I've been futzing with putting a tremolo into a Ruby amp circuit and I want to be able to bypass it using a toggle. I've tried to replace the usual 3PDT latching stomp with an ON-ON 3PDT toggle, but it seems to kill the trem. My working theory is that I should be using an ON-OFF toggle instead. Is this correct? Or could there be some other issue I'm not seeing? The trem works just fine when not attached to a toggle switch, so I know it's not the circuit.
On-On is right. On-off-on has an additional position where everything’s disconnected. After building for a long time I had to sit down with a switch and set my meter to continuity testing and check which terminals were connected when it was switched.
1 — — — — 1 connected to Center / “click” 1 disconnected and C connects to 2
C — — — — center or what you want to connect to outside rows 1&2
2 — — — —
Take a toggle switch out if you have one. Notice the orientation of the solder terminals or poles. Hold it so they are oriented horizontally:
It connects from center to top then center to bottom. Usually the opposite direction of where the toggle points.
Hold it up with your footswitch.
Think of your footswitch as 4 of those in a row.
I’m sure you probably know all this but I hope it makes sense and maybe helps. It’s easy to get this all fuggly and bassackwards.