
Projects => Tech Help - Projects Page => Topic started by: rhcp311 on November 19, 2011, 01:16:49 AM

Title: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: rhcp311 on November 19, 2011, 01:16:49 AM
I tried building a Pork Barrel a long time ago, and it didn't work, so I shelved it for awhile, and I'm trying to fix it again, but still not having any luck.

The problem I'm having is that the pedal works in bypass. I do get a clicking sound when the pedal is bypassed which changes as I move the rate knob. This seems odd to me as it goes away when I turn the pedal on, but I've checked over and over, and the wiring should be right. When I turn the pedal on though, there is no chorus, but my clean signal works fine. Once I flip the vibe switch though, the signal cuts out, so it's obviously a problem with the effected part of the circuit.

I've checked all the basic stupid things like if parts are in the correct direction, if their values are correct, etc. and everything appears good on that front. I found a thread where a guy had a similar problem, and once he bought a new 3007 his pedal started working properly. I bought my chips from Small Bear though, so I doubt that would be the problem. Is there any way to check and see if my chip is faulty without buying a new one? Anyone else have any suggestions for me?

Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: jkokura on November 19, 2011, 04:28:25 AM
Hi Blake,

I haven't heard of any way to check except to put the chips in a working pedal that doesn't have issues.

If you have those symptoms though, I would guess that it would be bad chips. Have you got an audio probe to see where you're losing signal? If you could work through the chorus side of the circuit and find out where you lose signal that would probably help. If it happens at the chip, it's a good indicator.

What happens when you turn the trimmer?

Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: rhcp311 on November 19, 2011, 04:41:46 AM
Quote from: jkokura on November 19, 2011, 04:28:25 AM
Hi Blake,

I haven't heard of any way to check except to put the chips in a working pedal that doesn't have issues.

If you have those symptoms though, I would guess that it would be bad chips. Have you got an audio probe to see where you're losing signal? If you could work through the chorus side of the circuit and find out where you lose signal that would probably help. If it happens at the chip, it's a good indicator.

What happens when you turn the trimmer?


Hey Jacob!

I do not have an audio probe. I've heard the term used before, but I don't have any experience with one. When I turn the trimmer though, nothing seems to happen at all. I guess I'm just not excited about spending an extra $10-20 for extra chips in case that doesn't end up being the problem, but I don't have any other pedals with 3007's in them, so maybe I just need to bite the bullet and get some new chips. Hmm.
Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: lloyd17 on November 19, 2011, 05:09:40 AM
is that blakemore blake? pm your address dude I'll send a tested pair to check your build. I'm sure we could work out an easy trade if you wanted to.

by the way I'm cryptosonic from hc
Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: rhcp311 on February 05, 2012, 07:05:05 AM
So, it's been awhile, and still no progress. I took lloyd17 up on his offer to test out his chips in my pedal, and the chips didn't fix anything. I'm assuming I probably have a dead transistor, or something of the sort, since I have checked everything meticulously. I'm half-tempted to just buy a new Pork Barrel board, and start over, but I wanna finish what I started! Haha. Is there any easy way to check and see if a certain transistor is dead? Does anyone have the voltages I should be looking for on the trannies in a properly functioning board?

Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: Scruffie on February 05, 2012, 05:21:27 PM
Give us the voltages of all active components. ICs & Transistors.

The clicking in bypass is LFO bleed, you might need to wire the switch for input grounding although once it's working the issue may be resolved.
Title: Re: Pork Barrel Issues
Post by: LaceSensor on February 06, 2012, 02:01:14 AM
I posted these a while back

Here are my voltages. Battery wasnt fresh, but the effect works, so hope this helps.
I rounded up to 1 decimal point as my DMM isnt great anyway.

Left side is min ,right side is max

1 - 0-6.7 / 2-5 fluctuating
2 - 3.8 / 3.8
3 - 2-5 / 4-5 fluctuating
4 - 0 / 0
5 - 3.6 / 3.8
6 - 2.1 / 3/5
7 - 1.8-5.2 / 3-4 fluctuating
8 - 7.3 / 7.6


1 - 4.6 / 4.8
2 - 4.7 / 4.8
3 - 4.7 / 4.8
4 - 0 / 0
5 - 4.7 / 4.8
6 - 4.7 / 4.8
7 - 4.7 / 4.8
8 - 7.4 / 7.8


1 - 7.4 / 7.6
2 - 3.8 / 3.9
3 - 0 / 0
4 - 3.8 / 3.9
5 - 0.3 / 0.3
6 - 6.5 / 6.6-6.7
7 - 2.45 / 2.4 - 2.6
8 - 0.5 / 0.5


1 - 7.3 / 7.6
2 - 3.8 / 3.9
3 - 4 / 4.1
4 - 0.5 / 0.5
5 - 0 / 0
6 - 3.7 / 3.9
7 - 4.2 / 4.4
8 - 4.2 / 4.4

ps I subbed a couple parts in my build, for the nearest value