There doesn't seem to be a general talk thread here (of the sort that doesn't really merit a whole thread to itself), other than the Klon thread which is really about foul language and liquor. So here we go.
One thing always turns me off travelling ANYWHERE not in New Zealand.
There is no tipping culture in NZ -- I have never, ever given a tip in my entire life. It goes against the grain -- what, you can't live on the legal minimum wage? Then your boss is a stingy f**ker who needs to be taken to the Ministry of Business since he's paying you less than law mandates. You're legally entitled to, in NZ, $13.75NZD per hour, or $550 for a 40 hour week. There's no need to hold your hand out for extra, unless you drink like a fish or give it away to Sky City casino.
That said, I do understand that minimum wage laws overseas are messed up, and thus tipping is wholly necessary from the viewpoint of getting enough money to live on. It still goes against the grain, somewhat -- it smacks of Victorian gentlemen arrogantly tossing a penny to the street urchins to carry their bags. I also understand that if you do not tip, then people overseas chase you down the street.
As a whole, it makes me highly disinclined to ever travel overseas and have to ever think about it.
Mr. Pink totally agrees with you.
"Why do I have to be Mr. Pink?"
"Whaddaya mean, you don't tip?"
How 'bout livable wages? In passing the other day it was mentioned on the radio that some Walmarts were having Thanksgiving food drives to help out their employees.
Minimum wage here was, and maybe still is set lower for employees classified as servers. There's also been issue here lately of employers demanding payment by the servers based on what the servers should be getting tipped, 'you must pay me for the priviledge of working here'.
Never have an issue with leaving a tip for a job well done, restaurant, bar, cabbie, whatever...
Comparing NY wages Minimum is $7.25 = $8.91 NZ for a total of $356.40 NZ weekly.
Servers in NY can be paid Minimum $5 because they get tips. I hate having to figure out who to tip: mailman, newspaper deliverer?
It is going up in January but employers complain they will have to lay off workers or move out of state to find cheaper labor.
How does NZ do it (provide a more livable wage)?
Found this link it's sad (
Over here, the minimum wage is the minimum wage, regardless of what the job is.
I've been in some countries where the money people make working way more than 40 hours a week is barely enough to keep them and their families alive, so yeah, I tip. Plus I like travelling to much to let tipping keep me from it. It's just one of those things that comes along with it, so I deal with it. And sometimes, it doesn't even have to be money. In Cuba, people were often just as happy with a lighter, ballpoint pen or a strip of aspirin, because those were not readily available there (seriously!). I knew that, so I brought along a load.....
You'd be ok in the UK. Very little tipping occurs here. It freaked me out when I went to the US and you had to work out how much to tip everyone.
I'm all for minimum wage. But minimum wage is for minimum service.
Doesn't extra service (a smile, a nice word, speed) deserve a reward?
Bad service, no tip, it's as simple as that.
As juan said very little tipping in the uk , tipping in the US made me feel uncomfortable. I thought that the servers were sucking up and being very false just for their tips. And even when you got bad service you feel compelled to tip. All just a bit fake
Just finished "Heads on beds" wirtten by some guy who'd been in the hotel industry for a very long time. The US tipping culture, from what I can gather, constitutes a big part of the actual wage and makes a big difference to what you take home at the end of the week. Apparently slipping a $20 to the agent on the front desk can make your stay at the hotel much nicer...
Australia doesn't have much of a tipping culture per se, but if you feel like it, you can. If anyone gets tipped, it'll probably be bartenders or card gaming staff who generally divvy up the whole take up with each other at the end of the night. But no one expects it. If you were tip some supermarket monkey who pushed your trolly out to the car beacuse you were busy keeping triplet 4 year olds under control he'd probably look at you wierd and give it back.
Here in Canada, tipping is pretty typical in many situations. The worst practice I find is the 'mandatory' tipping that's sometimes enforced by some businesses. For example, if you go into some restaurants with a group of 10 or more, an automatic %15 tip is applied to the final bill. They say because the large group requires extra effort on the part of the server, but largely I think it's because big groups tip poorly, so to make up for it the business puts a policy in place.
Long story sort, I'm not a super huge fan of tipping, especially as it's become an expected or even mandatory practice here in North America.
When my family went for a vacation in Mexico, they encouraged us, quite often actually, NOT to tip, as tips were already worked into the prices we'd paid on everything. However, knowing how little the staff at the resort we worked at, and the people we encountered actually make, it was hard not to want to tip them.
I think the best policy any country should have is that tipping is an act of generosity based on a good encounter of service from another. I'm happy to tip anyone, but I hate being told you 'have' to. I think our country should change the policies for restaurants, and that restaurants should pay their workers better and we should simply pay our bill. But ask any server, and they'll tell you they'd rather get tips, because it's all 'tax free.' When you only get taxed on a minimum wage basis, you rarely end up with much tax at the end of the year, you keep most of your wage. If you get 'tips' to make up the large difference, and you don't claim them, you usually can walk away with all the cash, no taxes, and in the end you're a drain on our system. Servers love it. Customers who are aware, don't.
Travelling is all about sampling different cultures, new foods, beverages, music and arts, languages, toilets and tipping practices, never mind tipping the toilet attendant. Embrace the differences get down and dirty with the locals, when in Rome do as the Romans...
I simply can't imagine going on some pre-packaged insulated/isolated, bubble wrapped tour/cruise where you're lead around by hand from one overpriced trinket stand to another never, yech.
Alan don't let some minor little difference in culture keep you at home, get out there have a blast, what goes down in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Quote from: davent on December 01, 2013, 04:19:13 PM
Travelling is all about sampling different cultures, new foods, beverages, music and arts, languages, toilets and tipping practices, never mind tipping the toilet attendant. Embrace the differences get down and dirty with the locals, when in Rome do as the Romans...
I simply can't imagine going on some pre-packaged insulated/isolated, bubble wrapped tour/cruise where you're lead around by hand from one overpriced trinket stand to another never, yech.
Alan don't let some minor little difference in culture keep you at home, get out there have a blast, what goes down in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Big +1 on this!
All joking aside, tipping in the US (at least for servers) is a huge part of their income and they actually get taxed on the tips as well. I used to be a waiter back in college and know this first hand. Minimum wage in the US is around $7.50/hr however if you are a server the employer can pay you as little as $2.50/hr (it varies by state) because they count the tips they receive as part of the minimum wage. As long as your tips + the crappy wage they pay you ends up over $7.50 it is considered OK. Therefore, it is customary to tip about 15-20% here in the US. All credit card tips are automatically taxed (because they are in the computer system) and most employers count at least 10% of a servers's sales as the minimum for being taxed. So if you sold $1000 worth of food in a night, they would assume you made at least $1000 (even though you probably grossed about $150 @ 15%) and tax you on it. You would also get a measly little check at the end of the week because they would calculate out the hours you worked, times the "server minimum wage" and then take the taxes out of it calculated on both your sales and what you claim. Lots of times my checks would be like $30-$50 for around 30+ hours of work due to the taxes.
Depending on where you serve food here, it could be quite a lot of money depending on the price of food you serve (say at a fancy seafood lobster restaurant) or it could be crap (say at a waffle house/breakfast shack). Also, servers here in the US often times have to split their earned tips between the bartenders who make alcoholic drinks for their tables, the busboys who clear the tables, and the runners who bring food out from the kitchen. Not to mention that they work every holiday, and usually Fri/Sat nights (where the money is). It's safe to say that I don't miss that profession any more..but it could be great money for a kid going to college.
Other tips here in the US are usually for taxi drivers, bellhops, tour guides, babysitters, dog walkers, valet parkers, and even sometimes those who give you food in a coffee/donut shop. These are optional and nowhere near the customary 15% for servers. Depends on the amount of the service but it could be an extra $1 to an extra $5.
Totally different than the EU or other places I travel to around the world!
Hmmm... well, like I said, I don't like the idea of it. I'm not their boss, supervisor, or employer. They're supposed to pay the wages. I'm out for a good night, not to figure out someone else's wages.
The only places I've ever seen "tip jars" are in American coffee shops, like Star Bucks, and even then there's never much in them.
Yeah it's pretty funny when I go to Europe and tip for a beer they look at me funny and then are super happy. It's not uncommon in the US to tip $1 per drink.
Here in Greece, tipping is not even mandatory or imposed by law or anything. Although the wages are extremely low, something like 3 Euros per hour for a typical cafe server (convert that to dollars and you'll see), customers rarely leave a tip for the servers. In the end of it, it's their job and they get paid for it, regardless the number of customers on the table they serve. And they do leave a tip, they do it out of true generosity to the server.
To truly understand the financial state here in Greece, most of the times, even the customer can't leave a tip, because he can't afford it. Really. It sounds extravagant, but if you take to account that the minimum monthly wage is set to 586 Euros, you'll see what I mean.
Nevertheless, I do leave a tip, when I can. But it really (I mean, really) bothered me when I recently visited Wien, Austria, and went to a restaurant where the 10% tip was already included in the check! :o
I now understand that this is a legal policy in the States and other countries, and although it would bother, I would indeed leave a tip, if it's imposed by law.
You think Greece economy is in the crapper? Over here the minimum wage is 392 Euro... ???
Tipping happens but very rarely, mostly because people don't have any extra to give, no matter how great the service.
Quote from: muddyfox on December 02, 2013, 12:02:38 PM
You think Greece economy is in the crapper? Over here the minimum wage is 392 Euro... ???
Tipping happens but very rarely, mostly because people don't have any extra to give, no matter how great the service.
Oh god, I'm sorry man.. Where do you live?
Then, we're both in the crapper. Sure thing, there are people who get paid under the minimum monthly wage, you know. We are pretty crappy here too.
Same thing here, unfortunately plenty of people "living" on money way below minimum wage. Even worse, it often includes pretty hard labor.
I'm just a bit north of you, fresh in EU, right here in Croatia. Luckily I'm quite a bit better off but I still struggle to make ends meet every few months.
I do make it a point to tip when a tip is well deserved but, as you rightly noticed, having restaurants include the tip on the check is just preposterous. I'm pretty sure none of that makes it's way to employee's pocket (mostly because it's taxable).
In Brazil, the tip is included in the bill. I think 10%. The good thing is that if you are not satisfied with the service, you can ask to remove it from the bill (it has to be very bad for that). I've travelled to lots of different countries and I like the Brazilian way, once you don't have to bother thinking how much you need to give as a tip. and when the waitress are cute, you can give them your telephone written on a napkin, you might get lucky! :P
Sorry, but every time I see an international hospitality news story, this pricks up my ears.
"Thanks for buying a pair of jeans... that will be forty dollars, plus YOU DECIDE whether the shelf boy eats tonight!"
Quote from: juansolo on December 01, 2013, 09:48:28 AM
You'd be ok in the UK. Very little tipping occurs here. It freaked me out when I went to the US and you had to work out how much to tip everyone.
Really John? I ate in a restaurant in London, first day i arrived, didn't tip (was not accustomed as tipping in Australia is optional) and the owner nearly punched me out. Yelled some derogatory comment at us as we left. Great first impression of London by the way lol ;-)
Needless to say after which i started to tip. And for the larger part of our trip, discovered you cant scratch your balls in Europe without SOMEBODY needing a coin.
Quote from: chromesphere on April 02, 2015, 10:53:14 AM
Really John? I ate in a restaurant in London, first day i arrived, didn't tip (was not accustomed as tipping in Australia is optional) and the owner nearly punched me out. Yelled some derogatory comment at us as we left. Great first impression of London by the way lol ;-)
Needless to say after which i started to tip. And for the larger part of our trip, discovered you cant scratch your balls in Europe without SOMEBODY needing a coin.
That's because you were in London ;)
Us Northerners are a friendlier bunch :)
Tipping is semi-expected in the UK. If you have had good service and good food then around 10% is usual game. If you have had bad service and bad food then a tip is no way necessary.
I can't say tipping get's on my tits to be honest... but then it is usually just me and my wife I'm paying for (not a whole family), so the amounts involved aren't that large.
Never been to a country where tipping is expected because the minimum wage system is broken, but then again I've never been to the US. I can imagine I would be pissed though if I went to a restaurant and at the end I'd be forced to pay more then the price as on the menu. Hidden service charges do piss me off. If I have to pay 20% so the serving staff can have a living wage then include that in the prices as on the menu. Just like airlines should be honest and advertise their tickets including airport taxes and service charges as well.
And since we're soapboxing, how about airport security checks? A massive inconvenience and for what? A zero % apprehension rate in caught terrorists. None. Zilch. Nada. Njet. Non. Niks. No terrorist plot has ever been stopped by the guys and girls checking everything you wear and carry and who stop just short of fingering your colon. More lives could probably have been saved by hiring a psychologist to check the mental health of airline pilots, or by applying some common sense as to not fly airliners over a war zone.
What I don't understand is the amount expected in a tip. For a restaurant, for example, when I was younger a pretty standard amount was 15% of the final bill. Then I run into some friends who tell me that when they were servers 15% was a minimum, and 20% was more acceptable. But my sister-in-law was also a wait server and when I tried tipping her she scoffed and said "for a pizza place, don't tip more than a dollar a person. That's plenty."
So I really have no idea about what's expected even where I live. I think it varies by person and by restaurant and by city and by State here in the U.S.
Quote from: chromesphere on April 02, 2015, 10:53:14 AM
Quote from: juansolo on December 01, 2013, 09:48:28 AM
You'd be ok in the UK. Very little tipping occurs here. It freaked me out when I went to the US and you had to work out how much to tip everyone.
Really John? I ate in a restaurant in London, first day i arrived, didn't tip (was not accustomed as tipping in Australia is optional) and the owner nearly punched me out. Yelled some derogatory comment at us as we left. Great first impression of London by the way lol ;-)
Needless to say after which i started to tip. And for the larger part of our trip, discovered you cant scratch your balls in Europe without SOMEBODY needing a coin.
London is a shithole (actually that's unfair, the centre is actually quite nice now). But like Paris, please don't confuse the capitol as being anything like the rest of the country... It's it's own separate entity.
Some posher restaurants might expect a tip. Don't go to posher restaurants ;)
Find a proper pub, get pie (chips and mushy peas) and a pint. You won't need to tip.
I'll give ya a tip: Get out of the food service business!
What irks me is when you order room service and at the bottom of the page it has a 3% service charge and a 15% gratuity charge and then the guy waits for his tip after bringing your food.
I'm starting a new business called AFM Ltd. Anything for Money!
Quote from: Justus on April 02, 2015, 02:00:00 PM
What I don't understand is the amount expected in a tip. For a restaurant, for example, when I was younger a pretty standard amount was 15% of the final bill. Then I run into some friends who tell me that when they were servers 15% was a minimum, and 20% was more acceptable. But my sister-in-law was also a wait server and when I tried tipping her she scoffed and said "for a pizza place, don't tip more than a dollar a person. That's plenty."
So I really have no idea about what's expected even where I live. I think it varies by person and by restaurant and by city and by State here in the U.S.
20% in restaurants is typical, I get that. Where I'm confused is in the fast food places where you walk up to the counter, then stand there until your food is ready. Most of these places now have tip jars. Do I have to tip them also?
A conundrum that arises is that while you may be against a restaurant not paying a person a living wage or at least the minimum wage for any other job, tipping out of a feeling of obligation while it is nice for the person receiving the tip, is it not just propping up a poor business practice of expecting the customer to directly pay the employee rather than accounting for it in the cost of the service?
I'm more amazed that restaurants get away with it. Why is there no law enforcing a minimum wage in all sectors of the economy? Or is that considered 'socialist'?
We have a minimum wage (by no means a living wage) but there's a number of levels; general, students, liquor servers who are at the low rung on the ladder, expected that their income will be supplimented by tips then a couple other levels.
I just caught part of a radio talk show and the guest was someone who just published some research on tipped workers. For many years the federal minimum wage for tipped workers was set at 50% of the minimum for other hourly workers. In the 90's the law was amended and the tipped minimum wage was set at $2.13 and disconnected from the standard hourly minimum. So while the federal minimum has been raised a few times since then, the minimum for tipped works is stuck at $2.13. (As stated in other posts, many states have higher minimums). A piece of trivia for US residents is that the person who negotiated that disconnect on behalf of the restaurant lobby was former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 02, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
I'm more amazed that restaurants get away with it. Why is there no law enforcing a minimum wage in all sectors of the economy? Or is that considered 'socialist'?
We have minimum wage here and it's reasonably well enforced. But minimum wage here is $9/hr for food servers and the average house price is now over $1million - you do the math - I don't mind giving a 20-30% tip IF the service is very good...
All this talk about the US and confusion around tipping / amounts / staff getting underpaid and ripped off makes me happy that we don't have any of that BS in Australia. We know we're getting ripped off up front from the meal prices ;-)
"$40 for a steak! i thought we were one of the largest meat exporters in the world".
Key word there being export.
"We could either sell to Arabia, Europe, China, and NorthAm for big bikkies, or locally for less...
"Let's do BOTH for big bikkies!"
Quote from: davent on December 01, 2013, 04:19:13 PM
Travelling is all about sampling different cultures, new foods, beverages, music and arts, languages, toilets and tipping practices, never mind tipping the toilet attendant. Embrace the differences get down and dirty with the locals, when in Rome do as the Romans...
I simply can't imagine going on some pre-packaged insulated/isolated, bubble wrapped tour/cruise where you're lead around by hand from one overpriced trinket stand to another never, yech.
Alan don't let some minor little difference in culture keep you at home, get out there have a blast, what goes down in Vegas stays in Vegas.
+1 on that
When i was a child, i was raised by mom only, she was working as a barmaid... once she was done paying all the bills with her small paycheck it's her tip that was allowing us to go at Mr.Submarine every Sunday and payed for other activities so my brother and I could do activities and have fun experience to share with our friends at school.... like any
normal kid would...
A bit of kindness goes a longway sometime... i always tip well if the service is good... rule of thumb is 20% of my bill, if the service is poor, i'll let them know but give the minimum required so it's not taken from their tax return at the end of the year.
Quote from: rumbletone on April 03, 2015, 02:17:20 AM
Quote from: Muadzin on April 02, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
I'm more amazed that restaurants get away with it. Why is there no law enforcing a minimum wage in all sectors of the economy? Or is that considered 'socialist'?
We have minimum wage here and it's reasonably well enforced. But minimum wage here is $9/hr for food servers and the average house price is now over $1million - you do the math - I don't mind giving a 20-30% tip IF the service is very good...
I looked... but my guess was Vancouver.
I did the same - I am in Vancouver too.
This is my soapbox thread so hell with it.
Another thing that bugs me is how "America" refers to one country.
North America... South America... doesn't matter, two massive bloody continents, they only mean one country on one of them.
Peru is in America. Or is that now the continent south of the continent that America is on?
Canada is in America. Or is that north of the country called America, on an unnamed continent?
Quote from: alanp on April 04, 2015, 08:20:22 AM
This is my soapbox thread so hell with it.
Another thing that bugs me is how "America" refers to one country.
North America... South America... doesn't matter, two massive bloody continents, they only mean one country on one of them.
Peru is in America. Or is that now the continent south of the continent that America is on?
Canada is in America. Or is that north of the country called America, on an unnamed continent?
I think this falls into the same category as Americans thinking they own the word football so the rest of the world has to call its game soccer.
I call myself an American not with a sense of exclusivity. It's just what we call ourselves. I definitely don't swell with pride at the sound of it. I was born in Canada anyway. My parents met and got married up there because they were going to school there. My dad tells me of a time when he called a Canadian an American, in the continental sense, and almost got his lights punched out. It seems there was at least one of them who would rather let us have the title.
Just because someone inexplicably named the entire land masses of the western hemisphere after a lesser known Italian explorer doesn't mean we as Canadians have any attachment to the term 'american'. The USAers can have it!
All of my meaningless crappy rants got deleted in the rollback. So lucky you lot, you all get fresh rants (smelling faintly, nonetheless, of the old ones.)
Perhaps it's because my family never OWNED a console (whether of the Nintendo, Sony, or Sega variety) and I never gained any skills with using ONLY my thumbs (I grew up playing games first on a C64, then a 486-DLC33, so I'm used to all TEN fingers, tyvm)...
... but I've never felt any attachment at all to the various Nintendo games.
Whenever Yahtzee reviews one, my mental groan is normally something along the lines of, "Oh Ghod, not another bloody Zelda/Mario game."
It's getting to the point where I'm half expecting the next zombie-crowbar in a movie/game to be of old, seriously overworked Nintendo characters. (What's a zombie-crowbar? When you're playing a game or watching a movie that has no plot reason for zombies, or elegant thematic slide to zombies, but the developer/director crams them in anyway, because pop culture. Exhibit 1: Saints Row 3.)
I'd like to see another Impossible Mission game. Maybe they could trawl the retirement homes for old Epyx employees, those guys knew how to make a good game.
Or Apogee. What studios did they evaporate into? Secret Agent Man could do with a sequel, too.
Or that classic Amiga game, GODS. That was one of the best games, ever. And no, it was NOT some twitchy God Of War bloodfest, it was a fun platformer. (Handy tip -- always go up, or whatever way is the biggest pain in the ass -- that's where the level designer normally put the good stuff.)
My point being, I guess, with all this amazing history, can't Nintendo licence some of it (should be cheap, it's been out of circulation for decades) and stop flogging horses that are so dead, you'd think the corpse had been kept in a drum of acid.
I started a Gamer Blog that I promptly didn't bother ever updating. But I suspect I'm the other side of the fence ;)
On that I'd say that the repetition in gaming crosses all platforms. How many derivatives of COD are there now? It's like the film industry, nostalgia sells (looks at the new Star Wars film, which is just the first three condensed and made shiny and new).
With that, you understand I will be buying the new Zelda game when it comes out ;)
This guy is utterly INSANE.
This was on the level of clocking the ORIGINAL Prince of Persia.
My reflexes are long gone. Though my game was the Hard Driving arcade machine. I could stick 50p in that and just keep driving around and around.
My brother was more impressive, the local arcade had a clocked Defender (so it ran at nearly double speed), because he got sick of people sticking 10p in it and playing all day. Which still my brother could do.
But yeah, video games used to be rock hard. I like to think they've got easier to cope with the fact that we've all been getting older and kids are just wusses now.
QuoteBut yeah, video games used to be rock hard. I like to think they've got easier to cope with the fact that we've all been getting older and kids are just wusses now.
There were more "games". Now a lot of it just seems to be QTE cut scenes to advance a "story".
I understand the economic reasons for it. Bigger, better, more = more units sold, but the days of hunting for a key in Doom while down to your last couple of shotgun shells and faced with a room full of Cacodaemons are gone.
I've probably put a couple of hundred hours into Fallout 4, but it isn't Fallout. It's barely even Fallout 3. I've finished every Fallout game thus far but F4 is basically a shooter. I pickpocketed and sneak stole a few times in F3, but there's rarely/no any call for it now. Actually, I stole owned items in F4 out of sight and hidden out of a box and had people in other rooms start on me. Work that out.
Every now and again though, something comes out that gets everything in balance, like Braid... Emotional content, gameplay, story..
Soapbox moment - Kardashian Worship. WTF? Seriously, society has to stop making stupid people famous.
Sounds like you guys need to play Dark Souls.
Go play Dark Souls.
There are times I feel like something of a freak in this modern world. I don't really use my cellphone (it took a few months of being yelled at, before I remember to actually check the damn thing when leaving work), I don't go out and party and jump and scream, and I haven't lived in a house with a TV for at least half a decade. (These days, I only watch TV when I'm at Mum and Dad's and feeling utterly bored.) (
I can't stand advertising, either. Of any sort. If it's of the kind that seems to religiously believe, "if we bombard them with this shit often enough, they'll start to LIKE the smell!", then I will decide to boycott entirely the company or their product.
Advertising on the TV or radio really pisses me off. "F**K OFF AND LET ME WATCH THE BLOODY REST! I DO NOT BLOODY WANT TO BUY YOUR GARBAGE!"
Advertising on Youtube gets close-boxed, and re-opened in my other browser that has an ad-blocker.
Advertising on the web gets adblocked entirely.
My tolerance for advertising is swiftly approaching zero these days. And no, I don't really care if they try to make it funny.
You're freak Alan but that's ok. I've never owned a cell phone or car for that matter. Never seen an episode of The Simpsons, Seinfield or pretty much anything else that was produced as a tv fictional story in the last 25-30 years.
We used to have a tv, i'd walk past the room it was in and if something someone was watching caught my eye i'd stop, stand and watch 'til a commercial came on then move on to far more interesting matters. Rare was a show that could get me to stick around for the commercial break to end.
You're fine!
Quote from: davent on February 15, 2016, 05:12:14 PM
You're freak Alan but that's ok. I've never owned a cell phone or car for that matter. Never seen an episode of The Simpsons, Seinfield or pretty much anything else that was produced as a tv fictional story in the last 25-30 years.
We used to have a tv, i'd walk past the room it was in and if something someone was watching caught my eye i'd stop, stand and watch 'til a commercial came on then move on to far more interesting matters. Rare was a show that could get me to stick around for the commercial break to end.
You're fine!
that sir, is very impressive!
Didn't want to start a thread for this, so I'm using my insa--er, inane rambling thread. (
Lots of amazing, amazing photos.
Lots of photos that will make you feel ill, but amazing nonetheless.
I do own a cell phone, but don't use it (it's in the car, switched off. Has been for years). I don't answer the house phone because it's been spammed to the point of 1 in 10 calls actually being someone who I'd want to talk to. Add to this that I'm a on the extreme end of introversion, the sound of a phone ringing I find annoying as it's almost always when I'm doing something else and I don't want to talk to someone right now.
I have a TV, but I don't watch TV on it. If they sold monitors in that size I'd happily swap it out. I've tried to watch the new X-Files on it in the last couple of weeks and it's only served to remind me why I don't. 10 mins in, ooh getting interesting... BAM adverts taking you right out of the programme... Rinse and repeat in 15 min blocks. I can't stand TV. I love film and good TV shows, but broadcast TV is bullshit and I can't deal with it.
I also cannot stand news in any medium. 24hr stations killed it on TV. They have to fill the time up and it's just become tabloid bullshit journalism. Newspapers are worse as they seem to only exist now to spread vileness like xenophobia, fear, scaremongering, and just plain sensationalist bullshit and lies. Then you have the downright creepy hypocrisy of them asking for peadophiles to be burned on one page, followed by some bikini pics of some very young thing on the next saying how 'grown up' she is... I find our newspapers abhorrent in every way.
Generally I think it's media on the whole. The world is a bit of a shithole to be fair, which we're responsible for. Greed and callousness is rampant. I know it, but I don't need it ramming down my throat all the fucking time. Because there's also good out there, which gets drowned in all this negativity, spite, hate and fear that you get bombarded with in the media. (
Yes, I have a massive soft spot for Impossible Mission.
That, and the original civ (where you needed a spare 3.5" disc if you wanted to save your game, none of this saving to hard drive newfangled crap!)
Quote from: alanp on February 17, 2016, 06:11:38 AM
Didn't want to start a thread for this, so I'm using my insa--er, inane rambling thread. (
Lots of amazing, amazing photos.
Lots of photos that will make you feel ill, but amazing nonetheless.
woah. :o
I'm still horribly, horribly disappointed in Django Unchained.
Reinhardt was robbed.
It's hard to think of a musician who influenced other players more. And they made the movie about some no-name!
Yes, I still hold a special place of hatred in my heart for "Boring FM" type stations. Especially while the girls at work still love them.
One has a name of "Real World Radio" (I shit you not), voiced in an overly dramatic USAian voice (although somewhat higher pitched than the standard "This summer, terror has a new name!" movie Serious Man Voice.)
Because the Real World always has a soundtrack written by some pencilneck-psychologist no one outside the labels has heard of, performed by someone insulated from typical human biomass by several layers of servants and couriers, and recorded in some Los Angeles studio. The Real New Zealand World has a dramatic voiceover with a foreign accent. The Real World always has utterly banal, boring themes of either relationships, or I'm-So-Great!
Calling it Real World Radio is like saying that Pamela Anderson's chest in Baywatch is totes real.
Oh, and hiphop self-aggrandizing songs get up my nose, as well. I can't help but suspect that the same swaggering idiots singing "Ain't nobody gonna fuck with us!" would sooner eat broken glass than sing the exact same line outside the local Mongrel Mob or Black Power pad.
This may be something to do with the national tendency towards humility. A thread on a NZ guitar forum recently asked, "If you were a guitar, what would you be?"
The answers tended to be along the lines of "A superstrat, boring and ugly to look at, but it makes some nice sounds," and, "A new Gibson LP -- looks like some classic figures earlier in the bloodline, but doesn't sound anywhere as good, and nowhere near as desirable."
Someone commented that if they'd asked that on TGP or similar, responses would be more like, "I'm a '59 Sunburst! I look like God, and sound like Jehovah!"
I've just bought myself a SNES (again, had one back in the day). My life is complete.
How common is central heating? An article I'm reading reckons that it's one of the big shocks that happens to foreigners who move to New Zealand.
Over here, central heating is VERY uncommon. You're more likely to get a small heater in the corner of the room you're in, and wood fires are very common. (I don't use mine, since I'm usually at the opposite end of the house to the lounge, and it makes no sense to me to waste money on burning wood then.) I've got a fan ventilation setup, but all it is is basically a fan with some air filters in it. It just moves it around, it doesn't make the air hotter or colder.
People certainly don't bother heating hallways, as the article suggests non-kiwi's do. Bathrooms with heat lamps in them get heated, sure, but that's it -- having a heater plugged in there sounds like a recipe for disaster.
(Another article I read, years ago, reckoned that when the first European settlers arrived, they learnt that while your toes still get damn frosty here, sleeping without the fire going in winter won't kill you, and therefore promptly gave up on the whole insulation nonsense. Older houses here are notoriously freezing in winter.)
Quote from: juansolo on March 04, 2016, 08:20:10 AM
I've just bought myself a SNES (again, had one back in the day). My life is complete.
Yesterday I picked up a PC-Engine Duo... In between I've got an N64 and a PS2... It's getting to be a problem* I feel ;)
*I'm running out of power and inputs.
Quote from: alanp on May 11, 2016, 06:48:33 AM
How common is central heating?
99% of houses have it I'd say here (UK). Mainly due to the fact that the weather is miserable and cold most of the time. For the two weeks of the year the weather is warm enough that the overly insulated houses become furnaces, we generally put up with it (but moan... much like we moan when it's cold, or wet), because it never lasts. No one has A/C really outside businesses. So sales of fans from the local DIY stores peaks for that two weeks, then they get chucked in the loft for the rest of the year.
Given all the above, more convertibles are sold in the UK than anywhere else in Europe... We have our eccentricities...
I was actually tempted to get an X-box the other day.
Not enough to actually consider uncracking my wallet and spending money on one, mind you. But tempted on a "That might be nice level."
There may be the odd old farm or building but over here every home has central heating as well. For pretty much the same reasons as juansolo stated. Although as a continental country we at least get twice the number of weeks with insufferable heat then the UK. Made worse because the Netherlands is basically one giant low lying swamp so the humidity then becomes oppressive. It will get worse as the climate gets hotter.
Quote from: Muadzin on May 11, 2016, 09:15:14 AM
There may be the odd old farm or building but over here every home has central heating as well. For pretty much the same reasons as juansolo stated. Although as a continental country we at least get twice the number of weeks with insufferable heat then the UK. Made worse because the Netherlands is basically one giant low lying swamp so the humidity then becomes oppressive. It will get worse as the climate gets hotter.
if the climate gets hotter, "the flood" from melting icecaps will cool you guys first ;)
same in Austria with more warm weather. Especially in Vienna, we had a few weeks 30+ °C the last years, which is nice if you are in a basement lab with a glass front without AC and 60 students working with solvents. Hurra for ether!
the last time I went without central heating was living in Florida where we had a room heater for the handful of cold days a year ... in Kansas, grateful to have heat.
When you can go months in the winter where you get a day here and there where it doesn't go up above freezing, central heating is the norm. And in the summer plus 30 C, with humidity plus 40 C, central air is very prevalent if not, window units. We use a few fans, i love the heat. One night a few summers ago i had my infra red thermometer in the bedroom for some reason, the walls and bed were reading 34 C, woke up in the morning buried under the quilt that keeps me warm in the winter.
In Michigan we have an excellent mix of all weather and seasons. I've never been in a home without central heat in this state. Other warmer states like Florida Arizona could be possible but not this far north. I have a fireplace and I do burn in it sometimes in the winter as I enjoy it a lot. But it is more work than pushing the "heat on" button. Central AC is pretty common these days. When I was a kid in the 80's it was much less common. Several family members had no AC.
Quote from: alanp on May 11, 2016, 08:47:14 AM
I was actually tempted to get an X-box the other day.
Not enough to actually consider uncracking my wallet and spending money on one, mind you. But tempted on a "That might be nice level."
I picked up one at a thrift store a few weeks ago to try to do the memory upgrade. I picked up the memory here: (
Just got it a couple days ago.. I'm not afraid of soldering it but more afraid of the desoldering process. I have been watching a bunch of Youtube vids on it.
I have a couple others that are workhorses. One is modded with a SmartXX and the other (Halo green edition) is softmoded. I would recommend picking one up and tossing a 2TB HDD in it and get to playing. I think I may still have the notes from when I softmoded mine and put the 2TB HDD in if you want them.
Re-listening to Tomita's version of _The Planets_ (RIP Isao Tomita).
I like how he put his own spin on it... not just a note for note performance, like Carlos' Switched On Bach. Although this did get it banned in the UK by Holst's daughter, who felt he went too far.
Quote from: m-Kresol on May 11, 2016, 12:17:45 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on May 11, 2016, 09:15:14 AM
There may be the odd old farm or building but over here every home has central heating as well. For pretty much the same reasons as juansolo stated. Although as a continental country we at least get twice the number of weeks with insufferable heat then the UK. Made worse because the Netherlands is basically one giant low lying swamp so the humidity then becomes oppressive. It will get worse as the climate gets hotter.
if the climate gets hotter, "the flood" from melting icecaps will cool you guys first ;)
Perhaps. I've once calculated that with a maximum sealevel rise Nijmegen would become a sea side city. So on the plus side I'd get more cool sea breeze and a nice view.
Then again, if there's one thing the Dutch are good at it its designing flood defenses. They say that the Great Wall of China was the only man made structure you could see from space. That turned out to be wrong. There is of course a real man made structure you can see from space. It's called the Netherlands.
Quotesame in Austria with more warm weather. Especially in Vienna, we had a few weeks 30+ °C the last years, which is nice if you are in a basement lab with a glass front without AC and 60 students working with solvents. Hurra for ether!
Our old offices in the university library on the first floor were constantly being baked by the sun 24/7, had no air conditioning and the automatic sun screens had a bad habit of always going up when the sun was shining the most. And it was
still a better place to be then my own home.
I could do without central heating --- it's central AC that I could NEVER give up.
Texas heat sucks sucks sucks
...and we are heading into the worst part :'(
Zero Punctuation's weekly review came out on youtube an hour ago.
... and it's Yet Another Fking Mario Game. You know, because we don't have well ENOUGH of the fking things yet. Whatsherface gets kidnapped, the short fat one collects crack stars, repeated ad nauseum until Nintendo have put out another five games without so much as a penny coming back to them.
Yes, I know it's a retro review. Doesn't make my point less valid. And continuity? It's a PLATFORMER.
Like I said, I never owned a console, whether of the Sega, Nintendo, or Sony variety. I've never played Mario (don't think there was a C64 version... I had hundreds of games on that thing.) Maybe that's why several dozen reviews piddling away time on Yet Another Mario Game pisses me off, when he could be reviewing something that wasn't rubber stamped out.
Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 11, 2016, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: alanp on May 11, 2016, 08:47:14 AM
I was actually tempted to get an X-box the other day.
Not enough to actually consider uncracking my wallet and spending money on one, mind you. But tempted on a "That might be nice level."
I picked up one at a thrift store a few weeks ago to try to do the memory upgrade. I picked up the memory here: (
Just got it a couple days ago.. I'm not afraid of soldering it but more afraid of the desoldering process. I have been watching a bunch of Youtube vids on it.
I have a couple others that are workhorses. One is modded with a SmartXX and the other (Halo green edition) is softmoded. I would recommend picking one up and tossing a 2TB HDD in it and get to playing. I think I may still have the notes from when I softmoded mine and put the 2TB HDD in if you want them.
Cody, is there any chance you'll reuse the old chip that you're desoldering? If not, you can carefully cut each leg off and then it's easy to take them off one at a time (and then clean up the pads with a solder wick).
Or have you solved this already?
Quote from: pickdropper on May 25, 2016, 06:13:53 PM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 11, 2016, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: alanp on May 11, 2016, 08:47:14 AM
I was actually tempted to get an X-box the other day.
Not enough to actually consider uncracking my wallet and spending money on one, mind you. But tempted on a "That might be nice level."
I picked up one at a thrift store a few weeks ago to try to do the memory upgrade. I picked up the memory here: (
Just got it a couple days ago.. I'm not afraid of soldering it but more afraid of the desoldering process. I have been watching a bunch of Youtube vids on it.
I have a couple others that are workhorses. One is modded with a SmartXX and the other (Halo green edition) is softmoded. I would recommend picking one up and tossing a 2TB HDD in it and get to playing. I think I may still have the notes from when I softmoded mine and put the 2TB HDD in if you want them.
Cody, is there any chance you'll reuse the old chip that you're desoldering? If not, you can carefully cut each leg off and then it's easy to take them off one at a time (and then clean up the pads with a solder wick).
Or have you solved this already?
Funny you bring this up, I was wrong about needing to desolder anything. The tutorial I was reading was from people taking the ram chips out of non-working Xboxs and adding them to another Xbox. The original xbox mother board has 2 empty spots for more memory seen here: (
I ordered new memory and got it but have yet put the time aside to solder it in. Soon I hope.
But, the tip you gave would have worked out nicely if I was not reusing the part for sure. I will have to try that with the Sega Dreamcast BIOS update if I choose not to piggyback it to the existing BIOS.
Thanks man
Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 25, 2016, 09:33:38 PM
Quote from: pickdropper on May 25, 2016, 06:13:53 PM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 11, 2016, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: alanp on May 11, 2016, 08:47:14 AM
I was actually tempted to get an X-box the other day.
Not enough to actually consider uncracking my wallet and spending money on one, mind you. But tempted on a "That might be nice level."
I picked up one at a thrift store a few weeks ago to try to do the memory upgrade. I picked up the memory here: (
Just got it a couple days ago.. I'm not afraid of soldering it but more afraid of the desoldering process. I have been watching a bunch of Youtube vids on it.
I have a couple others that are workhorses. One is modded with a SmartXX and the other (Halo green edition) is softmoded. I would recommend picking one up and tossing a 2TB HDD in it and get to playing. I think I may still have the notes from when I softmoded mine and put the 2TB HDD in if you want them.
Cody, is there any chance you'll reuse the old chip that you're desoldering? If not, you can carefully cut each leg off and then it's easy to take them off one at a time (and then clean up the pads with a solder wick).
Or have you solved this already?
Funny you bring this up, I was wrong about needing to desolder anything. The tutorial I was reading was from people taking the ram chips out of non-working Xboxs and adding them to another Xbox. The original xbox mother board has 2 empty spots for more memory seen here: (
I ordered new memory and got it but have yet put the time aside to solder it in. Soon I hope.
But, the tip you gave would have worked out nicely if I was not reusing the part for sure. I will have to try that with the Sega Dreamcast BIOS update if I choose not to piggyback it to the existing BIOS.
Thanks man
Sure thing. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Apparently the Finns in WW2 had a battlecry, "Tulta munille", translating to "Fire at their balls!" :o
Rumor has it that Patton tried to convince Eisenhower to let his 3rd Army advance into Czechoslovakia and that one of the arguments he used was that unlike the German frauleins, which were zum strengsten forboten for his men, the Czech women could be 'fraternized' with.
I like when websites do...
Yeeeah... like I'm going to bother signing up for some random, pokey little news website that came up in a google trawl.
Plenty of other fish in the sea.
We've got a nice little ritual at work (that I seem to have started.)
On Friday, half an hour before knock off time... crank up some AC/DC to get people in a weekend mood 8)
Even though fridays are my day off today I went back to the office because they were having pie, just for a slice. I'm such a pie addict. :(
That is the coolest Pie song ever!
I work in the Small Goods department at work -- hearts, lung, liver, kidney, casings, everything inside the animal that isn't meat (or commonly viewed as such, like the diaphragm or skirt.) We even save the bungs sometimes, they get made into condoms.
One of the rooms is the Green Tripe room, where the sheep stomachs are cut open, cleaned, washed, and then sent to the clean side for packing. Green side is separate, separate entrance into the building, separate donko and toilet -- it's a licensing requirement.
The funny bit is where, for some reason, drug testing had to be done for the four or five men working on Green side. I forget the initial reason why, but... every one tested positive for having smoked dope in the last week!
Company policy is that it's an immediately sackable offense.
Reality at the time was that they didn't have any other people trained in the job, couldn't spare people to train up in it, and tripe makes more money than the main smallgoods room (which is separate from bungs and casings) -- so despite policy, all of them were kept on in their job :o
Slightly less dodgy, and more funny... one of the green side boys went to scratch his arse while working... and forgot he had a knife in his hands. (
This made me laugh.
"A tiger ate my GoPro!"
Proceeds going to 21st Century Tiger, not sure who they are. Hope it goes higher than $23. (
I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while.
Don't start a snowball fight with Norwegian kids, even if you are a US Marine.
Quote from: alanp on August 03, 2016, 08:11:06 AM (
I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while.
Don't start a snowball fight with Norwegian kids, even if you are a US Marine.
Thanks Alan! This is really well written and it is indeed hilarious.
definetely the best part:
There was a shrill cry in unintelligible gibberish and the doors to the school burst open. School children flooded out like a never-ending flood of something that never ends. Screeching, smiling, sprinting - how the hell were they sprinting?? - little bastards were slinging snowballs faster than the laws of physics should allow. It was like that movie Elf. If you can imagine riding in a fast car in a snowstorm and sticking your head out the window. Now imagine the snowflakes that are hitting your face are the size of snowballs. We couldn't see a damn thing. We couldn't run. We could barely breathe. Holy hell....
It's weird though how children are not afraid to attack armed soldiers. throwing snowballs is one thing, but really bringing one down could be dangerous with him carrying a weapon.
I suspect youth, enthusiasm, and not even thinking of it on the kids part, added to body language on the soldiers' part that they know that if they even POINT the rifles anywhere near the kids, they'll be peeling potatoes from here 'till doomsday. (
Utter stupidity.
While we're at it, why don't we remake Passion of the Christ, but with a female Jesus? Or Braveheart, with Wilhemina Wallace?
And you just KNOW that if you suggest a gender-bent Sound of Music, say, with a male child minder, and a female Von Trapp matriarch, or Kill Billie, with The Groom, you'd be hearing howls of outrage from the moon.
This is the same basic problem I have with a female Thor in the Marvel comics.
Come up with your own bloody mass-media characters, feminists! Wonder Woman was a good start, and Black Widow, keep on creating strong female characters, and not stealing existing male ones and cutting their wedding tackle off.
I actually would see how that could work. Bond's job description and time setting would allow a woman to fill in. It would need a male moneypenny though ;)
I agree about female Thor though. That is a nordic god, that is a male character. you can't just switch gender and even keep his name. Just doesn't fit. Would make more sense to make a female iron man. a woman could surely fit the suit... stuff like that would feel weird, but would work. Thor, however, was the worst choice of character to change genders.
