
Projects => Build Reports => Topic started by: mct on December 14, 2013, 02:59:39 AM

Title: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: mct on December 14, 2013, 02:59:39 AM
Finished this build the other week. Kind of launched me on the path that I'm now taking, ending up here and in the DIY section at ILF. Nothing fancy here, just proud that it looks semi-clean and works. And damn does it sound good. I was stoked it was the muff I was looking for  8)

Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: alanp on December 14, 2013, 03:54:05 AM

Builds with battery snaps always make me feel faintly guilty :)

Nice looking work!
Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: Stomptown on December 14, 2013, 05:19:01 AM
Looks great!  :o I wish my first build looked that clean.

One thing to point out is that the black wire you have connecting the 1/4" jack sleeves (ground on each) is unnecessary. They are already connected to each other through the aluminum enclosure. As long as one of the sleeves is grounded the circuit (PCB and 3PDT) you are good to go! Unless you are using a plastic closed frame 1/4" jack (which your not). FYI, Madbean has an amazing standardized wiring diagram available on their projects page that is worth its weight in gold! I would definitely check it out when you get a chance.

Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: wretched on December 14, 2013, 05:25:13 AM
Looks great. I love me some Muffage!! What does the top look like ?
Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: Diamond on December 14, 2013, 12:17:32 PM
Nice! I really love my GGG Triangle. After trying many different transistors, the most regular, common, standard 2N3904's sounded best in mine. They gave the most clarity and tightness, if that's what you're after. Where did you get the red switch?
Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: mct on December 14, 2013, 09:02:46 PM
1. Pretty sure it's 125B, I'm not too familiar w/ my enclosures yet.
2. Good looks on the grounding, I'll have to try taking that out
3. The top is plain. Just the metal enclosure w/ some simple knobs
4. The red switch came w/ the GGG kit.
Title: Re: GGG Triangle Muff
Post by: selfdestroyer on December 14, 2013, 09:54:07 PM
Very nicely done. Looking forward to seeing more builds from you. The one pedal that has NEVER left my board over the years is some sort of Big Muff. Its my go to pedal. I suggest cranking it up and pissing off the neighbors then build another one. Rinse and repeat.