.
I'm about to get a big order of pots from them. They are one of the suppliers available, but I often recommend Smallbear because just about ANYTHING you want is available there. It might cost a bit more, but you never need to worry about whether they will or wont have common parts. They do.
They have made good on problems I have had too. And they responded quickly.
For me, I stopped because of the shipping cost. Smallbear does charge a bit more but I can get everything I need there and pay shipping once. My Mammoth orders were always $50 shipping. I have ordered more weight/products from SB and the shipping has been less on those.
Mammoth is fine for certain things like pots but I will not buy their switches or enclosures due to lousy quality. Blake knows he has issues in warehouse and quality control, hopefully he can get those issues sorted.
Quote from: sgmezei on December 01, 2011, 08:41:13 PMFor me, I stopped because of the shipping cost. Smallbear does charge a bit more but I can get everything I need there and pay shipping once. My Mammoth orders were always $50 shipping.
Did you choose from the USPS options? Sometimes that dropdown can be overlooked, and some users only notice the UPS options.
For those of you who have experienced QC, enclosure standards, and shipping/warehouse issues, we have put some intense protocol in place on all of those fronts - including massive changes in our powder coat suppliers and processes, triple-checking systems during shipping, and a lot more. If you experience any issues whatsoever, do email me at sales@mammothelectronics.com. If I haven't responded within the business day (between 9-5CST, M-F), then I'm either finding the answer for you or your email did not reach me (VERY rare occasion), so send it again. I will definitely make it right for you.
Don't mean to hijack this thread. I invite you to continue expressing any problems you've had, and I understand if what we offer/don't offer does not suit your needs. I might pop in and let you know if we have since changed or added to our operations, but in no way do I want to keep anyone from expressing their opinions/experiences! Thanks!
Great response Blake. I'm glad to see you and your business has come along in the right direction. Again, I'll say that Blake has always made things good with me.
Quote from: jkokura on December 02, 2011, 07:59:13 PM
Again, I'll say that Blake has always made things good with me.
I'll happily second that, and add that he's done so quickly and courteously.
Well, Mammoth has been great for me as a guy just getting started. It's easier to order from them and Blake has been a prince when it comes to adding last minute items to orders I've already put in. His responses have been when in the hour at times.
I've never had a problem with Mammoth, my order's have always shipped out same day or next day, never had incorrect parts sent and using USPS, shipping is pretty reasonable. The only critical things I can say is those davies 1900 clone knobs are all plastic, so the set screw immediately stripped the threads on 3 of the 5 knobs I bought - no biggie, I just super glued the knobs to the pots. And I've had a couple of the round DC jacks where the threading is all jacked up and you can't get it to thread correctly.
As someone who orders primarily from Mammoth and Smallbear I have no issues with Mammoth.
Shipping wise, there were some folks on BYOC from outside the states who complained of shipping and they completely whiffed on the drop down box.
Time wise. NO ONE ships faster to me than Mammoth. That is one of my beefs with Smallbear. Too slow but they do have a killer selection.
Price wise. I find it is 6 of one half a dozen of another. Just depends on what you are buying.
Ease of use. I give it to Mammoth for the website ordering.
Customer service. Blake is excellent. No issues with the Bear here either.
Naturally the Mousers of the world are cheaper many times due to economies of scale but damn, I about lose my mind trying to order from them. I know it is the user but sheesh I find it way too challenging.
I like Mammoth's website, its very easy to order there.
I've used them twice. My second order had a couple of wrong/missing parts. Blake answered my email himself and shipped the parts out free, no questions asked. There was no reason for me to be unsatisfied.
Just like anywhere else, there are things I like buying there and things I don't, but I'll shop there again when the time is right.
I've used Mammoth quite a bit. I love the website and quick shipping. Never had a wrong part. Prices are slightly higher than say Futurlec/Tayda but that is to be expected since those are in Asia, and they take much longer to get the parts to me. I use Smallbear less often these days because the shipping has always been much slower and more expensive than Mammoth, at least for my location in the US. But Smallbear sometimes has those more obscure pedal parts.
everything has been good from mammoth especially the prices.
Only issues are the threads on enclosures weren't tight but enough screws stay in place to keep it shut and one pot that had the threads stripped but I'm not 100% sure my kids didn't turn the nob too much and do that.
Otherwise very satisfied.
I've ordered from them a few times and I always get my full order correct and in a reasonable time frame. They have become my go-to enclosures place, until I find a better deal on something bulk!
They were one of the first companies I ordered from. Blake even personally answered newb questions I had on particular products, such as "how does one get the LED into the bezel exactly"? He even attached a picture of his hands assembling one so as to make it clear.
I have it on good authority that the Group Buy in the link below is gonna be a Mammoth deal. ;)
Pot, switch and jack Group Buy (http://www.buildyourownclone.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33927)
Haha Chris, that's funny... Good authority!
Consider me in, give me a PM of the details.
Me too! I tried to get in on the last one but I'm sure it was soo busy I never ended up getting included. Hopefully this one is much bigger!
Quote from: CRBMoA on December 06, 2011, 12:58:12 AM
I have it on good authority that the Group Buy in the link below is gonna be a Mammoth deal. ;)
Pot, switch and jack Group Buy (http://www.buildyourownclone.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33927)
Count me in.