There's a theory that the name "James Bond" is a codeword or assumed identity for the agent at the time, not his actual name. As a result, there have been many Bonds... Wouldn't matter too much if it was a chick following that logic.
I see no reason that Bond can't be a woman. He's Inspector Gadget for the most part, and if you swap the genders of the bimbos the character gets to remain heterosexual if that bothers people. You could even leave the character male and have it played by a female, because it's frigging fiction. Men played women on stage for hundreds or even thousands of years and no one gave a crap about it. Turn that around and people have a problem for some reason.
Thor is a personification of an idea (or several ideas, including lightning, fertility [!], and oak trees). Arguing that "Thor" should exclusively be male instead of being female literally makes no sense. It's not an animal born with a particular set of dangly bits to which biological sex can be attributed, nor does it require his dangly bits to interact with another set to produce children. He's a "he" by convention and tradition and nothing more.
The Marvel comics version has even LESS of an argument for strict maleness than the myths, because the person who was "Thor" was just a particular person who was able to wield a hammer. There's nothing in the job description of picking up the hammer that says, "Oh and you also have to be a dude."
They're fictional characters. It says more about you than the rest of the world that it even occurs to you to climb up on a soapbox and be pissed off about it.
Quote from: midwayfair on September 08, 2016, 05:41:29 PM
I see no reason that Bond can't be a woman. He's Inspector Gadget for the most part, and if you swap the genders of the bimbos the character gets to remain heterosexual if that bothers people. You could even leave the character male and have it played by a female, because it's frigging fiction. Men played women on stage for hundreds or even thousands of years and no one gave a crap about it. Turn that around and people have a problem for some reason.
Thor is a personification of an idea (or several ideas, including lightning, fertility [!], and oak trees). Arguing that "Thor" should exclusively be male instead of being female literally makes no sense. It's not an animal born with a particular set of dangly bits to which biological sex can be attributed, nor does it require his dangly bits to interact with another set to produce children. He's a "he" by convention and tradition and nothing more.
The Marvel comics version has even LESS of an argument for strict maleness than the myths, because the person who was "Thor" was just a particular person who was able to wield a hammer. There's nothing in the job description of picking up the hammer that says, "Oh and you also have to be a dude."
They're fictional characters. It says more about you than the rest of the world that it even occurs to you to climb up on a soapbox and be pissed off about it.
Well... there is the traditional ideal that Thor was the SON of Odin. So there is that...
The "role" could be played by a female however, that would entail re-writing the entire myth.
I think the whole Bond franchise needs an update, what that update is I don't know. I agree with Jon that there's no reason Bond can't be a woman. Alias was fairly successful in that genre with Jennifer Garner. The struggle would be that the James Bond character has traditionally been a more mature (read not in their 20s or 30s) character, and I don't know how that would directly translate into a female role (I would suspect that casting would want a younger type character if they went to a female Bond).
The easiest way to open it up would be to acknowledge that James Bond is a persona and not a person in the storyline. Make the new Bond the niece of Connery or something like that (not a direct familial relation, and have him only in a short spot at the beginning), seems like a way the handoff could be done. And it wouldn't prevent a future Bond from being cast back in the more traditional role if they had to.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on September 08, 2016, 05:47:50 PM
Well... there is the traditional ideal that Thor was the SON of Odin. So there is that...
The "role" could be played by a female however, that would entail re-writing the entire myth.
Yes, but calling a god the son of another god doesn't count. It's just words attached to abstract ideas. Which of Thor's mythological actions
require it to be male?
Let's look at a few:
1. Drinking the ocean. Well, my wife can drink me under the table, so I'm pretty sure a frank and beans doesn't help there.
2. Banged a giant on the side while married to the earth. Well, the earth doesn't have a gender as far as I know ... and giants come in both genders.
3. Battles the world serpent. I'm pretty sure that your average guy can't do this either, but I don't recall Thor using his penis to smite Jörmungandr in the Edda, so I think we can safely imagine this battle not requiring gender.
4. Makes thunder. Clearly this is either a belch or a fart. You're married, right? So you know that women do both of those things.
I could go on.
I'm with alanp. There is nothing wrong with creating a strong female movie character in her own right and franchise. In fact I welcome it. There is everything wrong with taking an established male character and making it female. It takes away from one to give to another. Is that feminism? Is that equality? Are women that creatively impoverished that they can't conceive their own counterpart to James Bond?
Quote from: midwayfair on September 08, 2016, 06:10:28 PM
Yes, but calling a god the son of another god doesn't count. It's just words attached to abstract ideas.
I'm not saying that a role of Thor couldn't be played by a female.
What I AM saying is that you should go out on the street and ask 100 random people "Thor is the son of Odin... what sex is Thor?" Hence the need to change a lot of the mytho surrounding Thor. Its not impossible but it would be a challenge.
I personally wouldn't mind a Bond re-write with a female lead. I think it would be refreshing. The only problem would be getting the Flemming/Saltzman/Broccoli camp to sign off on it.
Hmm, Thor(iene) and "Jamie" Bond? I'd at least watch the movie trailers. But then again they di do a good job of murdering Ghost Busters...just saying. ::)
Quote from: GermanCdn on September 08, 2016, 05:58:53 PM
I think the whole Bond franchise needs an update, what that update is I don't know.
Hentai James Bond...
It'd be different ;)
Spectre could actually be an octopuss... oooh the tentacles!
Quote from: Muadzin on September 08, 2016, 06:18:03 PM
I'm with alanp. There is nothing wrong with creating a strong female movie character in her own right and franchise. In fact I welcome it. There is everything wrong with taking an established male character and making it female. It takes away from one to give to another. Is that feminism? Is that equality? Are women that creatively impoverished that they can't conceive their own counterpart to James Bond?
Word. (I agree whole heartedly my African American brother)
EDIT: Deleted. The point of this thread is for people to vent, not for me to argue with them. (
As someone who loathes advertising, and loves cats, I fully approve of this campaign.
(Although this heretical murmuring of /dogs/...)
That's absolutely brilliant. I love it ;D
Whenever we visit London I notice the excessive advertising everywhere in the tube stations.
Particularly on the elevators; advertising folk (also known as 'bastards') know you cannot escape from having whatever latest West-end shite show shoved down your throat.
God knows how the poor buggers commuting every day feel about it... I bet they were absolutely loving this.
lol :)
There's a song that comes on the radio from time to time, and I want to know the artist and track name.
It's got a feel somewhere between Link Wray's Rumble, and fifties rock. The singer doesn't stop for long, at all, and has a somewhat nasal voice that reminds me of a telecaster or good strat. The end of the song repeats "Get it on!" The production value is pretty high, too. (No, it isn't T Rex.)
Any guesses?
Alan i've the Shazam app on my ipod that is pretty amazing. It listens to a fragment of a song and usually in seconds identify's the song, artist and album. Or if there's no internet connection available it saves it's listen and identify's the song once an internet connection is established. I've only stumped it once and on another song i played it, the count for identifying was at one.
Hershel Almond, Get it On Rockabilly (?)
Nope, that's not it, either, the production quality isn't as high for a start :(
It mentions a woman in a red dress at one point, too.
the hollies - long cool woman (in a black dress)
Something weird just occurred to me. I tend to wear a lot of black, most days. I'm not goth, or emo, or anything like that. Black is practical, goes with everything, and doesn't stain as easily as, say, white.
Most people in NZ have a tendency to wear black quite a bit. I've heard one opinion that New Zealanders tend to look like a nation full of grieving Greek widows. This can partially be attributed to the legendary All Blacks, and I've also heard it goes back to New Zealand's egalitarian roots.
If you've met Kiwis in the past (or, even better, visited the Land of the Long White Cloud), does this bear out with what you've seen?
I also wear a lot of black.
Mainly due to the fact that it is quite a flattering/slimming colour to wear.
Conceals the beer gut nicely :)
My interactions with Kiwis both here in Australia and NZ is that Black is their national colour. I think it comes from the All Blacks - every Kiwi sporting team wants black regardless of if they're representing the country in international competition or not.
Flicking through reviews on youtube (I need a good laugh), and apparently there's a new Zelda. Again.
/me checks Wiki...
Now there are twenty games in the Zelda main series, if my count of the Wiki section box at the bottom is right.
We don't give Friday the Thirteenth part eight and Saw IX: Return of the Cluedo a freebie on this, it winds up as direct-to-video dreck, so why does Nintendo get a freebie on never, ever coming up with new franchises?
I'm pretty sure this annoys me because one, I didn't grow up with a Nintendo game machine and two, I've never actually SEEN one in the flesh. Ever. (Except for maybe one on a shelf in a pawn shop...) I've seen plenty of Sega systems running Sonic and Alex the Kidd, but never Nintendo.
Black just works. If, like me, you're unable to comprehend fashion and why it exists, but are also into rock/metal/goth/industrial music, black pretty much chooses you. Or at least darker hues at the very least. As I've got older my wardrobe has become a little lighter in places, I've strayed into dark blues on occasion for example. But as I don't have a particularly sunny outlook generally, it'd be wrong of me to dress in a jolly manner. Plus I'm a massive introvert so I wouldn't want to look welcoming to people to make small talk with or indulge in touchy-feelyness. I can do without all that.
Quote from: alanp on April 25, 2017, 06:38:26 AM
I'm pretty sure this annoys me because one, I didn't grow up with a Nintendo game machine and two, I've never actually SEEN one in the flesh. Ever. (Except for maybe one on a shelf in a pawn shop...) I've seen plenty of Sega systems running Sonic and Alex the Kidd, but never Nintendo.
I'm the exact opposite. I never saw a Sega system of any kind in the wild until I was a senior in high school. My buddy bought a used Genesis on the cheap just to see what the big whoop was. It was okay.
Everything in my world was Nintendo. It was literally the only game in town. NES, Gameboy, and Super Nintendo ruled the world. Although I did have this one spoiled-brat friend that always had some exotic system (3DO, TurboGrafix 16, etc) in addition to his Nintendo.
my neighbor had a N64 with Zelda: Ocarina of Time and it was a blast just watching him play. It was one of, if not the first impressive 3D game and also it's massively long. I agree that the story pretty much never changed (I'm only up to date till the Wii version): Ganondorf wants evil, captures Zelda, Link goes to the Kokiri in the forest, the Gorons in the mountains and the Zora at the sea, later Gerudos in the desert. Of course getting the obligatory item to solve the puzzles on the way, one per temple.
Nevertheless, I found all the zelda games I played highly entertaining and addicting, even if the graphics on the Nintendos suck compared to other current game systems. (
I've been there! It's well worth a visit if you're in the area. It's longer to walk through than the article implies -- there's the basement with old firetrucks and the like, and an overhead gallery with antique motorbikes.
The gangster car has one of the windows rolled halfway down, with a box of matches sitting on the top of the window, to illustrate how )))))thick((((( the bulletproof glass is. The front windscreen is split, and hinged at the top, so gangsters could push their guns out at the bottom and shoot straight ahead without sticking their hands or heads out the side :D
There are some unbelievably expensive cars in that collection.
Something in my amp has gone noisy -- Kenwood KA5090R. I've had it since 2001, so I've had a good run with it.
If I smack the front of the amp, the noise goes away. I'm guessing either a cold or cracked solder joint.
It's well, well, well past warranty, so I should probably crack it open. But I don't want to :/ But I also don't want to spend money on a new amp.
Damn it.
cap starting to fail
I have a kinda crappy Pioneer that slowly started to get more and more hum going on. Eventually I cracked the hood, thinking it was a longshot to fix it. After poking around a bit, I noticed that three or four electrolytics had somehow come loose from their joints. I replaced them and also touched up a few other suspicious looking joints, and now it works again and sounds just as mediocre as the day I bought it! ;D
Heh... I bought the amp new when I was a teenager for half price, since the shop couldn't supply an English manual. Once I was home, I emailed Kenwood USA for a manual 8) very early internet.
I'll crack it open either tonight or tomorrow.
Sounds like a job for a wooden dowel and some random poking about inside.
I wound up buying a new Pioneer. If you pay cash, shops will usually do a deal.
The digital control side has been a bag of dicks for years -- try to change the input, it flicks through half of them before settling on one you didn't want. And the volume occasionally cut out, needing a joggle of the knob. (My sister was very happy to hear there would be no more random volume spikes to get the Kenwood going again.)
I'm watching another anime where a kendo club member is involved (Katekyo Hitman Reborn.)
If ARMA or something had something similar in Western schooling, where I could learn the longsword (fencing and the like don't count, for one, they're too high-class hoity-toity, and for the other, they're a sport, with no pretensions of actual combat applicability) I would have been all over PE, rather than being the Dead Last.
Quote from: alanp on July 22, 2017, 05:59:13 AM
I'm watching another anime where a kendo club member is involved (Katekyo Hitman Reborn.)
If ARMA or something had something similar in Western schooling, where I could learn the longsword (fencing and the like don't count, for one, they're too high-class hoity-toity, and for the other, they're a sport, with no pretensions of actual combat applicability) I would have been all over PE, rather than being the Dead Last.
I taught intro bio last spring, and one of my fellow TA's who taught the period after mine was an avid long sword fighter. It always made staff meetings fun as we were waiting for our coordinator to wake up and show up, he'd grab a pair of meter sticks and start teaching us the differences between german and english stances, what swords were used for which fighting styles, etc.
Strange, but cool, fellow. No idea where he learned (honestly never got around to asking) but it seems its still alive and well in some capacity.
With regards to gender-bender characters, I'm fully behind the female Doctor Who.
Why, when I'm against female Jamie Bond, or Thorienne?
Because it fits in with the in-universe lore. It's entirely possible for a regeneration of Doctor Who to be female. It isn't a case of the Hand of God descending, and Deus Ex Machina declaring, "Thou Art Now Female!"
And, for something completely different, I saw something hilarious. Utterly hilarious. An old Jimquisition video, where he declared the Wii U winner of the "Next Gen" war.
It wasn't hilarious because he said the Wii U won.
It was because he said the Wii U had new and exciting games.
All the while, showing footage of...
Yet another fucking Zelda.
Yet another fucking Mario.
Yet another fucking Donkey Kong.
I don't care if Mario puts on a furry fetish suit. Come up with a new character, maybe even a real cat, (you could buy the licence for Sylvester!) not just lipstick on a pig, Nintendo!
I hate the female Doctor. It totally changes the dynamics of the show in ways not seen since the 2nd Doctor set the definitive mold of what the show would become. It feels utterly like a kneefall to the PC crowd, who doesn't watch it anyway, and I feared as such the moment they asspulled a female Master. A female James Bond on the other hand, I wouldn't mind, but that's probably more because the franchise does absolutely nothing to me. At least I like Doctor Who. A new James Bond movie is like a whole new reason not to care. It's Bond with gadgets and hot chicks, going from stunt scene to stunt scene. It's like a Michael Bay movie, only less aweful, and but without the transformers that at least make them somewhat cool.
I guess your mileage may vary.
if they kept everything about Bond the same, just made it a female that was bedding the Bond girls and tearing around the world's vacation spots in well made British sports cars that would be fine ... not quite ready for the ridiculous male version of Pussy Galore or Honey Ryder
Super frustrated with the ending on Twin Peaks. Episode 18 is the last episode EVER and by far the WORST ending to a tv series. I get that it's David Lynch but come on...WHAT THE FUCK!!
Quote from: flanagan0718 on September 05, 2017, 02:37:06 PM
Super frustrated with the ending on Twin Peaks. Episode 18 is the last episode EVER and by far the WORST ending to a tv series. I get that it's David Lynch but come on...WHAT THE FUCK!!
Two words.....
"nuff said my friend! ;) ::)
Quote from: alanp on September 02, 2017, 10:27:17 AMI don't care if Mario puts on a furry fetish suit. Come up with a new character, maybe even a real cat, (you could buy the licence for Sylvester!) not just lipstick on a pig, Nintendo!
Like Splatoon...?
It's a start :)
I like the idea of a female doctor who. The show has been around since the early sixties why not shake it up a bit. Missy was the best master since Delgado. A female Doctor could be a breath of fresh air.
Don't see the point with Bond though. I feel like it could be good, but I don't know how it could remain true to the source material. I think Alan nailed it, it doesn't fit with the lore of the series.
Waved an open jar of Vegemite under a visiting Canadian's nose. He didn't even taste it, but he threatened to punch me if I did that again.
Don't know why. It's wonderful stuff.
A radio station here has been pimping Black Friday for all it's worth. I strongly get the impression that the shops here, as with Halloween, would dearly love for New Zealand to take this holiday and love it.
There's just one problem.
The average New Zealander regards the USA-ian Thanksgiving with about as much thought as the Londoner of the 1800's regarded Ramadan. What for the love of Bacon is that? Oh well, who gives a shit...
And, therefore... Black friday?!?! Oh, I heard there are some specials this weekend...
@AlanP: same thing in the Netherlands...Black Friday sales everywhere, which is just an empty shell to host another sale...It's quite ludicrous and I'd love it to disappear again.
Here, in the US, "Black Friday" is my reminder to stay away from all stores. Crazy people (mostly, the same breed of people who believe everything they hear in political ads) everywhere make it hard to even go on a beer run.
Yeah, I pretty much avoid any store that's having a black friday sale. I buy enough stuff as it is.
Don't need another reason to buy stuff. The commercialization of xmas here in the U.S. is pretty awful, IMO.
unfortunately black friday is starting to get big here in France. Except the stores dont open really early and people dont fight over stuff in the store
Quote from: stringsthings on November 24, 2017, 12:31:47 PM
Yeah, I pretty much avoid any store that's having a black friday sale. I buy enough stuff as it is.
Don't need another reason to buy stuff. The commercialization of xmas here in the U.S. is pretty awful, IMO.
I agree, although I do have a Black Friday sale going on on my site, more an excuse to do special edition stuff than anything else :D
Black Friday has caught on in the UK.
As is typical, we are behind our friends over the pond, but we are steadily working our way towards in store stabbings and stampedes over cheap crap nobody needs ;)
Everyone knows the real shopping holiday worth celebrating is the week after Christmas anyway, when everyone's returning all their junk and the stores have to liquidate all the things they stocked up on.
Quote from: warriorpoet on November 24, 2017, 01:48:05 PM
I agree, although I do have a Black Friday sale going on on my site, more an excuse to do special edition stuff than anything else :D
Black Friday sales online I don't mind at all. More reason to avoid the brick-n-mortar stuff.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 25, 2017, 03:32:46 PM
Everyone knows the real shopping holiday worth celebrating is the week after Christmas anyway, when everyone's returning all their junk and the stores have to liquidate all the things they stocked up on.
pawn shops in January/February after those x-mas bills come due ...
In my family, I tend to be the "on time" one. If I give a time, I do my damndest to turn up at that time. I'll usually worry about it for a few hours before hand, and give myself at least a quarter hour of slack time to allow for unforeseen events.
My brother and sister are a bit less worried about this. It's nice if they turn up on time, but whether this happens is generally linked to how much of an earbashing they're likely to get from Mum about it.
Mum and Dad... if they are organising the event, then Mum will have spent the last couple days beforehand setting up. (Mum LOVES entertaining people. Dad has made some wooden cases to hold glasses, etc, in storage for these.) If they're invited, and it isn't time sensitive (ie, a movie theatre who is NOT going to wait for them), they're probably going to be a little bit late. (
This is all background for that link. I get what the article is saying and all, but my overarching thought was, "How not to be late? Try planning, and turning up on time."
I find that being on time depends on distance. If I have to go far I always tend to arrive ahead of time, as I factor in uncertainties and other possibilities. If I have to be somewhere close I often arrive to late because familiarity breeds contempt. Oh, I can do this, no problem, it's close, damn is it that late already?
Quote from: alanp on October 02, 2017, 04:42:58 AM
Waved an open jar of Vegemite under a visiting Canadian's nose. He didn't even taste it, but he threatened to punch me if I did that again.
Don't know why. It's wonderful stuff.
Went scuba diving in PNG a few years ago. At breakfast, a young Japanese lady pointed at the Vegemite jar and asked: "Chocolate?" I told her that no, it's not chocolate.
Encouraged her to try it anyway, and told her not to overdo it. She then put some on a piece of toast, took a bite, and told me with a puzzled look on her face: "This taste not in Japan!"
She did finish the toast, so I guess she must have liked it.
Got a new (secondhand) PC today. i7-2600k, 16GB DDR3, GTX960.
Helluva upgrade. My old PC was a Core 2 Duo (the original lineup), 4GB DDR2, and the motherboard still had a PS/2 port for both mouse and keyboard, and also a parallel printer port.
NewDoom is all the fun that Doom3 was not. If you pick up a decent size healthpack, there's a good chance that two dozen imps WON'T spawn on you!
16 GB is really becoming the minimum these days. Which is why I'm still amazed that most shops still sell PC's and laptops with 4 GB. They say you don't really need much if you just use it for Word and internet browsing. They haven't met me I guess. But I always keep waaaaaaay to many tab windows open.
Just built a new PC for home recording, i7-7700k, 32GB DDR4. Still a work in progress. Also a little hampered by the fact that my old external HDD just died on me. With on it the whole Adobe suite that an old friend of mine had 'gifted' to me. It would appear that the universe not only has a perverse sense of humor, but is also into copy rights. (
Maybe I'm just a sad sack, but I can't help but think that any slogan being worn automatically gets discounted by people when the person who is wearing it... their face just looks emotionally DEAD. Of all the models photographed in the article, the only one that looked even remotely 'huh'-ish was the "Don't Know, Don't Care" one, since at least then the person's face matched the slogan.
The activists pictured had expression on their faces, but the models just looked dead inside.
Quote from: alanp on March 05, 2018, 04:36:06 AM (
Maybe I'm just a sad sack, but I can't help but think that any slogan being worn automatically gets discounted by people when the person who is wearing it... their face just looks emotionally DEAD. Of all the models photographed in the article, the only one that looked even remotely 'huh'-ish was the "Don't Know, Don't Care" one, since at least then the person's face matched the slogan.
The activists pictured had expression on their faces, but the models just looked dead inside.
I have worn only 1 slogan shirt in the past 2 decades, and yeah, it was worn with pretty much a "dead inside" look to me:
I've stopped wearing it as 2017 ended up so much worse. But it fit the times.
Please bear in mind this is a soapbox thread. (
But this article pisses me the fuck off.
Due process? To hell with that!
A court of law? The screaming mob knows better!
Measured response? Get a rope!
Firstly, the two are, so far, accused. That's it. I know it's a minor technicality that only their mother would care about, but they haven't been convicted, or pleaded guilty. As far as I know, "innocent until proven guilty" is still a thing.
Secondly, I watch movies and TV (these days, very rarely for TV) for entertainment and to enjoy a well told story. Not to be moralized at. Actors are hired because they look like what the director thinks the fictional character does, and because they can deliver lines in a manner consistent with the fictional character. Not because of their views on ethics, morality, and organic coffee. That way lies hiring practices for the likes of the USSR, where someone gets the job of engineer because he holds the right political views, not because he knows whether to hold a screwdriver in his hand or his anus.
Sorry for the ranty, soapbox venting nature of this post. But if an actor DOES get CONVICTED, like say Gary Glitter, who was convicted of having sex with an under 13 girl, THEN strip them of their titles, honours, and awards.
You expect due legal process in this day and age of #WITCHHUNTS? If anyone wonders how the Salem witch hunts or McCarthyism could ever have happened, one needs only to look at the present day.
I enjoyed Gary Oldman's role in "Darkest Hour" and I don't know what he may or may not have done. But, due process is the concept that the government has to follow the law and not deprive you of your rights, property, life, etc, arbitrarily. This was a great concern for the (US) Founders since they were dealing with a king and military rule. The Oscars are a different story since getting an Oscar, or even working in the film industry, is a privilege, not a right, and the Academy is not the government. The Academy could disinvite people from its party if it wants. It should be fair, and (for example) if it discriminated against people of any particular type, as it has in the past, that would be heinous. But it could deny a person suspected of bad behavior an invitation, without breaking due process, similar to the way you can tell your musician friend not to bring his no-good buddy around any more.
There's being suspected of doing something, due to due legal process, like a police investigation, and being suspected of something, because somebody said something on social media, or the media in general. Because after all, it's not like people have never lied before when there is something to be gained, right? When there is money, possessions, privilege, attention or love to be gained people always tell the truth, right?
Just because the cause seems just doesn't mean that we should resort to trial by media. Or in this case not even a trial, more lynchmob by media. We are talking after all of people's lives, career and livelihood here. Also remember that any revolution usually ends with the revolutionaries themselves being led to the guillotine.
You hot so upset by a celebrity gossip column's opinion about the movie industry's night of patting itself on the back that you linked to them and gave them some ad revenue.
Just sayin' ...
And this is not the French Revolution ffs, though some stuff only has extrajudicial remedies. Try thinking in nuance instead of getting just as hysterical as the people you're criticizing.
After a couple days to cool down, you're probably right, Jon.
Although I do use an adblocker, so no worries there! :)
Im going to wade in here
At what point should someones past endeavours be revoked following a subsequent discovery of - lets call it - illegality on there part?
And does the nature of said "illegality" determine the scale of revocation that should occur?
Example, its widely accepted that Roman Polansky is/was a paedophile, but I still think Rosemarys Baby is a classic and I would happily view the film.
Harvey Weinstein probably did some bad stuff. However, it doesnt make me want to burn my copies of the films his production company backed eg Pulp Fiction.
I kind see this in a different way to say, athletes who cheated and should be retrospectively removed of their medals or awards.
Lets say for instance Gary Oldman gets convicted of indecent assault towards a minor, or something else, whatever, does that mean his performance in Darkest Hour was any less worthy of rememberence and celebration?
Really interesting topic (at least I think so) that I could bang on about for a long while.
It was raised recently with me, as there was some record producer or musician or someone (cant remember) who an acquaintance of mine said they were burning all the vinyl that said person was involved with. I consider that silly, because the music isnt any less good. I imagine if by listening to it (or say, viewing a film produced by Weinstein) your mind starts to wander onto their indiscretions in a way that distracts you to the point of disgust, you risk associating all those bad things with the product you are meant to be enjoying, and therefore can no longer enjoy it.
Wierdly, Ive given examples where I wouldnt denounce all past outputs (eg Weinstein films) whereas I dont think I can listen to Lost Prophets anymore (despite one of their records being a bona fide riot) because when I do I am reminded of the absolutely abhorrent crimes of the (ex-) lead singer Ian Watkins.
I suppose, after all these words Ive mind-farted onto the forum, that it all comes down to personal sensibilities and limits of tolerance and/or proficiency with Orwellian double-think.
Feel free to ignore :)
Ian, for me I think you hit on a large chunk of it. There are a lot of factors at play but if you will allow me to pontificate on my own behalf I think I will ;D
1. What type of transgression are we talking about? Larry Nassar level? My (and by my I mean I live in Nashville TN) mayor's cheating on her husband by bangin' the security dude and pleading guilty to theft or misappropriations of tax payer dollars? DUI arrest? Etc....
2. By watching, reading and or listening am I reminded of the transgression. This plays into it big time for me. If I am turned off then it truly alters my enjoyment so I'm likely done with it both from a purely enjoyable factor and on principle, depending on the transgression we are talking about.
3. By me digesting said art form, am I contributing towards the transgressors pocket book? If I am then no. So, in the case of Roman Polanski, would I buy a new copy of Rosemary's Baby? Hell no, assuming he were to derive royalties. Would I watch this movie again on HBO? No in this case as I find pedophilia the absolute lowest form of human behavior, or tied for first anyway.
So, I have a lot of favorite bands/artists but let me take one of them, Allman Brothers, and use them. I've read a few books on them and I recall after reading the first one many years ago, that Gregg Allman was a douche in his drug/alcohol infused days. I recall thinking, damn man, stand up for yourself and others. This was a long time ago of course. I actually thought about that when I would play the albums. It took some of the shine off. I got over it but if I'm being honest that really crossed my mind. Now, let's say ole' Gregg was found to be a pedophile or raped women or murdered someone. Would I toss out the albums? Yes. Maybe I put them in storage, who knows. But, the point is the enjoyment is gone, period. Also, my principles kick in.
I'm forever struggling with principles, of which I'm a strong principled person, and being a hypocrite which I despise in people. I'm always checking myself, always asking myself am I consistent. For violent acts/crimes it's fairly easy for me. Now, for politics? Man, that is a worm hole.
Whew, ok, I'm done. I don't think I offended anyone :D
As far as I know, Gary's accusations were in divorce papers filed 17 years ago and "No charges were filed" Divorce papers are not to be taken at face value as I would guess one of the parties had a vested interest in making the other look bad.
Interesting discussion, TNblueshawk.
You certainly didnt offend me, FWIW.
I don't know why anyone would ship domestically with UPS. They are absolutely horrible with services, prices, etc. I would much rather ship USPS because, unlike UPS, they will deliver a package even when it arrives early.
UPS will let a package sit at either the origin or the destination sorting facility until the very last day. Did you pick 5 day ground? Well, if it takes 3 days to get to your nearest sorting facility then it will sit there for 2 days before it is delivered. Conversely, sometimes it will sit at the origin facility and they bet the odds that they can get it to you on time. (This is not just pedal stuff either. I deal with shipping every day for work)
I don't know how many times I have called UPS and asked them "Why has my shipment been sitting in XXXXX facilility for 2 days?"
That is why I ALWAYS select USPS Flat Rate when it is available. ANYWHERE in CONUS within 3 working days (and Saturday) up to 70 lbs.
I've noticed that with nearly every courier or postal service I've used.
Although usually, they let it sit in customs until the last moment they can manage. Lazy gits.
I've noticed that USPS seems to be stepping up their game lately (well barring the whole international flat fiasco).
I've had good luck with UPS and Fedex being either on schedule or ahead of it, but then again I don't do this on a regular basis. I HAVE had business deliveries that looked like they tied it to the bumper of the truck and dragged it cross country before backing over it and handing it to us.
UPS will use any excuse to delay a package. I once had them delay a ground package from Mouser (between TX and Atlanta) because of predicted storms in New England--storms that had not even started. I'm sure there was a legitimate logistical reason (ex. clearing out the backlog before the storms by diverting resources to that area) but it seemed ludicrous. (
Someone doesn't read sci-fi, at all, then.
Who is one of the legends of scifi-fantasy? Last name is McCaffrey, first name... starts with an A...
Anne! Anne McCaffrey!
QuoteBut the fact remains that many men continue to be put off by a female name on a book cover,
If a female name puts a male reader off, then they can't be much into dragons, then. Dragons are awesome, and so is Pern.
Or Elizabeth Moon. Probably not as popular, but just as prolific.
Quote from: alanp on May 31, 2018, 11:34:28 PM (
Someone doesn't read sci-fi, at all, then.
Who is one of the legends of scifi-fantasy? Last name is McCaffrey, first name... starts with an A...
Anne! Anne McCaffrey!
QuoteBut the fact remains that many men continue to be put off by a female name on a book cover,
If a female name puts a male reader off, then they can't be much into dragons, then. Dragons are awesome, and so is Pern.
I find myself falling into this trap occasionally. I'm fond of cheap, fluffy, pulpy scifi/fantasy. I read like I'm watching saturday morning cartoons. One genre I'm fond of is the so called "Urban fantasy" subgenre. Wizard, fae, mythical creatures, etc in a modern-ish urban environment.
And, as a trend, if I pick up a book by a female author in that section of the bookstore, it is probably a crappy romance novel.
This isn't always true, obviously. One of my faves in the genre is Seanan McGuire, so its not like I will never read a lady penned tome. But if I'm just wandering the shelves at the store looking for something random to read (something I do at least once a week on average), I find myself more likely to pick up a book with a male name on the spine. Its a statistical thing I suppose.
Unfortunate, but that has been my experience.
(And yes I love McCaffrey and LeGuin and many others. Blame it on market saturation by people trying to cash in on that Twilight money.) (
My sister tipped me off to this. Pretty cunning!
If heights make you feel a bit ill, then the end of this one will give you fits. Not a job I'd want to do -- I wonder what the mortality rate was?
I laughed at Fred's comment that you wanted an older man holding the bottom of the ladder, since a young man might get distracted by a young lady in a short skirt. You'd need a very strong OCD streak for this -- no safety line, at all!
I can't help but suspect that Occupational Health and Safety would, collectively, only let this happen over their cooling corpses, these days.
Fred was a national treasure. Loves old engineering and did a few programmes on it. Also built a pit head in his back garden, the local authority took a bit of exception to this:
That video nearly made me sick to my stomach. Not sure how anyone with balls that big can put on a pair of pants.
I guess we're all wired different but at least in America there are so many safety rules and regs that I'm surprised the iron workers union hasn't packed it in. Those guys are fearless freebs as well. Around Chicago when I still worked open decks (I have a relatively cushy data center gig now) I was famous for NOT getting within 15' of the edge of a deck over 2 stories.
Quote(And yes I love McCaffrey and LeGuin and many others. Blame it on market saturation by people trying to cash in on that Twilight money.)
Check out ELizabeth Moon's Sheepfarmer's Daughter (and the rest of her stuff).
The Thai class trapped in that cave is awful :(
I had heard long before this article, that cave diving is one of the most dangerous sports in the world. One of the guys who literally wrote the book on the sport, died in a cave dive. Even the people who go in to recover your corpse are at risk (if not more, since they have to work the cadaver, which may be in a bad state, through the maze and out.)
When they get them out and recovered, the teacher is going to be asked some very hard questions. I have heard that they went in as a good luck tradition, and a treat for the boys, but doing this when you know that it's the rainy season is utter stupidity. (
Doing reckless things seems to be a time honored tradition in those countries. Ferries that set out to see with way too many cars and people on board, trains and busses that have people clinging on for dear life on the outside, cars whose only real working part seems to be the car horn, shoddy construction of housing and public buildings, preferably close areas prone to earthquakes and flooding, they all seem to be favorites. And when something inevitably goes wrong everybody gets mad, and then they do it all over again.
As for cave diving being dangerous, it's probably part of the appeal to the thrillseekers. Occasionally someone dies as Murphy cannot be ignored forever, and then they go 'it's a sad thing, bad luck, he or she was so thorough, their time was up, equipment failure', and then its business as usual. Because human beings consistently underestimate risk and consistently overestimate their own skills. Says the guy who does sports climbing/bouldering once a week and has seen several people injure themselves jumping off the wall and landing badly. And still keeps doing it.
Quote from: Muadzin on July 09, 2018, 10:53:18 AM
Doing reckless things seems to be a time honored tradition in those countries. Ferries that set out to see with way too many cars and people on board, trains and busses that have people clinging on for dear life on the outside, cars whose only real working part seems to be the car horn, shoddy construction of housing and public buildings, preferably close areas prone to earthquakes and flooding, they all seem to be favorites. And when something inevitably goes wrong everybody gets mad, and then they do it all over again.
I would not extrapolate too much from this one incident onto an entire culture. There are lots of reasons for substandard facilities and dangerous behavior: grinding poverty, disease, fatalism at a cultural level, government corruption, lack of education, a low value of human life and low self-worth. I don't think it's willful recklessness.
Quote from: EBRAddict on July 09, 2018, 10:11:23 PM
I would not extrapolate too much from this one incident onto an entire culture. There are lots of reasons for substandard facilities and dangerous behavior: grinding poverty, disease, fatalism at a cultural level, government corruption, lack of education, a low value of human life and low self-worth. I don't think it's willful recklessness.
I don't get the impression that anything you said contradicts what I said, just that it explained it better. It's not willful recklessness, but it is a general recklessness nonetheless. Which is different from the recklessness we have in the West which is more willful and individual. People willfully doing stupid things for shits and giggles. As opposed to we don't know any better, it worked 99.9% of the times so it will probably do so again and if it doesn't then God/Fate wills it.
I've read about sapeurs before, but hadn't seen any video.
They look amazing in their outfits. I suspect that their families are not so keen, though.
I've heard about those guys as well. Isn't it both weird and fascinating that such things exist? And I reckon I must be sort of like those guys as well, as I got a closet full of suits, some of them in weird colors. I mostly bought them for gigs, as I've grown tired of jeans and a black t-shirt with a band print as the standard rock uniform. But you walk through the town dressed in a flashy suit and people will notice you. And give you comments. And so far none of them have been bad.
While Charles Dance played both characters, I still say that Vetineri would eat Tywin Lannister for breakfast.
Quote from: alanp on August 04, 2018, 07:40:03 AM
While Charles Dance played both characters, I still say that Vetineri would eat Tywin Lannister for breakfast.
Wouldn't Tywin have something to say about that?
Tywin Lannister is a very powerful man, who knows how to use that power. Most of it is very clear -- Lannister gold, armies, allies (more like vassals, with how he treats them), etc.
Vetinari is nowhere near as straightforward. All of 'Making Money' is set off, pretty much, purely from Vetinari introducing Moist to Mrs Lavish ("Topsy"). That's not a move that Tywin would have done -- he'd have sent in one of his own men (or Tyrion, or Kevan Lannister) with orders on what to do.
Vetinari's assets are also not straightforward. It's never made clear just how much direct power Vetinari has -- he is, in theory, the tyrant ruler of Ankh Morpork, but he mentions a few times that he is bright enough not to go against popular opinion ("Vox Populi, Vox Deorum"). The Palace Guards are his most obvious personal army, but they aren't many in number, compared to any Westeros army. The clearest thing we know about Vetinari's personal power is that very nearly NOTHING goes on in Ankh Morpork that he doesn't know about.
Vetinari also doesn't make a move unless completely necessary -- in Guards Guards, he allows himself to be thrown in his own dungeon. (Granted, one he'd kitted out for his protection, but still.) This means that he is very hard to predict for other people -- you don't have a track record you can point to, other than that he almost inevitably wins. (The time when he comments that he may have wound Vimes up too far comes to mind -- Vimes doesn't pound the wall outside the Oblong Office like usual, and is in a state of resignation, rather than his usual Sam Vimes rage against the injustice of the world. This time is the obvious exception to Vetinari's usual always-winning byzantine planning.)
All this is why I think Vetinari would win.
Charles Dance as Vetinari was delicious. Perfect casting. (
Some really, really neat photographs in this.
While I love the convenience of board mounted pots, I really don't like committing an enclosure to the effect before I've tested it out. With my last couple of builds - Dangerzone, Naughtyfish, Megatron, Arcaditator - the best practice has been to solder the pots while they're mounted to the enclosure for proper fit later. This means that if an effect doesn't set me on fire, I've drilled out a box for an effect I may not really care for - it seems like a bit of a waste.
Here's what grinds my gears: youTube. Specifically, if you are making a woodworking video on building something don't put shitty music over it. Or, any music. Use your mic and record what you are actually doing. Do the Diresta thing - when you speed up the video just leave the ambient sound in there sped up. It sounds cool. No one wants to hear the same license-free craploops over and over. It blows!
Also, don't narrate every step. Hit the important points. Show...don't explain.
Quote from: madbean on August 07, 2018, 12:37:42 AM
Or, any music. Use your mic and record what you are actually doing. Do the Diresta thing - when you speed up the video just leave the ambient sound in there sped up. It sounds cool.
Also, don't make a 10-minute YouTube video showing something that can be described entirely in 3 photos and 3 sentences.
The absolute worst I've seen is a web page that said, "the schematic is in the video".
Quote from: Willybomb on August 07, 2018, 12:15:52 AM
While I love the convenience of board mounted pots, I really don't like committing an enclosure to the effect before I've tested it out. With my last couple of builds - Dangerzone, Naughtyfish, Megatron, Arcaditator - the best practice has been to solder the pots while they're mounted to the enclosure for proper fit later. This means that if an effect doesn't set me on fire, I've drilled out a box for an effect I may not really care for - it seems like a bit of a waste.
I can understand that if you're of the rock before you box school. Personally I've never built anything I did not also box. So I don't have that problem. I've always found it so bewildering that so many of you had so many unboxed circuits around and were complaining that you had to box at least some of them. To me building an effect means also drilling and painting the enclosure. And with Tayda a 125B costs less then the average PCB. So it hardly seems like a waste.
On the downside I do have whole boxes full on pedals I don't use. But I reckon they might still come in handy. Waste not, want not.
Quote from: EBK on August 07, 2018, 08:54:06 PM
Also, don't make a 10-minute YouTube video showing something that can be described entirely in 3 photos and 3 sentences.
Nothing worse then having to scroll to the relevant bits because there's endless rambling. If you want to do that at least provide a link so people can skip it.
QuoteThe absolute worst I've seen is a web page that said, "the schematic is in the video".
Yes and no. It makes you want to rip your hair out if you have to do that because no link to a schematic is being given. Additional aggravation points if the video or description says you just have to mail the maker to get the schematic.
On the other hand however, links can disappear over time and the video might outlast any link the maker did provide. Or even the maker himself could disappear and never be heard off again. In which case, annoying though it is, if its included in the video you'll still have something.
QuoteI can understand that if you're of the rock before you box school. Personally I've never built anything I did not also box. So I don't have that problem. I've always found it so bewildering that so many of you had so many unboxed circuits around and were complaining that you had to box at least some of them. To me building an effect means also drilling and painting the enclosure. And with Tayda a 125B costs less then the average PCB. So it hardly seems like a waste.
A lot of it comes from the fact that I build a stack of stuff on vero too, and if I don't like it so much a lot of things will get recycled into the next thing. Boxing for me means a hell of a lot of work compared to just building the circuit - that's the easy part - it means templates, artwork, drilling, painting, getting the label right, and starting again if any of those things go wrong. I resanded Dangerzone at least once, and did 2 labels on Naughtyfish, and 4 on Megatron. I actually think there's a lot more commitment needed with a enclosure.
Quote from: Willybomb on August 08, 2018, 01:04:15 AM
Boxing for me means a hell of a lot of work compared to just building the circuit - that's the easy part -
Quote from: Muadzin on August 07, 2018, 10:43:17 PM
I can understand that if you're of the rock before you box school. Personally I've never built anything I did not also box. So I don't have that problem. I've always found it so bewildering that so many of you had so many unboxed circuits around and were complaining that you had to box at least some of them. To me building an effect means also drilling and painting the enclosure. And with Tayda a 125B costs less then the average PCB. So it hardly seems like a waste.
On the downside I do have whole boxes full on pedals I don't use. But I reckon they might still come in handy. Waste not, want not.
I agree with this in spirit, but might re-evaluate that opinion once you've built 500 circuit boards! Actually, I am definitely getting better about it though. I box a lot more now than I did 5 years ago. I just don't spend as much time on artwork.
Quote from: madbean on August 08, 2018, 11:40:24 AM
I agree with this in spirit, but might re-evaluate that opinion once you've built 500 circuit boards! Actually, I am definitely getting better about it though. I box a lot more now than I did 5 years ago. I just don't spend as much time on artwork.
I might not have 500 pedals or circuits build, but around 200 wouldn't be that far of the mark. I got at least 4 banana boxes full of pedals stashed in a closet.
Thing is though, it's one thing to test a circuit out at home, but I think the only way to find out if a circuit is useful or not is when its on your pedal board in a band setting. I know how it will sound from the youtube vids, I don't need to rock it before I box for that. The vids usually convince me to build something or not. But when I commit to a build, I have to box it in order to rock it with a band.
Does that make sense?
Quote from: Muadzin on August 08, 2018, 11:07:16 PM
Quote from: madbean on August 08, 2018, 11:40:24 AM
I agree with this in spirit, but might re-evaluate that opinion once you've built 500 circuit boards! Actually, I am definitely getting better about it though. I box a lot more now than I did 5 years ago. I just don't spend as much time on artwork.
I might not have 500 pedals or circuits build, but around 200 wouldn't be that far of the mark. I got at least 4 banana boxes full of pedals stashed in a closet.
