I had mentioned in the new doggo thread a few days ago that our good girl Maggie Lou had pups six weeks ago. My favorite pup of the litter died in my hands tonight. She choked on puppy food and though I cleared her throat quick she was just gone so fast. I did puppy mouth to mouth, puppy CPR, but no, just gone for good. Her name was Pinky, I loved her, was gonna keep her. A good good girl. I'm heartbroken. Kids were all in bed already and don't know. It's gonna be such a sad morning for them tomorrow, my heart is so heavy about it.
Aww man, that is terrible. :(
Oh dear. So sorry to hear.
Sorry to hear that, I wish you the best with your children.
We buried her together this morning. Kids did well. Everybody is blue, but it was good to do it together. Thanks guys.
That's a bummer man,sorry to hear it. Glad the kids were already in bed
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope everyone perks up.
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Thats terrible Tim! I am so sorry you went through that.
Oh man, terrible.
I can't imagine going through that. :(
Wow, that's tough. Heartbreaking. Sorry, bud.
That's crushing, sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear about this heartbreaking loss. Hope you and your family can find some comfort moving forward.
Sorry to hear this, Tim :(
You're a wise dad, Tim. Good job.
Sorry for your loss.
Quote from: DFX on July 09, 2019, 09:31:31 PM
With it being a guitar related forum i read the title and thought ' can pickups die'
I do alot of vintage rewinds and repairs, and in this case I wish it was a pickup, I can fix those.
Terrible news. Can't imagine. We have an 11 month old pup who we really love.
I am really sorry you lost your pup, Tim. That's awful.