If you want in the group buy jump on over to the BYOC thread and stand and be counted. Crbmoa is going to be working up some stuff in the coming week or so maybe in terms of some specifics.
Just got my order from them. Quick shipping, good prices, and the powder coating they did for me looks excellent. I will be buying from them again.
I just placed an order to them on Sat. My first order, so we will see. So far no shipping notification. Does he notify when he ships? I mean I'm used to Mouser same day shipping, so I'm spoiled, lol! Hopefully, he doesn't take too long.
LOL well not 30 mins after i posted this, i got a shipment notification! Good deal!!!
I usually order from thaishine.com here in the US but I ordered from Mammoth this time and got the stuff in about 4 days, about the same as Thaishine... They sent an order confirmation with tracking number also. I got the stuff and everything looked good except for one thing.. They forgot to include 1 of the items that I paid for. I double checked on my order confirmation and it was there and it was also checked off the packing slip included inside the box? It was just 6 LED bezels and I emailed them and let them know.. Blake replied to my email and said they would get them mailed out to me ASAP... No biggie :-\ I will still order from them again but it will have to be when I need a lot of stuff since the shipping is very expensive as compared to Thaishine's FREE shipping for everything!
Another + for Mammoth is that they are adding new stuff all the time, Blake had the MAX1044s in stock like 2 weeks after I asked about them, and there is a good thread going on the Mammoth forum where you can request stuff that is not on the site, and from reading the posts there Blake is very active and it looks like they have added quite a bit of the stuff that has been requested.
Yeah, Mammoth does have a lot of good stuff that's for sure and he (Blake) seems like a nice guy! But, for small orders of 3 or 4 items it's hard to beat Thaishine.com! Since they have a minimum order of $10.00 and they pretty much beat Mammoth prices on pots and other common parts like foot switches and like I said before always FREE shipping! I really like the pots that Thaishine carry, they are Alpha 16mm pcb mount with plastic covers so your boards can sit directly on top of them and not short out... They are good for some parts and Mammoth is good for others like polyester film box type capacitors and plain, drilled, and painted boxes etc... You just have to compare prices and the lowest price wins, not sacrificing quality of course! Not knocking Mammoth at all, I think they are great! Very happy with the stuff I got from them!!! ;)
You guys raise a good point. However, I'm finding that shipping with Mammoth is both expensive and a problem for me here in Canada. Ordering from Smallbear I never pay duties. My last order from Mammoth had both mistakes in it (third time in a row), and the 'savings' I experienced from buying with them were completely negated by a massive duties charge. I don't know what the difference is, but I never have problems like that with Smallbear. I hate to slam Blake like this, because he is doing the best he can, but I really hope he solves the problems he's having because I'm not wanting to shop there anymore.
Hi Jacob,
I agree regarding shipping to Canada, I just got absolutly roasted by @%$@#%$ UPS on my latest order with their "Brokerage Fees". My order came to $180 and the UPS fees were $65, and this is on top of the $24 shipping charge. I blasted the UPS guy and he stated that UPS charges these fees because "We have to prepare the package for customs", which is %#$% insane because all they are doing is putting the damn green sticker on the package. I do not understand how it is possible that it only costs $24 to ship the package all the way here but $60 to prepare for customs. My ass. In the future make sure you do not ever use UPS, USPS while it may cost a few more $ up front coordinates with Canada Post and does not charge any of those crazy fees. But this would be true for any vendor that offers shipping to Canada via UPS.
Also while some things are more expensive at Mommoth, others are cheaper, eg 3pDTs are $3.50 @ mammoth and $8.50 at SmallBear. I have also had SmallBear make mistakes in my orders, but the key thing is that both places have been fantastic at fixing any mistakes. I like both for different things.
Honestly, as a Canadian I am stating to move as much of my purchasing as I can to Mouser as they have a Canadian distribution center and so shipping is WAY cheaper all around as it is all in country.
This is the rule: if you are in Canada, NEVER EVER let anyone use UPS to ship you stuff. That's just the rule. I've gotten roasted myself on some purchases in the past.
My last batch of 3PDT's were 2.50 each off ebay including shipping to Canada. Came from the US.
I think Mouser has a 20 dollar minimum shipping charge, but I remember that my last order from them was at my door, coming from Texas, in less than 24 hours. I think I ordered before 2PM on a Monday and it was at my door by noon on Tuesday. Surprised the heck out of me.
I've really moved a lot of my ordering to a variety of locations, a lot of which is through ebay now. I get small orders from Smallbear for specialty parts. My enclosures always come from Pedal Parts Plus (best in the biz I say). As I've mentioned here and elsewhere, I got my last bypass switches from ebay as well as a massive order of 4000 resistors for 40 bucks. Thaishine and tayda on ebay are always fabulous because they have great deals on some caps and other little bits and pieces and have free shipping on it all. Took less time for their stuff coming from Asia to get to me than the stuff from Mammoth. I went with Mammoth for pots this time, and while I may put an order in with Chris for the group buy, but I may try Tayda next for pots. One thing I'm thrown by is that their pots aren't the smooth 1/4" Alphas I'm used to and I'm not sure how my knobs will work with them.
Do any of my fellow Canucks have experience with Pedal Parts Plus? I was planning on ordering most of my parts from Small Bear, 3pdts from eBay and PPP for painted enclosures, any thoughts on this?