Thing is though, it's one thing to test a circuit out at home, but I think the only way to find out if a circuit is useful or not is when its on your pedal board in a band setting. I know how it will sound from the youtube vids, I don't need to rock it before I box for that. The vids usually convince me to build something or not. But when I commit to a build, I have to box it in order to rock it with a band.
Does that make sense?
Certainly. These are excellent points :)
Quote from: Willybomb on August 07, 2018, 12:15:52 AM
While I love the convenience of board mounted pots, I really don't like committing an enclosure to the effect before I've tested it out. With my last couple of builds - Dangerzone, Naughtyfish, Megatron, Arcaditator - the best practice has been to solder the pots while they're mounted to the enclosure for proper fit later. This means that if an effect doesn't set me on fire, I've drilled out a box for an effect I may not really care for - it seems like a bit of a waste.
When a board has mounted pots but i dont want to commit an entire enclosure what i do is take an old enclosure lid left over from a bad drill job and just drill out what i need on the lid. I have a lid around here somewhere from a 1590BB with 2 or 3 projects drilled out of it.
Quote from: drog_trog on August 08, 2018, 11:54:37 PM
Quote from: Willybomb on August 07, 2018, 12:15:52 AM
While I love the convenience of board mounted pots, I really don't like committing an enclosure to the effect before I've tested it out. With my last couple of builds - Dangerzone, Naughtyfish, Megatron, Arcaditator - the best practice has been to solder the pots while they're mounted to the enclosure for proper fit later. This means that if an effect doesn't set me on fire, I've drilled out a box for an effect I may not really care for - it seems like a bit of a waste.
When a board has mounted pots but i dont want to commit an entire enclosure what i do is take an old enclosure lid left over from a bad drill job and just drill out what i need on the lid. I have a lid around here somewhere from a 1590BB with 2 or 3 projects drilled out of it.
This is a great idea!
Dad's filter for his fishtank was in pretty rough shape.
It was leaking water, and we found out that inside the pump itself, there is a little O-ring in a non-obvious place. It was missing.
The ceramic and fabric media in the filter were filthy. The ceramic media got hosed out, the rough pad hosed, and the fine pads were irretrivably filthy, with no replacements on hand.
Check on the internet, and while Eheim white pads are $30NZD for three pads, you can get Chinese knock-offs for $40NZD for two dozen. I'm willing to wait.
The new pads turned up today, and after a clean of the ceramic and rough pads (and also hosing out the intake hose, which was gunked up from amazingly low flow rate due to white pads being filthy), and replacing the pads, it's all good again :)
Quote from: drog_trog on August 08, 2018, 11:54:37 PM
Quote from: Willybomb on August 07, 2018, 12:15:52 AM
While I love the convenience of board mounted pots, I really don't like committing an enclosure to the effect before I've tested it out. With my last couple of builds - Dangerzone, Naughtyfish, Megatron, Arcaditator - the best practice has been to solder the pots while they're mounted to the enclosure for proper fit later. This means that if an effect doesn't set me on fire, I've drilled out a box for an effect I may not really care for - it seems like a bit of a waste.
When a board has mounted pots but i dont want to commit an entire enclosure what i do is take an old enclosure lid left over from a bad drill job and just drill out what i need on the lid. I have a lid around here somewhere from a 1590BB with 2 or 3 projects drilled out of it.
I also have been suffering with this problem - part of it is that I haven't come to grips with any finishing method and don't want to make a lot of bare boxes with squiggled labels. But also, I am better at building electronic circuits than drilling. I can drill ok, I just find it messy and annoying to do by hand. I don't own a drill press or a vise/fixture, which would improve matters.
Recently I found a sheet of plain FR4 and started using it to experiment with Eurorack front panels for a few modules I am trying to build. Drilling flat panels is easier than enclosures. It just occurred to me that the FR4, or acrylic sheet, etc would make a great fixture for soldering board mounted pots in the way you describe. It's cheap and it's super easy to drill.
I must confess.....
I use pieces of cardboard for board mounted pot soldering :-[. Usually bits of the 37 boxes Arrow sends with every order. If I screw up alignment I just trash the piece and try again. I cut a flat panel for the "face" of the box, and a couple side panels so I can make sure I've got everything sufficiently stuffed.
MOSTLY because I have absolutely horrible luck with hand drilling enclosures and I don't have room for a drill press. So my boards aren't "perfectly" suited to their boxes when they finally move into their forever homes, but at least they are populated enough for me to test.
A drill press is an excellent investment though. I got a cheap one, that if I don't need it I can stash it away somewhere out of sight. It's such a life saver when it comes to drilling holes into boxes. And guitars. ;) Easily one of my better investments.
If you center punch accurately where the hole is to go, use quality drill bits, not big box store junk, start with a drill bit sized to fit the center punch dent, then creep up on the final size with intermediate sized bits until you reach your step bit minimum, you can drill just as accurately with a hand drill as with a drill press. A drill press is great and i'd never give up mine but it's total overkill for pedal enclosure drilling.
Quote from: davent on August 13, 2018, 03:48:35 PM
If you center punch accurately where the hole is to go, use quality drill bits, not big box store junk, start with a drill bit sized to fit the center punch dent, then creep up on the final size with intermediate sized bits until you reach your step bit minimum, you can drill just as accurately with a hand drill as with a drill press. A drill press is great and i'd never give up mine but it's total overkill for pedal enclosure drilling.
Agree 100%
I have been hand drilling with bits and step bits for years. I do not do commercial so drilling consistent templates is not needed for me however, I have tried drill presses in the past and found that the same issues arise as with hand drilling. You still have to 'vice' down the box or else it will wander (unless you have vices for hands or a super strong grip) and even so, the "vice" you use can marr the enclosure.
Like I said, I am not commercial so there is no need for consistent hole pattern drilling so hand drilling works well for me.
Wow. Just wow. I've been watching some car vids on youtube, and, if I'm understanding rightly...
The Ford Model A had it's petrol tank placed just below the front window, where the dash goes in modern cars. This meant that Ford only needed a simple tube going down to the engine, and no fuel pump (either mechanical or electrical) needed.
Hey, kids! Who wants to drive around with a lap full of petrol!
Sure, it kept costs down during production, but you'd want to be really, really careful not to get T-boned in an accident.
The Ford Model A wasn't much worse than the Ford Pinto in terms of fuel tank placement, and perhaps it was better.
Quote from: davent on August 13, 2018, 03:48:35 PM
If you center punch accurately where the hole is to go, use quality drill bits, not big box store junk, start with a drill bit sized to fit the center punch dent, then creep up on the final size with intermediate sized bits until you reach your step bit minimum, you can drill just as accurately with a hand drill as with a drill press. A drill press is great and i'd never give up mine but it's total overkill for pedal enclosure drilling.
I couldn't live without my center punch. Even though it is a $2.99 Harbor Freight centerpunch, one of my better investments. I can drill ok with a hand drill, but think what I'm really lacking is a table and fixture, more so than the actual press. Especially drilling the sides of enclosures is sort of annoying. I should at least try to make a fixture to hold boxes, with some 2x4 and furniture clamps.
I have a center punch and step bits, but my holes still always end up a little off-alignment, so I get these slightly cockeyed layouts that just end up annoying me. Mildly.
Quote from: reddesert on August 16, 2018, 06:35:32 AM
I couldn't live without my center punch. Even though it is a $2.99 Harbor Freight centerpunch, one of my better investments.
Harbor Freight is the Tayda of tools. Only it's local.
... and reminds me of boats ... :D
my solution to enclosure marring (vise, metal chips, whatever) is blue painters tape. extra layers applied to surfaces that will meet the vise. also there are no-mar replacement vise jaws or magnetic ones will stick to the ones you have
Unless the center punch is accurate and you're drilling a pilot hole with a good quality sharp drill bit small enough to fit inside the center punch dent. A drill press will have the same issues as a hand drill, a dull poor quality bit's going to skate across the surface until it bites in where it can.
I use an optical center punch to ensure the punch exactly hits the crosshairs of the layout.
I haven't used a vise when hand drilling or with the drill press. The right size bit and a free enclosure allows the bit to center the enclosure under it and drill perfectly on center. i drill 1/16" pilot hole, then enlarge with 3/32" then 1/8", from there i'll use a step bit that goes from 1/8 - 1/2" in 1/32" steps.
And of course it's always advised to clamp your workpiece but with sharp bits and 1/32" steps there's pretty much no torque on the enclosure.
Quote from: davent on August 16, 2018, 06:48:24 PM
I haven't used a vise when hand drilling or with the drill press. The right size bit and a free enclosure allows the bit to center the enclosure under it and drill perfectly on center. i drill 1/16" pilot hole, then enlarge with 3/32" then 1/8", from there i'll use a step bit that goes from 1/8 - 1/2" in 1/32" steps.
And of course it's always advised to clamp your workpiece but with sharp bits and 1/32" steps there's pretty much no torque on the enclosure.
This and lots of practice.
If one pot/switch doesn't line up, i just step bit the hole one size larger.
Step bits are a DIY'ers best friend.
I have always hand drilled but I clamp. But then I don't do production and do one offs with oddball pot designs just to keep me interested. So if I'm off 1/32" it doesn't affect me too much but I am pretty much spot on as I take my time and never drill after 3 beers ;D I also don't do pot mounted PCB's.
Quote from: thesmokingman on August 16, 2018, 04:56:18 PM
my solution to enclosure marring (vise, metal chips, whatever) is blue painters tape. extra layers applied to surfaces that will meet the vise. also there are no-mar replacement vise jaws or magnetic ones will stick to the ones you have
Two bits of neoprene or what have you also works well. Just make sure they're reasonably clean before clamping the piece down.
Quote from: alanp on August 16, 2018, 04:18:43 AM
Wow. Just wow. I've been watching some car vids on youtube, and, if I'm understanding rightly...
The Ford Model A had it's petrol tank placed just below the front window, where the dash goes in modern cars. This meant that Ford only needed a simple tube going down to the engine, and no fuel pump (either mechanical or electrical) needed.
Hey, kids! Who wants to drive around with a lap full of petrol!
Sure, it kept costs down during production, but you'd want to be really, really careful not to get T-boned in an accident.
Considering that until a few decades ago cars had no airbags, safety belts, safety zones, or basically any safety features whatsoever, and that many of us still don't like using them, that tank might have been the least of your worries. It's weird that we get so worked up over things that have such a statistically insignificant chance of killing us, like terrorism, or even a mad gunman killing spree, while traffic accidents, pollution, smoking and poor nutrition kills us by thousands each year after year after year. But of course those deaths never make it to the 8 o'clock news.
And isn't it grate that that the current administration is keeping us all safe and covefe .... ooops, i forgot the "not" ....
Well, are you any safer now, or less safer now then before lets say 9-11? All the anal probing at the airports, soldiers on te streets of Europe, it's basically all to make you feel good. I don't think any administration since, in the US, or Europe too for that matter, has done anything to make us actually safer. All window dressing and bureaucracy.
Quote from: Muadzin on August 20, 2018, 04:05:09 PM
Well, are you any safer now, or less safer now then before lets say 9-11? All the anal probing at the airports, soldiers on te streets of Europe, it's basically all to make you feel good. I don't think any administration since, in the US, or Europe too for that matter, has done anything to make us actually safer. All window dressing and bureaucracy.
Security theatre. Take some minimum wage temporary employees, put a TSA "badge" on their shirts, and tell them they're the vanguard of the War on Terrorism. Give local police departments APCs, high end imaging and communication equipment, fancy firearms to "fight terrorism" and watch them use the gear to further their efforts in
banditry asset forfeiture. It's been a smash and grab on the taxpayer from the first day and politicians on both sides have been jostling for the prime spot at the trough.
Quote from: Muadzin on August 20, 2018, 04:05:09 PM
Well, are you any safer now, or less safer now then before lets say 9-11? All the anal probing at the airports, soldiers on te streets of Europe, it's basically all to make you feel good. I don't think any administration since, in the US, or Europe too for that matter, has done anything to make us actually safer. All window dressing and bureaucracy.
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten
extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 20, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on August 20, 2018, 04:05:09 PM
Well, are you any safer now, or less safer now then before lets say 9-11? All the anal probing at the airports, soldiers on te streets of Europe, it's basically all to make you feel good. I don't think any administration since, in the US, or Europe too for that matter, has done anything to make us actually safer. All window dressing and bureaucracy.
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
I agree with John. My take is what we actually see is mostly window dressing. What we don't see is absolutely not.
I guess the question for every American is what if all this stopped just one incident? Is it worth it? Now ask that question if your family is on the plane.
Quote from: TNblueshawk on August 21, 2018, 08:16:03 PM
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 20, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on August 20, 2018, 04:05:09 PM
Well, are you any safer now, or less safer now then before lets say 9-11? All the anal probing at the airports, soldiers on te streets of Europe, it's basically all to make you feel good. I don't think any administration since, in the US, or Europe too for that matter, has done anything to make us actually safer. All window dressing and bureaucracy.
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
I agree with John. My take is what we actually see is mostly window dressing. What we don't see is absolutely not.
I guess the question for every American is what if all this stopped just one incident? Is it worth it? Now ask that question if your family is on the plane that was the one incident that got through.
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 20, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
Since the airport security was... altered, let's say (I don't want to get into effectiveness), the true nutters have changed to either "lone wolf" attacks, where they fill some useful idiot's head with nonsense and then send him out with no knowledge of any planned attacks on their part, or the European style attacks we've seen, where a truck is stolen, and driven into large gatherings of people -- what can we do, ban trucks? Put bollards up, everywhere?
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 20, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
Personally I think the war on terror has achieved the complete opposite. There is more terrorist activity now. And its uncontrollable right now. The big network may have been smashed, but it just went local, creating a giant Al Qaida brand, which has now been joined with the more trendy ISIS brand. The war also got sidetracked into doing stupid stuff, like invading Iraq and toppling one secular Arab regime after the other, leading to the chaos that gave rise to the rival and far more deadly ISIS brand. Almost the entire Sahara is now an Al Qaida no go zone, ISIS is popping up in Afghanistan, the Taliban are doing more then just holding their own. And the worst of all, like alanp said, you don't even need a network any more. Any lone wolf, radicalized by watching propaganda online can turn deadly. That Arab young man you see on the street by the bus stop? He can now be a suicide bomber. Or pull a knife. Or drive his car into people. Or her, as when it comes to terrorism, suddenly they don't discriminate any more.
Yeah, the big attacks will probably not happen. But those are like plane accidents. They don't happen that often, and the chances of being caught in one are like being hit by lightning, not that high. The lone wolf attack, that's more like car accidents, far more likely to happen, far more random. So, I'd say, the war on terror has failed. Abysmally.
Quote from: alanp on August 22, 2018, 07:47:00 AM
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 20, 2018, 11:22:45 PM
The War on Terror has done a pretty good job of disrupting the kind of terrorist networks/funding that can pull off big attacks (whether it's been worth the cost or not is another question entirely). Additionally, there are certain law enforcement reforms (at least in the US anyway) which have been very good at breaking up terrorist attacks before they can be executed. The FBI, for instance, has gotten extremely good at selling fake explosives to would-be terrorists.
But, yeah, 99.99% of what we see is, as EBRAddict put it, pure security theater.
Since the airport security was... altered, let's say (I don't want to get into effectiveness), the true nutters have changed to either "lone wolf" attacks, where they fill some useful idiot's head with nonsense and then send him out with no knowledge of any planned attacks on their part, or the European style attacks we've seen, where a truck is stolen, and driven into large gatherings of people -- what can we do, ban trucks? Put bollards up, everywhere?
In any sort of criminal behavior there's always going to be an element of what when I was in the army I called "TTP (tactics, tools, procedures) Whack-A-Mole"---people are thinking, creative, resourceful creatures and it's difficult to stop them from doing things they've set their mind to doing. While certain physical security measures are simply prudent, I've advocated primarily focusing on motive for a long time now because, as much as I liked blowing up dickheads' IEDs, it's just a hell of a lot more effective than trying to deal with what happens after you've already crossed the point of failure (a person who's willing and motivated to kill as many people as possible).
Quote from: Muadzin on August 22, 2018, 08:32:05 AMPersonally I think the war on terror has achieved the complete opposite. There is more terrorist activity now. And its uncontrollable right now. The big network may have been smashed, but it just went local, creating a giant Al Qaida brand, which has now been joined with the more trendy ISIS brand. The war also got sidetracked into doing stupid stuff, like invading Iraq and toppling one secular Arab regime after the other, leading to the chaos that gave rise to the rival and far more deadly ISIS brand. Almost the entire Sahara is now an Al Qaida no go zone, ISIS is popping up in Afghanistan, the Taliban are doing more then just holding their own. And the worst of all, like alanp said, you don't even need a network any more. Any lone wolf, radicalized by watching propaganda online can turn deadly. That Arab young man you see on the street by the bus stop? He can now be a suicide bomber. Or pull a knife. Or drive his car into people. Or her, as when it comes to terrorism, suddenly they don't discriminate any more.
Yeah, the big attacks will probably not happen. But those are like plane accidents. They don't happen that often, and the chances of being caught in one are like being hit by lightning, not that high. The lone wolf attack, that's more like car accidents, far more likely to happen, far more random. So, I'd say, the war on terror has failed. Abysmally.
Any which way someone's opinion falls on this issue, it's definitely a big, complicated mess with a whole lot of uncertainty and unknowables thrown in. Like, we have no idea what terrorism would look like today without the GWOT; certainly different but we can't know if it would be overall better or worse. We have no idea what the collapse of Iraq would have looked like (the "stability" of Saddam's regime we now know was a veneer which was peeling rapidly) nor how the aftermath would have played out.
We also don't know if and to what extent the GWOT may have attenuated the behavior of certain nations who like to fund terrorism without getting caught in the act and called out for it (think: KGB funding/training/equipping of terrorists during operations SIG and TAYFUN).
I think it's safe to say that there's been a mixed bag of results and whether the overall result is a net positive or negative is really difficult to parse. Hopefully things are better now than they would of been but I honestly don't know if that's true or not.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Quote from: Frag Magnet on August 22, 2018, 09:25:45 PM
In any sort of criminal behavior there's always going to be an element of what when I was in the army I called "TTP (tactics, tools, procedures) Whack-A-Mole"---people are thinking, creative, resourceful creatures and it's difficult to stop them from doing things they've set their mind to doing.
I can't remember the author, but in the 90s I read an interesting PDF that talked about how, in computer game design, you (as a designer) are up against humans, who are very good at optimizing, and how they will find the most reward for least effort path in your game.
Wish I could remember it better.
Very interesting video essay, this -- I have played KOTOR 2, but I hadn't thought of it in terms of deconstructionism. I had noticed the deconstructionist themes in TLJ, but hadn't chased it down like this guy does.
Quotehow they will find the most reward for least effort path in your game.
The perfect example of this (and I had a friend who was a master at it - these are his strategies, before the internet) is in the original X-com 1. Want money? All you have to do is build laser pistols flat out every cycle, and sell them off. Nothing else gives you a better cost vs profit result, nearly to the point of breaking the game.
In Simcity 2000, the trick is to build everything along the lines of a 9x9 square, putting your water pump in the center square... (
Found that PDF! (
I was reading this article, and so help me, all I could think of was that Austin Powers clip.
I recently had this discussion with my wife with regards to exactly this whole notion of insisting on being called doctor ... if you've earned your doctorate, you've earned the right to be a dick about being called doctor.
For me, I understand that she wants to be called Dr. in this case, when the flight attendend looked at her ticket and saw it, but it's not like she's no longer a woman so "Miss" should be totally fine.
In Austria, when you have an academic title, it's common to show it (it's printed on your insurrance and bank cards, etc.). I personally never liked that. Sure it comes in handy, if you want to fix an appointment and you are "the Doctor", but should it? Isn't it supposed to be unimportant what title the person has (still talking about the appointment thing)?
IMHO, this is a case of first-world problems. Still not a reason to be a dick about it online. She worked for her title and it's her right to be proud of that. I guess it comes down to how proud you actually are of it and how modest you are.
Quote from: m-Kresol on September 08, 2018, 07:15:12 AM
For me, I understand that she wants to be called Dr. in this case, when the flight attendend looked at her ticket and saw it, but it's not like she's no longer a woman so "Miss" should be totally fine.
In Austria, when you have an academic title, it's common to show it (it's printed on your insurrance and bank cards, etc.). I personally never liked that. Sure it comes in handy, if you want to fix an appointment and you are "the Doctor", but should it? Isn't it supposed to be unimportant what title the person has (still talking about the appointment thing)?
IMHO, this is a case of first-world problems. Still not a reason to be a dick about it online. She worked for her title and it's her right to be proud of that. I guess it comes down to how proud you actually are of it and how modest you are.
In some cases it can be a real pet peeve for people. One of my former lab directors was a woman, who had a doctorate. Her husband did not. But, their household was constantly getting mail addressed to "Dr. and Mrs. Zutshi". There was always the assumption that the male in the house was the doctor, and she just the wife. It really became a point of aggravation given how often it came up.
In this case the ladies title was listed on the ticket and its possible it was a similar situation. Perhaps she thought the stewardess was assuming she was the "plus one" of a doctor. I don't know for certain, but I can get it becoming a sticking point for people.
I have a university degree, I almost never use it. And I certainly don't insist to be called by it by others, even though I could, which I think is a sign of an inflated ego. The way I see it anyone can get an university degree, and having gotten one myself, I find them utterly meaningless. The only persons deserving to be called doctor on a daily basis are medical staff, as its part of their function. This person seems to have both an inflated ego and playing the sexism/victim card, which to me makes this person double useless. The people who do all the behind the scenes work that keep the university this person studied on working are more useful to society then this person is. This person deserves all the scorn this person got, although it could have been done more nicely. But that's not so much sexism as how the anonymity of the internet seems to take away all civility from people.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I remember an old story from a industrial lab I did an internship in, where one of the secretaries told my friend, "The scientists are ok until they get a PhD, then they get full of themselves." I resolved not to do that. I did get a PhD, but I never expect to be called Dr. something.
On the other hand, I have lots of friends who also have doctorates in scientific research, and the women are constantly being undervalued, condescended to, taken for students, mansplained to about their own work (I dislike that phrase, but it's accurate here), and so on. So more of them have started insisting on using the professional title. However, they want to use it in the professional context, not at the coffee shop. That's where this went off the rails, I think.
Just because someone writes or says something publicly doesn't mean it needs to be discussed, especially when someone's obviously venting. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just read a complaint and move on instead of trying to put someone in their place. How that was worth a news article or even the time required to respond to the tweet is beyond me.
And I also agree that if someone dedicates half their life to the single minded pursuit of a narrow topic they've earned the right to once in a while insist on being called by their title. I'd insist on being called Sir if I got knighted. I'd also walk around in a frigging suit of armor and ride a damn horse. 'Cause that's what knights do.
Quote from: Muadzin on September 08, 2018, 07:34:42 AM
I have a university degree, I almost never use it.
A "university degree" -- do you mean a bachelor's or a
doctorate? Because those aren't the same thing.
Also, just as an aside, you can bloody well bet I am going to insist I am called "Master" once I finish my MS!
Quote from: somnif on September 08, 2018, 08:45:52 PM
Also, just as an aside, you can bloody well bet I am going to insist I am called "Master" once I finish my MS!
I heard the "M" in MS stood for "More", i.e.:
BS = Bull Shit
MS = More Shit
PhD = Piled higher and Deeper
By the way, I have a MS and a JD degree, but the best honorific title I have is that my kids call me "Daddy". ;D
Seems like a disproportionate representation of grad degree holders on this forum. I like it.
Something weird I've noticed is that some people drive around with their headlights on.
In the middle of the day. When it isn't grey and stormy with crap visibility.
I've heard of flashing your headlights to let oncoming traffic know that a speed camera is around the corner behind you. But not leaving them on all the time!
Quote from: alanp on September 10, 2018, 09:56:42 AM
Something weird I've noticed is that some people drive around with their headlights on.
In the middle of the day. When it isn't grey and stormy with crap visibility.
I've heard of flashing your headlights to let oncoming traffic know that a speed camera is around the corner behind you. But not leaving them on all the time!
Its automatic on most cars these days. I literally cannot turn off my front headlamps if my car is in gear.
Hear this comment often. I usually drive with headlights on, even in the day. But I never need lights to see where I'm going, even at night... I live in the city and there's always street lighting! The Lights are so people are more likely to see me, and therefore less likely to be stoopid... It's risk mitigation through increased visibility.
Years ago I did an advanced driver course at a racetrack for work... its where I learnt this. Now I always keep my tyres well inflated too, at least 36-38psi. Nothing quite as eye opening as watching first-hand how much an underinflated tyre compresses under emergency braking! I saw the rims dip within a couple cm of the road surface... if that rim kisses road you can blow out. That tyre was 29psi! So anyways, the lights on thing is quite deliberate, at least for me. :)
I always drive with my lights on in the daytime, even in an older car where I have to turn them on manually. It helps other drivers and pedestrians see you better.
I used to drive tractor/trailer and that made me a pretty conscientious driver. Visibility is so important. I always drive with my headlights on. Like nzCdog said, it dramatically increases your visibility to other drivers. When I had my motorcycle I wore a white helmet for the same reason. It stands out in traffic. The headlights on thing also functions for me as a handy habit. Because I always turn them on, I'm in the habit of always turning them off, so I don't accidentally leave them on. I'm forgetful enough to do that even when my car dings at me about it.
UPS Mail Innovations (that program where UPS carries the package to your local USPS office and then they do the actual delivery) is no "innovation at all! Had a package shipped this way. The package arrived at local UPS warehouse (40 miles away) at 2AM on Friday morning. It has sat there until this (Monday) day when apparently it was transferred to the USPS. Delivery isn't going to be until Wednesday!!!
This is why I strictly mail with USPS. If I would have had the choice to ship strictly USPS, I probably would have had this package last Thursday >:(
Between shows like Pimp My Ride, and video showing cars like that (and I don't mean the German-Italian car)...
I'm pretty certain by now that there is absolutely no warrant of fitness process for cars on American roads. Going by what I see hot rodders driving on public roads, as long as you aren't speeding, traffic cops don't give a shit.
And they really should have hired a Diablo, not an Adventador. The Diablo is probably closer to what would turn them on -- it was the last Lambo, IIRC, before all the electric wizardry was splooged into the guts of them. I noticed that they complained about getting into the Lambo, but were also very careful not to talk about the actual comfort of the driving, compared to the other car (where he was joking about driving along with one foot sitting on the bloody dashboard!)
it depends on the state and age of the vehicle regarding the safety requirements. if you can acquire an original frame and metal chassis, you can get away with a lot regarding safety requirements. generally speaking, antique automobiles were grandfathered in to vehicle safety requirements so if the car didn't originally have that particular safety or emissions feature, there's no requirement for it to have it now. states like California require you to maintain any emissions features a car might have had, including any of the seriously power robbing features of the early to mid 1970s. for instance, a lot of companies offer aftermarket exhaust manifolds with smog pump fittings on them because the originals had them and California requires them.
Quote from: thesmokingman on September 07, 2018, 08:45:06 PM
I recently had this discussion with my wife with regards to exactly this whole notion of insisting on being called doctor ... if you've earned your doctorate, you've earned the right to be a dick about being called doctor.
Excuse me, I'm going to need everyone to address me as
Former Sergeant Frag Magnet; I didn't spend six years finger-banging things which were supposed to blow up (but didn't) to be addressed like the rest of you mere plebs. ::)
I'll say here what I said in the Twitter discussion (apparently criticism = "trolling" now):
If one's in a professional and/or academic environment and the title is pertinent to the given situation, it's absolutely appropriate to insist on the use of a title. It's a matter of professional (or academic) courtesy and respect.
However, if you're outside of that context in a mass of other people all of whom have things to do, STFU. It's not about you. You're not special and odds are you're only interested in making blue collar/service workers with enough on their plate already address you as their social superior.
Quote from: reddesert on September 08, 2018, 05:36:32 PM...mansplained to about their own work (I dislike that phrase, but it's accurate here)...
mansplain : patronize :: yolo! : carpe diem
I need to get some more storage containers and seriously tidy up.
I know that there's a half-populated Moodring PCB kicking around here somewhere. I just can't find it. I did find some valve VCA pcbs I got given in a trade, some old Doppelganger prototype PCBs, some overdrives and fuzzes I never got around to boxing, the half-populated Tides PCB from the run with no silkscreen I did... no moodring.
Annoyingly, the Belton Brick I picked up for the project, I had in two seconds.
Fun bit of trivia -- the phrase "balls out" comes from the governor in old steam engines. When the engine is roaring along at full trot, the two spherical weights on the governor are extended completely out. (
The phrase "balls to the wall" comes from aviation -- if the pilot wanted full engine power, he'd slam the throttles (usually with balls on the tips for easier grabbing than just a stick) all the wall forward against the firewall. (
I love the origins of phrases, another balls one is "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" or I think just "brass". Comes from the cannon on ships era when the balls were kept on brass trays called monkeys and when it was cold the metal.. contracted (?) and the balls would fall off. (
I've heard the brass monkey story before, but it has been discredited.
Look up "etymology" sometime :)
Well thats a shitter. So not only have I been arguably dull, Ive also been wrong :D
Quote from: alanp on September 23, 2018, 07:40:52 AM (
I've heard the brass monkey story before, but it has been discredited.
Look up "etymology" sometime :)
Well you know what they say about the brass monkey. He's funky. He's a funky monkey.
Quote from: zombie_rock123 on September 23, 2018, 09:04:40 AM
Well thats a shitter.
Funny choice of words. In another false-origin story, it's claimed that the acronym s.h.i.t. (ship high in transit) referenced an old shipping practice for transporting explosive methane-producing cargo up high so the ship didn't blow up (why do these stories almost always involve ships?). This is also a false etymology, but tons of people still believe it, "because it was on them Internets". Personally I find these kind of made-up stories distressing. Who is making this stuff up, and the better question is...why?? I would say, if anybody tells you a word or phrase came from old shipping practices, it's made up.
It says more about humans in general, I think. A good story will suck anyone in and cause them to suspend your sense of disbelief. (When Superman came out, with Christopher Reeve, how many people in the theatre were sitting there saying, but people can't fly!)
Pratchett and Cohen made a good argument for changing our scientific name from Homo Sapiens Sapiens, really wise man, to Pans Narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee.
Quote from: lars on September 23, 2018, 04:42:49 PMWho is making this stuff up, and the better question is...why??
Because it's hilarious to fool gullible people whose BS detector is turned off all the time? It's not like false etymology actually hurts anyone. (
It's actually derived from Old English scitan, and in turn from Proto-Germanic skit. That would have been my first guess -- Old English is a lot more different to modern english than people realise.
Almost every "bad" word in English is Anglo-Saxon, baring some corner cases that are loan words, like bint, which isn't even a bad word in the language it was borrowed from and is probably only used as an insult because of the likely way British soldiers uhhhh learned it.
Do they have "shag carpet" in the UK, and if so, does it mean the same as in the US?
On a flight back to the US from London several years ago, I noticed that the flight attendants made a special effort to call the in-flight meal "sausage and mash", presumably so some Americans wouldn't go into pervy creep mode at the sound of "bangers" being said by an attractive female.
Quote from: EBK on September 23, 2018, 10:36:20 PM
Do they have "shag carpet" in the UK, and if so, does it mean the same as in the US?
On a flight back to the US from London several years ago, I noticed that the flight attendants made a special effort to call the in-flight meal "sausage and mash", presumably so some Americans wouldn't go into pervy creep mode at the sound of "bangers" being said by an attractive female.
"Shag" carpeting started in Europe, so presumably. The word derives originall from the Norse word for "Beard" via old English.
The sex connotation appears to come from an older phrase "shag your wick", straightening/trimming the wick of a candle that has been burnt and snuffed so that it will burn more cleanly upon re-lighting. This became slang for "getting it back up for round two", and eventually just for sex in general.
Etymology of slang is fascinating.
Quote from: midwayfair on September 08, 2018, 08:26:42 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on September 08, 2018, 07:34:42 AM
I have a university degree, I almost never use it.
A "university degree" -- do you mean a bachelor's or a doctorate? Because those aren't the same thing.
The Netherlands used a different system back then before adopting the bachelor/master degree system. There was only a single degree, so everyone graduated were called a doctorandus, or drs, or ingenieur (engineer) or ir in the case of a technical study. Doctorandus is still my official title. Since adopting the anglo-saxon model all those who have graduated previously can now call themselves master. So I'm now technically a M.A. master of arts.
Bint is a bit regional, it's a derogatory term for a lady. Usually twinned with daft or silly.
Shagging is bonking here. We do have shag carpet.
For confusion, a fanny in the US is a bottom, in the UK it's a lady's front bottom.
One that I see a lot on US streams and TV is flicking the V. Which in the UK is akin to flipping someone the bird, which I assume is not what they're doing ;)
The backwards V is the insulting version, I believe? Where the back of your hand is facing the other person?
And the American term "fannypack" is infinitely amusing to Commonwealth ears, since it pretty much translates as "c*** pack".
Not sure if it's true, but I like the story. I've heard that the two (and later, one middle ) finger insult started out as three fingers. Apparently the English soldiers would cut off the three middle fingers of French archers if they captured them. It meant the archers could no longer arch, so they were now a useless soldier. The French archers would insult the English at the start of battles by showing the three middle fingers.
I'd like to believe it's true anyway, it's too good a story.
Quote from: alanp on September 25, 2018, 08:03:10 AM
The backwards V is the insulting version, I believe? Where the back of your hand is facing the other person?
Yep, the other way around is the traditional victory thing. Which gets confusing when you see Churchill flicking the backwards version one time... The backwards one is something to do with French archers I believe.
Quote from: alanp on September 25, 2018, 08:03:10 AMAnd the American term "fannypack" is infinitely amusing to Commonwealth ears, since it pretty much translates as "c*** pack".
They call them Bum bags here.
My wife told me somewhat recently that she wanted to buy a fanny pack. I spit out my coffee, not because of what "fanny" means, but rather because it is such a hideous looking thing to want to wear.
On this fascinating topic of language and gesture differences, I just read something that I'm not sure I believe. It is this:
QuoteThe thumbs-up sign does not mean "that's great" in Australia as it does here [in the US]. There, it means "up yours" or the painful-sounding "sit on it." Basically, you are telling a person that you hope he gets something inserted up his bottom.
Is that really true? :o
Quote from: mjg on September 25, 2018, 08:59:19 AM
Not sure if it's true, but I like the story. I've heard that the two (and later, one middle ) finger insult started out as three fingers. Apparently the English soldiers would cut off the three middle fingers of French archers if they captured them. It meant the archers could no longer arch, so they were now a useless soldier. The French archers would insult the English at the start of battles by showing the three middle fingers.
I'd like to believe it's true anyway, it's too good a story.
Yeah, it's pretty much B.S. The gesture is not that old, and it makes no sense in historical context. You wouldn't mutilate captured soldiers, you'd execute them. And what's to stop them from using the rest of their fingers to draw the bow? You don't need a lot of precision to fire arrows in a 45 degree arc toward the bad guys on your captain's order.
Quote from: mjg on September 25, 2018, 08:59:19 AM
Not sure if it's true, but I like the story. I've heard that the two (and later, one middle ) finger insult started out as three fingers. Apparently the English soldiers would cut off the three middle fingers of French archers if they captured them. It meant the archers could no longer arch, so they were now a useless soldier. The French archers would insult the English at the start of battles by showing the three middle fingers.
I'd like to believe it's true anyway, it's too good a story.
From what I gathered it was the other way around. Which makes more sense as it was English archers who wreaked havoc on French knights with their long bows. Never the other way around, as the French favored the crossbow more.
Quote from: EBK on September 25, 2018, 04:02:50 PM
On this fascinating topic of language and gesture differences, I just read something that I'm not sure I believe. It is this:
QuoteThe thumbs-up sign does not mean "that's great" in Australia as it does here [in the US]. There, it means "up yours" or the painful-sounding "sit on it." Basically, you are telling a person that you hope he gets something inserted up his bottom.
Is that really true? :o
Not true as far as I'm concerned. Thumbs up means good. Two fingers or middle finger up means "up yours". Maybe it has changed over time? But certainly as far as I can remember, thumbs up has always meant "good" in Australia.
Quote from: midwayfair on September 25, 2018, 09:22:03 PM
Quote from: mjg on September 25, 2018, 08:59:19 AM
Not sure if it's true, but I like the story. I've heard that the two (and later, one middle ) finger insult started out as three fingers. Apparently the English soldiers would cut off the three middle fingers of French archers if they captured them. It meant the archers could no longer arch, so they were now a useless soldier. The French archers would insult the English at the start of battles by showing the three middle fingers.
I'd like to believe it's true anyway, it's too good a story.
Yeah, it's pretty much B.S. The gesture is not that old, and it makes no sense in historical context. You wouldn't mutilate captured soldiers, you'd execute them. And what's to stop them from using the rest of their fingers to draw the bow? You don't need a lot of precision to fire arrows in a 45 degree arc toward the bad guys on your captain's order.
Yeah, I was more hoping it was true than believing it would be. Although...have you tried to draw a traditional long bow? I suspect it would be pretty damn hard when missing the three middle fingers.
I like cake! (... and flippin' people off ... 8))
Huh, just learnt that the Fiat Bambina was also sold as the Fiat 500... never knew!
Dad had a Bambina for a little while. I suspect Mum made him sell it due to the size -- even as an easily impressed little kid, I remember thinking, WOW, that is a tiny car!
The french were more inclined to use crossbows. My understanding was that (english) poachers often had the middle two amputated as punishment.
Cute 8)
Having a quick read, the legend is that it was allegedly English longbowmen to the French who were essentially showing that they had their fingers. The story goes that the French would cut off the fingers of captured archers... That said, taking prisoners wasn't much of a thing then, hence people think it's probably bollocks.
Here's an example of how to use the V sign jovially to someone you'd rather not have photographed you.
Edit: [content deleted]
Go carefully with the politics.
Quote from: alanp on October 03, 2018, 03:59:08 PM
Go carefully with the politics.
Good advice.
I'm trying.I've deleted my previous comment. ;)
The golden oldie stations here like playing Don McLean's "American Pie".
I've never liked it myself.
All the unbelievably oblique references feel like when you're invited to an acquaintance's party, but you don't know anyone there (except the acquaintance, who is NOT at friend level yet), and they are all using in-clique references, and nothing you can add to the conversation about.
Hate that song with a purple passion. Thanks for making it ring in my head!!
I quite like American Pie. So maybe I don't get all the references any more, are you still able to get all the pop culture references when you watch a 60's or 70's movie? How much of the culture reference can you still understand when you're watching a 1930's Charlie Chaplin or Laurel and Hardy movie? I reckon true staying power of a song, book or movie is when it manages to survive the era of its creation and still be enjoyed by new people.
So American Pie is getting a little obscure, it's still a fun catchy song that you can still play in a club or bar and have young people sing along. In fact I have seen young people sing along to it in a bar.
The local Classic Rock station here refuses to play any song made after 1987. I know this because the only music they play from 1987 is Guns N' Roses' Appetite for Destruction. Typically, the music played is between 1965 and 1983. Now, I realize that it is a classic rock station but, I would think they could play SOMETHING made in the last 30 years!!! AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, etc. is all you hear over, and over, and over!!
It's like Van Halen's 1984 album coming out and hearing nothing but Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Jerry Lee Lewis on the radio!!
The funniest part is that their station breaks say "From Nirvana to Hendrix" or "From Foo Fighters to Black Sabbath." Hahahaha! I listen to that station religiously all day (it's the ONLY rock station in the area) and I have YET to hear any Nirvana or Foo Fighters!
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 13, 2018, 07:48:14 PM
The local Classic Rock station here refuses to play any song made after 1987. I know this because the only music they play from 1987 is Guns N' Roses' Appetite for Destruction. Typically, the music played is between 1965 and 1983. Now, I realize that it is a classic rock station but, I would think they could play SOMETHING made in the last 30 years!!! AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, etc. is all you hear over, and over, and over!!
It's like Van Halen's 1984 album coming out and hearing nothing but Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Jerry Lee Lewis on the radio!!
The funniest part is that their station breaks say "From Nirvana to Hendrix" or "From Foo Fighters to Black Sabbath." Hahahaha! I listen to that station religiously all day (it's the ONLY rock station in the area) and I have YET to hear any Nirvana or Foo Fighters!
You mean 100.7? They definitely play 90's stuff in commuting hours. They played some Gin Blossoms one time, and I was like, !$#%.
Quote from: midwayfair on October 13, 2018, 08:51:09 PM
You mean 100.7? They definitely play 90's stuff in commuting hours. They played some Gin Blossoms one time, and I was like, !$#%.
Nah. It's 97.7 The Rocket. Local station down my neck of the woods. I would listen to DC101 but it doesn't come in reliably.
Funny thing is, they have a sister station on the other side of the Potomac in VA and they play 'recent' rock music. Weird!! (
This is my favourite station. It doesn't play exclusively rock, but it's the kind of station I think of as a "compromise" station -- good for a group of people with vastly differing ideas on what constitutes good music. Some Pink Floyd, Sabbath, as well as that hiphop song, "I Got 99 Problems". Plus Mumford and Sons, that kind of modern music, a bit of Nirvana, everything, really. (Compromises aren't always bad!)
While driving home from a birthday party today, my six-year-old daughter who has no real history of behavioral problems spewed forth some murderous racist comments. I'm feeling like a huge fucking failure as a parent right now. :-[ :'(
Quote from: EBK on October 14, 2018, 04:54:48 PM
While driving home from a birthday party today, my six-year-old daughter who has no real history of behavioral problems spewed forth some murderous racist comments. I'm feeling like a huge fucking failure as a parent right now. :-[ :'(
Hey brother. I work with kids for a living and I am a parent of four. Your kids' hearts and their faith are their own. You're a steward but you can't control their hearts. Hang in there and teach and model the truth. You're probably not a failure but you will feel like one a LOT. That's how it is with me. Also, kids parrot a lot of stuff and often have way less understanding of what they are saying than we realize. Patience and gentle correction can be powerful. Hang in there man. Don't get discouraged.
Kids say the darndest things sometimes. :-\
Sounds like an opening for a constructive discussion instead? Random comments like this from youngsters arent that unusual, you never know where they pick these things up. We always talk thing through with our kids, have debriefs after 'interesting' events... But only when everyone has cooled off a bit. Honestly, its not always the kids misbehaving in my house. Sometimes Dad has to apologise for a grumpy outburst, nobody is perfect... and no family is perfect. :-[ Anyway, this was supposed to be encouraging. You're not alone bro! :)
Quote from: EBK on October 14, 2018, 04:54:48 PM
While driving home from a birthday party today, my six-year-old daughter who has no real history of behavioral problems spewed forth some murderous racist comments. I'm feeling like a huge fucking failure as a parent right now. :-[ :'(
The universe truly has a perverse sense of humor. A comedian once said that whatever you hate, your kids will end upp loving it or bring it home to you. That when you hate gays or blacks, your son will become gay or your daughter will bring home her black boyfriend. I wouldn't know from personal experience if that were true, but I talked to a single mother recently and she hates football (the real thing, not American power armored rugby) and materialism, and she has to go out early on saturdays to watch her son play football and all he cares about is what expensive logos are on his clothing and smartphone. And it reminded me of that comedian again.
Another thing to keep in mind that it matters not that much what they think and say right now, as kids are fickle and prone to easy influence by friends, school, the media, society in general. It matters who they are when they finally do grow up. And if you can keep that infernal smartphone out of their hands. Because that damn thing will be the biggest influence in their lives, far more then you will ever be. And do you really want to leave their education up to the beast that is social media?
