Here it is. I called it the PlanB Overdrive. I used the clipping portion of the schem for the design on the cover, without permission of course. Do I need permission to steal a portion of a schematic for art? IDFK.
Great lesson in etching from a former coworker. Except it was to strong and it ate most of the toner off before I noticed. Probably 20 seconds to long in the etchant at that strength. Going to tone it back just a bit on the next one.
Also, there's no room for error with this build and I'm not used to that. I got the template square when I ironed on the design. I got very very lucky. I read SelfDestroyers blog on etching a dozen times and tried to follow that way of doing it. I found that cutting out the top portion of the template helped me center it. And folding down the sides only pushed it to the left or the right. I ironed it on twice. The first one didn't leave enough toner behind. I got a lot of air bubbles in the paper. So the second time I ironed it on good and left the iron sitting on the enclosure holding the paper down while it cooled. That worked much better.
I couldn't find a lot of pictures of the newer GreenBean. So here is mine. I followed the drill template for the pcb, but not the rest of the pedal. The pcb has to sit perfect, there isn't much room for error.
That's excellent!!! I've been reading SelfDestroyer's blog on etching over and over as well but have yet to take the plunge and try an etch.
That looks great! Lots of killer etches around here lately.
Love it! It seems that with etching, even the ones that don't turn out quite as expected still look great and add a different sort of character to the build. I've yet to try etching myself but all the results I've seen look way cool!
Thats killer
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Thanks for the kind words guys. That gut shot came out a little fuzzy. Sorry about that.
Here's a couple more.
Looks fantastic. I love seeing the schemo on top.
Good work. Nice first go at it.
really cool. I've got to try etching one of these days. good job
Thanks everyone! (Insert smiley face thing here.)
Nice first etch man.
You'll find the timing varies in proportion to the area being etched. A large area creates a bigger reaction, which heats the etchant, creating a faster reaction.
It's pretty much all artistry and experience- with only a hint of the repeatability of science. ;)
Quote from: Guitarmageddon on April 05, 2015, 03:15:33 AM
Nice first etch man.
You'll find the timing varies in proportion to the area being etched. A large area creates a bigger reaction, which heats the etchant, creating a faster reaction.
It's pretty much all artistry and experience- with only a hint of the repeatability of science. ;)
That may be some of the best etch advice I've ever heard. Thanks man. Never thought of that.
Great stuff, looking cool and congrats on such a cool first etch!
Congrats! It is looks great (Y)
Looks great! Love the idea for the art too, a week designed layout is art in its own right, great to showcase it!