I think my post above mentions that I order from PPP all the time. I will note that you often pay duties ordering from PPP. They by far have the best variety in colour and box size over the competition, and their service for me has been outstanding. Just be prepared for potential duties.
My first order from Mammoth came within 4 days, and everything was right as far as no mistakes. I'm fortunate of course to live in the US so thank God I don't have duty taxes.. ugh! I will agree with you wholeheartedly on PPP Jacob. I've ordered colored boxes 2 different times and loved them!
I use Mouser a LOT too as well as Smallbear.. Steve has a lot of cool stuff that others don't too.
Small Bear and Mouser for most stuff. Mouser ships orders over $200 for free to Canada and pays the duty. Mine arrives the NEXT DAY! They overnight it, but of course you are buying a couple hundred dollars worth.
I always pay duty on orders from Mammoth and PPP. PPP has done awesome jobs on the painted enclosures I have recieved. Mammoth has always made things right.
So on a $150-300 order I will get charged about $50 shipping, and then another $40 to $50 duty! This makes me just order most of my stuff from SB. It's not worth saving $1 per enclosure when I get nailed with duty. All have offered me good service.
Have any of the other Canucks here ever been charged duty when using a carrier other than UPS?? I have never been charged any duty by anyone other than them.
I believe in some countries what UPS is doing is called bribery ::)
So does UPS stand for
U Picked it Sucker.... ;D
Sounds like a rip off for our northern neighbors, eh..
Quote from: TNblueshawk on January 06, 2012, 06:41:10 PM
I believe in some countries what UPS is doing is called bribery ::)
Ya, or outright f#$#$ing theivery. Imagine if the pizza guy showed up at the door with the $100 worth of pizza you ordered and said, "Well I need another $30 handling fee because I had to put the boxes in my car. You can either pay it, or I will keep your pizza and the $100 you already paid". I would call the cops. Or more likely my rageometer would override my dontdothatyoullgotojail filter and I would break his knee caps and just take the pizza. I really tried not to rage too hard on the UPS guy cause I know he is just a shmo delivering packages but he definitely heard a few choice words.
It would be different if they were up front about it, ie let you know ahead of time that the charge was coming, at least then you could make an educated decision.
At any rate I will never be using UPS, or anywhere that only offers UPS as an option again.
I am not sure, but I believe mammoth and ppp and ceriatone all use UPS and I always get duty. That being said, that is usually the only option to be picked for international shipping as far as I know.
I will still support these places, but only order when I HAVE to.
Not sure about international, but I know on Mammoth the default is UPS. It can be changed but you have to select "More Carriers" from the checkout page. Kind of easy to miss
After selecting More Carriers. Doesn't make a huge difference on this sample order but for larger orders it can be significant
Yep, I know Blake at Mammoth has had a problem with that, ie. people don't know to hit the box to check another carrier. I think he would be better off not having anything default and have it as a mandatory fill in screen and default to blank. That would make it fool proof at that point.
Well what got me was when I was looking at the shipping options (I did know about the "more Carriers" thing) UPS looks quite a bit cheaper initially. I don't remember exactly but for my last order (keeping in mind it is coming to Canada) UPS shipping was listed at ~$24 and USPS was ~$40, so of course I picked UPS.
Yeah, it's a mistake most Canadians make. Hopefully just once.
Quote from: jkokura on January 05, 2012, 10:31:26 PM
I think my post above mentions that I order from PPP all the time. I will note that you often pay duties ordering from PPP. They by far have the best variety in colour and box size over the competition, and their service for me has been outstanding. Just be prepared for potential duties.
It seems odd that there would be duty for the enclosures as they could be considered a US product as they are painted and drilled in the US.
I placed my first order with Mammoth and received the parts a couple of weeks ago.
It was hit and miss for me.
The good:
1.) Fast shipping.
2.) Neatly organized and labeled parts
3.) Easy website to navigate.
The bad:
1.) I ordered 3 powder coated enclosures and all of them had visual defects. The first one was black matte powder coat and it was missing some paint on the bottom and had a scratch on the side. I used a black sharpie and moved forward. Not a big deal. On the second enclosure, it was an almond color, but their were blue inclusions at the bottom of the enclosure. Maybe it was touching another chassis at some point in the process. I used it, but it is pretty ugly. On the third one, there is deformation where they punched (not drilled) the holes for the switches, pots and LED. I wasn't crazy about it, but again used it anyways.
2.) I ordered 5-6 pots from them and 2 of them were missing the washers. One was also missing the nut. Not tragic, but annoying.
At this point, I haven't decided if I am going to bring it up to them or not. I've used all the parts, so I am clearly not going to send them back. The only reason I would let them know is so they could fix it going forward. I would imagine that they would want to know why I would choose another parts supplier in the future instead of them.
Now, I will admit that I am just getting into this, so I don't know what is the norm for acceptable powder coating defects and inclusions. I plan on ordering for PPP and see what their quality is like.
Do you folks deal with similar issues when you are buying powder coated enclosures?
Haven't tried Mammoth for powder coated enclosures but I've ordered those from PPP and am extremely pleased. My parts order with Mammoth went well but ya know, I better look at the bags of pots I got a bit closer to check for missing hardware! Haven't seen any thus far.