Dude, she's six. She probably heard it from someone and has no idea what she's saying. Just talk to her, ask her where she heard it, and you'll figure out what needs to be done.
Quote from: midwayfair on October 16, 2018, 02:43:16 PM
Dude, she's six. She probably heard it from someone and has no idea what she's saying. Just talk to her, ask her where she heard it, and you'll figure out what needs to be done.
I wish I could tell you that she was merely repeating an offensive phrase that she heard from someone else. Instead, she expressed that she hated all members of a certain race, and a couple minutes later, after asking us a few questions about where laws come from, she said she wished that she was the president so she could enact a law that says that all members of the race that she hated should be killed.
That's gotta come from somewhere; she's learning it from someone or she's maybe being bullied. I guess you get to have a really awful conversation and get to the bottom of this.
The tap water here is so hard, you use a tea strainer when you pour boiling water from the kettle, to filter out the lime that will inevitably appear after boiling the water.
I read somewhere that hard water is great for making stouts, but a bit 'orrid for making any other type of beer.
All of a sudden, the world is like a Tom Clancy novel...Russians get busted for trying to hack the OPCW in The Hague (my back yard basically), the head of interpol goes missing and Saoudis supposedly sent a 15 man hit squad after a journalist...
I'm seriously entertaining the possibility that this sort of thing has been going on since, say, the Romans and Egyptians but all of a sudden it's really out there in the open and it feels freaky and uneasy.
I'm inclined to think that the Internet is the key thing.
Back in the 80s, events could be safely buried, with time.
These days... the Internet Remembers. And also has a lot of nosey buggers on Twitter, whereas Pre-Internet, they could only tell their disbelieving mates down the pub.
The internet also allows all the nutters, the alu hat tin foil brigades and other like minded crazies to find each other and reinforce eachother in their crazy. In that sense its becoming harder and harder to separate truth from opinion or even fiction.
That being said I'm of the opinion that everything that we, as in the West, accuses others of doing, we're doing ourselves as well, if not worse. The Russians aren't sinners and we as hell ain't saints. It's all grey. I also find it highly ironic that we allow the Saudis to get away with behavior in Yemen that we bomb Assad for in Syria, and that it took the death of a journalist for our political and journalist classes to finally take notice what utter bastards the Saudis are. I'm afraid that the West will huff and puff a little, but the Saudis have untold billions that they are willing to spend to make us like them again, so I doubt the cruise missiles will be flying towards Ryad. And thus the people in Yemen will continue to die. With our help.
And now I'll take off my alu tin foil hat again and step down of my soapbox again.
Umm... err... hmmm.
Oh shit! Better give him a time out, Brian.
Quote from: Muadzin on October 19, 2018, 10:18:48 PM
The internet also allows all the nutters, the alu hat tin foil brigades and other like minded crazies to find each other and reinforce eachother in their crazy. In that sense its becoming harder and harder to separate truth from opinion or even fiction.
That being said I'm of the opinion that everything that we, as in the West, accuses others of doing, we're doing ourselves as well, if not worse. The Russians aren't sinners and we as hell ain't saints. It's all grey. I also find it highly ironic that we allow the Saudis to get away with behavior in Yemen that we bomb Assad for in Syria, and that it took the death of a journalist for our political and journalist classes to finally take notice what utter bastards the Saudis are. I'm afraid that the West will huff and puff a little, but the Saudis have untold billions that they are willing to spend to make us like them again, so I doubt the cruise missiles will be flying towards Ryad. And thus the people in Yemen will continue to die. With our help.
And now I'll take off my alu tin foil hat again and step down of my soapbox again.
To summarize, have you noticed how other nations rake action while we mainly make threats? We're like bad parents of spoiled brats. If you don't stop, we'll say stop again....
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: Zigcat on October 20, 2018, 06:49:33 AM
Oh shit! Better give him a time out, Brian.
[soapbox] Often times, you have to look at both sides of a conversation, remove yourself, and look at it from a different view point. Is an individual helpful, comic relief, or disruptive.
If you look below the surface, and know the history, you will find that much more goes on than appears, and that the majority are very tolerable. Therefore, decisions are not made lightly, and nothing is ruled with an iron fist. The bigger picture is always looked at, and very fair.
I have found that hate for the sake of hate is very unproductive and extremely intolerable by the majority. These individuals are often self destructive and eventually dealt with either on their own or by the ones who moderate. Take for example, prejudices in society. Is it free speech or hate speech. Is it tolerated by everyone, or self moderated to its own place where it is welcomed?
Opinions are always welcomed, but boundaries have to be respected.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
O.K., not to save you some of the recent topics, but I got to get off my chest. Why are people in eBay so freaking cheap.
I have so many stories. I $90 item that someone wants to pay $20 for and want you to pay the shipping on top of that. Come on really?
A four dollar item that someone wants to bargain you down to one dollar for! That one the guy actually called me an elitist jerk for not selling it to him.
And it doesn't work the other way around. I have had people Send me offers and it specifically says on eBay didn't offer does not include shipping. I had one guy who threatened up and down to give me horrible reviews if I didn't give him free shipping because I never mention that in my reply offer to him.
I worked very hard to get 100 positive feedback.
Anyway rant over.
Let's talk about the importance stuff like land mines and endangered species like reporters.
Typo'd from my iphone
O.K., not as serious as some of the recent topics, but I got to get off my chest. Why are people in eBay so freaking cheap.
I have so many stories. I $90 item that someone wants to pay $20 for and want you to pay the shipping on top of that. Come on really?
A four dollar item that someone wants to bargain you down to one dollar for! That one the guy actually called me an elitist jerk for not selling it to him.
And it doesn't work the other way around. I have had people Send me offers and it specifically says on eBay didn't offer does not include shipping. I had one guy who threatened up and down to give me horrible reviews if I didn't give him free shipping because I never mention that in my reply offer to him.
I worked very hard to get 100 positive feedback.
One guy is going to ruin that.
Anyway rant over.
Let's talk about the importance stuff like land mines and endangered species like reporters.
Typo'd from my iphone
Quote from: Ekimneets on October 21, 2018, 08:42:03 PM
O.K., not as serious as some of the recent topics, but I got to get off my chest. Why are people in eBay so freaking cheap.
I have so many stories. I $90 item that someone wants to pay $20 for and want you to pay the shipping on top of that. Come on really?
A four dollar item that someone wants to bargain you down to one dollar for! That one the guy actually called me an elitist jerk for not selling it to him.
And it doesn't work the other way around. I have had people Send me offers and it specifically says on eBay didn't offer does not include shipping. I had one guy who threatened up and down to give me horrible reviews if I didn't give him free shipping because I never mention that in my reply offer to him.
I worked very hard to get 100 positive feedback.
One guy is going to ruin that.
Anyway rant over.
Let's talk about the importance stuff like land mines and endangered species like reporters.
Typo'd from my iphone
I feel your pain! I really don't use Fleabay anymore. Too much trouble! It has become the worlds largest yard sale.
On another note, I have low-balled people with offers before but, only in extreme circumstances. Like someone selling an item for $500 when comparable items (or exactly the same) are selling for $100. When they say no, I like to look back on them 6-8 months later to see them still for sale. I always wonder how they can keep paying listing fees for the outrageous. :-\
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 21, 2018, 09:30:14 PM
Quote from: Ekimneets on October 21, 2018, 08:42:03 PM
O.K., not as serious as some of the recent topics, but I got to get off my chest. Why are people in eBay so freaking cheap.
I have so many stories. I $90 item that someone wants to pay $20 for and want you to pay the shipping on top of that. Come on really?
A four dollar item that someone wants to bargain you down to one dollar for! That one the guy actually called me an elitist jerk for not selling it to him.
And it doesn't work the other way around. I have had people Send me offers and it specifically says on eBay didn't offer does not include shipping. I had one guy who threatened up and down to give me horrible reviews if I didn't give him free shipping because I never mention that in my reply offer to him.
I worked very hard to get 100 positive feedback.
One guy is going to ruin that.
Anyway rant over.
Let's talk about the importance stuff like land mines and endangered species like reporters.
Typo'd from my iphone
I feel your pain! I really don't use Fleabay anymore. Too much trouble! It has become the worlds largest yard sale.
On another note, I have low-balled people with offers before but, only in extreme circumstances. Like someone selling an item for $500 when comparable items (or exactly the same) are selling for $100. When they say no, I like to look back on them 6-8 months later to see them still for sale. I always wonder how they can keep paying listing fees for the outrageous. :-\
Most of mine were already fire sale cheap. The $90 item was a large Fstop photography backpack w/ insert. Well over $300 new and mine was in mint condition. Sure $20 bucks.
The $4 item was a mini wireless keyboard that I paid 15-20 bucks for new.
Definitely not overpriced and then to get upset w/ you, demand free shipping or threaten you with a bad review.
There is a Thai word, I can't spell it, but phonetically it is kean-yow and is basically a cheap bastard that I usually mutter when I'm dealing with one of those people.
Typo'd from my iphone
Just gonna leave this here...
Did I leave my lube out again?
Frag, IIRC, you used to defuse these?
How accurate is that picture? Because it looks like something straight out of the Mission Impossible movies.
Bearing that in mind, Lars, I'd love to know what the CCTV cameras for the CNN mail room show. I wonder if the FBI have dusted everything for prints, yet?
I dont get how the person or persons involved never thought that the packages were going to be screened before the recepient got them. So stupid.
I wouldn't be surprised if the devices were all fakes and planted by Russian agents merely to stir up a little more political instability ahead of the midterm election. In other words, maybe these weren't intended to harm or even necessarily scare the targeted recipients. (I love a conspiracy theory. ;) )
Quote from: EBK on October 25, 2018, 09:45:30 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the devices were all fakes and planted by Russian agents merely to stir up a little more political instability ahead of the midterm election. In other words, maybe these weren't intended to harm or even necessarily scare the targeted recipients. (I love a conspiracy theory. ;) )
Apparently the analysis did show live explosives in them (at least the one sent to CNN), so "fake" is a relative term. Not a lot of info though, just "unidentified white powder" and "live explosives". The one sent to Soros was reported as containing a low explosive and shrapnel. Not the most sophisticated of designs, but it would do the job I suppose...
And just read some more detail on the one sent to CNN. Its... oh god its got a meme on it. A parody of an ISIS flag with "Get ER Done" on it. Ugh.
Some more info: The CNN bomb did contain low explosives.... BUT no blasting cap/detonator. Just wires running from a digital timer into the explosive, like they expected that to be enough. We have a very dumb bomb maker on our hands (not that the meme left any doubt to that).
I'm sticking with Russian agents, with the dumb bomber appearance being entirely intentional.
Quote from: EBK on October 25, 2018, 10:18:52 AM
I'm sticking with Russian agents, with the dumb bomber appearance being entirely intentional.
In the lack of other information, I currently have my money on a 14 year old 4chan user who totally knows how Politics works, so you should really take him totally seriously.
Quote from: lars on October 25, 2018, 02:26:38 PM
Again, looking at the picture, notice the packing tape used to attach the labels? We've all attached labels to packages using packing invariably leaves perfect prints of our fingers in the tape! If this was the work of some lone bomber, they would easily have them in custody by now.
Fingerprinting doesn't really work that way I'm afraid. They may have some prints (assuming the sender didn't wear gloves) but that only helps if the sender was printed and is in a database somewhere. Also, not all prints can be OCR'd and digitized like you see on TV, quite often its down to someone trained in the field comparing them by eye and saying "yes these are similar" or "no they are not". Its not an overnight process.
Quote from: alanp on October 25, 2018, 04:11:49 AM
Frag, IIRC, you used to defuse these?
How accurate is that picture? Because it looks like something straight out of the Mission Impossible movies.
Yep, I was US Army EOD for just under five years.
And, yeah, my first impression was
"this looks like something a Hollywood prop department would come up with." That doesn't mean much, though; if you're a moron and you're going to make an IED, where are you going to get your design tips from? Likely, movies and TV. Memes (in the original 'Dawkins' sense of the word) guide these things over rational design far more than you think they would.
Quote from: somnif on October 25, 2018, 10:03:49 AM
Apparently the analysis did show live explosives in them (at least the one sent to CNN), so "fake" is a relative term. Not a lot of info though, just "unidentified white powder" and "live explosives". The one sent to Soros was reported as containing a low explosive and shrapnel. Not the most sophisticated of designs, but it would do the job I suppose...
And just read some more detail on the one sent to CNN. Its... oh god its got a meme on it. A parody of an ISIS flag with "Get ER Done" on it. Ugh.
Some more info: The CNN bomb did contain low explosives.... BUT no blasting cap/detonator. Just wires running from a digital timer into the explosive, like they expected that to be enough. We have a very dumb bomb maker on our hands (not that the meme left any doubt to that).
While I haven't checked the news since I left for work this morning, I've heard a lot of conflicting information on if/what was filling these items as of last night (no explosives, gun powder, "pyrotechnic powder" (which is what's used in fireworks), "low-ordnance explosives" (not even a thing), etc). I'm not taking anything as gospel until I hear it from an FBI SABT. To date, the news coverage I've seen has been utter garbage.
Quote from: somnif on October 25, 2018, 08:06:28 PM
Quote from: lars on October 25, 2018, 02:26:38 PM
Again, looking at the picture, notice the packing tape used to attach the labels? We've all attached labels to packages using packing invariably leaves perfect prints of our fingers in the tape! If this was the work of some lone bomber, they would easily have them in custody by now.
Fingerprinting doesn't really work that way I'm afraid. They may have some prints (assuming the sender didn't wear gloves) but that only helps if the sender was printed and is in a database somewhere. Also, not all prints can be OCR'd and digitized like you see on TV, quite often its down to someone trained in the field comparing them by eye and saying "yes these are similar" or "no they are not". Its not an overnight process.
1. This. Same with DNA evidence.
2. I'd bet a case of beer the FBI has recovered either fingerprints or DNA from this and the other items. Likely both. Whoever did this is
fucked when the FBI figures out who they are (and the FBI
will figure out who they are).
As to the idea of the government doing this... lol, no.
EDIT: Just checked the ol' news feed and all the articles I see on this have clickbait and speculation in their headlines... didn't even waste my time on it.
One of the tracks I really, really liked from Moods 2 was "Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence", and I looked it up last week. I already liked Yellow Magic Orchestra, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I was disappointed, though, when I found that Sakamoto-dono didn't collaborate with the other major name on the movie. Oh, what could have been...
An arrest has been made in the MAGAbomber case. 56 year old male from Aventura (near Miami), Florida. Was caught on camera mailing the packages from a self-serve kiosk in his post office.
Dude drives a... "distinctive" van.
QuoteDude drives a... "distinctive" van.
Mail Bombing Suspect Appears To Be Incoherently Passionate About Youth Soccer:
500% unsurprised about any of this.
With friends like this guy, who needs enemies, Trump probably thinks.
[comment deleted]
Has anybody ever watched a blindfolded speedrun of a video game?
*Big SIGH*
I come on here to get away from the political rantings on other forums (as well as stompbox stuff of course)
I REALLY hope this isn't the beginning of yet another political uprising :-\
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 27, 2018, 06:28:55 PM
*Big SIGH*
I come on here to get away from the political rantings on other forums (as well as stompbox stuff of course)
I REALLY hope this isn't the beginning of yet another political uprising :-\
I'm happy to remove anything political that I post in emotional haste. See above. ;D
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 27, 2018, 06:28:55 PM
*Big SIGH*
I come on here to get away from the political rantings on other forums (as well as stompbox stuff of course)
I REALLY hope this isn't the beginning of yet another political uprising :-\
I was just posting info on the big news story, and that the dude had an "interesting" van, i prefer to not discuss politics (and religion) with people I'm not willing to punch in the nose.
Of course, I wake up this morning to see reports of an on going church shooting , so wheeeee :-\.
It's cool to discuss current events but I will ask to keep away from any tribal type politics or talking about specific political parties. General statements and discussion are fine so long as it is approached with some detachment.
Good touch: I think healthcare is a right and should be guaranteed to every US citizen.
Good touch 2: I'm upset about these recent attempted political assassinations and worried about the political discord in the US.
Bad touch 2: Stoopid Rethuglican NatC.
If people feel even this is too much that's fine. I can iron fist it TGP style...although I'd rather not waste my time on that.
I've been guilty twice (by my count) of being too political in my postings to this thread. If I do it again, you have my permission to edit my post to make it look like I wrote, "I'd really like to mate with a hagfish." That should keep me in check, at least. :-X ;D
For the record, I'd prefer to make a wallet out of a hagfish.
Why does this make me laugh so much? ;D
Some more "interesting" cars:
edit: Ok, I thought there was a study published showing a correlation between mental health state and number of stickers one ones car, but I can't find a link now, so my brain may have made it up. In exchange, here is a silly cat:
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 27, 2018, 07:48:22 PM
Why does this make me laugh so much? ;D
There three kinds of funny:
1. Funny because it's ridiculous
2. Funny because it's true
3. Funny because it's ridiculous and true
Thia is clearly option three.
Someone has figured a way to get every single Toyota Camry (& Corolla) driver in the area to instantly pull in front of me and do 10-20kph below the speed limit.
There's a conspiracy afoot, I tells you.
Quote from: madbean on October 27, 2018, 07:25:17 PM
It's cool to discuss current events but I will ask to keep away from any tribal type politics or talking about specific political parties. General statements and discussion are fine so long as it is approached with some detachment.
Sorry that my comments crossed over into the more political realm. I have self-moderated them.
The Daily Mail's Halloween coverage always feels very odd, to me.
Halloween has never, ever been a thing in my town (and as far as I'm aware, the rest of NZ.) The only people I've ever seen get worked up about it are the shops (who will take any excuse to try and sell tatt you don't want), and religious groups who feel that it glorifies satanism.
Last night, I got a pair of kids in normal street clothes, and later on one brave little chap on his own, also in his civvies, trick or treating. They didn't get anything from me -- I don't normally have lollies in the house, they tend to get eaten -- but I did wonder how they got on. There's a houseful of nuns around the corner and down the block from me -- I wonder if they got an earful from them! (I did, once, when I was helping Mum with charity collection. You can't really get away with saying "no" to Mum for something like that. I got an earful about how they did good work for the community already, and how dare I knock and ask for money, etc etc...)
I think they were the first three kids I've had knock on my door for Halloween since I moved into this house, roughly four years ago, perhaps.
Took my kids (3 and 6) trick-or-treating this evening. At one house, there was a nice young couple who spoke with French accents. They were handing out unwrapped candy from a big bowl. Unwrapped candy is so out of place that it made us think/guess that this couple must be very new to the US traditions of Halloween (I didn't really know if there were US-specific traditions for this day....) but still wanted to take part and share. Made us smile.
(Occasionally, bulk candy repackaged in small bags is given out, but that is basically as close as you typically get to unwrapped candy.)
long ways from when I was a kid and you'd get baked goods, popcorn balls, etc from the elderly (clearly a generational issue) but even then I don't recall getting anything unwrapped. bearing in mind this was in very small town, very rural Kansas so there's no required anonymity available to hide behind should you intend to harm children with Halloween treats. Eventually you grew up, quit chasing candy, and moved into pranks and shenanigans.
The unwrapped candy saved my kids a step in eating it, so they were smiling as well. ;D
I think my kids collected half their own weight in candy. They were more into the activity than the candy itself, so they're happy to donate most of it. There are charities that put candy in care packages for overseas military personnel and disaster relief -- or something like that, anyway. A local restaurant/market collects candy in a "candy jail" and pays money to the bounty hunters who bring it in.
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 01, 2018, 03:17:08 PM
long ways from when I was a kid and you'd get baked goods, popcorn balls, etc from the elderly (clearly a generational issue) but even then I don't recall getting anything unwrapped. bearing in mind this was in very
Now I'm wondering. It's nearly always cheaper to bake a big batch of something, than it is to buy the same thing from the shops, depending on what you make (and what you can get from friends for either free, or at cost). So maybe the elderly did baked goods, etc, because it was easier on their retirement wallets?
that and the nearest store that would have carried bagged Halloween candy back then was 10 miles or more away. In thinking on this more, I got a lot more small individual hard candies back then too ... root beer barrels, butterscotch discs, those peanut butter taffy abortions, because the local store carried those in bulk. As for the pocketbook aspect, I suppose so in some cases and in others it was definitely tradition for them to make something.
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 01, 2018, 04:43:49 PM
In thinking on this more, I got a lot more small individual hard candies back then too ... root beer barrels, butterscotch discs, those peanut butter taffy abortions, because the local store carried those in bulk.
Yep, I remember getting tons of that stuff as a kid. I also remember occasionally getting candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigarettes in little boxes meant to look kind of like the real thing. If you blew a puff of air through the bubblegum cigarettes, a little cloud of cornstarch would come out, mimicking smoke. :o
So wrong.
Didn't see any bulk wrapped candy this year at all. Also didn't see a single roll of Smarties. But, my observations may be skewed by my kids being allowed to choose their candy at almost every house.
Once, I went to the house down on haunted hill ... I put out my bag and the dude dropped this in it:
I really, really, really like Halloween! :D
stunning guitar, the purple/lilac and gold works brilliantly
That's amazing!!!
This one time, going back to the mid 90's, some feral kids in no costume at all came by my house and demanded "TRICK OR TREAT!". I told them to go away as this is Australia and they weren't even in costume. I went back inside and found that I felt I had been a little mean and out of line.
So I went to the kitchen and found something I could give them. It turned out that they were still hanging around my front gate so I said, "Hey guys, here you go," and gave them a packet of extra hot 2 minute noodles.
Quote from: drog_trog on November 02, 2018, 09:51:03 AM
stunning guitar, the purple/lilac and gold works brilliantly
I totally agree. I've got a folder full of possible future builds. Not from scratch, but kit ideas.
Halloween has never been part of the Netherlands, but the constant onslaught of American TV shows, together with shops trying to ram anything down our throats that they think will generate more revenue we see more and more Halloween things happening here. I reckon the tactic works as they managed to ram American christmas down our throats as well.
lol :D
Quote from: Muadzin on November 03, 2018, 08:52:03 PM
Halloween has never been part of the Netherlands, but the constant onslaught of American TV shows, together with shops trying to ram anything down our throats that they think will generate more revenue we see more and more Halloween things happening here. I reckon the tactic works as they managed to ram American christmas down our throats as well.
Have a problem with Americans?
Quote from: TNblueshawk on November 05, 2018, 07:58:42 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on November 03, 2018, 08:52:03 PM
Halloween has never been part of the Netherlands, but the constant onslaught of American TV shows, together with shops trying to ram anything down our throats that they think will generate more revenue we see more and more Halloween things happening here. I reckon the tactic works as they managed to ram American christmas down our throats as well.
Have a problem with Americans?
I doubt that was his intention. I can only speak for Austria, but when I was little, the "christkind" brought all the gifts. Basically it's baby Jesus. the Nikolaus brings some chocolate, nuts and stuff on december 6th. He's similar in some aspects to the visual appearance of Santa.
However, these days, Santa can be seen on TV, on adds and on christmas decorations. It's not part of our tradition at all and children still believe in the christkind rather than Santa Claus. nevertheless, it's kind of part of the deal already as you can just find santa everywhere driven by advertising, media and economy.
Just my 2 cents obviously.
Had this crazy idea yesterday... This is how far I got. An ISO booth for my guitar cabs! Mdf, foam and blankets, playing mic'ed with headphones. Good treble attenuation, but the lower frequencies still come through, so more work to be done. Makes it more bearable for the family when dad feels like rockin out loud! (
Quote from: TNblueshawk on November 05, 2018, 07:58:42 PM
Have a problem with Americans?
That is definitely not what Muadzin was typing (as can be seen clearly when reading his post). He's not saying Americans are ramming these things down our throats. It's local (so Dutch) commercial interests that import American traditions to make more money. I agree with Muadzin wholeheartedly. There is a Dutch variant of Halloween (called Sint Maarten, something for the Catholic part of the country, not so much in the rest). Halloween is American. It's an attempt to make more money by stripping it from its religious roots and disguised as a 'fun thing for children'. Last year I noticed a lot of Dutch online retailers suddenly having a Black Friday sale. Celebrating Thanksgiving makes no sense here, but Black Friday? Sure let's try to sell more crap.
Hey, American folks out there.
You should Totally vote today.
All the cool kids are doing it. So you should too!
To find where you go to vote -
And if they turn you away for some reason (not on the list, whatever) you still have the legal right to ask for a Provisional Ballot. It still counts, it will just stay in limbo till they get the paperwork sorted.
(Oh and if you're in Texas, be careful. Choosing "Straight ticket" on the machine may not actually work, so review the choices before submitting. People who didn't mean to were accidentally voting for Ted Cruz, for example)
Quote from: somnif on November 06, 2018, 10:09:58 AM
Hey, American folks out there.
You should Totally vote today.
All the cool kids are doing it. So you should too!
And, if you have children, bring them with you to your polling place. I got to jump to the front of the very long line because I had my 3-year-old with me (one of the election officials was personally escorting all parents with "Future Voters" through the crowd). And, free stickers! ;D
If you're taking a package to the post office to ship, following these helpful suggestions before you get there should speed your trip and the trip of everyone else waiting in line:
Put your ******* ship to address on the box
Put your ******* return address on the box
Know what you ******* put in the box, it isn't a game of 20 questions with the clerk to find out what prohibited items you have inside
Bring enough ******* currency to pay for your shipping, they don't accept baggies of meth as payment
Seal your ******* box with tape
Quote from: somnif on November 06, 2018, 10:09:58 AM
Hey, American folks out there.
You should Totally vote today.
All the cool kids are doing it. So you should too!
*If you're informed.
Quote from: Frag Magnet on November 06, 2018, 09:06:38 PM
*If you're informed. Is a good place to start, so long as you supplement it with additional info.
while being informed should improve the quality of the result, there's a more serious lack of quantity that makes any result less representative.
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 06, 2018, 09:29:30 PM
while being informed should improve the quality of the result, there's a more serious lack of quantity that makes any result less representative.
Do we really
need this guy's ( representation?
(tl;dr, Florida Man broke into a crocodile park, jumped in with the crocodiles,
was bit, got out, then
jumped in again.)
Frankly, I'm far more concerned with the quality of the candidates than how many people decide to vote for them and lately the two major parties in the US seem more concerned with serving shit sandwiches than they are with fielding high caliber candidates.
Quote from: TNblueshawk on November 05, 2018, 07:58:42 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on November 03, 2018, 08:52:03 PM
Halloween has never been part of the Netherlands, but the constant onslaught of American TV shows, together with shops trying to ram anything down our throats that they think will generate more revenue we see more and more Halloween things happening here. I reckon the tactic works as they managed to ram American christmas down our throats as well.
Have a problem with Americans?
Only with
Dutch retailers ramming American valentine's day, halloween and christmass traditions down our throats so they can sell more stuff. Going to foreign places to see strange new cool things and tradition is an awesome thing. To see them get imported and even replace local traditions just so they make a quick buck, not so much.
Quote from: Frag Magnet on November 06, 2018, 09:06:38 PM
Quote from: somnif on November 06, 2018, 10:09:58 AM
Hey, American folks out there.
You should Totally vote today.
All the cool kids are doing it. So you should too!
*If you're informed.
What the hell?
Everyone's version of "informed" is different. For some people, that's playing team politics because they've decided that enough of their personal beliefs are tied to the goals of a particular party. For some people it's researching every candidate and calling the office of the judges in the city to demand their political orientation if they want a vote. For some people it's voting against incumbents out of principle.
NPR had interviews with people from [a state] today. One of them said that her vote was based on her kids losing their freedom to "do what they want" if a particular party's candidate were in office, and then she said that she was voting for the same party because she wanted them to prevent [certain minority group] from enjoying [a particular institution] because she doesn't approve of their lifestyle, with zero indication that she understood that she was, essentially, saying that she wanted freedom only for her kids and not someone else's.
I bet that person thinks they're informed, but their level of introspection makes them sound, to me, about on par with the species of FloridaMan you posted. But they should absolutely be allowed to cast their vote.
it is easy to throw Florida Man out there as your ad absurdum argument ... I'll offer a counter. It is generally accepted both inside and outside of America that the country's education system is in decline and has been for some time. If being informed is your yardstick, one could argue that there's a systematic quality issue regarding the conversion of raw data into information due to a decline in the quality of the education that is meant to sharpen your ability to apply critical thinking to any given problem. One side calls it alternative facts, the other calls it fake news. If this poor quality of information is to be turned into wisdom to be applied at the polls the results may well be better off in the hands of a bunch of well-meaning idiots rather than fools convinced they are right. The idiots won't know why the clock is broken but the fools will insist the time is always half past three.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AM
Everyone's version of "informed" is different.
Agreed. This is an inherently subjective observation on my part.
However when you look at the percentages of Americans who can't name all three branches of government (or even one branch), tell you
how the government works (and forget about the Liberal (in the John Locke sense of the word) principals the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written under), I think it's clear that there's a fundamental problem here.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AMFor some people, that's playing team politics because they've decided that enough of their personal beliefs are tied to the goals of a particular party.
And depending on the individual, that may or may not be a 'correct' answer.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AMFor some people it's researching every candidate and calling the office of the judges in the city to demand their political orientation if they want a vote.
It would be excellent if more of us had the time to do this.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AMNPR had interviews with people from [a state] today. One of them said that her vote was based on her kids losing their freedom to "do what they want" if a particular party's candidate were in office, and then she said that she was voting for the same party because she wanted them to prevent [certain minority group] from enjoying [a particular institution] because she doesn't approve of their lifestyle, with zero indication that she understood that she was, essentially, saying that she wanted freedom only for her kids and not someone else's.
I bet that person thinks they're informed, but their level of introspection makes them sound, to me, about on par with the species of FloridaMan you posted.
I'd agree.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AMBut they should absolutely be allowed to cast their vote.
I agree on the grounds that the law is what it is today and we
must follow the law.
However, the more history I read, the more I think that if not quite on the exact correct path, the Framers of the US Constitution and thinkers like Heinlen were headed in the right general direction.
What exactly the best path is? I don't know.
EDIT: And regardless of what the 'perfect' answer might be, it could be possible that there's no just way for us to arrive at that answer now and we need to figure out how to make the best of the status quo by working out carrots to encourage more voters to know who they're voting for and why.
That being said, I don't think
"even if you don't know what you're doing, just go out and vote for for somebody
!" is a constructive approach to this debate. Not saying anyone here is advancing that idea, but I've
definitely seen it multiple times on social media today.
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 07, 2018, 03:42:32 AM
it is easy to throw Florida Man out there as your ad absurdum argument ... I'll offer a counter. It is generally accepted both inside and outside of America that the country's education system is in decline and has been for some time. If being informed is your yardstick, one could argue that there's a systematic quality issue regarding the conversion of raw data into information due to a decline in the quality of the education that is meant to sharpen your ability to apply critical thinking to any given problem. One side calls it alternative facts, the other calls it fake news.
I've argued for a long time now that our education system needs to do significantly better on teaching civics and critical thinking .
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 07, 2018, 03:42:32 AMIf this poor quality of information is to be turned into wisdom to be applied at the polls the results may well be better off in the hands of a bunch of well-meaning idiots rather than fools convinced they are right. The idiots won't know why the clock is broken but the fools will insist the time is always half past three.
If what I saw in combat is any indication, it's actually (at least in the short term) better to take a single course of action and with a purpose than it is for everyone to mill around aimlessly as individuals. The fools
are right twice a day, even if by accident; the random gaggle is (in aggregate)
always wrong.
Quote from: Frag Magnet on November 07, 2018, 03:58:50 AM
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 07, 2018, 03:42:32 AM
it is easy to throw Florida Man out there as your ad absurdum argument ... I'll offer a counter. It is generally accepted both inside and outside of America that the country's education system is in decline and has been for some time. If being informed is your yardstick, one could argue that there's a systematic quality issue regarding the conversion of raw data into information due to a decline in the quality of the education that is meant to sharpen your ability to apply critical thinking to any given problem. One side calls it alternative facts, the other calls it fake news.
I've argued for a long time now that our education system needs to do significantly better on teaching civics and critical thinking .
Quote from: thesmokingman on November 07, 2018, 03:42:32 AMIf this poor quality of information is to be turned into wisdom to be applied at the polls the results may well be better off in the hands of a bunch of well-meaning idiots rather than fools convinced they are right. The idiots won't know why the clock is broken but the fools will insist the time is always half past three.
If what I saw in combat is any indication, it's actually (at least in the short term) better to take a single course of action and with a purpose than it is for everyone to mill around aimlessly as individuals. The fools are right twice a day, even if by accident; the random gaggle is (in aggregate) always wrong.
Just curious, but do either of you know anyone who has taken a government or civics class in the past 5-10 years? Growing up in the nineties I went to what was considered a great high school. Now I teach at what's considered an okay school (on the low side for this area) and the kids are getting a much better education than I did. I know it's not true a everywhere, but I take some issue with the argument that the quality of education is declining. School is certainly different than it was when I was a student but I'm not sure it's worse.
And everybody gets to vote regardless of how "informed" they are and there is nothing wrong with that concept. Would I encourage everyone to make sure they understand what they're voting for? Sure, I encourage that, but I wouldn't expect or require them to.
well ... where are the wrestling kittens?
Damn democrats in the house. Hope Trump gets back in in 2020.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on November 07, 2018, 03:32:00 PM
We're not arguing about politics, we're arguing about the mechanisms of politics. There's a difference.
The bottom line is that the right to vote extends equally to (nearly) all persons under the law. An individual is and ought to be the sole arbiter of their choice to exercise that vote. The mere suggestion that a person should self-select not to exercise their rights based on another person's criteria for them being "qualified" is highly dangerous. The idea is also, whether Frag realizes it or not, related to an exceptionally ugly history of denying people the vote ("literacy" tests). I would also argue that it is almost certainly anathema to almost every political affiliation: Conservatives and libertarians should be put off by something that would supercede the primacy of the individual's rights. Liberals and progressives should be off-put by a powerful group enforcing or coercing weaker groups (including "idiots") from exercising their fundamental rights.
And from a purely intellectual standpoint, the possibility that you are ruled by "idiots" should discourage you, as a society, from producing enough "idiots" that they form the majority. If you block the "idiots" from voting, they're still around, but now they're mad at you because you aren't listening to them.
I know it probably seems like I'm picking on Frag here about an off-hand comment, but I really think there's something important to discuss behind it. I know for a fact Frag doesn't feel the same way about other fundamental rights based on what he's written here in the past.
By the way, college students seem just about the same to me now as they did in 2002 the first time around, except they're all nicer to each other and seem less likely to blow off their coursework overall.
Quote from: drog_trog on November 07, 2018, 04:22:52 PM
Damn democrats in the house. Hope Trump gets back in in 2020.
Which part of this is unclear?
Quote from: madbean on October 27, 2018, 07:25:17 PM
It's cool to discuss current events but I will ask to keep away from any tribal type politics or talking about specific political parties. General statements and discussion are fine so long as it is approached with some detachment.
Brian the way the eyes of your bean avatar are pointing in the post above is so perfect. I'd like to think you planned that. :D
The bean does look angry.
Quote from: Matmosphere on November 07, 2018, 04:48:26 PM
Brian the way the eyes of your bean avatar are pointing in the post above is so perfect. I'd like to think you planned that. :D
The bean does look angry.
You got me! Knew it would work out at some point. :)
Quote from: Frag Magnet on November 07, 2018, 03:47:15 AM
Quote from: midwayfair on November 07, 2018, 01:27:34 AMBut they should absolutely be allowed to cast their vote.
I agree on the grounds that the law is what it is today and we must follow the law.
However, the more history I read, the more I think that if not quite on the exact correct path, the Framers of the US Constitution and thinkers like Heinlen were headed in the right general direction.
That being said, I don't think "even if you don't know what you're doing, just go out and vote for for somebody!" is a constructive approach to this debate. Not saying anyone here is advancing that idea, but I've definitely seen it multiple times on social media today.
The USA was founded on the concept that Everyone gets a say in the future path of their existence just by existing.... which was not the way things were before.
From the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — "
A quick thought experiment...
Let's say that a party in power of a government decides that saying something "idiotic" will revoke your right to vote... especially in a public manner. They have determined that Frag has said something of this kind and his right to vote has been revoked... He can never vote again for any reason. Is that fair? How does that make you feel?
Point being...That is what led to the founding of this country, so let's not forget how things used to be even though we have never directly experienced it ourselves.
Btw, I like a lot of Heinlien's ideas and concepts but the whole idea that "you have to serve to vote" is flawed in my opinion. I know Switzerland has a system like that but I'm not familiar enough with it to comment or compare.
True story! Perhaps lols
In 2000 I was in a covers band touring schools, we had an unforgettable incident in Auckland. My friend (who shall remain unnamed) the singer had gotten the mic stuck in the clip, we were halfway into the intro of 'Why cant we be friends' version by Smashmouth. The singer was anxiously yanking the mic, when it suddenly came free and he literally put the SM58 through his front teeth! An absolute pro, he sings on. I remember the faces of the kids in the front row screwing up in a mixture of disgust and wonder, when my friend turned around I saw he had blood streaming down his chin, it was straight out of Alice Cooper etc. The irony...(Song by Smashmouth!) Teeth got fixed, but it remains probably the best tale from the tour. ;D
I don't know why, but I was thinking of _King Solomon's Mines_, and _Allan Quatermain_, by H. Rider Haggard, at work today. The 19th century adventure novels :)
Sean Connery played Quatermain in _League of Extraordinary Gentlemen_, and I feel that it was a mistake. For one, his accent always sticks out like a bull in a pumpkin patch, and for two, Connery (who used to be a bouncer, IIRC) is too tall and solidly built. Quatermain was always described as short and wiry, with a thin face. Quatermain's skill at hunting, and his personality and charisma, is what carried him in the books.
Depending on accent (this is always a bit of a bugger in movies), someone looking like David Carradine or Daniel Day-Lewis might work well, if they were short and thin. (
I don't think I've ever seen a film adaptation of Quatermain (from any of his stories) that have put a massive, boy-like grin on my face.
Quote from: alanp on November 09, 2018, 03:48:10 AM
I don't know why, but I was thinking of _King Solomon's Mines_, and _Allan Quatermain_, by H. Rider Haggard, at work today. The 19th century adventure novels :)
Sean Connery played Quatermain in _League of Extraordinary Gentlemen_, and I feel that it was a mistake. For one, his accent always sticks out like a bull in a pumpkin patch, and for two, Connery (who used to be a bouncer, IIRC) is too tall and solidly built. Quatermain was always described as short and wiry, with a thin face. Quatermain's skill at hunting, and his personality and charisma, is what carried him in the books.
Depending on accent (this is always a bit of a bugger in movies), someone looking like David Carradine or Daniel Day-Lewis might work well, if they were short and thin. (
I don't think I've ever seen a film adaptation of Quatermain (from any of his stories) that have put a massive, boy-like grin on my face.
You should see the Quartermain movies they made in the mid-80s. BLATANT Indiana Jones rip offs, with a fraction of the budget, and a fraction of the charisma. Also Qartermain is played by a very gay man, who cast his husband (partner, whatever) as Quartermain's brother in the second one. Which is a little weird.
I've read and thoroughly enjoyed many of H. Rider Haggard's novels, and I'd highly recommend them, with the following disclaimers:
The historical context of his work gives an insight into the age of British Imperialism. There is a lot of casual racism in the books. The n-word only appears in one book that I remember, as part of a brief lecture-like thought by Quatermain regarding how he detests the use of such a term and knows many white people more worthy of such a hateful label. Some derrogatory labels are used, however, for various people (for some Africans and also the Dutch), but there is not really much malice intended in their use. Africans are never treated as mindless savages in his novels, although there are occasionally some cruel tribal chiefs whose characters are somewhat underdeveloped.
There are seemingly unlimited numbers of elephants slaughtered solely for their ivory, and on rare occasion, for their hearts if custom dictates or hunger necessitates. There are even several instances where hunting trips produce more ivory than could be carried (sort of like a hunting trip in the computer game Oregon Trail where you could hold down the spacebar and one of the cursor keys, spraying endless bullets into a dozen or more animals before abandoning over 1000 pounds of meat ::)).
Most of Haggard's works are public domain can be freely downloaded. I'd recommend starting with King Solomon's Mines. It created the entire "lost world" adventure genre. In a way, although the movies (the 1980s ones) may have copied Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones copied Quatermain first. ;D
Quote from: alanp on November 09, 2018, 03:48:10 AM
I don't know why, but I was thinking of _King Solomon's Mines_, and _Allan Quatermain_, by H. Rider Haggard, at work today. The 19th century adventure novels :)
Sean Connery played Quatermain in _League of Extraordinary Gentlemen_, and I feel that it was a mistake. For one, his accent always sticks out like a bull in a pumpkin patch, and for two, Connery (who used to be a bouncer, IIRC) is too tall and solidly built. Quatermain was always described as short and wiry, with a thin face. Quatermain's skill at hunting, and his personality and charisma, is what carried him in the books.
Depending on accent (this is always a bit of a bugger in movies), someone looking like David Carradine or Daniel Day-Lewis might work well, if they were short and thin. (
I don't think I've ever seen a film adaptation of Quatermain (from any of his stories) that have put a massive, boy-like grin on my face.
As if anyone still reads books these days to notice that Connery was too long. Also that movie suffered from far bigger problems then just Connery's height. How about lack of anything resembling a decent plot? (
Saw King of Thieves (the one with Michael Caine) today with Dad and my brother.
Very, very good movie, highly enjoyable. I won't spoil anything, but it's worth going to see :)
For as many years as I can count, I have wanted a PRS. Throw another monkey into the wrench with the fact that I am a lefty. Here is my soapbox rant.......
Why are my choices the SE model at ~$850 and then the next available option starts at ~$4500!! >:(
Can anyone explain the $3500 difference to me? Is the truss rod made of platinum? Pickups with gold windings? Cavity filled with liquid herion? What is it??
The Hollywood lore is that Jackson wanted Connery to play Gandalf in the LOTR films. He told them he was retired and wouldn't do it. Then after seeing how huge those movies got he felt like he made a huge mistake, someone offered him the part in LOEG and made I sound like it would be the next huge LOTR like hit. he jumped on it in hopes it would be a huge movie. As I recall they also paid him a shit ton of money to do the part.
As far as I remember it's the last film he's done and he didn't do much after the mid-nineties.
I saw it but nothing about it was memorable.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on November 11, 2018, 11:59:01 PM
For as many years as I can count, I have wanted a PRS. Throw another monkey into the wrench with the fact that I am a lefty. Here is my soapbox rant.......
Why are my choices the SE model at ~$850 and then the next available option starts at ~$4500!! >:(
Can anyone explain the $3500 difference to me? Is the truss rod made of platinum? Pickups with gold windings? Cavity filled with liquid herion? What is it??
I hear ya... Don't even get me started on "special" colors
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on November 11, 2018, 11:59:01 PM
For as many years as I can count, I have wanted a PRS. Throw another monkey into the wrench with the fact that I am a lefty. Here is my soapbox rant.......
Why are my choices the SE model at ~$850 and then the next available option starts at ~$4500!! >:(
Can anyone explain the $3500 difference to me? Is the truss rod made of platinum? Pickups with gold windings? Cavity filled with liquid herion? What is it??
Unicorn tears? Oh wait, Klons are made out of those. ;D
Quote from: EBRAddict on November 06, 2018, 05:59:00 PM
If you're taking a package to the post office to ship, following these helpful suggestions before you get there should speed your trip and the trip of everyone else waiting in line:
On a semi-related note, does anyone else find that, when you're waiting in line at the supermarket or wherever, no matter how much you scrutinize the various queues for potential timewasters before queuing up, you always wind up behind:
That old guy from the eighteen hundreds who uses a checkbook... if you're very, very lucky, the person at the till will know what to do with these archaic clay tablets, otherwise you're in for an even longer wait than that.
