
Projects => Build Reports => Topic started by: VanDerchuck on April 03, 2015, 03:17:55 AM

Title: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: VanDerchuck on April 03, 2015, 03:17:55 AM
Here it is. I called it the PlanB Overdrive. I used the clipping portion of the schem for the design on the cover, without permission of course. Do I need permission to steal a portion of a schematic for art? IDFK.

Great lesson in etching from a former coworker. Except it was to strong and it ate most of the toner off before I noticed. Probably 20 seconds to long in the etchant at that strength. Going to tone it back just a bit on the next one.

Also, there's no room for error with this build and I'm not used to that. I got the template square when I ironed on the design. I got very very lucky. I read SelfDestroyers blog on etching a dozen times and tried to follow that way of doing it. I found that cutting out the top portion of the template helped me center it. And folding down the sides only pushed it to the left or the right. I ironed it on twice. The first one didn't leave enough toner behind. I got a lot of air bubbles in the paper. So the second time I ironed it on good and left the iron sitting on the enclosure holding the paper down while it cooled. That worked much better.

I couldn't find a lot of pictures of the newer GreenBean. So here is mine. I followed the drill template for the pcb, but not the rest of the pedal. The pcb has to sit perfect, there isn't much room for error.

Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: Lubdar on April 03, 2015, 03:48:05 AM
That's excellent!!! I've been reading SelfDestroyer's blog on etching over and over as well but have yet to take the plunge and try an etch.
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: slimtriggers on April 03, 2015, 03:00:46 PM
That looks great!  Lots of killer etches around here lately.
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: Luke51411 on April 03, 2015, 03:09:56 PM
Love it! It seems that with etching, even the ones that don't turn out quite as expected still look great and add a different sort of character to the build. I've yet to try etching myself but all the results I've seen look way cool!
Title: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: jimilee on April 03, 2015, 03:10:08 PM
Thats killer

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Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: VanDerchuck on April 04, 2015, 12:56:02 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys. That gut shot came out a little fuzzy. Sorry about that.

Here's a couple more.


Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: Leevibe on April 04, 2015, 01:22:15 AM
Looks fantastic. I love seeing the schemo on top.
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: AntKnee on April 04, 2015, 03:03:53 AM
Good work. Nice first go at it.
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: LJangel on April 04, 2015, 07:25:27 PM
really cool.  I've got to try etching one of these days.  good job
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: VanDerchuck on April 04, 2015, 10:07:53 PM
Thanks everyone! (Insert smiley face thing here.)
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: Guitarmageddon on April 05, 2015, 03:15:33 AM
Nice first etch man.
You'll find the timing varies in proportion to the area being etched. A large area creates a bigger reaction, which heats the etchant, creating a faster reaction.
It's pretty much all artistry and experience- with only a hint of the repeatability of science. ;)
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: VanDerchuck on April 05, 2015, 04:33:33 AM
Quote from: Guitarmageddon on April 05, 2015, 03:15:33 AM
Nice first etch man.
You'll find the timing varies in proportion to the area being etched. A large area creates a bigger reaction, which heats the etchant, creating a faster reaction.
It's pretty much all artistry and experience- with only a hint of the repeatability of science. ;)

That may be some of the best etch advice I've ever heard. Thanks man. Never thought of that.
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: cooder on April 05, 2015, 07:17:44 AM
Great stuff, looking cool and congrats on such a cool first etch!
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: brejna on April 05, 2015, 10:43:41 AM
Congrats! It is looks great (Y)
Title: Re: Green Bean/First Finished MadBean and First Etched Enclosure
Post by: JoeDorcia on April 05, 2015, 01:33:28 PM
Looks great! Love the idea for the art too, a week designed layout is art in its own right, great to showcase it!