
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 25, 2014, 07:33:50 PM

Title: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 25, 2014, 07:33:50 PM
Just wondering how many of you DIY lunatics are vapers? I have been doing it for about 8 months now and can see I will never return to tobacco cigs again! Currently, I am using a cheap eGo battery with an Aspire BDC tank and I am really looking to upgrade. If anyone here can suggest a good mod or VV battery... I would be supremely grateful. I am pretty set on getting the Nautillus Mini tank with adjustable airflow. Just need a good battery recommendation  ;)

Also... feel free to share any vaping stories or info! We do it WHILE we pull our hair out debugging... no sense in NOT including it in a thread!  8)
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: miter53 on August 25, 2014, 09:21:19 PM
Kanger Pro Tank and VV battery are working well for me.
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: jubal81 on August 25, 2014, 10:39:42 PM
About 2.5 years for me. Did the big mods/rebuildables for a long time, but I'm back to VW Ego and Mini Protank 3. I got tired of lugging around all that weight and the constant fiddling.

I pretty much exclusively use ePipeMods for juice. The Shire Malt is my favorite - although I don't think any of their juices actually taste like a good pipe tobacco.

If anyone knows of some great flavors suggestions, I'd like to try out something new.
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: jhigginb on August 26, 2014, 12:08:40 AM
My wife an I have attempted to quit many times. She hit me up about two weeks ago to try again and the result was two aspire nautilus tanks and two tesla mods. So far so good but turned out she is allergic to propylene glycine (alcohol). So had to jump through some hoops to find the only company that carries true alcohol free liquids - virgin vapes absolute line.

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Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 26, 2014, 12:40:21 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys...

I got into this with a cheap-ish kit online that came with (2) 1100mAh eGo batteries, (2) CS-H2 clearomizers, charger, and a 10mL e-juice. This was AFTER I really started with Blu ecigs. Those truly stunk in my opinion.

So currently I am using the same old eGo batteries and the Aspire BDC. I think my batteries cannot keep up with the dual coils and although I initially got good vapor and taste from the Aspire..... it has gotten worse over a short time and now I think it has actually killed my batteries.

Which leads me to the Nautillus Mini with adjustable airflow and a good VV mod battery. I tried that setup in a local smoke shop and WOW... what a difference in flavor and vapor production!!!!
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Shrtyska9 on August 26, 2014, 02:17:31 AM
I used a cheap ecig to help me quit smoking cigarettes. I hated it more than hacking up weird shit from smoking cigarettes, but it got me through those few weeks where you want to hit people.

About a month ago I picked up the two pack of original micro g pens on eBay. There is no doubt that they are knock offs due to price paid and the fact that the atomizers burned out in the first day but with the exception of the atomizers they are awesome. O0
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: IvIark on August 26, 2014, 03:01:21 AM

I was smoking from being 14, tried everything to give up including the Pfizer suicide pills and had ultimately resigned myself to smoking for the rest of my shortened life because I just had no will power to stop at all.  I bought my first e-cig at the beginning of last July with no high expectations of me stopping, but by the end of July I didn't want another cig again and haven't now for 13 months.

I use a couple of Kayfun Lites and Russian 91%'s with microcoil and cotton wool, and have lots of Kayfun Lite and Russian 91% clones from Fasttech as extras and spares.  Usually with an Innokin SVD, MVP or Vamo's, and I do have a few mech mods which I prefer using with some liquids for some reason (I bought lots of them in preparation for getting shafted by the British government and EU in their attempt to protect their tobacco income whilst simultaneously trying to make everyone gullible enough believe that they really really do want you to give up smoking).

I'm dropping the levels every couple of months, so I hope I'll ween myself off it completely in the next year or so.  It's so much easier when you can control your nicotine intake and adjust it as you like.  But I mix my own and have a few litres of nicotine in the fridge, and as I feel fitter than I have in many years I'm in no rush.
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: timbo_93631 on August 26, 2014, 03:36:44 AM
I have no idea what is going on here.  It's official, I have started becoming....  OLD!
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: alanp on August 26, 2014, 04:57:20 AM
I'm very glad to hear that these are working for you guys -- I was never even tempted to start smoking (Granny smoked all her life, and at 60 looked like she was 80.)
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 26, 2014, 12:04:54 PM
I have had people try to push me into the "fully modded/adjustable" eCigs. The ones where you have to wrap your own coil and pack your own cotton. I am just not motivated enough to get that deep into this. I want something that will give me a good vape cloud, decent taste, and is somewhat maintenance free. I do not mind swapping coils and refilling juice. I just dont want to get into wrapping coils and stuff.