That person with a hundred different things, who wants them put through in five different lots, and pays for each lot separately
That person with three dozen different types of produce, all of which have to be separately weighed before they can be put into the computer
That person who wants to pay cash (and not the quick, hand over a fifty and get their change back, quick-like, but someone who slowly works out the exact notes and coins to hand over)
That person who wants a pack of fags which, naturally, are not in the unmarked cabinet the worker has in their little stand, which means that everything is put on hold while they go for walkies and look for that brand of fags in another till area
That person who, you think, only wants to buy a case of beer, but engages in a long, lengthy discussion about the different kind of rubbish collection stickers the shop carries, the benefits and drawbacks of each sticker, how much each one costs versus how much rubbish the rubbish truck is prepared to take for one of those stickers, etc
I'm sure that you all can add to this list.
Quote from: alanp on November 19, 2018, 07:53:24 AM
That person who, you think, only wants to buy a case of beer, but engages in a long, lengthy discussion about the different kind of rubbish collection stickers the shop carries, the benefits and drawbacks of each sticker, how much each one costs versus how much rubbish the rubbish truck is prepared to take for one of those stickers, etc
I tend to consider myself a fairly worldly fellow, but I have no idea what this is referring to. You need to buy stickers for garbage collection?
Quote from: alanp on November 19, 2018, 07:53:24 AM
On a semi-related note, does anyone else find that, when you're waiting in line at the supermarket or wherever, no matter how much you scrutinize the various queues for potential timewasters before queuing up, you always wind up behind:
That old guy from the eighteen hundreds who uses a checkbook... if you're very, very lucky, the person at the till will know what to do with these archaic clay tablets, otherwise you're in for an even longer wait than that.
That person with a hundred different things, who wants them put through in five different lots, and pays for each lot separately
That person with three dozen different types of produce, all of which have to be separately weighed before they can be put into the computer
That person who wants to pay cash (and not the quick, hand over a fifty and get their change back, quick-like, but someone who slowly works out the exact notes and coins to hand over)
That person who wants a pack of fags which, naturally, are not in the unmarked cabinet the worker has in their little stand, which means that everything is put on hold while they go for walkies and look for that brand of fags in another till area
That person who, you think, only wants to buy a case of beer, but engages in a long, lengthy discussion about the different kind of rubbish collection stickers the shop carries, the benefits and drawbacks of each sticker, how much each one costs versus how much rubbish the rubbish truck is prepared to take for one of those stickers, etc
I'm sure that you all can add to this list.
Always avoid old people. Nothing but respect for our senior citizens who built up our country, but as a rule of thumb you're better off not behind one in the checkout line, they tend to be slower and not so technologically savvy. Thankfully, more and more supermarkets here have no cash PIN only lines, that old people and those who insist on using cash avoid like the plague. So their checkout lines are usually the shortest and fastest. Even better are the self checkout facilities so you avoid the lines altogether. But in case you still have to, avoid lines with elderly (for obvious reasons), mothers with children with lots of stuff in their cart (their attention gets divided between paying, packing their groceries and their kids), and always, always when the lines are long, keep an eye on which cash register is most likely to open next and chose that line. Nothing more disheartening then having to endure a long wait only to see a new register open which is too far away from you to beat the rest of the mob.
And beware of German owned supermarkets, and supermarkets in Germany in general. For some strange reason German grundlichkeit does not seem to apply to maintaining as many open registers for their customers as possible, but as few as they can get away with.
Mailing woes...again :-\
Bought online and had a package shipped from North Carolina. Quick shipping (seller was awesome!) and in 2 days the package arrived at my local distribution center (DC) this is where it went haywire....
Apparently, DC felt the need to send it to the Manassas VA distribution center. Then, they felt the need to send it to the Woodbridge VA distribution center. Then, they decided to send it back to the DC distribution center. So... a package that I ordered on Monday and should have had on Wednesday.... is now STILL in the system and I might get it a week later (if they decide NOT to re-route it ...AGAIN!!)
Ugggg.... ::)
Quote from: somnif on November 19, 2018, 08:26:23 AM
I tend to consider myself a fairly worldly fellow, but I have no idea what this is referring to. You need to buy stickers for garbage collection?
In New Zealand, yeah. You either hire a wheelie bin and put that on the kerb once a week (or fortnightly, depending on the contract), or buy a rubbish sticker, put the sticker on your bag o' trash, and put that on the kerb for pickup.
Quote from: Muadzin on November 19, 2018, 02:11:42 PM
And beware of German owned supermarkets, and supermarkets in Germany in general. For some strange reason German grundlichkeit does not seem to apply to maintaining as many open registers for their customers as possible, but as few as they can get away with.
Don't get behind me in the self checkout line of a European supermarket! I will have managed to screw up pre-weighing my produce at the separate weigh station, cause a nuisance because I'm trying to buy wine and need to be ID'ed or it's the wrong day or God only knows what, and generally fail to understand what is going on even though I nominally speak a little bit of the language. I'm better off taking my chances with the cashier and only half-understanding the conversation.
Also, after being conditioned (by Germany and maybe Italy) that shops, restaurants etc prefer cash and paying with a credit card is a big production that you only pull out at the department store, I was then a bit stunned to find out that it's not unusual for shops in the Netherlands to be cash-free. Is this really a major cultural difference between the countries or more a rapidly evolving generational thing?
New Zealand has the EFT-POS system, effectively debit cards. (Electronic Fund Transaction at Point Of Sale.) Each card has a four digit PIN number, making it a lot safer than the average credit card (which, AFAIK, you can just slide and done. It's one reason I don't want to get one of those PayWave cards, too easy for someone to abuse with no PIN needed.)
If a shop doesn't have EFT-POS, it's going to be because it's either a very, very small-timey business, or because they don't have a phone line for the EFT-POS machine. Even pizza delivery boys have it, these days.
People do pay in cash as well, but it's increasingly rare for people to carry cash. With EFT-POS, you're not carrying around tempting amounts of money for someone to take off you, and even if they do steal your card, they will still need your PIN. (Scammers can find out your pin through various nefarious means, but it means that there is another hoop for them to jump through.)
Quote from: alanp on November 19, 2018, 04:02:38 PM
In New Zealand, yeah. You either hire a wheelie bin and put that on the kerb once a week (or fortnightly, depending on the contract), or buy a rubbish sticker, put the sticker on your bag o' trash, and put that on the kerb for pickup.
In the Netherlands its up to the local governments to decide. Here in Nijmegen you have to buy green garbage bags which cost like a Euro a piece, but you can put all your plastic and metal cans into free see through bags. And paper gets picked up once a month, so the green bags only get used for leftover rubbish. But my friend who lives in a neighboring town he has to use a wheelie bin and pays for each emptying. And has grown very adept at dumping his trash in public trash cans wherever he finds them. And some people just refuse to pay for anything and dump their trash alongside the road. Which I see a lot.
The idea that you can force people to separate their trash and make those who produce the most pay more in practice always collides with human stubbornness and creativity. Some people don't like being forced, nor to pay more.
Quote from: reddesert on November 20, 2018, 03:26:13 AM
Don't get behind me in the self checkout line of a European supermarket! I will have managed to screw up pre-weighing my produce at the separate weigh station, cause a nuisance because I'm trying to buy wine and need to be ID'ed or it's the wrong day or God only knows what, and generally fail to understand what is going on even though I nominally speak a little bit of the language. I'm better off taking my chances with the cashier and only half-understanding the conversation.
Also, after being conditioned (by Germany and maybe Italy) that shops, restaurants etc prefer cash and paying with a credit card is a big production that you only pull out at the department store, I was then a bit stunned to find out that it's not unusual for shops in the Netherlands to be cash-free. Is this really a major cultural difference between the countries or more a rapidly evolving generational thing?
Nobody uses credit cards over here to do grocery shopping. Methinks that's the equivalent of the elderly person wanting to pay with a signed check. It's all regular bank PIN transactions here. Which is why many shops opt to go cash free. We're used to paying PIN early on, you can even do it nowadays by just holding the card close to the reader. I hardly ever use any cash any more. And for some stores it has the advantage of there no longer being any cash in the place that would attract criminals. As our city centers are full of cameras, shops, restaurants and gas stations outside of the city center have seen more and more attempts of armed robbery. Criminals will go where they can still get cash money. Which is why I think the elderly will the ones that will get targeted the most. Not only are they the most vulnerable, they're also the ones more likely to still have cash money in their possession.
As for the Netherlands differing from Germany in this regard, the Germans seem more traditional when it comes to money. Maybe its because of the hyper inflation thing they had after World War 1? They're only now thinking about getting rid of their 1 and 2 cents coins and rounding up or down on transactions. In the Netherlands we've been doing that for as long as I can remember. I can't remember ever having seen a 1 cent coin when we still had our own currency. We got them back when we switched to the Euro but they quickly disappeared again. If you still get one chances are you get one that was coined in Germany and that person did some shopping in Germany.
Here in my part of the US, we pay a monthly fee for weekly trash pick ups, one bin garbage, one bin mixed recyclables. The bins hold up to 75lbs (34kg), and what recycling can go in varies from pickup company to pickup company.
The city i live in Canada we have three streams of trash pick-up. An organics "Green" bin for food wastes & garden waste which you can augment with other designated bins/cans or heavy duty paper bags, no limit on the amount you can put out. Blue bin for recyclables, again no limit, finally a trash can/bag, limited per household to one unit per week and limited by weight to 23k/50lbs. You also get 12 tags per year to apply to an extra garbage can/bag(s) that may have accumulated on occasion.
City taxes pay for the pickup.
FFS I should not have to police members of my project groups in their senior year about not just copying code off the internet without citing their sources.
Number of CS classes this semester that have even mentioned the word plagiarism in class: 0. Number this year (running total): 1.
On the other hand:
Number of teachers who have complained about students plagiarizing their homework: 3.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 21, 2018, 04:45:02 AM
FFS I should not have to police members of my project groups in their senior year about not just copying code off the internet without citing their sources.
Number of CS classes this semester that have even mentioned the word plagiarism in class: 0. Number this year (running total): 1.
On the other hand:
Number of teachers who have complained about students plagiarizing their homework: 3.
I've gotten lucky, I didn't have to report any of my students for plagiarism this semester (I teach a second semester general bio lab). Worst I've had is someone nearly copying a methods section from a paper, bad enough for a "direct quotation" penalty, but not a deans visit.
Then again, I should say "not yet anyway", still 2 major assignments for them to turn in before the end. Some of the other lab teachers have had to bring the hammer down, and I really don't want to deal with that paperwork headache.
Three students in my prog lang class downloaded a previous semester's implementation of their first project.
It's 1000 lines of code. I just can't fathom what makes people think that won't look suspicious when the teacher sees three projects that look the same.
While that's inexcusable, it was (by far) the most difficult programming assignment I've ever had in a class, so if they had needed to look something up that would have been understandable.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on November 19, 2018, 02:58:13 PM
Mailing woes...again :-\
Bought online and had a package shipped from North Carolina. Quick shipping (seller was awesome!) and in 2 days the package arrived at my local distribution center (DC) this is where it went haywire....
Apparently, DC felt the need to send it to the Manassas VA distribution center. Then, they felt the need to send it to the Woodbridge VA distribution center. Then, they decided to send it back to the DC distribution center. So... a package that I ordered on Monday and should have had on Wednesday.... is now STILL in the system and I might get it a week later (if they decide NOT to re-route it ...AGAIN!!)
Ugggg.... ::)
They do a great job making sure that junk mail arrives on time and unscathed. I've never missed a single Xfinity ad or coupon to get my gutters cleaned!
It has to be hard combating source code plagiarism with sites like stackoverflow out there, not to mention the "I'll do your homework for you" sites. Over the years, I've looked at other people's code for inspiration on a different approach or maybe an edge case I didn't consider(professional work or hobby, not school work), but to just hand in identical work? that would have to be a referral for academic misconduct. I once got the results of a python project back that had what they considered to be a less than 100% yet still acceptable level of originality and I was scratching my head trying to figure out exactly how original a student-level project is supposed to be? there's only so many ways you've been instructed on how to carry out the task.
If they go on to work in a programming job, a lot of their time will be just looking up how someone else has done it on Stack Overflow. Or downloading someone else's GitHub example.
Which makes it difficult - a lot of the teaching is based on making individuals do their own 'original' work, but in reality 90% of a lot of jobs in the industry is knowing where to copy/paste from.
(I work as a software engineer, and have also worked in computer science dept at a Uni, so that's where my opinion is coming from)
Quote from: mjg on November 21, 2018, 09:18:35 PM
If they go on to work in a programming job, a lot of their time will be just looking up how someone else has done it on Stack Overflow. Or downloading someone else's GitHub example.
Which makes it difficult - a lot of the teaching is based on making individuals do their own 'original' work, but in reality 90% of a lot of jobs in the industry is knowing where to copy/paste from.
(I work as a software engineer, and have also worked in computer science dept at a Uni, so that's where my opinion is coming from)
point of most school projects
is to reinvent the wheel. You do this in every discipline.
"Write a sonnet."
"Calculate the area of a circle using an integral."
"Dissect this frog."
My problem with my group members was them not citing their code, though I was also disappointed that she didn't just write the code for something as simple as a stack, because this also means I am reluctant to trust her to do something more complicated on the project. I'm also not talking about copying a Function to Do The Thing or an algorithm.
If the industry tolerates using someone else's work without citation doesn't mean it's not plagiarism, but most people don't enjoy trying to figure out a difficult piece of code that was explained at some link that could have been put in a damn comment.
And you wouldn't wholesale download the source code for some software and try to pass it off as your own since that's a good way to get sued. Downloading a previous student's code off of git hub is the most blatant form of cheating.
Some beautiful pieces of art in this video. Somewhat surprised that Rodin's famous Gates were not included, though.
I look up how to do simple programming tasks on stack overflow all the time (partly because I have to proficient in more than one language and get the methodology of simple things confused, plus python2 -> 3, etc). However, it's because I have years of programming experience that I can translate the stack overflow answers into an efficient application to my problem. If one only copies, one won't learn nearly as much. This is the essence of homework - by definition, you're doing something that has already been solved, somewhere. That may be tedious at times but it's necessary for practice, like playing scales, or building a Fuzz Face before you tackle a Lovetone.
P.S. Happy American Thanksgiving, everybody!
So, Update to plagiarism in the Bio class I teach. Turns out, I did have someone submit a copy for their last lab report.
But they did so in such a blindingly stupid way that they almost got away with it.
See, we use an online drop box for submissions, and it has automated similarity checking. Its not very "smart" but it spits out a similarity percent score, and typically anything less than ~25% or so is fine (as you end up "copying" common lab jargon and works cited and whatnot). Anything in the 30-40% range I tend to manually scan to see if anything is hinky (not uncommon when we used shared data sets and they just copy/paste them straight in), and higher than that we usually have people copying/sharing whole sections.
Well, I had one student who had an 18% similarity score on their paper. I didn't even bother opening it to scrutinize, just treated it as clean and moved on to grading things (he's near the bottom of the pile). Today I get a call from my lab director telling me to take a closer look. Turns out, he submitted another students paper, word. for. word.
As in, he didn't even bother putting his own fecking name on the thing.
But because he submitted it first, his was treated as the "original" and the student who ACTUALLY wrote the thing got flagged with a 100% similarity score. Now 100%'s are normal when both partners submit the same paper, but these two don't even have lab on the same day, let alone the same section.
I like to think that I'm awake enough that I would have noticed Luis had signed his work "Victoria" when I eventually got to his, but there is a chance I might have missed it, and if that had happened, he would've gotten a pass.
I'm honestly a little flabbergasted. Dude's never been a top student, and his normal partner had asked to work alone on this particular assignment (not uncommon), but I hadn't expected the guy to straight up pull a "dis is mine". Its... really really stupid.
My supervisor at work loaned me his new EHX Oceans 11 pedal, with the comment, "Maybe you can get some ideas about making your own :) "
Took the back off, and there is no way that it isn't digital. Not with all those options it has, and the header connector for some kind of programmer to be attached.
It's a seriously, seriously nice reverb. There's even an option to kick the tank, on the Spring setting! I liked the Shimmer setting the most. If it wasn't $299NZD, I'd be tempted to get one myself.
Quote from: somnif on November 24, 2018, 11:10:14 PMand his normal partner had asked to work alone on this particular assignment (not uncommon)
Ask his normal partner if cheatyface ever did any of the work on previous assignments.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 25, 2018, 05:59:16 PM
Quote from: somnif on November 24, 2018, 11:10:14 PMand his normal partner had asked to work alone on this particular assignment (not uncommon)
Ask his normal partner if cheatyface ever did any of the work on previous assignments.
I know shes the better student overall, but for now I've just kicked the case upstairs. My boss is the one who has to give the "you're getting a zero on this paper that is worth 12.5% of your overall grade and you have to write an apology to the dean" conversation.
My policy (written on my syllabus) was to divide the grade equally between the two copied reports (i.e., 100% would become 50% for each of them). I still got some thesaurus-style copying ("We measured the voltage" became "We determined the voltage") and some passive-voice, somewhat Yoda-like in its repetition, reordered copying. I couldn't blame them too much. It was tedious stuff that didn't really effectively assess writing skills anyway.
I read something more than a decade ago that still sticks with me. The essay was on the Coyote, and the Roadrunner.
More specifically, it was about which one a person identified most with.
An example of a Roadrunner type was a hippy -- happy, zipping through life, not like some droopy-nosed sourpuss old politician.
Personally, I've always cheered on the Coyote. Stubborn, doesn't give up, will one day *GET* that smart-arse, better-than-thou Roadrunner. Plus the Coyote is like the patron saint of mad garage inventors.
Everybody likes the Coyote. He at least has character. The Roadrunner has no personality other then being a smart ass. At least with Tom & Jerry they alternated roles. Sometimes Tom was the smart ass, sometimes Jerry. You could root either way. The Roadrunner was always the same.
Quote from: Muadzin on November 26, 2018, 06:12:41 PM
Everybody likes the Coyote. He at least has character. The Roadrunner has no personality other then being a smart ass. At least with Tom & Jerry they alternated roles. Sometimes Tom was the smart ass, sometimes Jerry. You could root either way. The Roadrunner was always the same.
I always wanted Road Runner to die. Coyote's ingenuity and persistence was crying out for a reward that never came. It's an injustice
I just always wanted that Acme catalog Wile E. Coyote was ordering his gear from.
Quote from: Muadzin on November 26, 2018, 06:12:41 PM
Everybody likes the Coyote. He at least has character. The Roadrunner has no personality other then being a smart ass. At least with Tom & Jerry they alternated roles. Sometimes Tom was the smart ass, sometimes Jerry. You could root either way. The Roadrunner was always the same.
As someone who lives with real coyotes and real roadrunners....
Roadrunners are adorable little goofballs that make you smile. Coyotes kill your pets and rummage through garbage cans. Also, coyotes never shut up at night and it gets a little annoying sometimes.....
Quote from: somnif on December 03, 2018, 08:10:37 PM
As someone who lives with real coyotes and real roadrunners....
Roadrunners are adorable little goofballs that make you smile. Coyotes kill your pets and rummage through garbage cans. Also, coyotes never shut up at night and it gets a little annoying sometimes.....
Are you seriously going to nitpick over some cartoon characters? ;D :P
Cause in that vein Tom is always the good guy and Jerry the bad guy, cause cats are awesome, period! And mice are always vermin to be exterminated.
I always wanted Jerry to get eaten as well! And now that I think about it Tweetie bird too. (Thufferin thuckatash, Sylvester!)
Does that make me a bad person? :-[ ;D
You're just rooting for the underdog. The cats never got their prey so that makes them the underdog. ;)
While I was watching this, I was thinking two things. Firstly, thank gawd I never got into automechanics (beyond liking the actual driving part and appreciating pretty cars), and secondly...
Is this how Dad feels, watching me work on computer hardware?
For years, my wife has made fun of me for pronouncing Dawn and Don exactly the same. I have recently, however, found out that I am not alone, and this pronunciation is a product of my Western Pennsylvania (sub)dialect*. Nor is it unique to my dialect. People from places near the green dots on this map tend to do the same thing:
This language feature even has a name. It is called the cot-caught merger. I feel so validated!
Next, I need to figure out if I am the only person who insists that "whirl" and "swirl" are two-syllable words. :P
*I am tempted to refer to it as a subdialect because it differs even within my immediate family.
So. Cal native here (I say, "dooood" a lot): My sister's name is Dawn - spoken as Don. Cot and caught: same. Whirl and swirl: one-syllable.
I live in So. East Pennsylvania now (for 15 years):
Water: My wife says, "woder", I say, "wotter".
I get a lot laughs for this one: When I say, "roof" it sounds closer to "rough". Out here in PA it is clearly "roooof", like Babe "Ruth". Oddly, when I sing the Drifters "Up on the Roof", I pronounce it "correctly".
Another interesting regional difference: "yeah" is very short in the West (yeh), out here East it's clearly "y-e-a-a-uh"
Quote from: alanp on December 12, 2018, 04:21:16 AM
While I was watching this, I was thinking two things. Firstly, thank gawd I never got into automechanics (beyond liking the actual driving part and appreciating pretty cars), and secondly...
Is this how Dad feels, watching me work on computer hardware?
I liken this engine rebuild to my recent acquisition of a powerpc g5 isight imac ... so completely impractical. I think the original small block hemi like that only got horsepower in the high 100s to 300 hp range ... and there's generally a lack of aftermarket performance parts (hence the custom-welded intake plenum) ... its cool to see it done, but it would be completely forgivable to go with a later model mopar engine just for the horsepower and parts availability. (
Carl Cox must have liked the Cemetary Circuit motorbike race last year, because the King of Ibiza is doing another gig this year :)
Can't go, myself -- it's a work night, and I need to get up at like 4am the next day. (
That's the race I mean, btw.
Quote from: thesmokingman on December 17, 2018, 05:19:50 PM
I liken this engine rebuild to my recent acquisition of a powerpc g5 isight imac ... so completely impractical.
PPC macs are where it's at 8) I have a couple of Powermacs G4 and G5. The G4 is set up with OS/9 if you want impractical :)
Quote from: juansolo on December 18, 2018, 09:03:24 AM
Quote from: thesmokingman on December 17, 2018, 05:19:50 PM
I liken this engine rebuild to my recent acquisition of a powerpc g5 isight imac ... so completely impractical.
PPC macs are where it's at 8) I have a couple of Powermacs G4 and G5. The G4 is set up with OS/9 if you want impractical :)
my wife was like "why?" and the best I could muster was that it was one of the few oddball platforms I haven't owned ... POWER, MIPS, SPARC ... had those ... only thing left now is alpha ... and I'm not in the market. if this wasn't a flatscreen all-in-one I would have passed. I just don't have the room for a collection anymore.
The two machines I haven't got that I want are the Sharp X68000, a Japan only beast of a machine from back in the day. Had that thing come out world wide, I doubt we'd be using PCs, and an Apple IIGS. Which though quite prevalent in the US, they're rare as hell here. Sad thing is now that either machine is just stupid money, which is a shame as though I'd love to own them, there's no way I can justify the expense of them.
This article is a fascinating read, about a guy who basically faked his way into a European tour for his band. Hard to tell what the actual truth is, but in the end he got the fame he wanted I guess. (
Fascinating story. I had heard a bit about that guy before, but I liked this article a lot, especially the "Update" at the end. That part was essential.
Man, the update at the end was a killer.
But honestly, he was right about a lot of stuff in there. Simply pretend to be another person to be your own booking promoter and people will take you more seriously. Get even a little bit of press and the press takes you more seriously. Most people don't actually care about what you do, they just care that other people care about what you do. I think his plan would have worked a decade ago.
The fact that he didn't have a plan for taking care of the band members and the openers makes him super shitty, though.
Interesting read for sure. What a soulless fraud though. To his core he is a dbag in every way possible. I would disagree he is famous though unless one defines fame as some people knowing who you are through the internet. That's fine if you do but I don't.
Part of me as I was reading was thinking, well if this would have actually been set up as a type of test to show what is wrong with people, the process, the music industry or whatever, Ok, maybe I justify it in some way. In order to do this though you would have to really set it up to where you could prove, when exposed, this is the case. In addition, you would have to really take care of the band mates in some way to make up for it. I'm not sure how that would be done given his limited financial means but those are things you would have to do make this experiment work. But I kept going back to the fact that he fucked over band mates and several other people along the way and I find zero justification for this.
At the end of the day he is a rotten human being to the core with no redeeming qualities that I can see.
Regarding the article. It is interesting but not surprising. Companies generate fake/paid press every day. Of course, all that gets you nowhere if people just don't like your music and don't go to your shows regardless of the hype. Where is the line between hype and reality? I hear music all the time that I think people only like because of its hype. Maybe that's true or maybe I just don't understand a lot of people's tastes? The fine art and wine worlds have been shown to often be hype-based markets and I don't think music is immune. Just narrowed down to the niche of metal bands I can think of some that were/are successful that I didn't understand what made people choose that band over others.
I played in bands and was around the industry enough to realize how much of it was based on hype and personal relationships. Some musicians aren't great musicians but they are good with people. Some musicians are creative but introverted. As in most industries, people skills often trump actual output.
I'm not supporting or making excuses for the guy. It's just that, given today's technology, it's not surprising that this was done. I'm sure it happens a lot more than we know.
Quote"If a band approaches a venue and says: 'Hey, we wanna play this venue,' you're going to get ignored," he says. "All it has to do is look like it's coming from a booking agency - doesn't even matter what booking agency, even a fake one - and then you'll get talked to and you can get things booked. Simple as that."
I'll give the Threatin' dude this, he understands the modern music business better then most artists. Still too many think that their music will carry them through. It never does. Sometimes I wonder if it ever did. With nobody buying records or CD any more its become hard for venues to gage what kind of acts will draw in a crowd. Which is made worse by the trend that people no longer go out to see bands. The habits of the outgoing public have diversified so much these years that the days that a venue could book a band, any band, and will still get a sizeable crowd are long gone. So venues want to be more then double sure that any act they will book, will draw in a crowd. In that sense internet buzz has replaced record sales as a measuring gauge. And that has left them vulnerable to the likes of this guy, who seems to have grasped this new dynamic even better then they do. The moment this story broke I was in awe of this guy's balls and audacity in having gamed the system. It's happened before, the Dutch band Gotcha bluffed their way into the national band contest by using a similar fake press campaign, in the 90's. Which I reckon in those days was even harder. But they at least delivered live.
When rock 'n' roll first came about you just had to be able to play. You had a band, you could get a gig. Then came the time of the big artists that sold and played to millions, and everybody wanted a record deal. Such was the money to be made that artists allowed themselves by robbed by the recording industry, as even a tiny percentage of a shitload of sales was still a lot. Bands learned to promote themselves in addition to having to write good music. Then over time DJ's came to the scene and instead of having live bands clubs would let a dude play records instead, and the market shrunk. Even small bands with no record deals now had to learn how to market themselves. Next came new musical genres which actually challenged rock's dominent musical position. Then came online file sharing and record sales collapsed. Band promotion becomes even more important. And nowadays rock has declined to a niche market as rap, pop and latin music rule the Earth and record labels no longer even give a shit about rock bands any more. Bands need to be managers, bookers, home recording engineers, webdesigners, video artists, social media whores and god knows what else all in addition to being what they used to be, musicians. In that sense I can understand that actually coming up with good original music often takes a back seater, can anyone name any original music by the Jared Dines and Rob Chapmans of the youtube era? And this Threatin' guy just took that to the next level altogether.
What are some stupid prejudices -- that don't HURT anyone -- that you can't seem to shake?
For me, it's that I won't touch American beer. As in the USA.
I've heard too many horror stories about Bud, and Coors, and how beer from the USA is like love in a canoe -- f***ing close to water.
Intellectually, I have heard that there are a lot of microbrews that are very tasty indeed from the States. But I can't bring myself to try any beer from the land of love in a canoe.
Anyone else?
True story: A friend and I, in our early 20's, went to Florida on holiday, out of season. To everybody's amusement, we didn't hire a car. Instead making our way around on public transport, though for a couple of things we had to book coach trips. I'm not sure why we did those things, but it did make it all more fun strangely. Anyhow we had a trip to Busch Gardens, the theme part owned by the makers of Budweiser. We did the rides, with no queues to speak of we polished off the park pretty quick so decided for the brewery tour at the end of which you could sample two beers in the concessions tent... We got talking to the pretty young thing behind the bar about how we couldn't possibly form an opinion on what Anhuser Busch had to offer on meerly two beers, turned the accent on strong (the one place it works...) and as the place was empty and we were keeping her company, we proceeded to sample every beer they had, and to a great quantity. I vaguely remember asking several coach drivers if we'd come with them and if they'd please take us back to our hotel... So their beers are effective at least.
What doesn't work is foreign beers being transported over there. We went to an Irish bar and quite frankly their idea of what Guinness or Murphy's is, is not what we get in the UK. But again that's a regional thing, because stuff brewed under license here is often bloody awful. Heineken brewed in the UK crap, but in the Netherlands it's really quite alright. Aussie beer is without exception just fizzy yellow water and I can't believe that Aussies would stand for that back home.
Personally I mostly drink Belgian beer. It's just bloody lovely. Though I suspect when brexit is in effect, bobbing over to restock is going to be a thing of the past :(
I often worry that visitors to the US will try Bud, Coors, or Miller Lite, thinking that these liquids are the ambassadors of American beer (afterall, they market themselves as such). These are all terrible products. To me, they are only tolerable on a very hot day, served very very cold with a better beer as a chaser.
In the US, Foster's is marketed as being "Australian for beer." I asked an Australian if they had better things to drink than that stuff, and heard a similar opinion to how I describe Budweiser.
Personally, I'm a fan of IPAs.
By the way, if you ever visit Legoland in Florida, you have to smuggle in your own beer. ;)
Quote from: juansolo on December 29, 2018, 10:04:50 AM
What doesn't work is foreign beers being transported over there. We went to an Irish bar and quite frankly their idea of what Guinness or Murphy's is, is not what we get in the UK. But again that's a regional thing, because stuff brewed under license here is often bloody awful. Heineken brewed in the UK crap, but in the Netherlands it's really quite alright. Aussie beer is without exception just fizzy yellow water and I can't believe that Aussies would stand for that back home.
Asahi Super Dry is a good example of that, here. The two litre cans (screwtops, with a plastic handle on the side) are very tasty beers, and, like the name says, dry beyond belief. Well worth getting.
The bottles and normal cans, on the other hand, are "Brewed Under Licence" by people who don't seem to understand how to brew Asahi Super Dry (rice is involved, as well as hops and barley), and it's not worth the bother.
the top of the heap beers from bud, miller/coors are pretty godawful (and they know it and make "microbrews") ... some of the legacy brands (grandpa's beer) are better, and generally not as liked by the public because they aren't as easy drinking (looking at you Pabst, Schlitz, Hamm's, Stroh's, etc) ... some of the regionals are even better like Yuengling (who took over the Busch Gardens brewery in Tampa) and Shiner ... then of course there's the litany of microbrews overdoing it with the hops, occasionally crafting something brilliant, and generally pricing themselves out of being an everyday brew. I tend to buy grandpa beers on the regular and sprinkle in the regionals and microbrews for special occasions.
Quote from: alanp on December 29, 2018, 05:48:24 AM
What are some stupid prejudices -- that don't HURT anyone -- that you can't seem to shake?
For me, it's that I won't touch American beer. As in the USA.
I've heard too many horror stories about Bud, and Coors, and how beer from the USA is like love in a canoe -- f***ing close to water.
Intellectually, I have heard that there are a lot of microbrews that are very tasty indeed from the States. But I can't bring myself to try any beer from the land of love in a canoe.
Anyone else?
This is actually sad. Look at the top rated beers on Beer Advocate (http://"") for example. Of course most of those can be hard to get even for those of us in the US and it's better to drink the best bread you can get locally anyway. I think Belgium probably has the highest rating per capita for sure though ...
Things changed a couple decades ago now. In part it has to do with relaxed laws permitting brewing in more places, but also just the spread of knowledge and marketting reach thanks to the internet.
Quote from: midwayfair on December 29, 2018, 05:30:07 PMI think Belgium probably has the highest rating per capita for sure though ...
Talking about beer has made me crack open a bottle of Westmalle Dubbel. Drinking from a chalice... Because you gotta have the right glass man!
lol for kicks, this evening I managed to find Genesee cream ale in a 12 pack at the neighborhood liquor store ... I don't believe I've had the pleasure yet ... I seem to recall having Little King's cream ale once upon a time
This is what I'm having.
I mean, I have to, I can't let it go bad in the cellar ... :P
You can't rush this whisky, but it's bloody nice. Very strong peaty smoke in it.
And if the cat is nearby, you can be childish and make bird noises with the cork against the side of the bottle.
My current drink:
Perfectly normal coffee. Nothing special about it. Absolutely and utterly normal.
Quote from: juansolo on December 29, 2018, 10:04:50 AMHeineken brewed in the UK crap, but in the Netherlands it's really quite alright.
That's funny, because in the Netherlands Heineken is mostly known as canal water. Lowest of the low. How it managed to label itself abroad as a quality foreign beer is a mystery to us. ;D
I've given up on beer in a green bottle. Always skunky when I've tried it.
Also, here is a handy list of beers that are likely crappy and best avoided: :P
In US restaurants, InBev beers are often all that is available, but there is sometimes a footnote on the menu that says something like, "Ask your server about additional local or seasonal beer selections." Fun random story: My younger brother drove to Canada once and was asked at the border what his occupation was. He replied, "I'm a server." He was detained and his car was ripped apart in a multiple-hours-long search for drugs. Apparently, "server" means drug dealer up there. In the US, it is just a gender-neutral term for waiters and waitresses.
Quote from: Muadzin on December 30, 2018, 10:56:09 AM
Quote from: juansolo on December 29, 2018, 10:04:50 AMHeineken brewed in the UK crap, but in the Netherlands it's really quite alright.
That's funny, because in the Netherlands Heineken is mostly known as canal water. Lowest of the low. How it managed to label itself abroad as a quality foreign beer is a mystery to us. ;D
FWIW it tastes better there than under license!
Quote from: EBK on December 30, 2018, 11:52:33 AM
I've given up on beer in a green bottle. Always skunky when I've tried it.
Also, here is a handy list of beers that are likely crappy and best avoided: :P
In US restaurants, InBev beers are often all that is available, but there is sometimes a footnote on the menu that says something like, "Ask your server about additional local or seasonal beer selections." Fun random story: My younger brother drove to Canada once and was asked at the border what his occupation was. He replied, "I'm a server." He was detained and his car was ripped apart in a multiple-hours-long search for drugs. Apparently, "server" means drug dealer up there. In the US, it is just a gender-neutral term for waiters and waitresses.
Never heard that before, all kinds of server jobs advertised in regular media, it's used the same up here as in the states.
An online drug slang dictionary has server = crack dealer. & another compiled in the 90's has it,
Telegraph newspaper in England makes reference...
And to up your street cred, July 2018 DEA publication -
American source defining server -
Ever felt that your street cred vocabulary was lacking a little? Haven't a clue what the man is going on about or what it is he's about to offer you? Well, worry no more thanks to the White House's very own super hip Street Guide...Get hip, doodz!!! (Some of it's totally ridiculous, but hopefully some of you might find it helpful).
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade March 1997.
White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse
The ability to understand current drug-related street terms is an invaluable tool for law enforcement, public health, and other criminaljustice professionals who work with the public. This document contains over 2,000 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity.
That engine isn't steam. It's petrol-powered, with a single hoooooge piston.
I'm betting it has the ungodly torque of steam, though!
You'll probably like this Alan
Something about the drumming in Rob Zombie's track "House of 1000 Corpses" (NOT the movie, the track from Sinister Urge) is really groovy, to me.
Maybe it's the slightly janky timing, or how the hats rattle a bit longer than I'm used to, or how they're miked up, and rather crisp and prominent in the mix. Could be all of that. But it sounds really jazzy to me.
Fair warning if you look the song up, it's Rob Zombie.
Just saying that once again I'm looking at the entries and WIPs for the BOTY contest and wondering why I bother...
Quote from: Willybomb on January 02, 2019, 11:42:15 AM
Just saying that once again I'm looking at the entries and WIPs for the BOTY contest and wondering why I bother...
That reminds me. I still need to make a video for my entry.
Every entry makes the community better. That's why you should bother. ;)
Quote from: Willybomb on January 02, 2019, 11:42:15 AM
Just saying that once again I'm looking at the entries and WIPs for the BOTY contest and wondering why I bother...
There are going to be lots of prizes. Actually, I need to get that list up today. Point being there's always a chance to win something. Plus, there's also the audio contest.
Quote from: juansolo on December 31, 2018, 11:05:31 AM
You'll probably like this Alan
that's neat ... I grew up going to steam/vintage tractor shows (Terning's in Valley Center, KS) and of course classic car shows (Starbird's in Wichita) ... always fun to see equipment not from the U.S.
Had a silly idea at work today... what are your entries for the following three sportscars?
2. Money no object!
3. Reasonably possible dream car!
DO NOT WANT: Porsche 911.
For me, the 911 has always looked like the world's fattest man sat on the bonnet and, like a squished stressball, the car's arse ballooned like a full nappy. Plus it had a reputation for being squirrelly if you aren't good. As a package, the 911 is a massive turn-off to me.
Money no object: Lambo Miura.
It has all the drama and pantomime of the later Lambos, but without the goggle-eyed lunacy of the Countach or Diablo, and without the electrowizardry of the modern Lambos. Classically beautiful supercar with a V12. Plus, unlike, say, one of those replica Argentinian Bugatti Type 37s, you can park it out (somewhere nice, admittedly, not somewhere it will go walkies) and not worry quite so much that you'll come back to a crowd of anoraks (Miura is just as likely to attract pretty girls), or whether it will rain.
Reasonably possible: Mid-nineties Nissan Skyline
Growing up, the Big Dog sportscar in New Zealand was probably always the Skyline. Sure, there were the Holden and Ford V8's, but they were always more a Dad car. Plus, as everyone knew, Bathurst banned the Skyline because it kept winning all the damn time against the V8s. If you buy one, though, you NEED to get it checked out, thoroughly, because there is a pretty good chance that any given Skyline has had the bottom thrashed off it and gone through a few sets of tyres.
You do see the occasional Camaro or Mustang, but they're rare in NZ. Plus, if you do get one, you're going to get endless cracks about gallons to the mile, and the massive difficulty in getting Wellington Cathedral to go around a corner at speed.
Japanese imports have always been the major component of New Zealand's collective vehicle fleet, and Japanese sportscars have always been visible. The Mazda Miata was very popular in the Auckland crowd for awhile.
Quote from: alanp on January 09, 2019, 06:47:47 AM
Had a silly idea at work today... what are your entries for the following three sportscars?
2. Money no object!
3. Reasonably possible dream car!
I'm in the very privileged position to have owned and driven many of the cars or types of cars that I've wanted to and I feel that makes my list a bit... weird. As a lot of the usual stuff I've kinda been there and done that, or I've done something else that's rendered it redundant (driving a sports prototype race car around Spa makes most road cars seem a bit dull, regardless of how many horses they have).
1. Do not want most current exotica. Anything with flappy paddles or batteries just do nothing for me at all. To be fair most things made after the 90's do nothing for me (with a couple of exceptions). They have all sorts of systems to stop you doing stupid things and modern tyres and brakes are really very effective. To get anywhere near their limits you need to be going so far over the speed limit, you're probably going to jail. Anything beneath their limit I just find dull. Going fast in a straight line is fun the first couple of times, but that's about it.
2. It's between two cars: The Eagle Speedster (, and a Mercedes SL 300 ( Roadster. Money no object I'd have both, simple as that :) the 50's and 60's were a golden era when it comes to actual car design, some of the prettiest creations known to man. Those two cars to me are the epitome of automotive elegance. I also have a thing for old Bentleys, I'd certainly want one of those in my collection also...
3. Reasonable money for me isn't a lot these days as I haven't worked for the last seven years. At this point in time I'd have a mint Mk1 MX-5 ( (that's actually my brother's car, I have a mk3 currently). Quite frankly in the real world, it's harder to have much more fun on the road and still have a practical and reliable car. When I was working, I'd have probably gone for a Jaguar F-Type S ( convertible with a manual gearbox, or being the old man that I am now a 5.0 Jaguar XK ( Coupe. Because in luxury cars, I have no problem with a big engine and an auto.
Reading that back makes me look like some sort of Jag nut... Which is odd considering I've never owned one! Came close to buying a Mk2 once though that looked not unlike this one ( I'd just bought a hot hatch (it was the 90's...) annoyingly and couldn't justify the amount of cash I'd lose on it in part exchange.
Cars are for me a means to an end, to get from A to B with the stuff that I want. As such sports cars hold no interest to me. Besides, what would be the point anyway? The roads are either full of speed bumps, or in various state of disrepair. Or both. So you can't drive fast on them anyway. And the places where you can tend to be lined with speed cameras.
Now if money were no object I wouldn't mind having a 60's Ford Mustang, or a classic Mini Cooper, although I reckon that compared to modern cars they drive terribly and have the road safety characteristics that was typical of those days, as in none at all. A classic WW2 Willys Jeep would also be nice to have, as a WW2 buff. The sound of that engine, that lovely sound.....
I agree on the 911
I'd have to toss the coin between the aston martin db5 or the 1967 ferrari 275 gtb convertible
while it is tempting to choose the challenger hellcat or whatever their highest horsepower current production model is, I'll go for the equally ridiculous vintage Vanishing Point hemi challenger r/t (
I suspect I know why the "era of the movie star" is over. People have a lot more choice.
Back in the day when video on the internet was really not an option (when nearly everyone was on dialup), if you wanted to watch something, it was either VHS, TV, or go to the movies. Plus, of course, back then, a big TV was nowhere near as common, making the big movie theatre screen even more impressive.
These days, you can just watch any of a vast multitude of movies on your 50" TV with home theatre sound over Netflix.
Really nice history lesson on how normal, working class people achieved legal rights.
Just saying that today I replaced the LEDs in a Crunchbox with a 12ax7. It was.... interesting.
I'd lowered the cap parallel to the gain pot to 51pf from 100pf, and it sounded like a very bassy fuzz. Might be interesting with a blend as a bass drive. After that I dropped the input cap from 22n to 4.7 and that was better but still not what I was thinking. Adding 750k resistor (?, might have been 500k) to ground from that cap cut out too much signal so I removed that resistor. It's a work in progress, but I went and built a Boneyard on vero which sounded awesome, using just a 500k gain pot to get rid of oscillation that happened with a 1meg, no high/low switching.
The valve is only running at 9v, and I wasn't expecting the next coming from my results. I was basically inspired by the Zendrive 2 and one of Juan Solo's build of the Wizard's Sleeve (Spark Gap, after researching I find it's not just a tubescreamer with valve clipping).
So now, it's to a bit more research to see what I can do to make it sound a bit better.
Quote from: alanp on January 11, 2019, 05:57:33 PM
Really nice history lesson on how normal, working class people achieved legal rights.
Will watch that one later *thumbs up*
Brian, I found some inspiration for the next Moodring revision. Skip to the tunnel section.
Quote from: alanp on January 24, 2019, 05:21:06 AM
Brian, I found some inspiration for the next Moodring revision. Skip to the tunnel section.
