
Projects => General Questions => Requests => Topic started by: night-B on May 01, 2011, 05:54:30 PM

Title: Death by audio fuzz war
Post by: night-B on May 01, 2011, 05:54:30 PM
I just heard a death by audio fuzz war, and it's awesome!
It covers various fuzz sounds with it's tonal control, high pitch to big growl, passing by a big muff...
It has an internal gain control. It would be cool to clone it and put it on the outside (I don't know why it's inside  ??? )
There's a thread on FSB for it :
Title: Re: Death by audio fuzz war
Post by: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 03, 2011, 04:49:29 PM
Quite a funny thread. AG has some harsh words for the DBA designer. I'm surprised at the build quality inside that pedal. I see better stuff on this forum everyday, even from beginners and I doubt any of them would try to charge upwards of $250 for a single unit. Just my personal feelings.
It seems like the schem is wrong cause almost everyone had problems with the build. Even the people who changed collector resistor values in an attempt to better bias the transistors (as AG suggested) didn't seem to get a fully working build. They all said it sounds gated. Might not be worth your time.
Title: Re: Death by audio fuzz war
Post by: night-B on May 03, 2011, 05:56:32 PM
I heard one by myself and I'll build it when a correct schem will be available. I don't think it's gated...
Title: Re: Death by audio fuzz war
Post by: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 03, 2011, 09:05:18 PM
I'm more so referring to the one based on an incorrect schem. But ShortScaleMike built one and said his worked fine by his layout so its possible the schematic is correct, you just need to orientate the transistors correctly.