I had missing pot hardware with my last order. I ordered 135 pots...
Here's hoping there won't be a lot of missing hardware on the group buy.
Sorry for your experience pickdropper. This is why I no longer use mammoth at all. This is not the norm for powder coated enclosures from PPP.
I've brought up the lack of quality control numerous times to Blake (mammoth) and I was sent this email on my last problem.
Thanks again for your feedback and between the powder coat and missing parts, those are the 2 things that we are taking major steps (hiring and firing) to get under control. My apologies to you for our lack of QC. I hope you will give us a shot in the future. We want to make it up to you.
Blake Studdard
I have not ordered since. Apparently the QC is still lacking or totally missing now...
I choose to buy elsewhere.
Yep tried the usual suspects, this is the cream.
Quote from: gtr2 on January 15, 2012, 01:57:46 AM
Sorry for your experience pickdropper. This is why I no longer use mammoth at all. This is not the norm for powder coated enclosures from PPP.
I've brought up the lack of quality control numerous times to Blake (mammoth) and I was sent this email on my last problem.
Thanks again for your feedback and between the powder coat and missing parts, those are the 2 things that we are taking major steps (hiring and firing) to get under control. My apologies to you for our lack of QC. I hope you will give us a shot in the future. We want to make it up to you.
Blake Studdard
I have not ordered since. Apparently the QC is still lacking or totally missing now...
I choose to buy elsewhere.
Thanks Josh. I was more curious about than anything. Everybody makes mistakes. I just started ordering pedal parts, but I've certainly gotten the wrong things shipped from Mouser and Digikey in the past. It happens. After seeing some of the posts here (particularly yours), it seems that theyse exact problems are very common at Mammoth and the likelihood of them being corrected seems low.
As far as hiring and firing to improve quality. I am highly skeptical that it would improve things. This seems like a systematic problem.
I'm going to give PPP a run this time and see how they do.
i just ordered from mammoth- $12 shipping on a $60 order. every knob I ordered was marred bad. transistors not functional, and a burr brown opamp completely fucked up from shipping.
i have to take pictures of everything and measure every transistor thats not working for a store credit. It's like $10 worth of stuff and i've spent like $300 there. not really worth the $10-- considering I'll have to pay an outrageous shipping price again!
only thing worth it from there was discount enclosures and knobs. now their knobs are fuct.
oh yeh, and whoever thinks mammoth has good prices... you're not looking around... at all. nichicon electrolytics for .50 cents???!?!? cmon...! tayda has lytics for like .02 cents
I almost exclusively order from mammoth now because I have found them to be rather prompt and I have never had a problem with thier parts. When they did mess up one of my orders they acredited my account with them which was very nice the next time a placed an order. They also give you a number of shipping options USPS is always the cheapest and based on weight so if you order alot of enclosures it would be high. Ive never paid anything over $10. You also have to figure that this is a rather new company and there are going to be some bumps in the raod early on. I also feel that their prices are fair compared to the competition. Shipping has never been an issue for me with them and they do have the ability to track your package and email when it has been mailed. I have found that powder coating does take a bit more time for the order to come in.... go figure the more work that needs to be done the more time it takes. I just hope they bring back the stock of blemished enclosures.
Quote from: bigb1984yaherd on March 28, 2012, 11:47:35 AM
I just hope they bring back the stock of blemished enclosures.
I thought all their stock was blemished. :-\
Quote from: gtr2 on March 28, 2012, 11:49:44 AM
Quote from: bigb1984yaherd on March 28, 2012, 11:47:35 AM
I just hope they bring back the stock of blemished enclosures.
I thought all there stock was blemished. :-\
"blemished" at mammoth actually means you cannot screw the lids into the enclosure
Are some "powder coated" enclosures clear coated... and some not? All the enclosures I've gotten from mamoth are really easy to scratch and marr. I mean it's almost impossible to keep them clean. I have no idea how they get scratched up on my pedal board... maybe 1/4" plugs touching them... it's ridiculous
Ordering parts is such a huge part of pedal building, it drives me nuts. I hate that mammoth has the easiest and cleanest site to order from. I feel like I just resort to them sometimes because I dont feel like dealing with smallbear and mousers sites. if mouser, digikey or small bear could match that site, they would be stupid good. I mean what the fuck is up with the same exact components costing different amounts (and I'm not talking about the minimum order thing) I've seen it all over mouser and digikey. Sometimes it will be the same exact resistor or something with one unit number changed and a different temperature coefficient.... such a pain in the ass
I too found the Mammoth enclosures to be subpar when it came to the finish. Part of the reason I think is that the enclosures are getting treated differently.
At PPP each enclosure is done by people when you order the enclosure. They have some stock already ready to go, but most of the time they do them by hand so you get a better finish. The do them in batches, which is why they can charge as little as they do for their finishes.
The Mammoth enclosures come already powder coated from the manufacturer, in this case, 4site. Because of that, I imagine they're done assembly line style by machines. This is a complete guess, but it's an educated one. That's part of the reason they cost a little bit less, but it may also be why they aren't as durable - the process is much different and gives a different quality.
Yeah that would certainly make sense on the enclosures Jacob.