That demands a new pedal design - the Plug'ole.
Also, getting close to the edge of that thing, NOPE.
So there I was, trying out a guitar in a local shop. I'm after something of decent quality as the majority of my guitars are relatively cheap and I want a really nice one. The staff were helpful enough, letting me plug in and try it out and not getting too miffed at Rosie walking around (she's actually really well behaved, stays close, keeps her hands to herself and doesn't touch anything).
But the guitar is horribly set up. Old strings, an action 5mm off the fretboard, and while the intonation is fine at the 12th fret, basic open chords sound terrible as a result. Not great when I'm ready to spend the $800 on the tag. I showed the employee and he tried it out and agreed with me.
I told them I was interested in buying it and asked if it was possible to have it set up so I could try it properly - obviously I don't want to buy a guitar and find it's a lemon that can't be adjusted further.
I also said very explicitly that I would prefer to buy local than go online.
No worries, they tell me, and take my number so they can let me know when it's ready. The tech tells me he can't do it that day (I could see he was busy, he had 3 guitars in line to be done) and I reply that there's no hurry as I have to sell some stuff first. No probs, they'll call me when it's done.
Fast forward two weeks with no call and I go back in today. Same guitar still sitting there, same strings, same high action. Bit disappointing.
Ok, so I didn't put down a deposit, and I did say that there was no hurry, but wouldn't you think that with today's retail under pressure from online that they would at least set the thing up properly, contact me and make an $800 sale? I was tempted to offer far less based on work needed to bring it up to scratch, but I can get it online with all that work done and delivered for the same money....
So tomorrow I go around the other shops, see what's there, and I'll probably end up purchasing something online. Preferably from someone with an actual physical shop. (
This is far from the first time that PETA have tried to get people to ban shearing sheep.
Their blatant, underhanded dishonesty pisses me right off.
Firstly, if you do not shear sheep, they suffer quite a bit from heat in summer, not to mention increase of flystrike and worse problems. The RSPCA get phone calls about animal cruelty to sheep each year -- from people worried that sheep NEED shearing, because who wants to wear the equivalent of a few wooly jumpers in 30 degrees celcius weather?
Secondly, all that "proof" that PETA puts up of how sheep are horribly abused during shearing? Boy, it sure is a shame that animal abuse like that is not illegal in any Western countr--heeeey, wait a minute! It *IS* illegal! Plus the farmer is going to be pissed at the shearing gang he hired -- rather than a healthy animal, plus unattached wool, he now has dirty wool with some hide attached, plus blood, and an animal that will need a fair bit of veterinary attention.
Thirdly, growing cotton needs a fair bit of water, which, famously, the world doesn't have as much of as it used to. Polyester and other synthetic fabrics are, we are told, part of the Plastics Problem. Wool is all natural, doesn't have the problems of the first two fabrics mentioned, plus, you eventually get mutton stew as well.
I always wonder what these dozey sods think will happen if farmers have no use for cows (milk is theft from calves!), sheep, or other animals. Do they think that the animals will wander around in some Disneyesque paradise?!
Yesterday ordered a few things from a new company to me, Icebreaker, New Zealand based, makes their clothing from Merino wool.
Mmmm, mutton stew. People Eating Tastey Animals...
Quote from: alanp on February 16, 2019, 04:10:32 AM (
This is far from the first time that PETA have tried to get people to ban shearing sheep.
Before I even read the article I see it's origin. It's a tabloid that specialises in scare-mongering, xenophobia and sensationalism. Most things in there are usually very selective with the facts, deeply manipulative or just pure bollocks. I wouldn't believe a word printed in it.
Quote from: alanp on January 24, 2019, 05:21:06 AM
Brian, I found some inspiration for the next Moodring revision. Skip to the tunnel section.
That's not far from me.
My box of fail is growing faster than my pile of successful builds. Just saying.
You should see the pile of failed, shitty PCBs I've thrown away over the years due to board-breaking design mistakes.
Quote from: alanp on January 11, 2019, 05:57:33 PM
Really nice history lesson on how normal, working class people achieved legal rights.
Something that the video has made me think about is male suffrage, not just female suffrage.
For a very, very long time, only *rich*, upperclass men were allowed to vote. Wouldn't do to have the lower classes getting ideas above their station, eh what?
Interestingly in New Zealand, Maori men had universal suffrage for more than a decade before European men, due to cultural attitudes to land ownership. (Traditionally, Maori owned land communally, while Europeans owned land individually.)
Quote from: brucer on March 02, 2019, 04:58:54 AM
My box of fail is growing faster than my pile of successful builds. Just saying.
Quote from: alanp on March 02, 2019, 05:18:35 AM
You should see the pile of failed, shitty PCBs I've thrown away over the years due to board-breaking design mistakes.
Well, I'll try to avoid throwing these cursed, @#$ing PCBs out ... maybe. Actually, I'll send these circuits to anyone in Canada, US or UK who will troubleshoot the populated, unworking PCBs, fix them and tell me where I went wrong:
- VFE Blueprint with tap tempo
- lectric-fx Zirconia
- Kastle (brejna) Bass Drive DI
You can keep them after that. Any takers? Send me a PM.
Paging Jon! Jon, come in! :)
Quote from: brucer on March 02, 2019, 05:42:39 AM
Quote from: brucer on March 02, 2019, 04:58:54 AM
My box of fail is growing faster than my pile of successful builds. Just saying.
Quote from: alanp on March 02, 2019, 05:18:35 AM
You should see the pile of failed, shitty PCBs I've thrown away over the years due to board-breaking design mistakes.
Well, I'll try to avoid throwing these cursed, @#$ing PCBs out ... maybe. Actually, I'll send these circuits to anyone in Canada, US or UK who will troubleshoot the populated, unworking PCBs, fix them and tell me where I went wrong:
- VFE Blueprint with tap tempo
- lectric-fx Zirconia
- Kastle (brejna) Bass Drive DI
You can keep them after that. Any takers? Send me a PM.
How did you go about adding tap tempo to the blueprint? I know the PCB has pads for tempo, but I thought that was never used in that project?
Quote from: benny_profane on March 16, 2019, 02:44:39 PM
How did you go about adding tap tempo to the blueprint? I know the PCB has pads for tempo, but I thought that was never used in that project?
To quote the Patreon files on the Blueprint:
"Blueprint - There are resistor icons on the circuit board marked JUMP and TAP. Use a jumper to connect the JUMP parts for a standard delay configuration. To connect the PT2399 delay chip to an existing tap tempo circuit (must be designed specifically for the PT2399), but a jumper in the TAP parts instead (leave the JUMP parts empty). You can then use the 6 pins at the top of the board to connect to the tap tempo circuit. From left (#1) to right (#6), the pins are momentary SPST switch for tap tempo (connect other side to ground), ground, +5V, CV from B50K pot, and the last 2 pins connect to the digital potentiometer to set the delay time."
Quote from: somnif on March 16, 2019, 08:43:23 PM
Quote from: benny_profane on March 16, 2019, 02:44:39 PM
How did you go about adding tap tempo to the blueprint? I know the PCB has pads for tempo, but I thought that was never used in that project?
To quote the Patreon files on the Blueprint:
"Blueprint - There are resistor icons on the circuit board marked JUMP and TAP. Use a jumper to connect the JUMP parts for a standard delay configuration. To connect the PT2399 delay chip to an existing tap tempo circuit (must be designed specifically for the PT2399), but a jumper in the TAP parts instead (leave the JUMP parts empty). You can then use the 6 pins at the top of the board to connect to the tap tempo circuit. From left (#1) to right (#6), the pins are momentary SPST switch for tap tempo (connect other side to ground), ground, +5V, CV from B50K pot, and the last 2 pins connect to the digital potentiometer to set the delay time."
Ah gotcha. Thanks, I didn't know that.
Quote from: alanp on January 09, 2019, 06:47:47 AM
Had a silly idea at work today... what are your entries for the following three sportscars?
Been thinking about a custom car for a week or so, and think I might be onto something...
The basic appearance and chassis would be Mercedes 500K styled -- running boards, long bonnet with louvers, that sort of thing -- while the brakes, steering, that sort of thing would be all modern, to a degree. For the drivetrain, I'm picking a Japanese straight six, maybe Nissan or something. The idea here is easily available, lots of power, easily modifiable. If there is spare money, then supercharged -- I don't want a turbo, as it conjures up images of boyracers, here.
I think you're basically describing doing a restomod. I think the idea is very very cool.
Quote from: alanp on March 29, 2019, 06:36:08 PM
Quote from: alanp on January 09, 2019, 06:47:47 AM
Had a silly idea at work today... what are your entries for the following three sportscars?
Been thinking about a custom car for a week or so, and think I might be onto something...
The basic appearance and chassis would be Mercedes 500K styled -- running boards, long bonnet with louvers, that sort of thing -- while the brakes, steering, that sort of thing would be all modern, to a degree. For the drivetrain, I'm picking a Japanese straight six, maybe Nissan or something. The idea here is easily available, lots of power, easily modifiable. If there is spare money, then supercharged -- I don't want a turbo, as it conjures up images of boyracers, here.
Have a look in the facebook buy/sell groups. I know of plenty of guys who've tried these sort of lofty projects, only to run out of steam and flick the on after a lot of the hard work has been done.
Just saying... I won an auction for a box of 65 old Valve/Tubes @ $1.50. A good excuse to finish my valve-tester project and comb through them :)
I agree with everything in this video.
I don't know. Last time I went shopping for a bigger electronic appliance was a washing machine. Went in there, looked at the three options in my price range, asked one question to a sales person, decided and paid, had it in my car 5min later.
Might be down to cultural differences. I've had several americans tell me they felt neglected or even offended from the service by the staff they received in german shops or restaurants. Me, I'm just happy not being bothered unless I actually want something.
If I go into a store I don't even want to see a sales person until I actually need something. The last thing I want is for them to hover nearby like vultures waiting for their prey to die. Stay the hell away from me, if I need a vulture I'll let you know. Go play poker in the backroom, or chat with the nice lady behind the cashier or something. Oddly enough, there's a curious inverse ninja thing happening with sales persons, because when you actually need one there's usually no one to be found. I reckon the sure fire way to not be bothered by them is to appear to be wanting to speak to one. They'll scatter more quickly then rats or cockroaches in a room when you suddenly turn on the lights.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 01, 2019, 10:19:11 AM
If I go into a store I don't even want to see a sales person until I actually need something. The last thing I want is for them to hover nearby like vultures waiting for their prey to die. Stay the hell away from me, if I need a vulture I'll let you know. Go play poker in the backroom, or chat with the nice lady behind the cashier or something. Oddly enough, there's a curious inverse ninja thing happening with sales persons, because when you actually need one there's usually no one to be found. I reckon the sure fire way to not be bothered by them is to appear to be wanting to speak to one. They'll scatter more quickly then rats or cockroaches in a room when you suddenly turn on the lights.
Similar goes for some waiters at restaurants. As soon as you arrive, they're circling like mosquitos.
When it comes time to get the bill, or another drink.... they have tunnel vision, and look straight past you. (
It's interesting to listen to this performance, and then listen to the Urban Hymns version. The male voice changes drastically, even for decades after puberty finishes.
Quote from: somnif on November 24, 2018, 11:10:14 PM
So, Update to plagiarism in the Bio class I teach. Turns out, I did have someone submit a copy for their last lab report.
But they did so in such a blindingly stupid way that they almost got away with it.
See, we use an online drop box for submissions, and it has automated similarity checking. Its not very "smart" but it spits out a similarity percent score, and typically anything less than ~25% or so is fine (as you end up "copying" common lab jargon and works cited and whatnot). Anything in the 30-40% range I tend to manually scan to see if anything is hinky (not uncommon when we used shared data sets and they just copy/paste them straight in), and higher than that we usually have people copying/sharing whole sections.
Well, I had one student who had an 18% similarity score on their paper. I didn't even bother opening it to scrutinize, just treated it as clean and moved on to grading things (he's near the bottom of the pile). Today I get a call from my lab director telling me to take a closer look. Turns out, he submitted another students paper, word. for. word.
As in, he didn't even bother putting his own fecking name on the thing.
But because he submitted it first, his was treated as the "original" and the student who ACTUALLY wrote the thing got flagged with a 100% similarity score. Now 100%'s are normal when both partners submit the same paper, but these two don't even have lab on the same day, let alone the same section.
I like to think that I'm awake enough that I would have noticed Luis had signed his work "Victoria" when I eventually got to his, but there is a chance I might have missed it, and if that had happened, he would've gotten a pass.
I'm honestly a little flabbergasted. Dude's never been a top student, and his normal partner had asked to work alone on this particular assignment (not uncommon), but I hadn't expected the guy to straight up pull a "dis is mine". Its... really really stupid.
Way late to the party on this one, but it reminds me of a group project I had in university. It was in Thermodynamics IIRC, and we had to work in groups of four. The Project was worth 50% of the final grade, and the final exam made up the other 50%. No interim marking, no interim tests or exams. And that year the exam went closed book, because the previous years class caught on to the fact that the professor was too lazy to change the types of questions in the exams, all he did was change the numbers within the questions, so they copied out the answer keys from the previous years exams and worked the methodology forward, substituting the new values as they saw fit. That class ended up scoring way too high on the curve and made the prof look bad, so he needed to correct that with my class.
Like most pack animals, we grouped up with people we knew, and we had one guy who just really couldn't be bothered to participate. He'd found a member of the opposite gender who was willing to tolerate him and let him run the bases from time to time, so he spent most of his time with her and none on the project.
At the end of the project, we peer scored the team, which would have a direct influence on their grade (i.e. if you scored someone with 100% participation, they would received 100% of whatever the final grade was directly, if you scored them 50% they'd get half the marks, etc). Given that we had three people who'd done the work and one who did not, we all scored the non performer at zero or something close to that.
An hour before the final exam the grades were posted for the group project, and my team scored 98%, so all we really had to do to pass the course was not spell our names wrong, which was a good thing because the final was brutal. I remember it well because we couldn't leave the exam room before the first half hour had expired, by the 28 minute mark I had barfed up all the knowledge I could, checked the spelling on my name and my student number, and handed the exam in right at the 30 minute mark (it was a three hour exam slot).
My underperforming team member saw me get up and he followed quickly there after. When he got out of the exam hall he said "Good thing we aced the project." To which my response was "Yeah, good thing"
Needless to say one of us had to retake the class the following year.
Quote from: Muadzin on November 20, 2018, 09:39:16 PM
As for the Netherlands differing from Germany in this regard, the Germans seem more traditional when it comes to money. Maybe its because of the hyper inflation thing they had after World War 1? They're only now thinking about getting rid of their 1 and 2 cents coins and rounding up or down on transactions. In the Netherlands we've been doing that for as long as I can remember. I can't remember ever having seen a 1 cent coin when we still had our own currency. We got them back when we switched to the Euro but they quickly disappeared again. If you still get one chances are you get one that was coined in Germany and that person did some shopping in Germany.
(Again, I should visit here more often)
Yeah, the whole paying in Germany thing can be a be of a PITA, especially for us auslanders (I've been in Germany for the better part of the last 13 months, working on a project that's a one hour flight from my home). I routinely carry cash for small transactions, but prefer to use my MC for meals, if for no other reason, than it guarantees I get a receipt, which is not always that common otherwise (my accountants have a real hate on for "non receipt" expenses, yet HR refuses to let me go on a per diem, even though that would make everyones life a lot easier). Problem is, most restaurants where I am won't take credit cards unless you run up a bill past 20 Euros, and I typically don't eat a single meal in the day that cost 20 Euro (meals here tend to be on the large and affordable side, and 20 Euros would be like a main, a litre of beer, and dessert, and I am having a hard enough time keeping my weight stable without adding all those calories), so then it's back to cash.
And the one, two, and 5 cent coins drive me nuts. You can't use them in vending machines, they are a hassle to carry, and given that I am typically here for 40 days at a time, by the time I leave there's a half pound of coins that the cleaning lady gets to keep.
Quote from: GermanCdn on May 23, 2019, 02:39:47 PM
(Again, I should visit here more often)
Yeah, the whole paying in Germany thing can be a be of a PITA, especially for us auslanders (I've been in Germany for the better part of the last 13 months, working on a project that's a one hour flight from my home). I routinely carry cash for small transactions, but prefer to use my MC for meals, if for no other reason, than it guarantees I get a receipt, which is not always that common otherwise (my accountants have a real hate on for "non receipt" expenses, yet HR refuses to let me go on a per diem, even though that would make everyones life a lot easier). Problem is, most restaurants where I am won't take credit cards unless you run up a bill past 20 Euros, and I typically don't eat a single meal in the day that cost 20 Euro (meals here tend to be on the large and affordable side, and 20 Euros would be like a main, a litre of beer, and dessert, and I am having a hard enough time keeping my weight stable without adding all those calories), so then it's back to cash.
Yeah, nobody uses credit cards in daily life over here. I only use mine to pay for the odd stuff where I can't pay online via paypal, or to pay for my ZIN membership.
If you're still in Germany and near the Netherlands, I'm in Nijmegen. Feel free to visit.
QuoteAnd the one, two, and 5 cent coins drive me nuts. You can't use them in vending machines, they are a hassle to carry, and given that I am typically here for 40 days at a time, by the time I leave there's a half pound of coins that the cleaning lady gets to keep.
I had a friend who collected those old coins. All Dutch 5 cent coins. He had like 20.000 when I helped him move. Those jars he kept them weighed like a ton of bricks each.
Quote from: Muadzin on May 24, 2019, 10:05:18 PM
If you're still in Germany and near the Netherlands, I'm in Nijmegen. Feel free to visit.
Thanks, leaving Deutschland on Thursday this week, and I'm hoping not to have to come back again for extended periods of time, as I've been away from home 210 out of the last 300 days. That being said, I'm home for a whole five days this time, and then off to China for a week.
Quote from: GermanCdn on May 23, 2019, 02:39:47 PM
Yeah, the whole paying in Germany thing can be a be of a PITA, especially for us auslanders (I've been in Germany for the better part of the last 13 months, working on a project that's a one hour flight from my home). I routinely carry cash for small transactions, but prefer to use my MC for meals, if for no other reason, than it guarantees I get a receipt, which is not always that common otherwise (my accountants have a real hate on for "non receipt" expenses, yet HR refuses to let me go on a per diem, even though that would make everyones life a lot easier). Problem is, most restaurants where I am won't take credit cards unless you run up a bill past 20 Euros, and I typically don't eat a single meal in the day that cost 20 Euro (meals here tend to be on the large and affordable side, and 20 Euros would be like a main, a litre of beer, and dessert, and I am having a hard enough time keeping my weight stable without adding all those calories), so then it's back to cash. (
Boris says in the video, "Do not be surprised if they look at you like you are some kind of war criminal if you try and pay with card."
I'm starting to develop opinions on mushrooms. The ones I can get at the shop, anyway.
They carry two types -- white button mushrooms, and big brown mushrooms. (They are the same species, apparently, the buttons are just harvested earlier.)
I find that the button mushrooms have next to no flavour when cooked, compared to brown. Anyone else?
Quote from: alanp on June 09, 2019, 06:05:17 AM
I'm starting to develop opinions on mushrooms. The ones I can get at the shop, anyway.
They carry two types -- white button mushrooms, and big brown mushrooms. (They are the same species, apparently, the buttons are just harvested earlier.)
I find that the button mushrooms have next to no flavour when cooked, compared to brown. Anyone else?
Mushrooms on the bbq. A knob of butter and black pepper.
Quote from: alanp on June 09, 2019, 06:05:17 AM
I'm starting to develop opinions on mushrooms. The ones I can get at the shop, anyway.
They carry two types -- white button mushrooms, and big brown mushrooms. (They are the same species, apparently, the buttons are just harvested earlier.)
I find that the button mushrooms have next to no flavour when cooked, compared to brown. Anyone else?
Its not just a matter of timing, light is also a factor. The brown coloration is like a tan, it appears in response to blue/UV light. Its vitamin D, too, healthy for ya.
The species is
Agaricus bisporus, if anyone is curious. Crimini, button, brown, protobello, all the same species.
Personally I prefer oyster mushrooms (
Pleurotusspp.)for common use, but they do cost a touch more and aren't available everywhere.
Quote from: somnif on June 12, 2019, 06:10:39 AM
Quote from: alanp on June 09, 2019, 06:05:17 AM
I'm starting to develop opinions on mushrooms. The ones I can get at the shop, anyway.
They carry two types -- white button mushrooms, and big brown mushrooms. (They are the same species, apparently, the buttons are just harvested earlier.)
I find that the button mushrooms have next to no flavour when cooked, compared to brown. Anyone else?
Its not just a matter of timing, light is also a factor. The brown coloration is like a tan, it appears in response to blue/UV light. Its vitamin D, too, healthy for ya.
The species is Agaricus bisporus, if anyone is curious. Crimini, button, brown, protobello, all the same species.
Personally I prefer oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusspp.)for common use, but they do cost a touch more and aren't available everywhere.
More often than not it's one or more of the common 'button' family, raw for salads, cooked for other application, Shiitakes get used a lot for Asian dishes, readily available, relatively expensive, oysters i can get always with some hunting, like to pair shiitakes, enoki's and shimeji are kinda cool. Found chanterelle's acouple times and bought, can't say whether they were worth the money.
My mushroom man was gifted a box of mushrooms by one of his suppliers including some Morels which were quoted as around $120/lb. Have never tried a morel.
Shiitake/oyster pizza from June first.
( (
( (
morel hunting was something I used to do back in Kansas ... one of those things you didn't talk too much about like fishing or hunting spots ... because suddenly you had friends you're now obliged to bring with you. now the internet tells you how to find anything including where/when/how to look for them
Local beekeeper recently posted a video of one of his hives and panned down to the ground where morels were growing.
Something that always bugs me about movies, games, and artwork for cosmic horror (Cthulu, the Shining Trapezohedron, whatever) is that they are, I think, fundamentally incapable of portraying one of the fundamental elements of Lovecraft's cosmic horror.
The unknown.
There are several HPL stories featuring a narrator (unreliable or not), where the only thing the reader knows about the "bad thing" is what they are told, with key details missing in such a way that your imagination does most of the work in making your flesh crawl, not purple prose on the part of the writer. Another facet of this is that HPL, quite a few times, describes things as indescribable -- literally; the human mind is simply not equipped to deal with the reality of what some things truly are, and to behold them in all their terrible reality is to have something break in you. I'm probably explaining this badly.
But, in any case, this is all quite psychological. It all happens in your head. It doesn't transfer well, IMO, to visual art. Hey, this Elder God changes every time anyone sees it, and merely seeing it opens your soul to terrible things... but here's a picture on the wiki. The SCP wiki does a good artistic job of this -- there are strategic black inking marks, as well as deliberately missing pictures or descriptions, with notes on why they are omitted.
Quote from: alanp on June 14, 2019, 03:57:52 AM
Something that always bugs me about movies, games, and artwork for cosmic horror (Cthulu, the Shining Trapezohedron, whatever) is that they are, I think, fundamentally incapable of portraying one of the fundamental elements of Lovecraft's cosmic horror.
The unknown.
There are several HPL stories featuring a narrator (unreliable or not), where the only thing the reader knows about the "bad thing" is what they are told, with key details missing in such a way that your imagination does most of the work in making your flesh crawl, not purple prose on the part of the writer. Another facet of this is that HPL, quite a few times, describes things as indescribable -- literally; the human mind is simply not equipped to deal with the reality of what some things truly are, and to behold them in all their terrible reality is to have something break in you. I'm probably explaining this badly.
But, in any case, this is all quite psychological. It all happens in your head. It doesn't transfer well, IMO, to visual art. Hey, this Elder God changes every time anyone sees it, and merely seeing it opens your soul to terrible things... but here's a picture on the wiki. The SCP wiki does a good artistic job of this -- there are strategic black inking marks, as well as deliberately missing pictures or descriptions, with notes on why they are omitted.
It may seem odd, but one of my favorite ever "Lovecraftian Horror" shows just came out.
The treatment of Radiation, particularly in the first episode, is almost textbook Lovecraft. It is this invisible, pervasive force that corrupts and decays and destroys. You may not know if you have been touched by it, but you know it is lurking there.
There is a scene where a character looks at something. That's all, just walks around a corner and looks, and you suddenly realize he is dead. He is still moving, still breathing, but that man from that moment onward is a corpse in all but technicalities. He realizes it too. And he knows it will not be a pleasant exit.
And half the people in the town are ignorant of even that much. They think its exciting, beautiful even. The glow on the horizon, lets take the family out to see it better.
Then again, the series is almost Kafka-esque at other points, where bureaucracy comes in and you want to beat these stupid men over the head for their idiocy.
But in all seriousness, watch the show, its only 5 episodes and my god was it good.
That only reinforces what I said.
The unknown is the most terrifying thing that people can face. Doesn't matter if it's mundane -- shit, is my boss going to be fucked off at what I said to Miranda about the sales account? Doesn't matter if it's paranormal -- are vampires going to bite my face off? What people only have an inkling of is most terrifying.
As a bonus I love the show's soundtrack. All of the "instruments" are sounds recorded in an actual Soviet-built nuclear power station, adding to the cold, bleak mood.
You know, I've come across Lovecraft being mentioned in so many other stories, movies and shows, and yet I've never come across one of his actual novels. It's like being told the Beatles are such a massive big influence on song writing, recording and musical structure, again and again and again. And never ever hearing one of their songs.
Quote from: Muadzin on June 17, 2019, 08:38:09 AM
You know, I've come across Lovecraft being mentioned in so many other stories, movies and shows, and yet I've never come across one of his actual novels. It's like being told the Beatles are such a massive big influence on song writing, recording and musical structure, again and again and again. And never ever hearing one of their songs.
He only ever wrote one novel, and its pretty thin at that. Most of what he wrote would be in the short story to novella range, 20-40 pages, with the longest clocking in around 140 pages. Mostly he was published in magazines and journals.
A bunch of it is public domain too:
Fair warning, he's a bit of an.... "awkward" writer, so may take a tick to get used to his voice.
Quote from: somnif on June 17, 2019, 09:24:03 AM
Fair warning, he's a bit of an.... "awkward" writer, so may take a tick to get used to his voice.
His dialog is horrendous, his prose is mostly sort of a dull purple, and he's often racist even by lax standards of his own time period, so "awkward" is kind of an understatement. I have a feeling that most of his influence is actually second or third hand at this point.
In re Chernobyl: I haven't watched the miniseries, but I absolutely recommend Svetlana Alexievich's Voices from Chernobyl for anyone interested. It's a phenomenal oral history. Actually, I'd recommend anything she's written.
Quote from: somnif on June 17, 2019, 09:24:03 AM
He only ever wrote one novel, and its pretty thin at that. Most of what he wrote would be in the short story to novella range, 20-40 pages, with the longest clocking in around 140 pages. Mostly he was published in magazines and journals.
A bunch of it is public domain too:
Fair warning, he's a bit of an.... "awkward" writer, so may take a tick to get used to his voice.
That's usually a thing with all older writers and even old movies. The language and imagery they use is different then ours. Not to mention that people had so much more patience back then. They really took their time to get their stories going. And if you look at old newspapers its like seeing giant walls of text. Pictures of photos? Pff! Paragraph spacing and breaks? Pff! I love the imagery and style of old posters though. It's really superior to what we do today. Especially the ones that were drawn. Works of art!
Quote from: midwayfair on June 17, 2019, 10:25:26 PM
His dialog is horrendous, his prose is mostly sort of a dull purple, and he's often racist even by lax standards of his own time period, so "awkward" is kind of an understatement. I have a feeling that most of his influence is actually second or third hand at this point.
Writing tastes change, over time.
Jules Verne is one of the greatest science fiction writers of all time, by anyone's book, but at times 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is a very, very boring engineer's manual on what Verne thought a submarine (with magic power) should have in it's blueprint.
Bearing in mind I'm heavily entrenched in the world of fantasy fiction and always have been; Lord of the Rings is bloody awful to read. Tolkien was an intellectual who thought it'd be fun to create an alternate history and a fictional language to go along with that, and it reads like a book written by someone who'd really like doing that sort of thing. The ideas within spawned a genre, same with Lovecraft, which can rightfully elevate them to legendary status. But that doesn't stop them being subjectively not very good... ;)
... burn the witch!
I hate escort missions. Especially ones with hordes of kamikaze enemies.
I also really hate it when a third-person-shooter game suddenly thinks that it's goddamn Microsoft Flight Simulator, F-16 Attack Version.
I think I'm going to drop Just Cause 3 for now, until I can get my brother to do that damned mission.
I was poking through some of Jay Leno's Garage episodes on youtube, and saw a "Husqvarna Motorcycles" video.
Heh, neat custom bikes are always fun. Especially if they're a bit ratty which, if someone has hacked a chainsaw into a motorbike, should be the case.
Aaaand... I got the shock of the year.
*The* chainsaw company... have been making motorcycles since 1903??? That's like learning that the Bernina Sewing Machine outfit make big rig trucks!
Quote from: juansolo on June 22, 2019, 07:13:59 AM
Bearing in mind I'm heavily entrenched in the world of fantasy fiction and always have been; Lord of the Rings is bloody awful to read. Tolkien was an intellectual who thought it'd be fun to create an alternate history and a fictional language to go along with that, and it reads like a book written by someone who'd really like doing that sort of thing. The ideas within spawned a genre, same with Lovecraft, which can rightfully elevate them to legendary status. But that doesn't stop them being subjectively not very good... ;)
They are good! It's just that our culture has changed in that we no longer have the patience to sit down for a piece of fiction that takes its sweet time. In a time where we judge persons instantly by swiping either right or left how much patience do we have for a book that takes at least a 100 pages for the action to even start?
And let us not forget that in a time where we have literally been SWAMPED by their copy cats its easy to forget how refreshing and revolutionary there were in their time. Personally I can't stand the Beatles and I find Jimi Hendrix to be a rather meh guitar player (sans his live antics), as I've grown up long after them and experienced whole generations who took what they did and built upon them. And also did great things with them. But if I had lived at the times they lived in I would probably have been MIND BLOWN!
QuoteBearing in mind I'm heavily entrenched in the world of fantasy fiction and always have been; Lord of the Rings is bloody awful to read.
Quotehow much patience do we have for a book that takes at least a 100 pages for the action to even start?
They're bloody hard going, and that's coming from someone who read Battlefield Earth as a 13yo. I tried multiple times in the late 80s to try and get interested in it, but bugger me, Tolkien couldn't write action to save his life, and there's far too many songs about trees and grass. IIRC, I finally decided to do the hard slog and get through them in time for the movies.
I appreciate the effort he went through to create genealogies of people's horses but all that is meaningless if the rest of it is a sludge to get through... I don't think it's about a lack of patience, it's more that they're bloody boring for the most part.
Quote from: Willybomb on June 25, 2019, 08:51:21 AM
I appreciate the effort he went through to create genealogies of people's horses but all that is meaningless if the rest of it is a sludge to get through... I don't think it's about a lack of patience, it's more that they're bloody boring for the most part.
I think that most of that is because Tolkien was an academic, an Oxford Don -- he broke one of the cardinal rules when he started writing The Hobbit, and Fellowship of the Ring. He literally just sat down, and started writing, with the very first line of the book. No outline, no summary, just start writing from the beginning, proceed through the middle, and stop when you reach the end. He had to start all over again several times, when he painted himself into a corner.
So, with a combination of that, plus an academic tendency to get side-tracked...
One of the most tedious things I've read is the endless catalog of fish in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
I found Tolkien's work to be refreshing in comparison to that.
Quote from: Willybomb on June 25, 2019, 08:51:21 AM
They're bloody hard going, and that's coming from someone who read Battlefield Earth as a 13yo. I tried multiple times in the late 80s to try and get interested in it, but bugger me, Tolkien couldn't write action to save his life, and there's far too many songs about trees and grass. IIRC, I finally decided to do the hard slog and get through them in time for the movies.
I appreciate the effort he went through to create genealogies of people's horses but all that is meaningless if the rest of it is a sludge to get through... I don't think it's about a lack of patience, it's more that they're bloody boring for the most part.
Everyone's experiences are obviously different. But this is how they wrote novels back then. They took their sweet time setting things up and getting going. And we do live in a time where people have zero patience for everything. If there is no instant gratification or sweet action coming we get bored and tune out. How many classic movies do they still air on TV? It's only recent blockbusters whenever I switch on the TV, barely anything black and white to be seen. Even in music the hook, the thing that grabs you and which used to be the chorus, now comes sooner and sooner. Nowadays it even seems that most songs start with the chorus.
And yes, Tolkien was no professional writer, but an university professor. Who wanted to write an epic myth in the classical styles of millennia ago. Which includes lots of songs. It just so happened that what he also created was the modern fantasy genre. I reckon that in this overstimulated day and age his work would not received as well but back then it was as groundbreaking as Jimi Hendrix's Are You Experienced. And if you think LOTR is slow and bad, you should try the Silmarillion, cause that is probably everything you dislike about LOTR on steroids. That is the work that Tolkien really wanted to create and from which he drew inspiration when he was asked to write a sequel to The Hobbit.
Quote from: alanp on June 25, 2019, 08:59:11 AM
I think that most of that is because Tolkien was an academic, an Oxford Don -- he broke one of the cardinal rules when he started writing The Hobbit, and Fellowship of the Ring. He literally just sat down, and started writing, with the very first line of the book. No outline, no summary, just start writing from the beginning, proceed through the middle, and stop when you reach the end. He had to start all over again several times, when he painted himself into a corner.
So, with a combination of that, plus an academic tendency to get side-tracked...
Lots of people work that way. *cough* Jar Jar Abrams *cough* I don't think Tolkien did it that way. That is no way any academic works. If anything academics pay incredible attention to detail. Way too much attention then most. And the War of the Rings books that his son Christopher released showed us the early drafts for the books. In the end LOTR went through the same process as any novel, it got written, then rewritten, rearranged and rewritten endless amounts of times before it got released. Where Tolkien differs is in his style and pacing, which is more abstract, with more attention to detail and the worldbuilding then the characters themselves. If anything Middle Earth is a character in itself, and the best developed of them all. You really get a mind's eye feel for Middle Earth, way more then for any of the characters themselves. And the pacing differs because once the Hobbits finally get going it comes to a full stop again with Tom Bombadil, then picks up, only to split into two different narratives as the Fellowship breaks up. Most writers would adopt a leap over style where they would devote one chapter to Aragorn and Friends, then one to Frodo and Sam, and alternate all the way to the end. Yet Tolkien commits the cardinal sin of completely splitting up their adventures into separate books. The fact that he made it work is testament that the dude could write to keep his readers engaged. Although it remains to be seen if that remains to be case in our over stimulated times.
Quote from: Willybomb on June 25, 2019, 08:51:21 AMThey're bloody hard going, and that's coming from someone who read Battlefield Earth as a 13yo.
I pity anyone who made their way through that turgid shite. I can't remember how old I was when I read it, but I remember being massively frustrated by the sheer stupidity of the main character. I'm supposed to be vying for this dude who is, by any metric, a complete idiot. Horrible, horrible book. Genuinely the first thing I ever read that I thought 'I could write a better and more compelling story than this...' and it not be me boasting. I think most people with a grasp of language and an imagination could.
This guy has superpowers. That guy has superpowers. She has superpowers. And this group of people have superpowers. They all get together and throw their superpowers at each other for 3 hours, but nothing actually happens because each superpower cancels the other out. Someone suddenly remembers an ability they have that they didn't just use right off the bat. The villan gets away again. The "good guys" cheat death again. Billions of dollars of property damage occurs.
Boom. I just wrote script. Can I direct a blockbuster now?
This is a comment on corporatism more than anything else. We like to think that film studios make them out of the love of the medium and everyone just wants to make the best film ever. But that's simply not the case as it's all a business and all business cares about is making money. Which is why when something is popular it's thrown back at you over and over again until that particular format has been done to death. Same happens in the video games and music industry. Which is the thing they all strive for, find the thing with the most mass appeal, keep selling it until people grow tired of it then move on to the next big thing.
Which is why I watch a lot of independent films.
I can't understand most dislike of Tolkien's writing, even if I can accept that it's not everyone's cup of tea. I feel like some of them are just received wisdom. Tolkein is a damn good writer.
LOTR doesn't take 100 pages for the action to start. The action becomes progressively more sinister as the hobbits get further from their home, until they are literally trudging through hell on earth. The first chapter's like 30 pages in small paperback pages and it's the only mostly frivolous part of the book (even though some important things about the ring's effect on people are shown at that point), but necessary because it bookends the Scouring of the Shire, and shows what actually got damaged in the war.
The prose is often beautiful, despite its actual simplicity. The dialog is consistent with the tone of the rest of the book, which is more than can be said about most fantasy writers. The book is thematically consistent not just with itself but with another thousand pages of legendarium, and its level of detail rewards casual reading as well as the deepest possible probing. It's one of the most popular books on earth, and we can't all be wrong. It's also the subject of a great deal of serious literary criticism.
There aren't plot holes. There aren't characters just going around doing nonsensical things against their nature because a plot demands it. There are shades of gray (people often ignore them), even among the main characters, and even in a world with actual, literal embodiments of evil and good walking around.
Tolkien mentions the lineage of ONE horse. People still keep track of stuff like that, you know, and I'm not even talking about people whose military culture depends on horses ...
Also, lol at the idea of Tolkien not being a professional writer. The dude published quite a bit during his life and it was still only a fraction of the stuff Christopher dug up after his passing.
Huge Tolkien fan since school! Totally freaked out when the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy was filmed in NZ. ;D Wasn't so hot on the Hobbit movies however :-\
The Hobbit movies felt like too much of a money-grab, to me.
Quote from: alanp on June 24, 2019, 08:34:47 AM
I was poking through some of Jay Leno's Garage episodes on youtube, and saw a "Husqvarna Motorcycles" video. ...
*The* chainsaw company... have been making motorcycles since 1903??? That's like learning that the Bernina Sewing Machine outfit make big rig trucks!
Dunno about Bernina, but Singer used to make cars, a friend has one (1955 model I believe).
Quote from: midwayfair on June 26, 2019, 09:26:38 PM
I can't understand most dislike of Tolkien's writing, even if I can accept that it's not everyone's cup of tea. I feel like some of them are just received wisdom. Tolkein is a damn good writer.
LOTR doesn't take 100 pages for the action to start. The action becomes progressively more sinister as the hobbits get further from their home, until they are literally trudging through hell on earth. The first chapter's like 30 pages in small paperback pages and it's the only mostly frivolous part of the book (even though some important things about the ring's effect on people are shown at that point), but necessary because it bookends the Scouring of the Shire, and shows what actually got damaged in the war.
The prose is often beautiful, despite its actual simplicity. The dialog is consistent with the tone of the rest of the book, which is more than can be said about most fantasy writers. The book is thematically consistent not just with itself but with another thousand pages of legendarium, and its level of detail rewards casual reading as well as the deepest possible probing. It's one of the most popular books on earth, and we can't all be wrong. It's also the subject of a great deal of serious literary criticism.
I agree with what you are saying, but playing devil's advocate here, saying that because something is popular it can't be wrong can mean that by that same yard stick the Kardashians should be high culture as well.
QuoteThere aren't plot holes.
I can think of at least one. If the Eagles could fly into Mordor to rescue Frodo and Sam, why not fly the whole Fellowship into Mordor from the start. This has always been a source of great debate. Where were the damn Eagles and why couldn't they be arsed until the very last second when Middle Earth was already plunged into total war?
QuoteThere aren't characters just going around doing nonsensical things against their nature because a plot demands it. There are shades of gray (people often ignore them), even among the main characters, and even in a world with actual, literal embodiments of evil and good walking around.
Tolkien mentions the lineage of ONE horse. People still keep track of stuff like that, you know, and I'm not even talking about people whose military culture depends on horses ...
Also, lol at the idea of Tolkien not being a professional writer. The dude published quite a bit during his life and it was still only a fraction of the stuff Christopher dug up after his passing.
I've once read that his son Christopher deserves to be right up there next to his father for his contribution to literature. Because indeed most of Middle Earth's history has been edited and published by the son, a labor of love for the father. And if anything we shouldn't be talking about Tolkien, but
the Tolkiens.
Quote from: Muadzin on July 01, 2019, 09:57:01 AM
QuoteThere aren't plot holes.
I can think of at least one. If the Eagles could fly into Mordor to rescue Frodo and Sam, why not fly the whole Fellowship into Mordor from the start. This has always been a source of great debate. Where were the damn Eagles and why couldn't they be arsed until the very last second when Middle Earth was already plunged into total war?
It's not a plot hole, it's people misunderstanding or misapplying the lore of the world. Tolkien addresses the eagles in letters, though you can work it out with nothing more than what's in The Hobbit and LotR.
Destroying the ring is a stealth mission. The least powerful people carry out a plan that Sauron can't even imagine they would think of, because he can't imagine people throwing away power like that, and the weakness of hobbits makes them virtually invisible to him. This is discussed at the Council of Elrond.
Beings in middle earth have a body that exists in the corporeal realm and another that exists in the spiritual realm. The nazgul can't even manage to be visible in the corporeal realm but they are easily seen in the spritual realm, because they're really powerful (because Sauron put some of his considerable spiritual power into them). To creatures like Sauron that see the spiritual nature of things in Middle Earth, someone like Gandalf probably looks like a fireworks display. This is talked about when Frodo is stabbed with the Nazgul's knife and he starts becoming a wraith -- he can see their true forms.
Eagles are the same way. They're either maiar and air spirits (in the Silmarilion) or higher level animals (in later stuff), and they're servants of the king of the gods. They don't fly anywhere with any sort of stealth as far as Sauron and his most powerful servants are concerned. They can be shot down by bows just like any bird (they're worried about humans' bows in The Hobbit). They can be destroyed by the Nazgul's vulture thingies. They're not invincible by any stretch of the imagination. It's even possible that at the time of writing LotR, since Tolkien was considering them maiar at the time, that they would have taken the ring from Frodo and used it.
Basically you need a couple quiet commandos to complete the mission and everyone's who says the plan has a flaw is wondering why you don't roll up in a loud helicopter. Any plan in which you include someone more powerful than a hobbit is going to fail, because even a hobbit fails at the end, despite making it farther than anyone else could have. (It's
actually destiny, to the point where there's literal deus ex machina at the end -- Eru pushes Gollum into the volcano.)
Absolutely loved LOTR when I first read it many years ago.
My only 2 gripes are:
1. Frodo was just plain annoying.
2. No battle of Hobbiton in the last movie. That was a friggin ripoff. And the fact those 2 hobbits that got into the Entwine didn't come back a bit taller.
Tom Bombadil was another interesting character who never made the films
Quote from: midwayfair on July 02, 2019, 02:52:28 AM
It's not a plot hole, it's people misunderstanding or misapplying the lore of the world. Tolkien addresses the eagles in letters, though you can work it out with nothing more than what's in The Hobbit and LotR.
Destroying the ring is a stealth mission. The least powerful people carry out a plan that Sauron can't even imagine they would think of, because he can't imagine people throwing away power like that, and the weakness of hobbits makes them virtually invisible to him. This is discussed at the Council of Elrond.
Beings in middle earth have a body that exists in the corporeal realm and another that exists in the spiritual realm. The nazgul can't even manage to be visible in the corporeal realm but they are easily seen in the spritual realm, because they're really powerful (because Sauron put some of his considerable spiritual power into them). To creatures like Sauron that see the spiritual nature of things in Middle Earth, someone like Gandalf probably looks like a fireworks display. This is talked about when Frodo is stabbed with the Nazgul's knife and he starts becoming a wraith -- he can see their true forms.
