Somehow I've managed to build more pedals than months have gone by so far this year.
First off:
Madbean Cavedweller V1 with a momentary switch to select between two different times.
I had tried a momentary switch that put a 47k in series with the time pot on my CDII. Some really cool spacey effects are possible. So, why not try and make it variable? Also, the box was already drilled and needed another feature. Practicality can sound pretty inspiring sometimes.
Next up are the Tim Escobedo PWM twins. These two blue-eyed beauties (just like their father!) also feature a low-pass filter just before the output cap.
But wait, there's more junction box jammers. Yet another FY-2 with Mark Hammer's 3-way tone switch and a mids control. BC338 transistors get the job done. Got a little sloppy with my components layout, but everything works and there's no noise to speak of (except when I hit the strings and it sounds like a beehive is going to implode).
Lastly, if you're still reading this, is a rebirth of the very first Hammond style box I drilled about 9 years ago. It was originally a Tonepad D+ circuit (that has been rehoused), but is now a resonant lpf. Fun on the bass and really neat to put after an oscillating delay (I'm looking at you Cavedweller) and tweak the controls to manipulate the drones without going deaf. The usually paint and destroy method - now with black light flashbacks! Used the closest size of already cut vero to what layout called for, so some kludges were necessary.
Thanks for all your inspiration this year. Frijoles locos!
Loving that paint job on the last one, electrical box are original for sure! Well done!
These look great! I love the Junction box builds. The paint on the Hammond build looks cool too.