I finished up my total recall a couple weeks back and thought I'd share here. This is actually my first experience with the DMM circuit and it sounds as good as advertised. I don't see this coming off my board ever. For the graphics I decided to incorporate the Matsushita "M" logo since I used Panasonic MN3005s and for the background image I used a copy of the DMM schematic (hopefully it's the right sch

) I found on the Google and I added an mn30005 chip over one of the drawn BBDs for fun. I also envirotex'd over the etch which I've been doing on all my recent builds. I wish I would've tried this stuff sooner. Its so easy to work with and looks amazing. I'm guessing I'll be compelled to build one or two more of these like all circuits I fall in love with. A big thanks to Brian for making the project available. So cool!
and one more pic....
Damn Jon! Looks awesome.
That looks amazing!
I love it. And all your builds to be honest. I'm usually too much of a perfectionist to do stuff like this myself, but I like it nevertheless
Totally AWESOME!
Wow. Now that's inspiring...
Great great work and art.
Damn! That is piece of art..
That is gorgeous! And after listening to some samples more closely, this really is an amazing sounding circuit.
That is one of the coolest looking etches I have ever seen. I am vey envious of your skills.
Damn, that is freaking awesome. I was so distracted by the etch I almost missed the gut shot. I really like the LED placement, and the way you made the power in symbol look like a screw, it all fits perfectly.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 25, 2016, 08:54:23 PM
and the way you made the power in symbol look like a screw, it all fits perfectly.
I wish I could take credit for that but I lifted it straight off one of the newer versions of the DMM.
Proto Board is wery interesting,and uncertainty as lack modulation,unknown,maybe trim pot or not good MN300X
What to use Power supply? i,me use diy power,is quiet.
Wery big enclosure,great idea Look professionally. Total Recall that very good project.
Recommended good chip MN and appropriate power supply.This the best project in history this forum.
Wow!!! Absolutely stunning
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It really is a great sounding pedal! What size enclosure is that?
That's crazy man! :o
Quote from: Martan on July 26, 2016, 12:54:01 AM
It really is a great sounding pedal! What size enclosure is that?
It's sold as a Hammond 1590J but I've bought two now the markings inside the enclosure indicate they are actually rebranded old stock Eddystone enclosures. The only negative is they are extremely deep at 1.77". I cut the first one I used into a wedge which was a major PITA. This time I decided to deal with The extra height!
Can't stop staring at that etch! Beautiful.
Quote from: czapa tranzystor 2 on July 25, 2016, 11:47:29 PM
Proto Board is wery interesting,and uncertainty as lack modulation,unknown,maybe trim pot or not good MN300X
What to use Power supply? i,me use diy power,is quiet.
Wery big enclosure,great idea Look professionally. Total Recall that very good project.
Recommended good chip MN and appropriate power supply.This the best project in history this forum.
For BBD chips go with www.diyguitarpedals.au Paul has the new XVive chips and had/has tested MN3008. For the power supply, I use the recommended one without problems:
The builds on this forum just get more and more impressive.
This is awesome work dude!
As someone who likes to come up with unique etches myself, my hats off to you on this design. Using the schematic in the background is genius, and I may lift it for something in the future :).
Wow, wow, really wow!!!
awesome :o
*Loris Capirossi style when watch Isle Man TT*
Awesome enclosure work. Nice, very nice!
That really looks stellar! Both inside and out are so clean, to the point of looking cold/sterile - and I totally dig that, just to clear that up, but those are the words that popped in my head --- I'm sure the sound would even that out haha. I am also mesmerized by that etch.
That could be the most beautiful pedal I have ever seen. I love everything about it.
This looks better than a good chunk of the retail market pedals out there. SO well thought out and executed. Wicked cool!,
Jon, this is so perfect. Just so perfect. You are the man. I love that you did ET on this one. I bet it will look killer under stage lights.
Quote from: Leevibe on August 06, 2016, 03:59:27 PM
Jon, this is so perfect. Just so perfect. You are the man. I love that you did ET on this one. I bet it will look killer under stage lights.
Thanks Lee. I sat on this populated PCB for about three months waiting for inspiration on the graphics and scrapped 4-5 graphic designs before coming up with this. Im not very good with words on forums but all the positive comments from all you guys mean a lot.
What were your trimmer positions please?
Quote from: darrenw6000 on August 06, 2016, 06:57:41 PM
What were your trimmer positions please?
If you look at the photos you can see where they are set. Most are pretty close to the indent in the middle of the trimmers I used (most trimmers don't have the indent) but unfortunately biasing yours is not as simple as setting your trimmers like mine. You will have to use an audio probe and follow the guidance in the build doc. Mine biased up pretty easy using that method. If you haven't tried that yet I would suggest that over copying my settings. If you already tried with an audio probe and it didn't work maybe start a troubleshooting thread (if you haven't already). Good luck!
I dont think im far off anyway, im getting delay but as i increase the level i get distortion
Damn... looks so good.
Easily the best finishing/concept I've seen this year. Dude. :o 8)
Quote from: culturejam on August 08, 2016, 01:25:55 AM
Easily the best finishing/concept I've seen this year. Dude. :o 8)
Thanks CJ!