Eagles are the same way. They're either maiar and air spirits (in the Silmarilion) or higher level animals (in later stuff), and they're servants of the king of the gods. They don't fly anywhere with any sort of stealth as far as Sauron and his most powerful servants are concerned. They can be shot down by bows just like any bird (they're worried about humans' bows in The Hobbit). They can be destroyed by the Nazgul's vulture thingies. They're not invincible by any stretch of the imagination. It's even possible that at the time of writing LotR, since Tolkien was considering them maiar at the time, that they would have taken the ring from Frodo and used it.
Basically you need a couple quiet commandos to complete the mission and everyone's who says the plan has a flaw is wondering why you don't roll up in a loud helicopter. Any plan in which you include someone more powerful than a hobbit is going to fail, because even a hobbit fails at the end, despite making it farther than anyone else could have. (It's actually destiny, to the point where there's literal deus ex machina at the end -- Eru pushes Gollum into the volcano.)
Now you're just trying to reason away a plothole. Just like Star Wars tried to reason away why the Death Star had this stupid vulnerability with Rogue One. If Gandalf was this shining beacon to Sauron, why was he still included in the original plan to travel with the Fellowship into Mordor? If anything then he should have been going the complete other way to distract him. The Eagles are a plothole. Not that it bothers me in the least because in the end every story is about the journey and I enjoy this journey immensely, but I acknowledge that it is a plothole.
Quote from: bamslam69 on July 02, 2019, 03:01:27 AM
Absolutely loved LOTR when I first read it many years ago.
My only 2 gripes are:
1. Frodo was just plain annoying.
That's because Sam is the real hero of the story. ;D If LOTR was a sarcastic comedy then Frodo would be the Prince of Wales, a blithering idiot, and Sam be his sarcastic servant. And Gollum his disgusting stupid sidekick with a turnip fixation.
Seriously though. The ring corrupts whoever carries it. And the book and the movie does a great job showing us how it turns Frodo from a happy go lucky young Hobbit into a pale gaunt former shadow of its former self. Who becomes a dick and ultimately falls to its corrupting influence.
Quote2. No battle of Hobbiton in the last movie. That was a friggin ripoff. And the fact those 2 hobbits that got into the Entwine didn't come back a bit taller.
You can't do everything in a movie. Everybody was already bitching and moaning about the 'many endings' as it was already. I think in the books Tolkien got away with it, but from a story point telling it made no sense to have an additional story climax after the main ending. If anything it helped to show us the feeling of alienation that Frodo and his friends experienced when they returned home and found that nothing had happened there and they were seen as odd and crazy. To know that outside of the Shire people would bow to their sacrifices, whereas in the Shire they were seen as 'odd fellows'. I love that part. It also draws comparisons to the experiences of modern day military veterans who return back to civil society.
Quote from: nzCdog on July 02, 2019, 03:30:49 AM
Tom Bombadil was another interesting character who never made the films
He really was a story stopper. Another crime against conventional story telling that Tolkien committed. Did it work in the books? Some loved Tom, I hated him, as to me it was a full on hitting the breaks on the main story. I can only surmise that in the movies it would have been even worse. Hey, here's a character on which the Ring has no influence and to whom they could have given it. Potential end of story right here. But lets not do it. Yeah, it would have confused the hell out of people not familiar with the books. Could they have shot Tom Bombadil for the extended version? I reckon they could. But it makes no sense to shoot scenes that you know will not end up in a theatrical release.
Can't remember if I linked these, here. Very, very well executed. The only part I have a problem with is believing that those planes could fly with no real maintenance for that long.
QuoteTolkien mentions the lineage of ONE horse. People still keep track of stuff like that, you know, and I'm not even talking about people whose military culture depends on horses ..
I was actually being sarcastic with that comment, making a random reference to Micheal Douglas' character in The Wonder Boys, where is suffers from the opposite of writer's block and can't finish his book. One of the chapters is devoted to the horse's linage...
Just thought I'd let everyone know I've had a stack of builds work first go after missing 3 or 4 cuts on a Seventhheaven vero build.
This week, I've nailed: Jok3rX's Blackforest, an X-fuzz, (although, technically while it worked, I'd wired the pre-gain wrong), an Arachnid, a 1-knob fuzz (messed something up, it's really bassy), a jfet blend, a Peper's Dr Boogie with Tonemender, and a Storyboardist Exemplar (left out a cap on that one, so it worked but didn't make unity. Finding that missing cap sorted it). Mostly on vero.
So, maybe not quite "nailed", but certainly working first go in some aspect.
Quote from: alanp on July 10, 2019, 11:55:51 AM
Can't remember if I linked these, here. Very, very well executed. The only part I have a problem with is believing that those planes could fly with no real maintenance for that long.
Cool Vids, AlanP.
You sent me down a rabbit hole watching a few of them.
Always love the post-apocalyptic themes, regardless of any technical flaws in the story... I usually pick up on it, but just shrug and roll with it.
Happy that in the Mad Max universe, civilization died around the late 70's and the cars reflect that. I mean beggars can't be choosers but no one wants to be left modifying a champagne camry into a war machine.
I think one of the Fury Road behind the scenes vids talked about that... in their opinion, modern cars just would not last long enough to exist in the Fury Road universe.
I was impressed with Fury Road. I ducked down to the Opera House when they were promoting it the movie and a lot of the cars, the War Rig and Doof Wagon were there. The sheer size of the Doof Wagon was as impressive in real life as it was on screen.
I was a massive fan of the originals, watched it all the time with my cousins.
Also loved that every vehicle was fully functional as was told - if they said it was a twin turboed V16, it truly was.
Epic movie.
I just want to mention that I went to see X-Men: Dark Phoenix today and I thought it was EXCELLENT for the most part, as far as I'm concerned. It gets shit reviews but I only got a little bit distracted in the middle of the train scene at the end. I see some possible improvements (like the aliens being actually quite redundant) but it felt REAL and convincing to me. Something most MCU movies, especially the Avengers ones, fail me on. It think, together with Logan and Days of Future Past it makes my top 3 of X-men movies. Sadly, most X movies aren't that much to write home about. This one was, I believe, well executed at least.
On a related note, I'm always a little amazed at the insanely high ratings, by critics and audience, the Avengers movies receive. Other example: Pacific Rim. I'm going to rewatch that to see what I think about it now...I just remember it did NOT live up to the rave reviews as far as I'm concerned.
Related note #2, tying in to the LOTR 'plot hole' discussion: the way Midwayfair explained that one actually makes sense in that universe. All powerful beings in other films, like a Captain Marvel in Avengers, are much less satisfying. My girlfriend said that Jean in Dark Phoenix is a little like Captain Marvel in that regard, which sold the story short for her...and I can see that in hind sight, but it didn't bug me in the theater (Captain Marvel DID though).
Count Dankula did a Mad Lads video... on the "Happy Little Trees" guy.
It's a strange world we live in.
Quote from: Rockhorst on July 20, 2019, 08:33:12 PM
I just want to mention that I went to see X-Men: Dark Phoenix today and I thought it was EXCELLENT for the most part, as far as I'm concerned. It gets shit reviews but I only got a little bit distracted in the middle of the train scene at the end. I see some possible improvements (like the aliens being actually quite redundant) but it felt REAL and convincing to me. Something most MCU movies, especially the Avengers ones, fail me on. It think, together with Logan and Days of Future Past it makes my top 3 of X-men movies. Sadly, most X movies aren't that much to write home about. This one was, I believe, well executed at least.
On a related note, I'm always a little amazed at the insanely high ratings, by critics and audience, the Avengers movies receive. Other example: Pacific Rim. I'm going to rewatch that to see what I think about it now...I just remember it did NOT live up to the rave reviews as far as I'm concerned.
Related note #2, tying in to the LOTR 'plot hole' discussion: the way Midwayfair explained that one actually makes sense in that universe. All powerful beings in other films, like a Captain Marvel in Avengers, are much less satisfying. My girlfriend said that Jean in Dark Phoenix is a little like Captain Marvel in that regard, which sold the story short for her...and I can see that in hind sight, but it didn't bug me in the theater (Captain Marvel DID though).
I didn't mind the Pacific Rim movie for what it was. Take your brain out, plonk it on the lounge beside you and grab some popcorn.
Wish they'd get an Aussie to play an Aussie though. Nothing more annoying than a fake accent, hey?
I've still gotta prepare myself for the last 2 Transformers movies.... I'll have to have candy crush reloaded on my phone though for the boring endless battles.
Cinefix's Top 5 Original Movies gave #1 to an avante garde film, _Dog Star Man_, and I can't help but suspect that "avante garde" is French for "We know that normal people would never ever want to see this."
Look upon my storage and let your OCD weep.
(The half full bin is 1/4 pedals, 1/4 eurorack modules.)
Just did the plastic box thing myself. Bottom layer of pedals, covered with an old towel before the next layer on top.
You hav a lot more pedals than me!
JUST SAYING - I enjoyed the LOTR discourse, sad it ended before its time.
Quote from: HamSandwich on July 24, 2019, 02:49:12 AM
JUST SAYING - I enjoyed the LOTR discourse, sad it ended before its time.
I felt I had walked into the argument sketch.
Wow, I just read that Alfred Hitchcock, one of the most legendary directors of all time, never won Best Director in the Academy Awards.
Quote from: alanp on July 25, 2019, 11:10:53 AM
Wow, I just read that Alfred Hitchcock, one of the most legendary directors of all time, never won Best Director in the Academy Awards.
Warren Beatty and Mel Gibson have won more Oscars for best director than Stanley Kubrick.
Quote from: thesmokingman on July 25, 2019, 11:36:49 AM
Warren Beatty and Mel Gibson have won more Oscars for best director than Stanley Kubrick.
Of course they lived and worked in Hollywood, so it was easy for them to be part of the Hollywood incrowd that decides who gets the Oscars. Kubrick on the other hand lived and worked in the UK, was a social recluse and I'm not sure he ever left the UK. Even Full Metal Jacket, a friggin' Vietnam war movie, was shot entirely in the UK. When you're not part of the incrowd you're less likely to get the awards of the incrowd.
Quote from: alanp on July 25, 2019, 11:10:53 AM
Wow, I just read that Alfred Hitchcock, one of the most legendary directors of all time, never won Best Director in the Academy Awards.
I can spin this better, I think.
As a testament to his skill and resourcefulness, despite the fact that EBK has made fewer films and has worked with much smaller budgets, he has managed to keep pace with legendary Hollywood directors, like Alfred Hitchcock, in Academy Award wins. 8) ;D
and while we're out in the weeds, the Grammy snubs are arguably more brutal and hard to take.
Milli Vanilli has more Grammys than The Who, Jimi Hendrix, and Chuck Berry.
On a positive note, no matter how many bad notes I play I have exactly as many Grammy wins as The Velvet Underground, Patti Smith, and Iggy Pop combined.
I haz new trolley.
My thru-hole resistors, electro, and ceramic caps are largely in small storage drawer and bin things already.
Organization for the win! :)
That's so cool!
I just checked, the resistance of your new trolley is 235MOhms ;D
My laundry dryer broke, most likely just the heating element. After calling around, my wife and I have realized that nobody will repair it for us because it doesn't make economic sense for appliance people to carry out this type of repair. Quite sad and frustrating. Thankfully (I guess), the Internet has shown me what I would need to do to repair it myself, assuming I can find the replacement part(s).
(The summer weather is way too humid here to hang clothes up to dry outside, in case you were thinking of that solution to my problem. I will be hanging up clothes to dry inside my house until I fix this though.)
My now almost 30 year old Maytag washing machine broke a couple years ago. With google help figured out what was up with it, was able to find the solenoid valve at a shop near me, the washer deisign was one that had been little changed in years. The original part was made in Italy didn't check the new one. The guy at the counter in the parts store and the service man were, 'don't ever get rid of that machine'. Started a stopwatch to see how long i'd need to put it back together, including a couple pictures under 7 minutes and ready to test. Was so simple, easy access, room to work, no computers, a different time.
Maytag gas dryer bought the same day only used in winter for sheets and bath towels, so far a new pilot and the plastic drum fan was replaced.
My laptop broke last week. Repair was to just replace the whole insides of the laptop because they don't really bother diagnosing it any more. Lost 2 weeks of data since the last backup, because even the 'hard drive' is not recoverable in these new ones, the drive is some flash memory soldered directly to the logic board. Logic board won't power up? No way to access the hard drive.
Dryer has been fully disassembled. Thermofuse blown. Thermostat and heating element seem ok. Vacuumed out all the dirt and lint. *shrug* New fuse arrives tomorrow.
Imgur just got really really hard to use today! :o
MF'er if I have to endure one more youTube video with a uke, bells and whistling I am gonna lose my mind. I'm tyin'a enjoy watching baby goats!
Quote from: madbean on August 02, 2019, 05:50:31 PM
I'm tyin'a enjoy watching baby goats!
(Wish I had Photoshop skills here....)
Lol... Wut?! ;D ;D ;D
Dryer update 2:
I am wearing the toasty test socks of tentative victory. Will attempt to wash and dry some sheets before I crack open the cold beer of job completion.
I spent years having to be my own appliance repairman because of perpetual paycheck to paycheck living. the hardest thing about dryer repair is getting that sheet metal shell back in place squarely ... then again I didn't have to work on the more modern dryers that are computer controlled, lcd display, sings songs, etc. those are bound to be a pain.
The computers and displays and beeping stuff wasn't hard. It's all in one lightweight panel with a single electrical connector. The hardest part was actually blindly reaching in and trying to figure out how to route the belt that spins the drum.
The thing that I found odd was that there was no error code displayed to say that there was a continuity break in the heater circuit. It has codes for every other possible problem, it seems.
Quote from: DFX on August 04, 2019, 11:53:34 AM
Another American shooting in the news....When will they learn
Two in one day, one in Texas, one in Ohio.
Wheeeee :-\
I will probably delete the following after I calm down.
One of my oldest friends owns/runs a bar across the street from the bar where the Dayton shootings happened. Crazy ness, still not sure he's okay. No info on the victims yet.
Not cool. They stopped the guy in less than a minute but he still had time to kill nine people and injure at least a dozen more. Less than a freakin minute, and probably with a gun that you can just go buy at a shop.
Sorry guys that was a little heavy. Think my friend is all right. Crazy situation though.
Hope you're friend is ok, Matmosphere.
Horrible stuff. (
This article reminded me of something I've observed...
Some people genuinely, no kidding, actually ENJOY arguing. They will start an argument over whether the sky is blue or pink polka dots, for the sheer joy of it. One lady at work used to start arguments with another particular person, every day, just to pass the time while doing manual labour.
Personally, I find arguments draining and annoying, just another hoop to jump through like a trained dog before something will happen.
QuoteSome people genuinely, no kidding, actually ENJOY arguing
I've got a friend who thinks he good at it, or enjoys it, or whatever, but just saying "No, it's not/isn't" doesn't constitute an argument.
Nobody really enjoys arguing...
😜 just kidding
I can admit that I will troll about something I completely disagree with (usually political) and eventually get bored because there's no possibility of acceptance of new information for them ... but I have to be really really bored to even get started.
"I could be arguing in my spare time."
My wife was shopping for medicine for our 7 y.o. daughter who is sick. She buys chewable Tylenol, which is great.
While in the store, she spots what she thinks would be a good solution to getting our 4 y.o. son to take medicine when he gets sick. He has a habit of refusing medicine, regardless of what sugary flavor it has. So, she buys this, which made me laugh out loud:
Why the package has more than one dose, I have no idea. The rest are for deterrence, maybe. But, yes, that is an ear-to-ear smile on the cartoon child on the box.
(Yes, I can certainly imagine circumstances where kids could be physically incapable of taking medicine orally, in which case this product would be very valuable. I'm absolutely not suggesting those scenarios would be worthy of laughter.)
Tough Love, eh?
"Okay, kiddo, a pill is either going in your mouth, or straight up your arse. You get to pick which one."
Antidote for a pain in the ass?
Ah, the joys of having to take medicine as a kid. I remember fleeing into a toilet stall in a French rest stop to avoid having to swallow the road sickness pill I had to take. Nasty taste if memory serves me right. Kids have it easy today, in the 70's they didn't do pills for kids with sugary tastes. Well, at least where I lived.
Oh. No.
Wouldn't mind seeing Mick Gordon work with Meshuggah, or even just Tomas Haake.
Quote from: Alfred HitchcockIf you've designed a picture correctly, the Japanese audience should scream at the same time as the Indian audience.
Quote from: EBK on August 16, 2019, 12:28:34 AM
So, she buys this, which made me laugh out loud:
OK. My main question/concern is: the box says "not actual size" what is the actual size????!!!!! Are we talking Tylenol or Twinkie here?
I've got to ask... has Ozzy done a reaction video?
Because... after Bradley's video... _Changes_ belongs to Ozzy, as much as _Hurt_ belongs to Trent after Cash covered it.
Quote from: alanp on September 07, 2019, 10:26:09 AM
I've got to ask... has Ozzy done a reaction video?
Because... after Bradley's video... _Changes_ belongs to Ozzy, as much as _Hurt_ belongs to Trent after Cash covered it.
that's how I feel about the main squeeze cover of whiter shade of pale
The thought struck me today that the fashion world are just throwing clothes at the wall, and seeing what sticks.
Can't think of any other reason (beyond the "avante garde" copout) for some of the fashion monstrosities one sees.
Quote from: alanp on September 09, 2019, 01:24:14 PM
The thought struck me today that the fashion world are just throwing clothes at the wall, and seeing what sticks.
Can't think of any other reason (beyond the "avante garde" copout) for some of the fashion monstrosities one sees.
Well, you try and predict what will become popular? If you could I bet you wouldn't have time to post on the internet about, you'd be too busy cashing in. Which is perfectly fine I might add. I'd do it too.
That being said I do think some things can be predicted up to a point, just by the simple axiom of that which goes up, must come down again. If tight fitting clothes are all the rage at some point there will come a counter reaction and people will move on to baggy clothes. At some point bright garish clothes will fall out of grace again in favor of more subdued classy clothes. The trick is in being able to predict where you are in the trend. And that is why they pay trendwatchers who overall have a record of being more right then wrong the big $€$€$. And by right and wrong I mean like 60/40 or 55/45. And not everything they will try for next fashion season will work out. Just like in movies some films will suck (these days more then others), in movies some albums will flop from even the best of artists, or how on the stock market some stocks will fail as others will win. You try a lot of things and hope that what will stick will cover for the losses you'll make on the stuff that doesn't stick. And still make you a profit.
As for the catwalk stuff, that's a bizarro fest and separate universe all onto itself. 99% of it doesn't even translate into what you will see in retail.
My son and his friends at school have taken to tying their hair up in a pony tail on the very top of their heads, so it stays out of their eyes while playing soccer. He was walking round our house like that when we had the families over for a party. A few days later my sister sends a photo of her son wearing his hair the same way.
I mean, it looks ridiculous, but that's kids these days.
Sounds a bit like a Japanese topknot, but without shaving the front of the head.
Quote from: bamslam69 on September 10, 2019, 11:42:13 PM
My son and his friends at school have taken to tying their hair up in a pony tail on the very top of their heads, so it stays out of their eyes while playing soccer. He was walking round our house like that when we had the families over for a party. A few days later my sister sends a photo of her son wearing his hair the same way.
I mean, it looks ridiculous, but that's kids these days.
Good thing other generations didn't do things, wear things that were deemed ridiculous by their parents.
Quote from: davent on September 11, 2019, 12:33:45 AM
Quote from: bamslam69 on September 10, 2019, 11:42:13 PM
My son and his friends at school have taken to tying their hair up in a pony tail on the very top of their heads, so it stays out of their eyes while playing soccer. He was walking round our house like that when we had the families over for a party. A few days later my sister sends a photo of her son wearing his hair the same way.
I mean, it looks ridiculous, but that's kids these days.
Good thing other generations didn't do things, wear things that were deemed ridiculous by their parents.
The entire Internet has turned into a collection of blurry shapes and crying kittens.
Thanks Photobucket!
Quote from: lars on September 11, 2019, 03:07:03 PM
The entire Internet has turned into a collection of blurry shapes and crying kittens.
Thanks Photobucket!
Use the blurry shapes and crying kittens as pedal graphics. It would make a wonderful statement. A while back, I was going to use this image on a pedal, but as I am terrible at finishing things, it never came to be:
Bonus points for leaving an empty hole in the enclosure where the stomp switch would normally go.
Can't speak for anyone else, but Photobucket's new management are synonymous with money-grubbing assholes, to my mind.
You know what the least majestic instrument is to play Whiter Shade of Pale on?
Banjo. Banjo is not majestic.
Sounds cool though.
(Both of my acoustics are in the shop. There is no majestic in chez Jon right now.)
When you hear any song by Daft Punk, you realise their true superpower.
The true superpower of Daft Punk is that you don't realise just how damn repetitive their songs are until a decade later.
Quote from: alanp on September 13, 2019, 04:25:47 PM
When you hear any song by Daft Punk, you realise their true superpower.
The true superpower of Daft Punk is that you don't realise just how damn repetitive their songs are until a decade later.
But how good is Random Access Memories?!
Also love Groove Armada's Black Light (and White Light).
Once I finish my morning dose of Tool, I've got a playlist in order till lunch.
My all time favourite Ministry song is _Lava_, from _Filthpig_.
It's not often you come across songs with that kind of implacable bass /grind/.
Quote from: benny_profane on June 18, 2019, 04:37:38 AM
In re Chernobyl: I haven't watched the miniseries, but I absolutely recommend Svetlana Alexievich's Voices from Chernobyl for anyone interested. It's a phenomenal oral history. Actually, I'd recommend anything she's written.
Haven't seen the HBO series, or even played S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but this video was fascinating -- a doctor who was one of the medical responders to the disaster, going through some of the series' inaccuracies.
Inaccuracies in movies or TV series based on 'real' events? Say it ain't so.
I don't look at it as picking apart the series, so much as a learning experience from someone who lived through that in real life, if that makes sense.
A few days ago a friend was telling me about watching buses come into Kyiv after the disaster. Bus after bus full of people with no explanation why. She was only 8-9, she remembers thinking something was wrong but said the government didn't tell anyone what had happened for at least a week.
Fascinating and bone chilling story. I cannot imagine what living through that would have been like.
The part that sticks in my mind is the doctor saying that the Soviets really, really downplayed everything to the residents of Pripyat and so, when the buses to take them away (for only three days, they were told), everyone waited out in the street, irradiated particles sleeting down on them, kiddies playing in the irradiated dirt... and then the busses were late, this being the Soviet Union...
Yeah, the good old USSR wasn't that much interested in individuals. Which seems ironic considering it was set up to improve the lives of 'the workers'. I reckon that's what happens when you think in groups rather then people. As long as it benefits the most it becomes acceptable to sacrifice a few. The end justifying the means. Even worse when 'benefiting the most' becomes synonymous with for the good of the state. That's when you get the coverups like they tried to do with Chernobyl.
Work does hearing tests for everyone every year or so. The nurses hut even has an isolated little room with headphones and a button for testing. (Why it's called the nurses hut when it's a few rooms inside an existing building, I don't know.)
Apparently I have very good hearing, despite working next to noisy-ass machinery all day, every day :D I chalk it up to always wearing my ear protectors.
My local music shop has a TS-10 in the window for AUD$690, based on it having a japanese 4580 in it.
I picked one up for my brother in 93 for AUD$75. We swapped some gear around years ago and I ended up with it, and I lent it to the guitarist in my band. Long story short, he sold it on ebay around 2007 after I asked for it back. Bit bloody annoyed about that, seeing you couldn't give them away in the 90s.
Quote from: Willybomb on October 10, 2019, 05:31:49 AM
My local music shop has a TS-10 in the window for AUD$690, based on it having a japanese 4580 in it.
I picked one up for my brother in 93 for AUD$75. We swapped some gear around years ago and I ended up with it, and I lent it to the guitarist in my band. Long story short, he sold it on ebay around 2007 after I asked for it back. Bit bloody annoyed about that, seeing you couldn't give them away in the 90s.
I'd be more annoyed that he sold something that wasn't his to begin with. That's theft. He owes you an original TS-10.
Quote from: Willybomb on October 10, 2019, 05:31:49 AM
My local music shop has a TS-10 in the window for AUD$690, based on it having a japanese 4580 in it.
I think the real reason for the massively inflated price is that Internet lore says SRV used/touched/breathed on a TS-10 at some point. So naturally, if you get a will become SRV.
Quote from: lars on October 10, 2019, 02:29:06 PM
I think the real reason for the massively inflated price is that Internet lore says SRV used/touched/breathed on a TS-10 at some point. So naturally, if you get a will become SRV.
That's the unwritten internet law of tone chasing. Only if you get the exact same gear as your idol will you sound like your idol.
He also sold my Crybaby wah...
What a crappy friend.
My sister's younger cat likes drinking falling water from running taps, so she bought a cat water bowl with a built in fountain. (It runs off USB, which I guess dodges the whole international power supply issue.)
Fill the reservoir, plug it in, off the water gurgles. And the cat?
Intense suspicion.
I come back an hour later and the cat has a dry face, a wet tail, and there is water all around the lino around the new water bowl fountain.
Cats put a lot of effort into training humans to obey them. No wonder the cat was pissed.
Quote from: alanp on October 14, 2019, 10:58:22 AM
What a crappy friend.
Friend is a relative term it would seem.
Rule of thumb, when lending gear to friends/bandmates/other musicians, get it back ASAP, for if they have it too long they start thinking its theirs.
QuoteMy sister's younger cat likes drinking falling water from running taps, so she bought a cat water bowl with a built in fountain. (It runs off USB, which I guess dodges the whole international power supply issue.)
Fill the reservoir, plug it in, off the water gurgles. And the cat?
Intense suspicion.
I come back an hour later and the cat has a dry face, a wet tail, and there is water all around the lino around the new water bowl fountain.
I used to have one who loved taking a nap in wash basins. And who had discovered that if he licked long and hard enough at the faucet water would come out. And he sometimes did it while lying in the basin, getting water splattered all over him.
I miss the little bugger. :(
If you watch this, you will never trust another padlock.
Okay, I've never played a Metal Gear game in my life. I've seen a few videos, though, with the initial interest coming from the "Nanomachines, son!" meme that was viral a while ago.
The more footage I see of that one with the Raiden protagonist (they seem to go through a few in that series) and the Armstrong guy, I can't help but think of that match-up as Aliens vs Predator. One is a killing machine who wants eternal war or something (wasn't particularly listening), and the other one is a completely unlikeable twatface who loves cutting things up.
It's like Raiden was designed by a fourteen year old none-more-goth edgelord who paints his nails black and doesn't realise that Type O Negative had their tongues firmly in their cheeks. C'mon... a breakdancing cyborg ninja?!
Got picked for jury duty.
The pay next week is going to suck, hard. The pay for jury duty is $31 per half day, and it's from a government agency, so I'm not expecting it in a hurry.
Today, the judge said after lunch that normally, they knock off at 5pm but today, they were going to knock off at 4:30pm, so that everyone could get home in time for the Melbourne Cup.
Remarkably decent of him.
That WAS very decent of him considering that, for the sake of non-Aussies here, the race begins at 3.00pm. Thank you Your Honour.
QuoteThat WAS very decent of him considering that, for the sake of non-Aussies here, the race begins at 3.00pm. Thank you Your Honour.
AlanP is in New Zealand, 2 hours or so in front of Melbourne, so he was knocking off at 2pm EST, an hour before the race.
Ah.... good on you Alan. The only time I ever got summoned, I was working in the media so was excused. Having watched the selection process a few times in court for work, the cynical me identified a few obvious ways to weasel out of it if ever summoned again. I wont share them, as the jury system is an important civic duty.
Quote from: alanp on November 05, 2019, 04:16:45 AM
Got picked for jury duty.
The pay next week is going to suck, hard. The pay for jury duty is $31 per half day, and it's from a government agency, so I'm not expecting it in a hurry.
Today, the judge said after lunch that normally, they knock off at 5pm but today, they were going to knock off at 4:30pm, so that everyone could get home in time for the Melbourne Cup.
Remarkably decent of him.
Baltimore pays $15/day for jury duty. ::)
I was on a murder trial a few years ago. There was video. Not in a hurry to repeat the experience.
Aye it's 12$ a day here in AZ (if actually selected for jury, you get nothing for the day of selection waiting), plus 45 cents a mile of travel. Checks are mailed out at the end of the month, regardless of when you go in.
They also push HARD for you to "donate" your per diem and mileage money (its tax deductible!). Every step of the way they ask if you're sure you want your 12$.
I was almost tempted last time I got called, as I was 130 miles from the court they wanted me to report to, and the thought of the look on the bursars face made me giggle. But I got the "you will not be needed" message when I called in the night before.
Ontario Canada here, my wife was paid $40 per day the time she was used but her work contract paid her her full wage for the time she was off. The first time i was called i got the 'not needed' call the day before i was to show, oh happy day, next two times i've been exempted.
Quote from: somnif on November 05, 2019, 11:40:15 PM
They also push HARD for you to "donate" your per diem and mileage money (its tax deductible!). Every step of the way they ask if you're sure you want your 12$.
I waved mine. Baltimore made it super difficult. It seriously took me like an hour and several offices to convince them not to give me $15.
I stand corrected.
$31 per half day and, if lunchtime occurs during deliberation, all the free food you can pocket.
I've got picked for Jury duty a few years back and here in Austria, it's civic duty so you get paid as usual by your company. It's like being on holiday concerning salary.
Anyways, I was at the court, nicely dressed (they tell you that explicitely and no one else was), and wasn't needed after all. The judge just called out the names of some of the people that actually showed up (I think they summoned 15 people to get 6 in the end) and I wasn't one of them. Would have been an interesting experience, but I was quite anxious to do something wrong despite reading all the 30 pages of info on how it works (I'm sure I was the exception reading that as well)
Fifty people showed up, with seventy five expected. They want a wide variety of types, and they also expect no-shows, just like airlines.
Lucky me is on the roll for Jury Duty for the next year.
Curious, but won't want a long case, as I tune off... I'll mention that if I get asked.
Can't understand a word of Polish, but fortunately there are subtitles.
Fascinating video, and the recreation of the monk's organistrum was very cool!
Amazing amount of sounds they can create with the 'Hurdy Gurdy'. Beautifully crafted instruments too.
That was fascinating Alan... thanks for the share.
I can't believe some people need to be told to not try and get a sun-tan on their perineum. (For those who don't know, it's the bit of skin between the playground and the pooper.)
Next thing you know, people will need warnings to not stand on traintracks while taking a selfie. (Yes, I know...)
Quote from: alanp on December 04, 2019, 04:22:01 AM
I can't believe some people need to be told to not try and get a sun-tan on their perineum. (For those who don't know, it's the bit of skin between the playground and the pooper.)
Next thing you know, people will need warnings to not stand on traintracks while taking a selfie. (Yes, I know...)
The world is full of stupid and like entropy it only seems to increase.
I saw an article recently on that subject that hilariously used the phrase "butt chugging vitamin D".
Yoni Melanoma sounds like a fun band name though. :P
Quote from: alanp on November 14, 2019, 06:03:02 PM
Can't understand a word of Polish, but fortunately there are subtitles.
Fascinating video, and the recreation of the monk's organistrum was very cool!
I have almost bought this kit a couple times. I'm going to have to break down and do it at some point.
Quote from: alanp on December 04, 2019, 04:22:01 AM
I can't believe some people need to be told to not try and get a sun-tan on their perineum
'taint smart, that's for sure.
Quote from: midwayfair on December 04, 2019, 10:36:16 PM
Quote from: alanp on December 04, 2019, 04:22:01 AM
I can't believe some people need to be told to not try and get a sun-tan on their perineum
'taint smart, that's for sure.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bought a proco rat off ebay for 61.99 ... arrived today in sweetwater packaging with an invoice from sweetwater where the ebay seller paid $69.99 plus fedex 2 day home shipping ... holy credit card fraud batman
I realised something at work yesterday.
When the radio is playing nonstop barbeque reggae... they say, "Alan, you need to broaden your horizons."
When the radio is stuck on the local autotune station... they say, "Alan, you need to broaden your horizons."
When one and a half whole songs play out on the local rock station... they say, "Someone change that fucking radio!"
Came to work today and heard an interesting account.
All the conveyor belts at work have their bearings greased on a scheduled basis. The guy whose job it is was nipping around the plant with his grease gun, when he got up to our carton lift.
Now, it's a small platform that goes up and down inside a free-standing walled shaft. Boxes go into it on a conveyor, the conveyor on the platform takes them in, and then it goes up and unloads them onto another conveyor, higher up, all automatically.
So, the guy opens up the maintenance door at the bottom of the lift shaft, greases up the bearings closest to him, and then leans over the lift to grease the other side's bearings, blocking the built-in sensors as he did so.
Who can tell me what I didn't write?
He didn't lock out the isolator for the lift machinery.
He didn't even check that the isolator (and the lift) was turned off, at all.
He was damn lucky that another engineer was right there to turn the isolator off. The grease man is a tall guy, but even so he was on his tippy toes, caught between the partially raised platform and the upper edge of the maintenance entrance for the enclosed lift shaft. It was such a narrow gap his torso was stuck in, that the engineer was too scared to even turn the lift back on in manual mode, as he didn't feel they could take the chance of the platform lifting even a little bit more, so they went to the top of the lift and manually rewound the motor back by hand.
So, guess what training course a few of the maintenance guys are doing real soon.
Quote from: thesmokingman on December 06, 2019, 12:34:37 AM
bought a proco rat off ebay for 61.99 ... arrived today in sweetwater packaging with an invoice from sweetwater where the ebay seller paid $69.99 plus fedex 2 day home shipping ... holy credit card fraud batman
Fraud?? I might be thick headed but... I don't understand.
ok ... you have stolen a credit card
how do you monetize this in a non-obvious way?
sell things on ebay at a reasonable discount. like 61.99 shipped for an item that I believe MAP (minimum advertised pricing) is $69.99
pocket the ebay money.
use the stolen credit card to order the item you just sold from a vendor (in this case, sweetwater) and drop ship the items to the ebay buyer. if this were a legitimate business, you just lost money to the tune of $8 plus shipping costs.
secondary example
At the risk of sacrificing decades of built up mojo, I think it might be time to finally change out my old solder paste for a fresh batch.
Still, it will be hard to say goodbye to the old gunk, with wires, solder blobs, and even some resistors floating in its murkiness. (I might chicken out and keep the old paste.)
Quote from: alanp on December 16, 2019, 06:13:23 AM
Came to work today and heard an interesting account.
All the conveyor belts at work have their bearings greased on a scheduled basis. The guy whose job it is was nipping around the plant with his grease gun, when he got up to our carton lift.
Now, it's a small platform that goes up and down inside a free-standing walled shaft. Boxes go into it on a conveyor, the conveyor on the platform takes them in, and then it goes up and unloads them onto another conveyor, higher up, all automatically.
So, the guy opens up the maintenance door at the bottom of the lift shaft, greases up the bearings closest to him, and then leans over the lift to grease the other side's bearings, blocking the built-in sensors as he did so.
Who can tell me what I didn't write?
He didn't lock out the isolator for the lift machinery.
He didn't even check that the isolator (and the lift) was turned off, at all.
He was damn lucky that another engineer was right there to turn the isolator off. The grease man is a tall guy, but even so he was on his tippy toes, caught between the partially raised platform and the upper edge of the maintenance entrance for the enclosed lift shaft. It was such a narrow gap his torso was stuck in, that the engineer was too scared to even turn the lift back on in manual mode, as he didn't feel they could take the chance of the platform lifting even a little bit more, so they went to the top of the lift and manually rewound the motor back by hand.
So, guess what training course a few of the maintenance guys are doing real soon.
Where my uncle worked they had this helical material mover that got jammed up. A guy stuck his arm in there to try to get it free and didn't even turn the thing off, let alone do a lock-out on it. Lost the arm above the elbow. My uncle managed to find a finger, but nothing bigger than that. His description was that he had a bad day at work that day.
Lock-out/Tag-out is your friend.
Reminds me of a joke about a pickle slicer.
Quote from: alanp on December 16, 2019, 06:13:23 AM
Came to work today and heard an interesting account.
All the conveyor belts at work have their bearings greased on a scheduled basis. The guy whose job it is was nipping around the plant with his grease gun, when he got up to our carton lift.
Now, it's a small platform that goes up and down inside a free-standing walled shaft. Boxes go into it on a conveyor, the conveyor on the platform takes them in, and then it goes up and unloads them onto another conveyor, higher up, all automatically.
So, the guy opens up the maintenance door at the bottom of the lift shaft, greases up the bearings closest to him, and then leans over the lift to grease the other side's bearings, blocking the built-in sensors as he did so.
Who can tell me what I didn't write?
He didn't lock out the isolator for the lift machinery.
He didn't even check that the isolator (and the lift) was turned off, at all.
He was damn lucky that another engineer was right there to turn the isolator off. The grease man is a tall guy, but even so he was on his tippy toes, caught between the partially raised platform and the upper edge of the maintenance entrance for the enclosed lift shaft. It was such a narrow gap his torso was stuck in, that the engineer was too scared to even turn the lift back on in manual mode, as he didn't feel they could take the chance of the platform lifting even a little bit more, so they went to the top of the lift and manually rewound the motor back by hand.
So, guess what training course a few of the maintenance guys are doing real soon.
Glad this didn't go the way it could have. That would be with you a while. Is he a buddy? If so, slap him. He should thank you.
Quote from: EBK on December 17, 2019, 01:04:03 AM
At the risk of sacrificing decades of built up mojo, I think it might be time to finally change out my old solder paste for a fresh batch.
Still, it will be hard to say goodbye to the old gunk, with wires, solder blobs, and even some resistors floating in its murkiness. (I might chicken out and keep the old paste.)
At the very least, keep the tin. The new plastic tubs are less amenable to solder iron pokes.
Quote from: somnif on December 17, 2019, 04:24:28 AM
At the very least, keep the tin. The new plastic tubs are less amenable to solder iron pokes.
Absolutely. At first, I looked for a new tin, but despite some misleading product photos on Amazon, Oatey doesn't sell the paste in a metal container anymore, so I bought the tub with the intention of refilling the tin. I thought about switching brands, but Oatey is the only brand with a sparkling drop of Retsyn. ;)
that old tin is straight up nightmare fuel
Quote from: EBK on December 17, 2019, 01:04:03 AM
At the risk of sacrificing decades of built up mojo, I think it might be time to finally change out my old solder paste for a fresh batch.
Still, it will be hard to say goodbye to the old gunk, with wires, solder blobs, and even some resistors floating in its murkiness. (I might chicken out and keep the old paste.)
Will this require a new avatar as well?
Haha! EBK, surely you'll be keeping it? From where I'm standing, it's basically a loaded spare parts jar as well? ;D
Quote from: davent on December 17, 2019, 05:24:01 PM
Will this require a new avatar as well?
Maybe. I haven't decided yet. ;)
Quote from: nzCdog on December 17, 2019, 05:31:31 PM
Haha! EBK, surely you'll be keeping it? From where I'm standing, it's basically a loaded spare parts jar as well? ;D
There are at least three resistors in there, plus some perfectly fine jumper wire. ;D
I remember my father having some solder paste with his solder gun iron, but I don't think I've EVER used solder paste myself in my life. Any benefits to using the tin of nightmare gruel?
Quote from: Muadzin on December 17, 2019, 06:01:41 PM
I remember my father having some solder paste with his solder gun iron, but I don't think I've EVER used solder paste myself in my life. Any benefits to using the tin of nightmare gruel?
Primarily, it helps me clean the tip of my soldering iron better than a sponge or wire mesh alone. A quick dip followed by a quick wipe and I'm ready to solder again.
I also dip the soldering iron tip into the paste before reflowing or desoldering existing solder joints. I like to let gravity assist with desoldering. If there is a bit of flux on the iron when I heat a connection up from below, the solder flows nicely onto the iron.
When reflowing existing joints, the flux tends to be already burned away. Dipping the iron tip into the paste allows me to carry a bit of new flux to the joint.
Also, a bit of flux paste on bare (untinned) cooper (either copper wire or copper PCB pads) makes it easy to tin the copper with solder. I can load a bit of solder onto the iron tip and drag it across the copper one-handed.
That's my solder paste confessional. Others may use it differently or not at all and achieve similar results, but I like solder paste.
HOWEVER, this is a plumbing product, and I really shouldn't be using it at all for electronics.
that's how I use my liquid flux so no judgment there at all ...
Quote from: davent on December 17, 2019, 05:24:01 PM
Will this require a new avatar as well?
Making a fresh start (it's a process). My new temporary avatar is a pic of a pedal painted by my daughter.
"This is the last Rat 2 I put a 308 in." - Me, when I paid $10 for an IC on ebay and even then it was a metal can 108 because it was cheaper than buying a lm308 from anywhere. Ultimately, I blame myself. I've probably been through 4 or 5 Rats and an expandora that I've foolishly sold off with the good stuff in them bought back when they weren't even half of what I just paid.
Every few months, for fun, I imagine what Michael Jackson might look like if he were still alive today.
Quote from: dawson on January 22, 2020, 08:26:49 PM
Every few months, for fun, I imagine what Michael Jackson might look like if he were still alive today.
He still tweets from his Verified account, so who's to say he isn't still alive? ;D :P
Yesterday, he apparently quoted himself, saying:
Quote"That's life. To grow and become more. You plant a seed and it grows into something beautiful and it never dies, really. I think people should be that way." – Michael Jackson
Twitter can be so creepy.
Quote from: EBK on January 22, 2020, 08:39:45 PM
Quote from: dawson on January 22, 2020, 08:26:49 PM
Every few months, for fun, I imagine what Michael Jackson might look like if he were still alive today.
He still tweets from his Verified account, so who's to say he isn't still alive? ;D :P
Yesterday, he apparently quoted himself, saying:
Quote"That's life. To grow and become more. You plant a seed and it grows into something beautiful and it never dies, really. I think people should be that way." – Michael Jackson
Twitter can be so creepy.
^I had no idea!
His music will certainly live on until the extinction of intelligent life, but if he himself is still kicking somewhere..he's hiding about a decade of new material that he ought to share with us A.S.A.P.
Got a can of circuit board cleaner (flux remover) from Jaycar... seriously unimpressed. Sure, you can't see the flux now... but that's because it's spread across the whole jolly board as a thin, board-wide smear of chemicals. Ewwww.
Quote from: alanp on February 01, 2020, 01:49:58 AM
Got a can of circuit board cleaner (flux remover) from Jaycar... seriously unimpressed. Sure, you can't see the flux now... but that's because it's spread across the whole jolly board as a thin, board-wide smear of chemicals. Ewwww.
I still just flick/pick off the hardened flux with a stainless steel dental pick, then go over the board with a small cheap artist's brush that i've trimmed the bristles down so they're pretty short and stiff.
Incoming rant:
I hate how new games keep cutscening it up all the time. Tomb Raider 2013 was bad for this. (I'm using new for anything in the last decade... I must be getting old.) I started playing Middle Earth: Shadows of War and they should have included a warning that, before getting to play, you had to watch Monolith Production's attempt at a Lord of the Rings film, runtime and all.
Quote from: alanp on February 03, 2020, 05:25:07 AM
Incoming rant:
I hate how new games keep cutscening it up all the time. Tomb Raider 2013 was bad for this. (I'm using new for anything in the last decade... I must be getting old.) I started playing Middle Earth: Shadows of War and they should have included a warning that, before getting to play, you had to watch Monolith Production's attempt at a Lord of the Rings film, runtime and all.
