One(s) that got away. Musical equipment I sold/traded that I wish I had back.
1) mid 90's deluxe memory man. I got rid of it because I didn't like the huge enclosure.
2) Mesa Nomad 45. Not a popular amp but it had a beautiful clean tone and all around tone that worked well for me. Sold it when I needed money.
3) Ibanez Destroyer (lawsuit). It didn't have a ton of value really, a collector sold it to me for $250. Someone had routed a middle pickup and drilled for a bigsby. Ouch!!! A local Luther dressed the frets and itlayee better than any guitar I've ever picked up. For a time, I didn't play it and figured it was taking up space.
4) One with a good ending. I found a 1980 Ibanez Artist on consignment at a local music store. I had wanted a Les Paul but couldn't afford one. So I bought this as my poor mans version for $500. A couple years later, I traded away my Ibanez Artist for a Fender Mexican strat because I really wanted a strat at the time. Again, at a time when I didn't have much money. 2 weeks after I made the trade, I regretted it. A few years later, I was selling a Schector strat on craigslist and the guy I traded the ibanez to contacted me. He didn't like the tone of the ibanez and was happy to make the trade.
Just wish I had the others back.... No luck so far.
My first pedal build, a GGG TS kit.
Kind of wish I still had that one for nostalgia's sake. I can't say it was a bad decision though because I'm not a fan of the mid hump and I traded it for an ISP Decimator. I can't imagine being without the Decimator unless there's a schematic for it and I can build it smaller.
Quote from: Leevibe on February 16, 2014, 06:19:09 AM
My first pedal build, a GGG TS kit.
Kind of wish I still had that one for nostalgia's sake. I can't say it was a bad decision though because I'm not a fan of the mid hump and I traded it for an ISP Decimator. I can't imagine being without the Decimator unless there's a schematic for it and I can build it smaller.
Galego did a layout for it on diysb
I would like to reconnect with any of the 3 arion sch-1 choruses I have sold.
regret, regret, regret.
I had a Boss RSD-10 digital delay/sampler that I bought off a used clearance rack for $15 a few years back. Best-sounding/ most versatile digital delay I've ever used. Recently looked up what they go for on Ebay now...not $15.
My first guitar. A Samick (strat) in metallic blue.
My first guitar, an Ibanez Roadstar II that I airbrushed an exotic flower pattern on the pick guard (a poor man's Jem). I HATE that I sold it as I so badly want to give that guitar to my 6 year old daughter. She would love it :(
I sometimes peruse ebay hoping it will magically pop up. I would pay a lot to have it back.
Quote from: Hangingmonkey on February 16, 2014, 09:16:30 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on February 16, 2014, 06:19:09 AM
My first pedal build, a GGG TS kit.
Kind of wish I still had that one for nostalgia's sake. I can't say it was a bad decision though because I'm not a fan of the mid hump and I traded it for an ISP Decimator. I can't imagine being without the Decimator unless there's a schematic for it and I can build it smaller.
Galego did a layout for it on diysb
I think there is a layout somewhere around here too. It's where I got mine.
The bass I got rid of, managed to get it back. My brother years ago said, man don;t get rid of gear" and I haven't. I got stuff coming out my ears, my first bass, the first guitar I ever bought by myself....I do wish i hadn't trashed a peavey bass head from the 60's, I could have probably fixed it now that I know how.
Quote from: jimilee on February 17, 2014, 03:58:19 AM
Quote from: Hangingmonkey on February 16, 2014, 09:16:30 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on February 16, 2014, 06:19:09 AM
My first pedal build, a GGG TS kit.
Kind of wish I still had that one for nostalgia's sake. I can't say it was a bad decision though because I'm not a fan of the mid hump and I traded it for an ISP Decimator. I can't imagine being without the Decimator unless there's a schematic for it and I can build it smaller.
Galego did a layout for it on diysb
I think there is a layout somewhere around here too. It's where I got mine.
The bass I got rid of, managed to get it back. My brother years ago said, man don;t get rid of gear" and I haven't. I got stuff coming out my ears, my first bass, the first guitar I ever bought by myself....I do wish i hadn't trashed a peavey bass head from the 60's, I could have probably fixed it now that I know how.
Cool! I will look into that. I love the pedal but it is a brick. It would at least be a candidate for a rehouse. Maybe in a barebox? But that chrome is cool too. Hmmm
Did yours work first try?
Quote from: Leevibe on February 17, 2014, 04:03:49 AM
Quote from: jimilee on February 17, 2014, 03:58:19 AM
Quote from: Hangingmonkey on February 16, 2014, 09:16:30 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on February 16, 2014, 06:19:09 AM
My first pedal build, a GGG TS kit.
Kind of wish I still had that one for nostalgia's sake. I can't say it was a bad decision though because I'm not a fan of the mid hump and I traded it for an ISP Decimator. I can't imagine being without the Decimator unless there's a schematic for it and I can build it smaller.
