This is my Zombii project paying homage to "Shaun Of The Dead". I don't have a gut shot yet because somewhere between the rocking of it and the boxing of it, I lost the LED and the DRIVE pot doesn't seem to do anything. But it's loud and nasty and I don't know what I'll do with it, but it's fun to wail away with.
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:D great work, would never have thought of this, amazing decal
It looks so sweet vertical like that! Kinda weird your not getting anything from the drive pot, but it seems like your happy with how it is. Great job!
Sweet decal, I love the theme and knob layout.
Quote from: jcuempire on August 08, 2011, 10:39:24 PM
I lost the LED and the DRIVE pot doesn't seem to do anything. But it's loud and nasty and I don't know what I'll do with it, but it's fun to wail away with.
;D lol
Nice work man, it looks awesome!
oh with my actual fuzz face depending on where you have other things set the drive could do absolutely nothing so it could be fine actually. The higher comp is set and the lower stab (I think) is set the less noticeable the "drive" control actually is, to the point where if comp is on full or almost on full with high gate also the drive knob does absolutely nothing
Thanks, all. I appreciate the comments. The weird vertical layout was dictated by the graphic. Not the best way to do it, I know. But I thought it was too cool to let a little thing like component layout keep me from using it. But, I kind of forgot about the in and out jacks and power. That's why they are all on the right side!
I sorted out my problems. Changed out the LED and it's working fine. The DRIVE control even works now. I think druz15 was correct, though. It might have been working all the time, but I had never messed with a Fuzz Factory before. I'm not used to all these controls. Hard to find a setting that doesn't squeal.
Thanks again. Now on to the next one.
Awesome looking pedal. I never would've had the balls to try this kind of layout. You just made an insane pedal even more insane. Bravo.
Quote from: dwstanford on August 10, 2011, 04:44:08 AM
Awesome looking pedal. I never would've had the balls to try this kind of layout. You just made an insane pedal even more insane. Bravo.
Thanks, but believe me it was more stupidity than cajones