I actually prefer ordering from mouser for a lot of items. Sometimes it costs more or less but I can get an order really fast. The user interface for ordering isn't to bad once you get used to it. Plus you can look at your past orders, which is helpful at times.
Quote from: gtr2 on March 28, 2012, 08:51:32 PM
Yeah that would certainly make sense on the enclosures Jacob.
I actually prefer ordering from mouser for a lot of items. Sometimes it costs more or less but I can get an order really fast. The user interface for ordering isn't to bad once you get used to it. Plus you can look at your past orders, which is helpful at times.
I agree, mouser is the way to go with most things for me when I need them fast. Maybe I'm a sadist, but I kind of like searching all over their site to find what I need. The only thing that I usually don't get from them is enclosures, pots, knobs, 3PDTs, and jacks. For the rest, depending on how quick I need them I go to (in order): PPP (has all those things I don't get from mouser), Tayda (if I can wait a bit), Smallbear, then Mammoth.
My last order from Mammoth was missing one pot and they send external nut DC jacks instead of internal nut ones. Real bummer was getting charged $10.95 for shipping and it came in a small flat rate box. I had to email them twice to get a response from Blake, when he did he said my first email had been moved to the trash bin and he didn't know how it got there. He asked for the number in the top left corner written in pen (I assume it is the employee ID# for whoever fulfilled the order) and then credited me back for the parts and $5 for shipping. If you have a gripe with an order it is worth reporting it to the boss. Chances are you'll get things fixed. Eventually he is going to get tired of having to personally deal with errors and maybe they will be able to implement a better quality control process.
My experience with Mammoth has been fair. They ship very fast and I have not had incorrect parts; however, my orders were not all that big. I will say I was disappointed in the quality of their davies clone knobs. Very cheap and many had bad blemishes and imperfections on top.
I usually use SB and actually received a wrong part on my last order but Steve made it right quickly.
if anyone could tell me how to do this ordering from digikey or mouser
once I find a brand I want- say a certain type of panasonic capacitor...
is there a way I can show all the values I need of the same voltage and series/line of component on a single or however many ordering pages? drives me freakin nuts seeing the same exact thing listed 5 times in a row, and there being 30 pages of one exact value voltage brand and tolerance of resistor
phew... thinking about it gets me crazy...
I'd really like to use them to get quality amp parts
You can.
Essentially, lets say you find a part you're looking for, like a Mallory 150 series capacitor like this one that' 220nF: http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Cornell-Dubilier/150224K250FB/?qs=aEuGZpxfbxWb6XNdiAJZxovujoqtFz7lHxxMK8DVyNc%3d (http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Cornell-Dubilier/150224K250FB/?qs=aEuGZpxfbxWb6XNdiAJZxovujoqtFz7lHxxMK8DVyNc%3d).
If you look closely on that page, you'll see a few things that will help you look for similar parts.
1. The Mouser part number (539-150224K250FB). If you look in there you'll see a series of numbers that are relevant to other parts. The "150" refers to the series, and the "224" right after refers to the 220nF or .22uF. It we take the "539-150" and drop that up in our search bar and click the 'stocked' square we end up with: http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?N=1323043&Keyword=539-150 (http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?N=1323043&Keyword=539-150)
2. On that part's page you'll see a button on there for "show similar". When we press that we get this: http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?FS=TRUE&N=4294759263+254300+1323043 (http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?FS=TRUE&N=4294759263+254300+1323043). Obviously, that's more than we may be looking for, but then we can use the filters to help us narrow down. Not to mention if we go back, we can now click on several of the various check mark boxes to narrow it down BEFORE we hit "show similar". If we hit "10%", "250 Volts" and "Axial" and we uncheck "Cornell..." and "Polyester..." we get: http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?FS=TRUE&N=4294646396+4294572367+4294741869+1323043 (http://ca.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?FS=TRUE&N=4294646396+4294572367+4294741869+1323043)
That's just two ways, and there are others you'll pick up as you get more used to Mouser. True its tough sorting out all that stuff, but just imagine trying to just use their paper catalog...
Hey guys, sorry to resurface an old thread, but I was alerted of the complaints expressed in it and wanted to extend the invitation for you guys to voice the concerns you've had and the problems you've faced with Mammoth to me personally. Feel free to email me directly at sales@mammothelectronics.com, and I'll make your situation right. Anyone, and I mean anyone who has any issue at all, I want to hear about it and make it right.
I would love to quote and address each individual issue that was expressed in these 4-5 pages, but it would be too lengthy and not very helpful to do it that way. Feel free to respond on this thread, or via email. Either way is fine - I just want to make sure we find a solution to the problems you guys are facing.
We're constantly adjusting and finding better/higher quality/quantity suppliers so we can make prices lower and quality higher. All feed back is not only appreciated - it's our only way of improving and knowing what you guys want in a parts supplier.
Trying to sum up in one post : We've cracked down heavily on shipping procedures and powdercoating QC over the past 6-12 months, and are continuing to crack down on the tiniest of details. We just brought in a slightly higher priced line of Phenolic knobs, which are higher quality versions of many of the cheaper-priced knobs we've had in stock for a long time. Any and all feedback on these new products is greatly appreciated/needed.
Again, the quickest way to have your expectations met and problems solved is to email me directly at sales@mammothelectronics.com. I'll check back on this thread as much as I can, but if you have an urgent need, please hit me up personally.
