
Projects => Build Reports => Topic started by: Bassman on April 26, 2019, 06:51:01 PM

Title: First build in nearly 7 years.Ruby Deluxe Reverb Amp
Post by: Bassman on April 26, 2019, 06:51:01 PM
Hi guys!  I'm back!  Some of you might remember me but it has been over 6 years since my last pedal build.  Last y'all heard I had a baby on the way and well... Between that, his mom going insane (litterally the state got involved), getting medically retired from the Navy, a divorce, a couple moves and full custody of my son later I finally have time to get back into doing some soldering lol. 

Anyhoo... This is my first build since all that went down.  I needed a small practice amp and thought what the heck why not build a ruby.  So I dug out all my old pedal supplies and soldered up that board real quick then had the idea to run the runoffgroove tonemender pedal circuit into it.  So did that and then decided for S&Gs to gut my byoc spring reverb pedal and toss it's board into the mix with a bypass switch.  So I present to you the .5w Ruby Deluxe Reverb!  This is such a cool amp!!  It sounds and reaponds very..VERY similar to a fender deluxe tube amp.  I never expected to actually like the result lol.. I was just hoping for satisfactory functionality.  So not a pedal but basically pedal circuits.  Enjoy and happy to be back soldering again.  Off to build up a bass version now  :mrgreen:

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And a quick demo.  Excuse the sh*t playing on an out of tune guitar.  I just wanted to get an example of what this sounds like out there.  It is very responsive like a tube amp which is really cool.  Starts with vol at noon and gain at 0 and gets turned up from there along with the reverb tossed in and some tone movements.

Title: Re: First build in nearly 7 years.Ruby Deluxe Reverb Amp
Post by: Leevibe on April 26, 2019, 09:13:12 PM
The Ruby circuit is definitely cool and I like the implementation. The figuring on the cab is to die for!

Welcome back!
Title: Re: First build in nearly 7 years.Ruby Deluxe Reverb Amp
Post by: gordo on April 27, 2019, 12:20:41 AM
That's some sick looking maple.  Damn.
Title: Re: First build in nearly 7 years.Ruby Deluxe Reverb Amp
Post by: Tremster on April 27, 2019, 01:10:53 PM
Good to hear you're doing better and welcome back!

A .5 watt tweed amp with EQ and Reverb sounds like a brilliant idea! And very well executed, I'm jealous.