
Projects => General Questions => Topic started by: vizcities on July 11, 2019, 06:29:37 AM

Title: Fabbed ROG 22/7 PCB?
Post by: vizcities on July 11, 2019, 06:29:37 AM
Does anyone sell one? For some reason, this project is calling to me - I love the "non-Muff Muff" as a genre - but I can't seem to find a fabbed board at any of the usual ROG-friendly places (Fuzzdog, TH Custom, etc.). If nothing is around, I'll try the vero or perf version; that said, I'm definitely in "low risk of failure" mode & don't feel like going through the hours of troubleshooting that inevitably arise when I try to do larger/more complex stuff in those particular formats. I saw someone mention that VFE made 22/7 boards (or full pedals?) at some point in another thread... any extra info on that would be super-appreciated, too.
Title: Re: Fabbed ROG 22/7 PCB?
Post by: somnif on July 11, 2019, 07:04:07 AM
I do see a board up on OSHPark, about 21$ for 3 boards if you want to go that route. Could also pull the board file and get it fab'd somewhere cheaper I suppose, if you want to go to that much effort. Also the build doc link isn't working anymore so you'd need to go from the schematic.
Title: Re: Fabbed ROG 22/7 PCB?
Post by: alanp on July 11, 2019, 01:30:31 PM
I've made one on perf, and it isn't really that big a project. Only one IC.