Well, I finally finished the three pedals I was building. I've decided to call this the "U.S. Marshall" and am going to paint it black and have a design all made up with a big badge in the middle but I still don't know how I'm going to get the decals to work on black and also I want to take the pedals for a drive before I end up inevitably screwing them up working on the cosmetics...
After over a year, I finally got around to finishing my pedals properly! I originally ordered blemished pedals from Pedal Parts Plus but I have a feeling that they didn't have any so they just did a quick paint job and sent me those because the paint was chipping if I looked at it funny. Since I was going for a western theme (and because it was less sanding to do) I decided to go for a weathered look.
(http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/9969/img8077o.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/img8077o.jpg/)
(http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/9472/img8078h.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/img8078h.jpg/)
Another outstanding job. I am really jealous of you guys that are doing graphics and have such great ideas for something original.
I love the theme that looks great! Good work.
That looks awesome! well worth the wait. Did you use a waterslide decal?
Looks great!
That looks badass...nice job. The Krank is on my list to build...how do you like it?
Nice pedal! How do you like the Krankosaurus? One of my favourites personally
Oh man. Wow. I remember seeing these builds when I first joined up this spring. Def looking better now! The name is really clever!
I love the box of rock as well. Actually i built the one I use for my drummer to use with guitar, but borrowed it to use with bass.
...Ran into the effects return of my cruddy old bass amp. I intended to use the SHO side to compensate for not having a preamp -- ended up using the distortion side too at low gain. Holy cow that sounds great!! At least with the two (active 3-band preamp equipped) basses i've used with it. Also ran it direct at church. Sweet! My favorite zvex pedal for sure!
I like the theme. Nice job and thanks for the follow up!
Quote from: shawnee on November 15, 2011, 12:15:06 PM
Another outstanding job. I am really jealous of you guys that are doing graphics and have such great ideas for something original.
Thanks a lot! I have a feeling I spend way too much time designing things that I'm going to be stepping on though.... hahah
Quote from: thatirishsob on November 15, 2011, 01:14:59 PM
That looks awesome! well worth the wait. Did you use a waterslide decal?
Yup I'm using the laser waterslides from smallbear. I couldn't make up my mind if I should put a glossy or matte clear coat on top so I did both....
I've been doing my designs on photoshop and have some templates drawn up with scale elements of various knobs and switches and stuff linked to crosses that you can use as a drill guide that I use to plan out the whole pedal. Anyone else out there with photoshop that would find these helpful?
Quote from: masterlk on November 15, 2011, 02:31:49 PM
That looks badass...nice job. The Krank is on my list to build...how do you like it?
Its the reason I started building and I really like it. It might be a little too bassy for my guitar though so I might end up changing the cap value that people have been talking about with this pedal. It's a great one though!
Quote from: TheCobbenator on November 15, 2011, 07:01:29 PM
Oh man. Wow. I remember seeing these builds when I first joined up this spring. Def looking better now! The name is really clever!
Thanks a lot, man. Too bad the rats nest inside still looks the same!
Great looking pedal.
I would find photoshop layouts very helpful ;)
Quote from: snz728 on November 15, 2011, 09:09:26 PM
Great looking pedal.
I would find photoshop layouts very helpful ;)
Alright, I'll make the photoshop files fit for public consumption and upload them when I get some time