Galego did a layout for it on diysb
I think there is a layout somewhere around here too. It's where I got mine.
The bass I got rid of, managed to get it back. My brother years ago said, man don;t get rid of gear" and I haven't. I got stuff coming out my ears, my first bass, the first guitar I ever bought by myself....I do wish i hadn't trashed a peavey bass head from the 60's, I could have probably fixed it now that I know how.
Did yours work first try?
Sure did. I had to ask someone how to bias it, but no issues at all.
Let's see, what got away? Everything I owned / used in the 60s. :-[
My first (real) guitar - 1968 Strat, white with maple fretboard. Sold it in the early 70s.
My 1964 Fender Concert amp. Sold it in the early 70s.
My mid-late 60s Princeton Reverb & Vibro Champ. Not 100% sure what happened to those, but I think I threw one of them in the trash when my parents asked me to get rid of my old crap in their house.
Late 60s Kustom 100, teal Naugahyde tuck & roll. Sold it in the early 70s.
At least I kept the acoustic I bought with my strat money - 1971 Martin D-28.
Quote from: bcalla on February 17, 2014, 05:31:55 AM
Let's see, what got away? Everything I owned / used in the 60s. :-[
My first (real) guitar - 1968 Strat, white with maple fretboard. Sold it in the early 70s.
My 1964 Fender Concert amp. Sold it in the early 70s.
My mid-late 60s Princeton Reverb & Vibro Champ. Not 100% sure what happened to those, but I think I threw one of them in the trash when my parents asked me to get rid of my old crap in their house.
Late 60s Kustom 100, teal Naugahyde tuck & roll. Sold it in the early 70s.
At least I kept the acoustic I bought with my strat money - 1971 Martin D-28.
Don't feel too bad bcalla. Some day people will be wishing they never got rid of their variaxes, pods, and zooms.
One good thing about being a hoarder/packrat. (As opposed to the unfortunately common tendency to sell everything that's worth more than two cents to get some guitar/pedal/amp that will solve ALL your problems, only to find that, while it's a damn nice guitar/amp/pedal, it's still a physical object, and not some magic fairy dust. And then wishing you hadn't sold everything to get the damn thing.)
Quote from: bcalla on February 17, 2014, 05:31:55 AM
Let's see, what got away? Everything I owned / used in the 60s. :-[
My first (real) guitar - 1968 Strat, white with maple fretboard. Sold it in the early 70s.
My 1964 Fender Concert amp. Sold it in the early 70s.
My mid-late 60s Princeton Reverb & Vibro Champ. Not 100% sure what happened to those, but I think I threw one of them in the trash when my parents asked me to get rid of my old crap in their house.
Late 60s Kustom 100, teal Naugahyde tuck & roll. Sold it in the early 70s.
At least I kept the acoustic I bought with my strat money - 1971 Martin D-28.
I'm glad this had a somewhat happy ending. I was on the verge of tears :'(
My first Lovetone Flanger I sold for £270 when I was a poor student.
Id get a least 2.5X that today on EBay.... :/
My first Tele was a white blonde like this from the 70's. I loaned to a friend for an evening and it got stolen out of the back of his van.
Peavey Valveking HD100-it's not vintage or anything but it was a beast! Throw a good OD in front of it and it would crush any 5150!
Gretsch 6 piece Catalina maple- I know they're drums but I've been playing drums since I was 11 (am now 30). This kit was glorious!
Boss PS3- not much else to say
Line 6 DL4 (modded by yours truly)-had all the bells and whistles! Miss it.
I've never had any vintage/really nice gear. I just seem to fall in love with what I have.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have any real sob stories. I did sell an Ibanez Artstar 120 Semi-Hollowbody that I probably should've hung onto. I may have to grab another one of them someday.
Neither do I really. I do regret selling a particularly good sounding Dunlop FF though. The blue Hendrix one, really sounded GOOOOD.
I used to have a vintage red Fender Mustang and '65 Twin Reverb re-issue. Both got stolen from my band's practice space. :C I'm pretty sure I found the Mustang a few years later at a local guitar shop, but couldn't prove it was mine (though the visible repairs matched things that were wrong with mine, or covered spray painting I had done).
Probably the only thing i regret selling is my Boss CS-2 that I modded a bit. I really liked that pedal. I got good money for it, but I still wish I owned it.
I've lent out a bunch of stuff never to see it again but the worst was a 1970s Rickenbacker bass. Wish I had that back.
Quote from: LaceSensor on February 17, 2014, 02:27:55 PM
My first Lovetone Flanger I sold for £270 when I was a poor student.
Id get a least 2.5X that today on EBay.... :/
That explains your lovetone addiction!
>:(Rick bass.Must kill thief. >:(
Quote from: das234 on February 17, 2014, 09:55:17 PM
I've lent out a bunch of stuff never to see it again but the worst was a 1970s Rickenbacker bass. Wish I had that back.
I had a Cort Bass stolen once. I left it somewhere I thought it would be safe. Found out that wasn't true when I went back for it.