I use Mammoth a lot and have only had an issue twice. Both times was a minor part mixup and they made it right asap. Great customer service if you ask me.
I order 98% of my parts from Mammoth, usually about 2-3 orders a week. I think out of the dozens and dozens of orders I've had with Mammoth they only forgot to include one resistor. And Blakes a good dude. There was one day that I had two orders and Blake even knocked off some shipping because he realized I'd forgotten something.
Mammoth all the way!
I order almost exclusively from Mammoth with the exception of Mouser for stuff you don't have Blake.
I think all my orders have shipped in less than 24 hours of placing order, I love that.
Only had 2 small issues with missing parts but you responded to my emails the same day to resolve the issues.
No complaints from me.
I'll chime in here as well. I use Mammoth a lot because of the quick turnaround. They're about 200 miles from me, so I can generally get orders to my doorstep within 2 days - even with the cheaper shipping option.
I too, have had issues with their QC in the past. However, as several have already mentioned, Blake has always gone out of his way to make sure the issues are resolved. Sure, in a perfect world, the orders would be correct in the first place. But, as long as the mistakes are resolved in a timely manner (which they always are), I can't complain.
I use Mammoth as my main US supplier. As has been mentioned, the turnaround is the quickest I've found and packages get to me relatively fast (2 days Priority).
Aside from some finish issues with painted enclosures (which have been only slight out of my approx. 10 orders from them) the only problem I've had is getting a couple less LEDs than I had ordered. I didn't bother to even mention, since it was $1 in parts at the most.
I contacted Mammoth for one issue that was a USPS problem, really. Blake responded quickly and was very professional and willing to help even though it was the Post Office's mishap. The way I see it, if I spend $400 across multiple orders and end up about $1 in parts short, then I still have nothing to complain about if the customer service is on point.
Thanks for the kind words, fellas!
Adding to this, I've ordered 99.9% of the parts for all of my builds from Blake - I had an issue where my yellow LEDs didn't work (turns out they just worked backwards, a rare but existent flaw in some LEDs), and he credited my account so I could order more before we even figured out that they worked backwards.
I also had an issue where I forgot to order a part in my larger order earlier in the day and I wound up with a less than $50 order to qualify for free shipping. He credited the account again since the other order had already processed.
I'm yet to have an issue with a part, and I've bought 8 enclosures so far, and they're pretty solid without any flaws in the finish colors.
There's no one place that has everything cheaper than every other place, but Mammoth's prices are pretty good, and overall I find that I spend less ordering from Blake than other places when I'm doing a large order of parts (footswitches and knobs aside).
HIGHLY recommended...
If you read the beginning of this thread, you will see that my first two orders with Mammoth were problematic.
I had actually decided just to use other vendors when Blake contacted me after I had posted on the BYOC forum. I give him credit because he seemed genuinely interested in fixing the issues with my second order (I never complained about the first one, so I won't hold that against him).
I've since placed a couple of orders since then with no issues. So basically, the "Blake's a good dude" comment applies here.
Just received an order from Blake and the Davies clone knobs (19mm diameter) are good quality. Some time ago I got some very poor quality knobs but these new one's are very nice. I wouldn't hesitate to order from Mammoth again.
Quote from: pryde on August 12, 2012, 05:02:29 PM
Just received an order from Blake and the Davies clone knobs (19mm diameter) are good quality. Some time ago I got some very poor quality knobs but these new one's are very nice. I wouldn't hesitate to order from Mammoth again.
Thanks for the feedback, pryde! Yeah, we brought in much nicer standard ABS knobs a while back, but just recently we brought in even nicer ones in our Phenolic ABS section. It's good to hear you like the 19mm Davies Syle (i believe you're referring to the 1510 Series), because we're bringing in a Phenolic version of that Series as well. So if you're fiending for some even nicer ones, we'll have those in in the next few months I believe.
Quote from: Haberdasher on December 03, 2011, 02:34:52 PM
I like Mammoth's website, its very easy to order there.
I've used them twice. My second order had a couple of wrong/missing parts. Blake answered my email himself and shipped the parts out free, no questions asked. There was no reason for me to be unsatisfied.
Just like anywhere else, there are things I like buying there and things I don't, but I'll shop there again when the time is right.
yeah they're website is pretty nice - I like the ability to order multiple resistor values at once.
I think I've gone through Mammoth maybe 3 times - shipping is always pretty damn fast (USPS). This last order which I received yesterday were missing the 6 knobs I ordered. I emailed Mammoth and got a response back pretty quick assuring me the knobs would be sent out.
I haven't personally experienced this, but I've read of it elsewhere, and thats people complaining of flimsy enclosures.
I've only had one mistake with Mammoth in the last year, it was my first order, ordered a guitarpcb kit and the pcb was missing....hahaha, emailed Blake and got a pcb in the upcoming week, so that's all good
But since that time, i probably have one order per month from Mammoth, mostly pots,knobs,jack and enclosures (unpainted).
Never got a single issue, even got shipping saving when it's a promotion (Canadian resident)...
Everytime i have a last minute add-on, i just email, order is adjusted and there we go!
Super satisfied by Mammoth's service.
