Getting ready to dive into some MN3005 goodness, but I can't for the life of me find any NE571s. Are you guys all hoarding personal secret stashes, or is there somewhere to find them out there that's not a Chinese eBay crap shoot? ;D
Smallbear sells a NE572 workalike, but I'm not sure it's applicable to the needs of the ABDX or AB17 circuits. Gander:
Chromosphere sells them in his store. I've used them before, they work great. It the "DIYGP" link at the top of the page.
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Quote from: flanagan0718 on January 07, 2017, 06:10:26 PM
Chromosphere sells them in his store. I've used them before, they work great. It the "DIYGP" link at the top of the page.
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Thanks, but I don't see it on his site, either. :-\
Hmm he used to sell them. sells them. They are $3.60 each.
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Quote from: flanagan0718 on January 07, 2017, 06:23:51 PM
Hmm he used to sell them. sells them. They are $3.60 each.
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Smallbear sells the NE570 which for all our purposes is exactly the same as the 571 but it's currently out of stock but they also sell the Cool Audio V571 which works just as well as the NE571.
Sorry, the BOM should say NE570. The 571 is SA571. I'll change that.
If you get desperate there's NE570 surface mount options out there. I used one with a DIP adapter a few years ago.
Quote from: Scruffie on January 07, 2017, 07:34:12 PM
Smallbear sells the NE570 which for all our purposes is exactly the same as the 571 but it's currently out of stock but they also sell the Cool Audio V571 which works just as well as the NE571.
Awesome; thank you! I have like 25 different variations of the 570/ 571 coming now, which will make for some interesting sorting/ building. :D
Stoked to build this, another MN3005 project I'm working on, and, of course, eventually, the Timelapse <3