
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: jubal81 on June 27, 2019, 04:58:55 PM

Title: New Puppy Day
Post by: jubal81 on June 27, 2019, 04:58:55 PM
Brought this big little guy home Monday and wife and I love him to bits. My first puppy - always had rescue dogs all my life.

His name is Banjo and he's 8.5 week old Briard who weighed in at 14.5 pounds at the vet yesterday  :o . Gonna be a big boy. Briards are kind of rare, but they're big, shaggy sheepdogs - almost like the real dog version of Barkley from Sesame Street.

Trying to think of safe things to expose him to so he'll get used to them from the start. Just got the suggestion this morning to go get a kiddie pool, which I think is a great idea.

Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: selfdestroyer on June 27, 2019, 05:37:27 PM
AWW, Cute little guy!

Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: nzCdog on June 27, 2019, 08:04:55 PM
Banjo!  Cool name.   ;D
He looks like a fine friend in the making ;D
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: peterc on June 28, 2019, 09:42:29 AM
What a cool puppy! Enjoy your next 10 years with this guy. Really envious....
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: gtr2 on June 28, 2019, 10:46:06 AM

I just got a new puppy last week from a rescue after years of holding out from the kids pestering.

Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: Tremster on June 28, 2019, 11:33:27 AM
That's a great looking dog, congratulations!
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: Bret608 on June 28, 2019, 12:47:08 PM
Aw! He is super cute, and if he's half as sweet as you former doggo (about whose passing I was sad to hear), he's definitely a keeper. And also, mentioning Barkley is exactly what I needed for a frame of reference.  :D

My younger daughter has for sure been turning up the heat lately as far as wanting a pet...I wish we had less pet allergies in our house! She is kind of thinking of a doge-type dog (Shiba Imu I think?).
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: lars on June 28, 2019, 04:10:59 PM
Just looked up what a full-grown Briard looks like:
That's awesome. You'll eventually have your own Wookie!
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: peAk on June 29, 2019, 02:25:07 AM
Awesome, real cute.

I prefer dogs over most humans.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: timbo_93631 on July 02, 2019, 03:50:06 PM
What a great looking pup, good boy material!!!  5 weeks ago our Basset hound delivered 8 lil girls and 1 boy, "Bassadors". Drake, the neighborhood mascot, is the proud papa, a really good boy black Lab.  We are gonna keep 2 and have homes for 3 more, gonna have to find another few.  Nothing better than pups.  We have baby #7 due in August, so it is a sort of nice warmup for the sleepless nights ahead!
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: juansolo on July 02, 2019, 04:20:50 PM
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: jubal81 on July 02, 2019, 06:49:27 PM

We're a week in and he's doing great. If we leave the back door open, he's already going out to do his business, though there's still an accident here and there. Long way to go, but not bad for a 10-week-old.

So I looked it up and Chewbacca was based on George Lucas' Alaskan Malamute 'Indiana.' I expect we're going to get a lot of kids wanting to hug him, so we're working hard and starting early on good training.

Quote from: gtr2 on June 28, 2019, 10:46:06 AM

I just got a new puppy last week from a rescue after years of holding out from the kids pestering.


Nice! Any idea on what breed(s)?

Quote from: timbo_93631 on July 02, 2019, 03:50:06 PM
What a great looking pup, good boy material!!!  5 weeks ago our Basset hound delivered 8 lil girls and 1 boy, "Bassadors". Drake, the neighborhood mascot, is the proud papa, a really good boy black Lab.  We are gonna keep 2 and have homes for 3 more, gonna have to find another few.  Nothing better than pups.  We have baby #7 due in August, so it is a sort of nice warmup for the sleepless nights ahead!

Bassadors? That's excellent! Congrats on the new baby! Just around the corner, too. Older kids big enough to help out around the house?

Quote from: Bret608 on June 28, 2019, 12:47:08 PM
Aw! He is super cute, and if he's half as sweet as you former doggo (about whose passing I was sad to hear), he's definitely a keeper. And also, mentioning Barkley is exactly what I needed for a frame of reference.  :D

My younger daughter has for sure been turning up the heat lately as far as wanting a pet...I wish we had less pet allergies in our house! She is kind of thinking of a doge-type dog (Shiba Imu I think?).

Yeah, we miss Sizzles a lot. Got a place in my heart now for the big, shaggy dogs. As far as allergies go, my ex (a vet) said you can know until exposure, but I bet you could find someone or breeder who'd let you visit a particular breed if you want to see how it goes.

Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: timbo_93631 on July 02, 2019, 07:54:44 PM
Quote from: timbo_93631 on July 02, 2019, 03:50:06 PM
What a great looking pup, good boy material!!!  5 weeks ago our Basset hound delivered 8 lil girls and 1 boy, "Bassadors". Drake, the neighborhood mascot, is the proud papa, a really good boy black Lab.  We are gonna keep 2 and have homes for 3 more, gonna have to find another few.  Nothing better than pups.  We have baby #7 due in August, so it is a sort of nice warmup for the sleepless nights ahead!

Bassadors? That's excellent! Congrats on the new baby! Just around the corner, too. Older kids big enough to help out around the house?

They are like double long eared and 3/4 leg length Labs, 7 solid black girls with just a little white mark here and there, Bud Jr. the boy is all solid black, and Marshmallow is yellow with a big splash of white on her face between the eyes and a freckled chin.  I am hoping they are less stubborn to train than Magnolia Louise, their mama.  She is a hard headed hound, sweet and loving too.  Just wants to follow her nose, and that's what she's built for, but sometimes it isn't too handy when she gets on a critter trail and disappears in the underbrush for an hour!  Knows her way home and will lay on the back porch the rest of the day once she's had her adventure though.

My 10 year old and 8 year old sons are really pitching in, especially Hank, the oldest.  He turned 10 last month and it was like a switch flipped, eager to help, to try and learn how to do now stuff.  Really cool to see him mature a little, though he is very much still a boy more than a young man.

And yes, 3rd daughter is imminent.  About 5 weeks to go.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: midwayfair on July 02, 2019, 10:08:31 PM

Fully expect a full build report over the next few months.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: bamslam69 on July 03, 2019, 12:46:33 AM
Cute as.
We want to get a dog, but we have a lot of issues that hinder the adoption:
1. We only have a small backyard.
2. We can't agree on what type, but a rescue mongrel of medium-size will be a good all-rounder.
3. My daughter has a dog phobia, but the best cure is to get a puppy.

I'm a big fan of kelpies and cattle dogs (had them before growing up), but it'd be cruel putting one in a small backyard.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: jubal81 on October 15, 2019, 04:27:12 PM
Poor guy picked up a couple stomach bugs over the months, but he's doing great. Pushing 50 lbs already. Nothings been easy - or cheap, lol. I knew puppies were a lot of work, but wow.

He's a good boy, though.

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Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: Freppo on October 16, 2019, 12:10:48 AM
Awww... Congratulations on the new family member!  :)

I grew up with Briards, as mom had several ones over the years and even breeded on one of them. Lovely dogs!

I have two Bearded Collies now (and one Border Collie), which look very similar but are smaller.

Yes, puppies are alot of work  :P
But they grow up fast.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: jubal81 on October 17, 2019, 04:07:46 PM
Quote from: Freppo on October 16, 2019, 12:10:48 AM
Awww... Congratulations on the new family member!  :)

I grew up with Briards, as mom had several ones over the years and even breeded on one of them. Lovely dogs!

I have two Bearded Collies now (and one Border Collie), which look very similar but are smaller.

Yes, puppies are alot of work  :P
But they grow up fast.

That's really cool. I was also considering a bearded collie, but they're even more rare here than briards. I don't think I'm going to use the word anymore - just tell people he's a French sheepdog when they ask.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: midwayfair on October 23, 2019, 01:12:23 AM
Dogs are hang-dry only, dude. Read the tag!
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: madbean on October 23, 2019, 02:15:18 AM
That is a seriously fabulous looking dog. I am a total dog nut!
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: playpunk on October 23, 2019, 06:03:53 PM
Quote from: jubal81 on October 15, 2019, 04:27:12 PM
Poor guy picked up a couple stomach bugs over the months, but he's doing great. Pushing 50 lbs already. Nothings been easy - or cheap, lol. I knew puppies were a lot of work, but wow.

He's a good boy, though.

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How long did he take to dry?
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: jubal81 on October 24, 2019, 02:31:28 AM
My wife had a good freak out the first time she couldn't find him before finally seeing him chillin in the dryer. Also likes to curl up next to the toilet.
Title: Re: New Puppy Day
Post by: nzCdog on October 24, 2019, 08:21:03 AM
Quote from: jubal81 on October 24, 2019, 02:31:28 AM
My wife had a good freak out the first time she couldn't find him before finally seeing him chillin in the dryer. Also likes to curl up next to the toilet.
That is actually hilarious! He looks like a really cool dude.  I miss my doggy :(