Quote from: Beedoola on August 16, 2012, 07:11:04 PM
I haven't personally experienced this, but I've read of it elsewhere, and thats people complaining of flimsy enclosures.
I have ordered around twenty of raw 4site enclosures from Blake over the past year and they are all top notch. I think the boxes to watch out for are flimsy New Sensor ones with NSC cast on the inside (Mammoth doesn't carry them). The alloy seems brittle and thin by comparison to the 4site boxes.
Every time I have had a small error in my orders Blake has stepped up to the plate and fixed it fast. Really great customer service. Looking forward to checking out the new phenolic knobs on my next order.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
I know I said to email me whenever you want at sales@mammothelectronics.com, but you can get to me EVEN FASTER at blake@mammothelectronics.com. I finally got a Customer Service manager (his name is James and he's amazing), but if you want to alert me of extra-urgent matters or take an issue 'straight to the top', don't hesitate to contact me on that address.
Keep the feedback comin'. It's good to hear what we're doing well, but I'm even more interested to hear how we can better suit everyone's needs.
Free shipping and 2.45 for 3PDT right now at Mammoth. Figured now was a good time to get a wah shell over there with free shipping and all 8)
Quote from: TNblueshawk on August 24, 2012, 07:05:22 PM
Free shipping and 2.45 for 3PDT right now at Mammoth. Figured now was a good time to get a wah shell over there with free shipping and all 8)
Thats what I want to do!
I'm loaded with 3PDTs right now, got some from Tayda, but boy oh boy it's hard to ignore a good sale...
I heard this quote from one of those 'get out of debt' tv shows. This woman would just buy clothes all the time, and never wear them. She had a pair of closets full of stuff. The advice they gave her?
"There will always be a sale, but you don't have to participate in every one."
Don't know what that came to mind but...
Also, I think I'm leading Brian in posts now. Bean, you gotta step it up.
Hello Blake. I just put in an order for some goodies from your store. You are stocking alot of great stuff. Looking forward to trying your enclosures.
I was wondering if you are able to get any 2n3565 transistors, or even the Pn2565 ones (different package type)? I know of a couple places but hate to do a separate order for just a few parts.
Quote from: pryde on August 27, 2012, 01:07:59 AM
Hello Blake. I just put in an order for some goodies from your store. You are stocking alot of great stuff. Looking forward to trying your enclosures.
I was wondering if you are able to get any 2n3565 transistors, or even the Pn2565 ones (different package type)? I know of a couple places but hate to do a separate order for just a few parts.
Hey pryde : we don't have those at this time, but I'll talk to our supplier and see if we have those on queue, or can get them bumped in to the queue asap.
Thanks man!
I just got 10 3PDTs for $25, pretty compelling deal. I tossed in a bunch of other stuff I needed, no problems at all with my order.
I should note that I've been talking with Blake quite a bit. He's always been very quick to respond, much like the people at PPP and Smallbear always have been for me.
Blake's making an effort to reduce costs for shipping for us international builders. He's added the option for First Class shipping, which is a big savings for us. I think packages at around 1lb can be shipped for less than $6, which is quite a bit better than it used to be. Now, you can get a few parts, maybe a couple knobs you forgot, or some chips, and shipping will be in the $2-3 range, which really helps.
It should be noted that First class shipping CAN BE SLOW. Don't use it if you want parts fast. Make sure you truly are ready to wait for your order. Sometimes it's faster, but more often than not I wait 2-4 weeks here in Canada. Be prepared for that, and don't complain to Blake until you're at that 4 week mark. Even then, keep waiting.
I don't know how many times I've emailed someone I've purchased from (it's been 25 days!) and then the next day the package arrives.
Mammoth has stepped up, and seems to be getting to the point where they compete with Smallbear, PPP, and the like.
Shouldn't it be called Tenth Class, or Last Class if it's that slow? Most of the time 'first class' is used of paragons in their field -- Rolls Royce is first class, the Stones are a first class act, etc...
Quote from: alanp on August 28, 2012, 09:32:14 PM
Shouldn't it be called Tenth Class, or Last Class if it's that slow?
Couldn't agree more. There is a reason USPS takes billions in losses every quarter.. Inefficiency and disorganization are just symptoms of their bigger problems.
Quote from: blakemoth on August 28, 2012, 09:40:02 PM
Quote from: alanp on August 28, 2012, 09:32:14 PM
Shouldn't it be called Tenth Class, or Last Class if it's that slow?
Couldn't agree more. There is a reason USPS takes billions in losses every quarter.. Inefficiency and disorganization are just symptoms of their bigger problems.
While the USPS has it's problems. I've had FAR LESS problems with them than UPS and FedEx!
USPS is doomed because of their mandated pension fund from what I hear :(
Quote from: gtr2 on August 28, 2012, 10:19:12 PM
Quote from: blakemoth on August 28, 2012, 09:40:02 PM
Quote from: alanp on August 28, 2012, 09:32:14 PM
Shouldn't it be called Tenth Class, or Last Class if it's that slow?
Couldn't agree more. There is a reason USPS takes billions in losses every quarter.. Inefficiency and disorganization are just symptoms of their bigger problems.
While the USPS has it's problems. I've had FAR LESS problems with them than UPS and FedEx!
+1 Considering the amount of mail they are required to push around the country they do a great job. Imagine if Fedex or UPS was also responsible for the US mail as well.