This is why I want to try a good VV Mod battery with the Kanger tank.  8)
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: muddyfox on August 26, 2014, 12:13:37 PM

Mark, that's a heck of a first post!  ;D

Luckily, I cannot relate at all as I haven't lit a single cigarette in my life. Haven't smoked a single one, either!
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: flanagan0718 on August 26, 2014, 12:29:00 PM
I can't relate to the vapor thing but I can contribute. I smoked from the age of 12 until 24. I quit 7 years ago just after meeting my wife. It was super difficult but I went cold turkey. Going from a pack and a half a day to none, yeah, I wanted to obliterate just about everything and everyone. But I'm sure I these e-cigs were around back then I would have given then a puff. Seems like a decent substitute.

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Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: GermanCdn on August 26, 2014, 01:53:23 PM
My songwriting partner's been using one for about four months, pretty much weened him off cigarettes, which he's been trying to do for as long as I've known him (17 years).  Granted, I must admit I was never much help in the quitting department when we used to live in the same city; every time he pronounced his effort to quit, I'd pull up to his house, stand upwind on his front lawn, and smoke half a pack :P.  He once came at me with a baseball bat, fortunately he was wheezing before he got to me.
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Shrtyska9 on August 26, 2014, 01:56:36 PM
It definitely worked for that period of rage but I can't understand prolonged use. It may be because I never found it as enjoyable as actually smoking.

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 26, 2014, 03:15:19 PM
Quote from: Shrtyska9 on August 26, 2014, 01:56:36 PM
...but I can't understand prolonged use. It may be because I never found it as enjoyable as actually smoking.

I actually find it BETTER than actual smoking. This is however, only when the setup is right. When you dont get a good vape experience it can be VERY frustrating  >:(
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Shrtyska9 on August 26, 2014, 03:48:17 PM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 26, 2014, 03:15:19 PM
Quote from: Shrtyska9 on August 26, 2014, 01:56:36 PM
...but I can't understand prolonged use. It may be because I never found it as enjoyable as actually smoking.

I actually find it BETTER than actual smoking. This is however, only when the setup is right. When you dont get a good vape experience it can be VERY frustrating  >:(

That makes sense. I only bought a cheap one when I decided to quit smoking as a crutch and hated it. Pretty much writing the ecig thing off as a whole.

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: culturejam on August 26, 2014, 04:08:27 PM
I've never smoked, but I'll be damned if I'm not tempted to take up vaping. You know, for the gear and modding.  ;D
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 26, 2014, 04:18:49 PM
Quote from: culturejam on August 26, 2014, 04:08:27 PM
I've never smoked, but I'll be damned if I'm not tempted to take up vaping. You know, for the gear and modding.  ;D

Initial investment is a bit however, when compared to tobacco smokes... you actually save a bundle.


I am looking at getting a good VV mod battery. Cost for a GOOD unit with 2 batteries AND charger = ~$100
Also looking at the Kanger tank = ~$30
Juice = `$30 (thats about 100mL which is plenty)

All of that totals $160 for a GOOD, long term setup. You can go cheaper (I did  :() but this is a great start.

Now.... tobacco smokes. Where I am currently, 1 pack = $7 At 1 pack a day you just spent $210 per month!

For the smokeless stuff I mentioned above... that would last me 3-4 MONTHS! 8).... AND..... I only need to refill on juice which is about a $10-15 monthly cost!
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Betty Wont on August 26, 2014, 05:11:22 PM
I've got a dugout and one-hitter. All analog, passive.  8)
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: IvIark on August 26, 2014, 08:17:52 PM
Yes the difference in cost is massive.  The cigs I smoked are almost £10 a packet now whereas it probably costs me around £1 a week in liquid because I make my own up.  Haven't had so much free cash since before I was married  ;D
Title: Re: Vapers UNITE... can we have a thread about vaping??
Post by: Govmnt_Lacky on August 27, 2014, 06:37:41 PM
Awwwwww Yeahhhhhhh...

Just picked me up the new Nautilus Mini tank and an awesome looking VV Tesla kit with (2) 18650 batts, charger, and Tesla MOD!

Waiting for battery to fully charge right now!!  8)