USPS flat rate boxes are so awesome, but I don't know if they are awesome enough to pull them out of all their woes. I am amazed how quick thinks get to where they are going using flat rate boxes, and the savings for shipping heavy things like transformers is incredible. I have sold a number of one off pedals to a guy in Paris, and I can fit 3 1590b pedals or 5 1590a pedals in a VHS/DVD priority mail box that fits just right inside of the USPS priority mail legal size flat rate envelope and shipping is only $16.95. Only hitch is the whole thing has to be less than 4 lbs., but I have consistently made it under that mark.
When I get things from USPS they are nearly always in good shape and the people at my local P.O. and my mail carrier are all really great people. When I get something from UPS the package is usally pretty beat when it finally arrives and I have personally seen the UPS guy toss a package onto my front porch over our front gate. For all their problems I agree that USPS are exceedingly far ahead of UPS and FedEx and do an amazing job considering how much volume they deal with.
USPS is my favorite carrier. I've had approximately 5 or 6 problems with them in the past 2-3 years, but that's out of a ridiculous number of packages, in the 100's at least.
UPS has been consistently careless, the guy has left packages on the bumpers of vehicles in the driveway instead of the porch, and they usually don't come until 8PM (the last bit isn't a problem but an inconvenience).
FedEx, though I've only used them a dozen or so times, has been pretty good.
None of them have been what I'd call friendly, but USPS is the most convenient (closer to my house), inexpensive, and typically expedient carrier of them all.
I'll take the lesser of three evils.
I've been lucky I guess. Both USPS, Fedex, and UPS know me and take care of my packages.
I'm that residential guy who gets way to many overseas packages :D
Actually I've used Fed Ex so rarely as they are so expensive I really don't have a good sample size but the few times I've used them it went fine. UPS beats the living hell out of their packages like everyone else has pointed out. If I'm having rocks and sticks shipped that is not a problem. But anything else and that kind of treatment can't be good for whatever is in there. It may not hurt it but it sure isn't helping it.
The UPS dude here at work is cool and takes good care of things but man those residental dudes are on such a tight time line it ain't their problem when things are put through the grinder.
You know I just got my Ron Kirn strat in the mail, and the neck was a bit tweaked. Easily fixed, but it clearly got bounced around.
Unfortunately it's a roll of the dice depending on your geographic location, even from city to city. Here in the Oklahoma/Texas region, UPS is incredible and USPS is horrible, and FedEx is expensive.
We're constantly talking about ways to improve our relationships with our carriers, and lower our postage costs. Thus far, UPS has been great to work with (just make sure to pack your boxes thoroughly), while USPS is inconsistent and disorganized. You get what you pay for, essentially.
FedEx hasn't quite stepped up to the plate on shipping rates yet, but as soon as they decide to extend better pricing our way, we'll extend the savings on to you all. At this point, it would be too expensive for us and our customer base. Hopefully that will change at some point soon.
The short story is that larger companies get better pricing on all shipping rates. You think the superpower ecommerce websites are doing you a favor by waiving shipping fees or free upgrades to 2nd or 3rd day delivery? For alot of them, there's almost no difference in cost. They have a lot of clout with carriers like UPS and FedEx, who will do anything for them to keep their shipping allegiance. Now, I'm glad they choose (sometimes) to pass the savings on to the customer, but presenting it as some huge favor is just not accurate.
^^Quite interesting though I'm not surprised. I've always wondered how amazon can ship so much stuff for free..
Just throwing in somemore feedback/praise for Mammoth. I placed an order for the free shipping deal and then realized the next day I needed a few more things ::) e-mailed them and Blake combined my order no problem to keep the free shipping.
Also I ordered a few enclosures with cream powdercoat and find the quality good. The PC on one of them isn't dead smooth but still very exceptable, especially since I will decal and clear-coat it anyway.
One bit of feedback would be to put more tape on the shipping box seam (only had one strip) as it was not centered and everything was about to fall out after the USPS shipping gorilla's tossed it around a few days ;D
Thanks again!
Quote from: pryde on September 05, 2012, 08:38:04 PM
Just throwing in somemore feedback/praise for Mammoth. I placed an order for the free shipping deal and then realized the next day I needed a few more things ::) e-mailed them and Blake combined my order no problem to keep the free shipping.
Also I ordered a few enclosures with cream powdercoat and find the quality good. The PC on one of them isn't dead smooth but still very exceptable, especially since I will decal and clear-coat it anyway.
One bit of feedback would be to put more tape on the shipping box seam (only had one strip) as it was not centered and everything was about to fall out after the USPS shipping gorilla's tossed it around a few days ;D
Thanks again!
Thanks for the feedback, Pryde! I let our guys know about the tape issue, so they will be watching out for off-centered taping.
I've made a few orders from Mammoth this year. Once I received a painted enclosure with several bubbles, most places would call it a blem.
I got a couple of DPDT stomps in another order; the "industrial grade" DPDTs. Simply hand tightening the nut broke the threaded top off the body. Fortunately I bought two. I have a Carling on the way. Again, for the most part, the stuff's pretty good and Blake does a great job of follow up so that can't be faulted. Inconsistent orders and poor quality I can get from Ebay; I appreciate that he's interested in constant improvemet.