Mmmm, ingame cutscenes. I remember the first game that had ingame cutscenes, Wingcommander III. What a sight it was to view Luke Skywalker and have him scour aboard the TCS Victory looking for conversations/cutscenes. And you basically won Wingcommander IV based on the choices you made in the final cutscene. What a revolution that was. And with real actors. In incredibly low resolution of course, but hey, it was the 90's. I do hate it that the first time you play a game you have to watch a lengthy intro film though that you can't escape by pressing a button. I imagine that that gets annoying real fast.
Quote from: Muadzin on February 03, 2020, 09:37:11 AM
I do hate it that the first time you play a game you have to watch a lengthy intro film though that you can't escape by pressing a button. I imagine that that gets annoying real fast.
Every time I re-install Skyrim, I start playing, then quit out, and install a mod that lets me skip the looooong slow plodding intro of the game.
I always forget to do it at first, and then boom, I'm spending 5 minutes sitting in a cart, waiting in line, etc.
There's a mod somewhere that is basically just someone saving the game riiight before the race selection, etc, starts.
Watched a few "How To Drink" videos on youtube (the Skyrim and Big Lebowski episodes are pretty good), and if you go through his past videos, you can definitely tell that Greg films entire seasons in one day. In the first episode of a season, he's pretty sober and straight, but by the end of the season, he's near swinging on the rafters drunk.
Ignoring the TV series, how common is the insult "Jack ass" ? I see it here and there in stories by USAian authors, but almost never on the internet.
I'm mostly asking 'cos on one of Tim Pool's videos, his autocensor actually censors "jackass", implying that it's a commonly used strong insult. But it's not used at all in NZ.
QuoteMmmm, ingame cutscenes. I remember the first game that had ingame cutscenes, Wingcommander III.
I upgraded my pc to a 486DX4/100 just for that game. The game was a big deal at the time, as it had the largest budget (over 1million, iirc) for a video game ever back then.
Quote from: alanp on February 16, 2020, 02:02:24 AM
Ignoring the TV series, how common is the insult "Jack ass" ? I see it here and there in stories by USAian authors, but almost never on the internet.
I'm mostly asking 'cos on one of Tim Pool's videos, his autocensor actually censors "jackass", implying that it's a commonly used strong insult. But it's not used at all in NZ.
It is common enough that it doesn't sound archaic or perplexing when someone uses it. Most often used when you want to shout at someone for being an inconsiderate idiot, like, "Move it, you jackass!"
Less common than "asshole", which is widely censored. I'd say the two are roughly on par in terms of offensiveness to those who are sensitive to words, but jackass is cleaner.
That's because a "jackass" is an animal, rather than a part of our filthy shameful human anatomy.
Note it only works if being directed at a male, as technically the female should be a "Jenny" ass.
Thats Rage Against Ticket Prices!
Always been a HUGE fan of Rage Against The Machine. That has changed in the last week or so. Now that they are touring with Zach and it is a nostalgia tour, apparently the "anti-Capitalistic" band is OK with charging outrageous prices for their concerts. Those who waited endlessly for initial relaease tickets got the priviledge of paying $125/ea. for nosebleed seats :o If you try to get tickets NOW... you are looking at anywhere from $300/ea. for nosebleed to around $800/ea. for floor seats.
I guess they are Killing in The Name of... Money :-\
And please don't say "Well.. its the companies, production, etc. that is charging and why prices are so high." We all know the band can have a say.
I would have more respect for them if they refused to do the shows unless prices were respectable.
Alan, I think Jackass was more common back in the seventies and eighties. I remember hearing it much more when I was a kid. There was a popular sitcom here called That 70's Show maybe 15 years ago. The dad in that show said jackass all the time and it was never censored. Prime-time, network TV and it definitely wasn't a problem.
Government Lacky, one word for you.. Fugazi
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 06:57:53 PM
Thats Rage Against Ticket Prices!
Always been a HUGE fan of Rage Against The Machine. That has changed in the last week or so. Now that they are touring with Zach and it is a nostalgia tour, apparently the "anti-Capitalistic" band is OK with charging outrageous prices for their concerts. Those who waited endlessly for initial relaease tickets got the priviledge of paying $125/ea. for nosebleed seats :o If you try to get tickets NOW... you are looking at anywhere from $300/ea. for nosebleed to around $800/ea. for floor seats.
I guess they are Killing in The Name of... Money :-\
And please don't say "Well.. its the companies, production, etc. that is charging and why prices are so high." We all know the band can have a say.
I would have more respect for them if they refused to do the shows unless prices were respectable.
Granted I'm not going, but I can respect these guys getting a cash grab. They've more or less earned one.
Quote from: thesmokingman on February 16, 2020, 08:33:06 PM
Granted I'm not going, but I can respect these guys getting a cash grab. They've more or less earned one.
You do realize that this band's whole identity has been anti-establishment, ant-Capitalism... right?
You respect them for doing something that goes against everything they have been preaching for 25+ years?
And if thousands of people want to see them everywhere the tour stops, their options are?
Just because you're anti-establishment doesn't mean you don't have bills to pay.
Pearl Jam got upset enough about Ticketmaster once that they did a tour (maybe more than one) boycotting Ticketmaster venues. The result? Fewer tickets sold and a joke about it in the Brady Bunch Movie.
[Youtube width=450]DIRXaoAfGqo[/YouTube]
Edit: apparently it was just anyone-but-Ticketmaster rather than using a specific no-name ticket service.
Quote from: EBK on February 16, 2020, 09:32:52 PM
Pearl Jam got upset enough about Ticketmaster once that they did a tour (maybe more than one) using some little known ticket service that would only charge fair prices instead of gouging fans. The result? Fewer tickets sold and a joke about it in the Brady Bunch Movie.
[Youtube width=450]DIRXaoAfGqo[/YouTube]
They just announced a tour; it's my understanding that they have full control over ticket prices which, ironically, are ungodly costly.
Quote from: EBK on February 16, 2020, 09:32:52 PM
The result? Fewer tickets sold and a joke about it in the Brady Bunch Movie.
You forgot to mention much respect for the band and their music.
From what I have seen and read... there is a HUGE backlash going on regarding this tour. Oh well.. the wheels will still turn and multi-millions will still get made.
It does make me wonder what the audience will be comprised of. Yuppie lawyers? Corporate entities?
They're just to trying to earn at their job as much as the guy that scooped up all the tickets at face value and is reselling them at a king's ransom.
As long as there's fools willing to shell out stupid amounts money so they can say they saw such and such a concert tickets will only go up. There's a sucker born every minute no longer applies, they multiply much more quickly now and there're are far more ways to capitalize on the brain dead.
Shouldn't the anti-establishment be commended for getting the establishment to fork over ridiculous sums of money so they can take out token memberships in the anti-establishment tribe for an hour or two?
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 06:57:53 PM
Thats Rage Against Ticket Prices!
Always been a HUGE fan of Rage Against The Machine. That has changed in the last week or so. Now that they are touring with Zach and it is a nostalgia tour, apparently the "anti-Capitalistic" band is OK with charging outrageous prices for their concerts. Those who waited endlessly for initial relaease tickets got the priviledge of paying $125/ea. for nosebleed seats :o If you try to get tickets NOW... you are looking at anywhere from $300/ea. for nosebleed to around $800/ea. for floor seats.
Floor seats at a RATM concert? :o All the Rage shows I have been to had the floor being one seething steaming sweaty mass of moshing and circle pitting crazyness. That's probably why their shows only last 1,5 hours. Any longer and their fans would drop dead from exhaustion. To have the floor be seated would be like having a mosh pit at a classical concert.
QuoteI guess they are Killing in The Name of... Money :-\
And please don't say "Well.. its the companies, production, etc. that is charging and why prices are so high." We all know the band can have a say.
I would have more respect for them if they refused to do the shows unless prices were respectable.
I think they could have done it. Not get TM to sell tickets at $50 a pop, but at least at your average concert ticket prices for a major band?
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 09:06:09 PM
Quote from: thesmokingman on February 16, 2020, 08:33:06 PM
Granted I'm not going, but I can respect these guys getting a cash grab. They've more or less earned one.
You do realize that this band's whole identity has been anti-establishment, ant-Capitalism... right?
You respect them for doing something that goes against everything they have been preaching for 25+ years?
always been about grabbing cash for themselves. That's why they signed on a major label, played major shows, sold expensive merchs and did major tours in general with expensive tickets. As opposed to your average anti-capitalist punk bands, which have basically created their own alternative music scene which charges their fans basically peanuts.
There's always been that strange dissonance between Rage pursuing activist policies on the one hand and on the other effectively milking their fans for every cent that they are worth, just like any normal band does.
Quote from: davent on February 16, 2020, 09:20:52 PM
And if thousands of people want to see them everywhere the tour stops, their options are?
Just because you're anti-establishment doesn't mean you don't have bills to pay.
I think the punk scene pretty much shows you can be anti-establishment and be a touring band that lives off their music while not forcing your fans to take a 2nd mortgage to go to your concerts. Rage very early on chose to take part in the commercial caroussel of major band economics. And its not like they have that big a bills to pay. They're not living expensive lifestyles, they don't have ex-wives to pay off, they don't own expensive yachts. Even after decades of basically doing nothing I've read that Zach de la Rocha is still estimated to be worth 25m and Tom and the others even more because they've partaken in other successful bands like Audioslave and Prophets of Rage.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 10:03:29 PM
You forgot to mention much respect for the band and their music.
From what I have seen and read... there is a HUGE backlash going on regarding this tour. Oh well.. the wheels will still turn and multi-millions will still get made.
It does make me wonder what the audience will be comprised of. Yuppie lawyers? Corporate entities?
A lot of the Gen X'ers that were Rage fans in the 90's are doing well enough so they can afford to take a trip down memory lane and pretend that they are still not doing what the man is telling them. Doesn't make them yuppie lawyers though. Corporations will probably buy a significant portion of the tickets though so they can treat their best customers and relations to a nice concert. But they don't give a shit if its RATM or Celine Dion, just that their clients have a nice night out and think more highly of them afterwards. A practice which has been going on for decades though.
Quote from: davent on February 17, 2020, 12:12:55 AM
They're just to trying to earn at their job as much as the guy that scooped up all the tickets at face value and is reselling them at a king's ransom.
As long as there's fools willing to shell out stupid amounts money so they can say they saw such and such a concert tickets will only go up. There's a sucker born every minute no longer applies, they multiply much more quickly now and there're are far more ways to capitalize on the brain dead.
That is so true though. The Ticketmasters of the world see that people are willing to pay scalpers for tickets at scalper prices. So they have deduced that scalper prices are the prices that the market is willing to pay. So they have adjusted their prices accordingly. Don't want to pay scalper prices for tickets, then refuse to go see bands that charge those kinds of prices. It's for that reason that I have not seen U2 since 2005.
Quote from: davent on February 17, 2020, 02:13:01 AM
Shouldn't the anti-establishment be commended for getting the establishment to fork over ridiculous sums of money so they can take out token memberships in the anti-establishment tribe for an hour or two?
Since when are their fans the 'establishment'? Because its not the establishment that's forking over ridiculous sums of money. It's the establishment, as in Ticketmaster, which is laughing all the way to the bank.
Personally I am of the opinion that I couldn't care less of this tour, even before it was announced. I saw them do the reunion nostalgia tour thing in 2008/2009. Been there, done that, didn't cost as much back then either. Unless they first release a new album I'm not interested in them rehashing the same old tired material. They didn't want to do a new album back then, because the strain and infighting of creating an album was what lead to their first breakup. I doubt that things have changed in this regard so I figured when I first heard about this 2nd reunion it was about doing an Orange Man Bad tour. With the same old tired material. And while I like their music, and I can pretty much tune out their politics, I'd much rather would have had a 2nd Prophets of Rage album instead, because then at least I would have gotten some new material as well. Not everything was good on the 1st Prophets of Rage album, but songs like Unfuck the World are at least as good as any RATM classic
It's not like there is any bad stuff going on with the establishment right now so I totally get why they aren't writing a new record.
New Zealand doesn't really have a gun culture, at least in urban areas. We enjoy watching mindless Hollywood schlock like Terminator 2, but most people don't have firearms licences. (Fun fact: under the Explosives Act, you can be convicted for possessing ammunition, even if you do not possess a firearm to use them with.)
So it's interesting that a slang term for well done is 'Shot'.
"I got a new Xbox three million today!"
"Shot, bro!"
"The missus had her baby yesterday!"
Quote from: alanp on February 28, 2020, 07:40:36 PM
New Zealand doesn't really have a gun culture, at least in urban areas. We enjoy watching mindless Hollywood schlock like Terminator 2, but most people don't have firearms licences. (Fun fact: under the Explosives Act, you can be convicted for possessing ammunition, even if you do not possess a firearm to use them with.)
So it's interesting that a slang term for well done is 'Shot'.
"I got a new Xbox three million today!"
"Shot, bro!"
"The missus had her baby yesterday!"
Are you absolutely certain that you aren't all saying "shit"? Given New Zealand English's paucity of vowels (you have what, two, three vowels?) it's hard for those of us on the outside to tell the difference sometimes.
shits fired
I'm not the only one unable to access DIYSB today, right?
Quote from: EBK on February 29, 2020, 03:42:55 PM
I'm not the only one unable to access DIYSB today, right?
I wasn't able to get on at all yesterday, same thing so far today. Yesterday, down-for-just-me or whatever it's called said it was down for everyone when i checked.
More fun with eBay....
Seller is offering something that I am interested in. Within the seller's auction comments is the phrase "Please contact us for shipping costs before bidding." I contact said seller to ask about shipping costs. 5 days later... no response. I send another message about shipping costs and a question about the product. 1 week goes by... no response.
Needless to say.. I will not be buying. This person appears to have this set up as a business. Not the best business model to ignore questions that you invite in your sales pitch.
And no.. the seller is not "away" or has a banner indicating so.
Quote from: EBK on February 29, 2020, 03:42:55 PM
I'm not the only one unable to access DIYSB today, right?
Presently gone again for me.
Quote from: davent on March 03, 2020, 06:55:54 PM
Quote from: EBK on February 29, 2020, 03:42:55 PM
I'm not the only one unable to access DIYSB today, right?
Presently gone again for me.
Yep. *Sigh*
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 09:06:09 PM
Quote from: thesmokingman on February 16, 2020, 08:33:06 PM
Granted I'm not going, but I can respect these guys getting a cash grab. They've more or less earned one.
You do realize that this band's whole identity has been anti-establishment, ant-Capitalism... right?
You respect them for doing something that goes against everything they have been preaching for 25+ years?
it's hard to be considered anti-establishment and anti-Capitalism when your net worth is north of 20 million dollars ... each.
Quote from: thesmokingman on March 04, 2020, 12:33:56 AM
it's hard to be considered anti-establishment and anti-Capitalism when your net worth is north of 20 million dollars ... each.
That's what the marketing men get paid their money for 8)
Quote from: thesmokingman on March 04, 2020, 12:33:56 AM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 16, 2020, 09:06:09 PM
Quote from: thesmokingman on February 16, 2020, 08:33:06 PM
Granted I'm not going, but I can respect these guys getting a cash grab. They've more or less earned one.
You do realize that this band's whole identity has been anti-establishment, ant-Capitalism... right?
You respect them for doing something that goes against everything they have been preaching for 25+ years?
it's hard to be considered anti-establishment and anti-Capitalism when your net worth is north of 20 million dollars ... each.
I think that is the trap of any successful progressive. You start out full of anger and piss and vinegar, and then gradually over time you become successful and gather wealth, how do you combine your new found wealth with your activism and not come across as a hypocrite? For starters I reckon it would help not to charge $300 per ticket, or at least not allow ticketmaster to charge $300 per ticket on your behalf. Nor engage in massive tax evasion while asking others to accept shitloads of 3rd world migrants and other costly things, *cough* Bono *cough*.
Quote from: Muadzin on March 04, 2020, 08:36:48 AM
Nor engage in massive tax evasion while asking others to accept shitloads of 3rd world migrants and other costly things, *cough* Bono *cough*. (
U2 have always sounded preachy to me. It's only in the last decade that they started to sound decidedly holier-than-thou.
America: an Old Fashioned: soak a sugar cube in Angostura Bitters, add ice, some bourbon, maybe some lemon peel if you're feeling fawncy.
Japan: that's it? No way is that it.
I got madder the more he messed with it ...
Quote from: alanp on March 04, 2020, 03:59:15 PM
America: an Old Fashioned: soak a sugar cube in Angostura Bitters, add ice, some bourbon, maybe some lemon peel if you're feeling fawncy.
Japan: that's it? No way is that it.
Looks more like a New Fangled than an Old Fashioned! He basically made the bitters fresh, right?
Quote from: alanp on March 04, 2020, 03:36:08 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on March 04, 2020, 08:36:48 AM
Nor engage in massive tax evasion while asking others to accept shitloads of 3rd world migrants and other costly things, *cough* Bono *cough*. (
U2 have always sounded preachy to me. It's only in the last decade that they started to sound decidedly holier-than-thou.
You try listening to hundreds of U2 bootlegs and hear Bono preach about Africa. God, I love the music, but there were times that if you had given me a button to nuke Africa I would have pressed it. I wonder how the rest of the band cope with him. I reckon they must agree politically or the band would have broken up decades ago, but still, maybe they've managed to master the art of zen to tune Bono out until he gives the signal to proceed again. Or maybe they're like the Ramones. Where I think the singer was a bleading heart liberal and the guitar player a die hard Republican.
One American mentions it very, very briefly, but I think that Japanese bartending technique and approach comes straight from their traditional tea ceremony, as well as the general Japanese obsessive attention to the most minute details. (
Some nice pictures of the reconstruction of Notre Dame de Paris in this, it's good to see movement.
Also, you will notice several pictures that show wooden frameworks underneath the flying buttresses. As an interesting side-note, this was how the cathedral's stoneworks were probably constructed in the first place, using wooden frameworks to take the stresses and then, once the forces were in equilibrium, the frameworks would have been removed.
These tall cathedrals are a fascinating study in stresses, and how architects and stonemasons can direct them to create these buildings that rival skyscrapers, and were first made not long after the Viking Age. I mean, if you've ever been in a similar style of building, stand at the ground level, and look directly upwards, and appreciate that Notre Dame began construction in 1163 Anno Domini, finished in 1345, and was done entirely by hand.
This video series is a wee bit deceptive... you think that it's a big piss-take, for a laugh, but the thing is... Thug Notes does have some very useful summaries and also analysis.
Kinda like Don Quixote :)
Quote from: alanp on March 13, 2020, 03:24:28 PMThug Notes does have some very useful summaries and also analysis.
Kinda like Don Quixote :)
That was awesome.
It's my favorite novel, and some part of it lives in most novels that've been written since.
What on Earth?
I saw the odd-looking sarcophagus-style pedals and decided to dig a bit deeper into what this brand is/was doing..apparently making space-helmet and monster face-shaped TS-clones, and guitars out of magnesium for reasons unknown.
I'm not too savvy with chemistry- have any of you wizards out there got any idea why magnesium might be a desirable tonewood?
Whomever invented the idea of the "group text message" needs to be locked in a room for 24 hours with about 100 cellphones all dinging and vibrating non-stop for the entire time.
Why can't anybody figure out the concept of "reply to sender" only? We don't need 30 texts in a 10 second period of everybody just replying to everybody in the group text..."sounds good"..."ok"..."yeah". DING DING DING VIBRATE VIBRATE VIBRATE.
Is the world ending?! Something must be terribly wrong! No, it was just everybody "replying to all" in a group text. I can't use my phone right now...I'm receiving 40 texts that all say, "got it".
With some news sites, some articles have a comments section, other articles do not. It's always interesting to see which articles do not.
My more cynical side reckons that articles that the Media do not want you to question, Pravda style, are the ones that don't have comment sections.
Quote from: lars on March 15, 2020, 10:53:14 PM
Whomever invented the idea of the "group text message" needs to be locked in a room for 24 hours with about 100 cellphones all dinging and vibrating non-stop for the entire time.
Why can't anybody figure out the concept of "reply to sender" only? We don't need 30 texts in a 10 second period of everybody just replying to everybody in the group text..."sounds good"..."ok"..."yeah". DING DING DING VIBRATE VIBRATE VIBRATE.
Is the world ending?! Something must be terribly wrong! No, it was just everybody "replying to all" in a group text. I can't use my phone right now...I'm receiving 40 texts that all say, "got it".
Yeah, my mom has been working from home the past couple weeks, and her supervisors have been trying to communicate the set up procedures via Skype-like app. Only thing is, my mom doesn't have a smart phone. And whatever manner of app it was, it's built with "reply all" on by default.
So she just keeps getting "data received at 5:42 am" type texts, constantly. Any time someone replies, she gets a blank message. Her phone has been vibrating essentially non-stop during work hours all week. It's maddening, and I can't exactly help her from a hundred miles away.
I feel this way about Slack ... whoever decided that what's essentially IRC chat for workplace millennials was a business productivity app should be hanged in the public square
Quote from: dawson on March 15, 2020, 09:43:37 PM
What on Earth?
I saw the odd-looking sarcophagus-style pedals and decided to dig a bit deeper into what this brand is/was doing..apparently making space-helmet and monster face-shaped TS-clones, and guitars out of magnesium for reasons unknown.
I'm not too savvy with chemistry- have any of you wizards out there got any idea why magnesium might be a desirable tonewood?
Tonewood is bunk anyway. Anyone who tries to sell you an electric guitar based on tonewood qualities is selling you snake oil. I reckon they went for magnesium as I suspect its as light weight as aluminium, but maybe it doesn't detune as easily as aluminium depending on temperature. A friend of mine has a Kramer guitar with aluminium neck and that thing detunes just by looking at it.
Quote from: lars on March 15, 2020, 10:53:14 PM
Whomever invented the idea of the "group text message" needs to be locked in a room for 24 hours with about 100 cellphones all dinging and vibrating non-stop for the entire time.
Why can't anybody figure out the concept of "reply to sender" only? We don't need 30 texts in a 10 second period of everybody just replying to everybody in the group text..."sounds good"..."ok"..."yeah". DING DING DING VIBRATE VIBRATE VIBRATE.
Is the world ending?! Something must be terribly wrong! No, it was just everybody "replying to all" in a group text. I can't use my phone right now...I'm receiving 40 texts that all say, "got it".
Ah well, this is why my phone is always on silent mode. Occasionally I might miss a call, but I'm never the one who has to leave a meeting in embaressment as his phone goes off mid meeting. Even though it does have the coolest ringtone. The intro of Hostage to Heaven by Grip Inc. 8)
Quote from: thesmokingman on April 01, 2020, 10:31:03 PM
I feel this way about Slack ... whoever decided that what's essentially IRC chat for workplace millennials was a business productivity app should be hanged in the public square
It's the primary communication for my team at work (and was for my research group in college also). The phone call system is great because it lets you draw on someone's screen share.
Maybe the people you're working with suck, not the tools they're using.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 02, 2020, 07:29:09 PM
my phone ... does have the coolest ringtone. The intro of Hostage to Heaven by Grip Inc. 8)
That does have a ringtone quality to it - "PICK UP THE PHONE NOW!"
Mine is the first 8 seconds of this.
[youtube width=300]HcOo-CfSee0[/youtube]
When my mom calls, it's this.
[youtube width=300]2A9RvEzCYoc[/youtube]
When my wife (who is a teacher) calls, it's the chorus of this.
[youtube width=300]6M4_Ommfvv0[/youtube]
Just found out that NAMM stands for "National Association of Music Merchants".
All this time, I've thought it stood for "North America MusikMesse".
Quote from: rockola on April 03, 2020, 06:27:05 AM
Quote from: Muadzin on April 02, 2020, 07:29:09 PM
my phone ... does have the coolest ringtone. The intro of Hostage to Heaven by Grip Inc. 8)
That does have a ringtone quality to it - "PICK UP THE PHONE NOW!"
Mine is the first 8 seconds of this.
[youtube width=300]HcOo-CfSee0[/youtube]
When my mom calls, it's this.
[youtube width=300]2A9RvEzCYoc[/youtube]
When my wife (who is a teacher) calls, it's the chorus of this.
[youtube width=300]6M4_Ommfvv0[/youtube]
I will preface with this: I am hard of hearing from too many years of Rock and Roll bands I've played in. I wear hearing aids, and my hearing is directional. If you're not looking at me, you basically don't exist. My ringtone is the loudest most obnoxious bit of music I could find.
[youtube width=300]5IzEncyqfgw[/youtube]
I have no idea how it does it, but Rocksmith can make my TV Jones Filtertron pickupped cabronita tele sound like my Wilkinson PAF pickupped Vintage-brand Les Paul.
QuoteI have no idea how it does it, but Rocksmith can make my TV Jones Filtertron pickupped cabronita tele sound like my Wilkinson PAF pickupped Vintage-brand Les Paul.
How do you feel about the RS team ceasing to do any more DLC after the Opeth one? The crybabies are going nuts. I mean, 6 years of weekly DLC of 3 or more songs and they're upset that the RS team are going to work on something new...
Hoping they bring back proper arenas, reactive crowd, and a career mode.
I'd pay for Rocksmith 2020.
My work phone ringtone used to be the opening to this at max volume.
On a different note, quite enjoying the ramblings, insights and teachings of Tom Bukovac sheltering in his garage in Nashville.
Cool dude and great player.
I'm guessing that some people have been spending their lockdown time wisely.
Wow. Just... wow.
I decided (stupidly) to use some of my stimulus check to build myself a new computer. This rig is 5 years old, and I originally planned it to last "4 or 5 years" (to quote my own scribbled notes). So, yesterday, got the shopping lists together and pushed the button on the orders, new CPU, motherboard, and RAM (vid card and PSU will last me a while longer). Then I went to buy groceries.
Aaaaand my car crapped out on the drive home. Engine just cut out. In the middle of nowhere, at 9pm. And Uber charged me 20$ to get me home. Car is currently in the shop, and I'm waiting on the butchers bill. (Symptoms: turning key chugs a bit, but won't catch, and fills the cabin with strong sulfur smell. I'm guessing the distributor crapped out, wouldn't be the first time, but my car doesn't have a genome I can tinker with so it's all voodoo to me)
I think the universe just whapped me on the nose for being frivolous with money I should have been saving for more essential stuff. :-\
edit: Ignition coil shorted out and killed the Engine Control Unit (the computer brain). 850$ repair on a car I only paid 1200$ for. Ugh.
Daaaammn good luck sir. Been there done that. Once in the middle of moving.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I went ahead and got the wife a no-frills inspiron laptop so she can help the kids with schoolwork from home ... waiting for that to bite me somehow for not squirreling the money away
Some sort of cosmic slap in the head isn't it? Every time I do stuff like that something goes kaboom around here. Last time it was the air conditioner and since it was the old style of refrigerant and half the guts were shot anyway it made the most sense to start from scratch.
On the plus side, with a decent internet search if been able to figure out how to rebuild an oven and a washer and dryer. But'll be cheaper if I don't touch it.
Quote from: gordo on April 24, 2020, 12:43:34 PM
On the plus side, with a decent internet search if been able to figure out how to rebuild an oven and a washer and dryer. But'll be cheaper if I don't touch it.
The thing is, my former roommate was a master mechanic (had a certificate to that effect and everything) so I got real spoiled about being able to pay for car repair in beer. I also got at least vaguely competent about knowing what did what inside my car, so I could do some simple stuff.... at least until my apartment complex put out a notice that car repair in the parking lot would be a eviction worthy offense.
Granted, this time around, 500$ of that price is just parts alone (turns out finding the brains for a 23 year old car is a wee bit tricky) but still, labor costs suck.
Well, at least karma was swift and didn't lure you into a false sense of security? Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully this is the other way around and just tryin keeping you humble before bigger things.
And, as a wiser man than myself once said,
Sent from my LM-X410PM using Tapatalk
Quote from: somnif on April 23, 2020, 07:48:04 PM
I decided (stupidly) to use some of my stimulus check to build myself a new computer. This rig is 5 years old, and I originally planned it to last "4 or 5 years" (to quote my own scribbled notes). So, yesterday, got the shopping lists together and pushed the button on the orders, new CPU, motherboard, and RAM (vid card and PSU will last me a while longer). Then I went to buy groceries.
Aaaaand my car crapped out on the drive home. Engine just cut out. In the middle of nowhere, at 9pm. And Uber charged me 20$ to get me home. Car is currently in the shop, and I'm waiting on the butchers bill. (Symptoms: turning key chugs a bit, but won't catch, and fills the cabin with strong sulfur smell. I'm guessing the distributor crapped out, wouldn't be the first time, but my car doesn't have a genome I can tinker with so it's all voodoo to me)
I think the universe just whapped me on the nose for being frivolous with money I should have been saving for more essential stuff. :-\
edit: Ignition coil shorted out and killed the Engine Control Unit (the computer brain). 850$ repair on a car I only paid 1200$ for. Ugh.
There's no point in saving money anyway. Interest rates were so low prior to corona it practically cost you money to park it into an account, and once this thing is over we should count ourselves very lucky not to have hit Zimbabwean or Venezuelan inflation rates, because governments all over the world are printing money like the world will end tomorrow. Which it will if hyperinflation starts rearing its ugly head. So holding it back would only have seen it lose value. I wouldn't call a good PC that will last you for a long time a frivolous buy. You just had bad luck to be hit with bad luck.
One guy at work (the same guy who doesn't understand the stock market), needed several days of explaining to understand why you can't just have the country on lockdown for a year, and why the economy (and supply chain) will be totally f'ed.
Basic Economics should be a mandatory class requiring a pass in order to graduate.
Quote from: alanp on April 25, 2020, 05:42:43 PM
One guy at work (the same guy who doesn't understand the stock market), needed several days of explaining to understand why you can't just have the country on lockdown for a year, and why the economy (and supply chain) will be totally f'ed.
Basic Economics should be a mandatory class requiring a pass in order to graduate.
I'm not even sure most economics professors understand economics. It's as much psychology as it is all that mathy stuff. People don't behave and act rationally. Unfortunately we live in an age where feelings and emotions trump logical thinking and I'm afraid. So if the politicians see that the social media sphere wants something stupid done, they will do it.
And we also live in an age where we are so far removed from how our food and non-foods are made. I loved watching those reality TV shows set in Alaska, and I couldn't help but notice there were no vegans in Alaska. Where even small kids knew that the meat on their plate was that lovely animal they used to play with or some karibou their dad shot. They know where their food comes from, it's not some package that just magically materializes in a supermarket. And that if they don't work their asses off in the summer they will go hungry in the winter. And their non-foods are not things that just materializes in your mail box because you clicked on something on the internet. They have to make it themselves, scrounge the parts, or make something else to trade for it. When you are that far removed from how your food is made, how things are made, when all you do all day for a living is hit keyboards and stare at screens, then yes, I am not surprised that you think that food will continue to materialize for a whole year in lockdown.
Ultimately the cure will be worse then the disease and its effects will be with us for far longer then the disease.
Won't organized crime and/or looting just fill any gaps in the economy? We'll be fine. :P
Quote from: Muadzin on April 26, 2020, 11:02:45 AM
Quote from: alanp on April 25, 2020, 05:42:43 PM
One guy at work (the same guy who doesn't understand the stock market), needed several days of explaining to understand why you can't just have the country on lockdown for a year, and why the economy (and supply chain) will be totally f'ed.
Basic Economics should be a mandatory class requiring a pass in order to graduate.
I'm not even sure most economics professors understand economics. It's as much psychology as it is all that mathy stuff. People don't behave and act rationally. Unfortunately we live in an age where feelings and emotions trump logical thinking and I'm afraid. So if the politicians see that the social media sphere wants something stupid done, they will do it.
And we also live in an age where we are so far removed from how our food and non-foods are made. I loved watching those reality TV shows set in Alaska, and I couldn't help but notice there were no vegans in Alaska. Where even small kids knew that the meat on their plate was that lovely animal they used to play with or some karibou their dad shot. They know where their food comes from, it's not some package that just magically materializes in a supermarket. And that if they don't work their asses off in the summer they will go hungry in the winter. And their non-foods are not things that just materializes in your mail box because you clicked on something on the internet. They have to make it themselves, scrounge the parts, or make something else to trade for it. When you are that far removed from how your food is made, how things are made, when all you do all day for a living is hit keyboards and stare at screens, then yes, I am not surprised that you think that food will continue to materialize for a whole year in lockdown.
Ultimately the cure will be worse then the disease and its effects will be with us for far longer then the disease.
I don't think the cure will be worse, but it's not going to be good.
Ever watched somebody go through cancer treatments? Trust me it's not pretty, but when the alternative is dying then the choice is a little less difficult, but honestly, not always that clear.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 26, 2020, 11:02:45 AM
I loved watching those reality TV shows set in Alaska, and I couldn't help but notice there were no vegans in Alaska.
Quote from: midwayfair on April 26, 2020, 06:38:58 PM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on April 26, 2020, 08:05:37 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on April 26, 2020, 06:38:58 PM
(Jacob puts moderator hat on)
Alright everyone. I think that's stepping over the line far enough. I understand how it's easy to make a quip about someone online, but when typing is involved it's hard to say if someone is joking or attacking.
If you were my kids, I'd ask you to apologize to each other, forgive and move forward in kindness. You're not my kids, you're grown men whom I hope don't need to be told to do that.
(Jacob takes moderator hat off)
Quote from: jkokura on April 26, 2020, 11:24:14 PM
(Jacob puts moderator hat on)
Alright everyone. I think that's stepping over the line far enough. I understand how it's easy to make a quip about someone online, but when typing is involved it's hard to say if someone is joking or attacking.
If you were my kids, I'd ask you to apologize to each other, forgive and move forward in kindness. You're not my kids, you're grown men whom I hope don't need to be told to do that.
(Jacob takes moderator hat off)
No problem Jacob. You are correct. It's really not worth it.
Thanks Greg!
Quote from: jkokura on April 26, 2020, 11:33:33 PM
Thanks Greg!
No problem. And, I apologize to Jon for making the rude comment. Uncalled for.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on April 26, 2020, 11:57:37 PM
Quote from: jkokura on April 26, 2020, 11:33:33 PM
Thanks Greg!
No problem. And, I apologize to Jon for making the rude comment. Uncalled for.
Sorry everyone.
I would have deleted my comments but I can't anymore.
It's okay. We all are capable of losing our tempers and making a bad post. I've edited the original comment.
Please, (for all), remember that this is not Fark or Reddit.
Quote from: jkokura on April 26, 2020, 11:24:14 PM
If you were my kids, I'd ask you to apologize to each other, forgive and move forward in kindness.
Sent from my LM-X410PM using Tapatalk
The thought occurred to me today that Toyota, Nissan, and the other major car manufacturers (like Suzuki, etc) need to bring out electric sports cars.
Not a hotted-up Prius or Smart, but a case where the Nissan Skyline team are given carte blanche to come up with an Electric Skyline. Something fast, sexy, and with a historical name behind it. Tesla have made a good one, but... they aren't wellknown as a carmaker, more as having a CEO who has a sideline of agent provocateur.
Because, IMO, just selling electric cars as 'eco-friendly' isn't going to get you the kind of market share it needs. You need aspirational cars -- both superfast voomvoom cars, and also luxury (with two g's... luggxury) of the kind that Maybach can pull off. As well as the greenies, the wider populace needs to buy into this on a mental level, rather than seeing it as being an 'eco-mentalist thing'.
This was brought to mind by some photos of New Delhi, before and after lockdown, and what a difference no cars made to the polluted skyline.
Dem fluffy puppies! ;D
In other news I just had a horrible math test. Everything is online for the time being, and we had to do it via Möbius/Maple TA :P :'(
I reckon I must have missed something. Like in cute kittens. ;D
Quote from: Matmosphere on April 26, 2020, 01:15:36 PM
I don't think the cure will be worse, but it's not going to be good.
Ever watched somebody go through cancer treatments? Trust me it's not pretty, but when the alternative is dying then the choice is a little less difficult, but honestly, not always that clear.
Oh, I think it will be very bad. You can't have the economy shut down, businesses collapse and then after the lockdown pretend like nothing has happened. Shit will be hitting the fan on a scale similar to 2008, if not 1929. And if its not that bad, good, glad to be wrong, but it never hurts to be prepared.
And yes, I have watched people die slowly from cancer. Both my mother and one of my grandmothers. It's not a fate I wish for everyone. But if the choice is between having some people die horribly from a disease or the majority suffer from hunger, I think most people will take their chances with corona and start to loot. The economy has to restart again because when there's no food to buy you can't eat money.
Quote from: alanp on April 29, 2020, 04:34:49 AM
The thought occurred to me today that Toyota, Nissan, and the other major car manufacturers (like Suzuki, etc) need to bring out electric sports cars.
Not a hotted-up Prius or Smart, but a case where the Nissan Skyline team are given carte blanche to come up with an Electric Skyline. Something fast, sexy, and with a historical name behind it. Tesla have made a good one, but... they aren't wellknown as a carmaker, more as having a CEO who has a sideline of agent provocateur.
Because, IMO, just selling electric cars as 'eco-friendly' isn't going to get you the kind of market share it needs. You need aspirational cars -- both superfast voomvoom cars, and also luxury (with two g's... luggxury) of the kind that Maybach can pull off. As well as the greenies, the wider populace needs to buy into this on a mental level, rather than seeing it as being an 'eco-mentalist thing'.
I dunno. People who love thus luxury cars love them for their looks, and that glorious sound you make as you rev up the engine. You won't get that with an electric car. It's always going to be a case like with digital vs. analog. Some people will ALWAYS prefer the sound of analog over digital, so why would that be any different with fast flashy cars?
Besides, those cars are just a tiny tiny fragment of the total car market. If you want to end polution from cars you have to do like Ford did, not design high end cars, but one for the common man. The regular Joe may lust after a Ferrari, he's never in a million years going to be able to afford one. But he still needs something to drive from A to B, one that is affordable, reliable and economic. You're never going to get the masses to drive electric by designing electric super cars that they could never afford anyway. But build something that is cheap, reliable and cheaper to drive then gasoline and if you build it they will come. I for sure would.
QuoteThis was brought to mind by some photos of New Delhi, before and after lockdown, and what a difference no cars made to the polluted skyline.
New Delhi is like the most polluted city on the planet? That or Beijing. Or Tehran. In the latter you can taste the pollution. I reckon this may be one of the good things to come out of this crisis. People having to work at home and not commute. And discovering that they may actually like it. And companies discovering you can operate that way. I reckon if after this crisis is over, and provided the economy hasn't melted down, a lot more working at home will take place. If only on average we'd all work 1 day per week at home that alone would probably be a big savings for the environment.
Sorry for your loss Muadzin. I guess I was trying to make the point that sometimes the treatment is almost as bad as the illness.
It's a difficult issue for sure. the thing that I keep going back to is that if I decide it's an acceptable risk to do something that's potentially dangerous to overcome some hardship that's fine. But in this case by the nature of how viruses work I am not only taking on that risk myself, I'm forcing everyone else around me to take it on as well, which is far more complex. Put simply taking a personal risk is one thing, but behaving in a way that puts those around me at risk is completely different.
Yes we should stay diligent about disruptions in the food supply but there are ways to manage those issues, and the problems that are arising are from people at plants getting sick. Those issues will just get worse if we let this thing explode again because their will be more sickness circulating.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 29, 2020, 12:07:32 PM
But if the choice is between having some people die horribly from a disease or the majority suffer from hunger, I think most people will take their chances with corona and start to loot. The economy has to restart again because when there's no food to buy you can't eat money.
Frankly, with the prevalence of guns in the US, if things got to the point of looting in small towns then this country would likely turn into the complete anarchy of The Walking Dead.
Also, I've been advocating for growing/raising your own food for about 6 years now, and I could go on for hours about it, but essentially the current situation is a great example of why everyone who can, should be doing so. All it costs is a bit of time and space, and even a narcissist can admit that at minimum they get better tasting food as a result. The benefits go far beyond that, but just sharing the basic idea.
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Quote from: alanp on April 29, 2020, 04:34:49 AM
The thought occurred to me today that Toyota, Nissan, and the other major car manufacturers (like Suzuki, etc) need to bring out electric sports cars.
Not a hotted-up Prius or Smart, but a case where the Nissan Skyline team are given carte blanche to come up with an Electric Skyline. Something fast, sexy, and with a historical name behind it. Tesla have made a good one, but... they aren't wellknown as a carmaker, more as having a CEO who has a sideline of agent provocateur.
Because, IMO, just selling electric cars as 'eco-friendly' isn't going to get you the kind of market share it needs. You need aspirational cars -- both superfast voomvoom cars, and also luxury (with two g's... luggxury) of the kind that Maybach can pull off. As well as the greenies, the wider populace needs to buy into this on a mental level, rather than seeing it as being an 'eco-mentalist thing'.
This was brought to mind by some photos of New Delhi, before and after lockdown, and what a difference no cars made to the polluted skyline.
Didn't Ford just do this with the Mustang?
I'm starting to think that if I ever do upgrade to a soldering station (this would mean that the cheap pencil iron is dead, and the spare even cheaper pencil iron is also dead), I'm going to have an OCD meltdown over setting the temperature.
Partly because that's exactly what happens every time I haul out the hot air station.
I'm that degen that cranked the temp on mine all the way up and left it there ...
I'm set and forget too. Does it melt the solder? Fine, good enough, never ever hit the settings again.
Quote from: Muadzin on May 10, 2020, 02:29:48 PM
I'm set and forget too. Does it melt the solder? Fine, good enough, never ever hit the settings again.
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An interstate friend picked up a second hand MS-3 for me (about half price, good deal) and posted it to me.
To my address from 2 years ago..... and tracking says it was delivered today. Luckily, it's just down the road and next door to the inlaws. Hoping this works out.
This is going to sound really stupid, but that Boys2Men song, "I Swear", really annoys me, chiefly because it flies in the face of Christ's teachings in Matthew 5:33-37, let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no. ( (
Also, of course, because a lot of the time, all those grand promises and declaration prove themselves completely empty when the next pretty girl comes along.
It would make for a even more repetitive song though, "yes... yes.... yes".
I was able to grab my MS-3 from the address it was delivered to this morning too. Worked out in the end.
I don't even know the lyrics....
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Quote from: jimilee on May 26, 2020, 11:50:42 AM
I don't even know the lyrics....
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English is my only language and I'm pretty much clueless of the lyrics for most of the english language music i do listen to, i've little to no pop/radio/video/commercial music exposure for a few decades at this point. Anyways... I thought the lyric role was to have something to hang a melody on.
So, my state has implemented a Curfew, 8pm to 5am, for this week.
I only learned about this when trying to walk into my local grocery store at 7:45 and a cop at the door told me they were closing in a couple minutes. While the order does allow for essential travel (including to/from businesses, getting food, etc), most businesses in town are closing early.
As someone who does the vast majority of my shopping after sundown (It's Arizona, the sun is evil) this is gonna be a weird week.
While NZ was at level 4, my work gave everyone a notice to show to police if we were stopped on the way to or from work.
Quote from: somnif on June 01, 2020, 03:33:18 AM
...this is gonna be a weird week.
Wow! I envy you if things are only now starting to become weird there.
Quote from: EBK on June 01, 2020, 03:36:59 AM
Quote from: somnif on June 01, 2020, 03:33:18 AM
...this is gonna be a weird week.
Wow! I envy you if things are only now starting to become weird there.
That's actually part of it. Our Governor acted so ludicrously toothless during the quarantine that nearly nothing actually changed (Gyms were just about the only enforced closure) that now, when a couple windows got broken in the rich part of town, he comes out with this... it raises some eyebrows.
Quote from: Muadzin on April 29, 2020, 12:07:32 PM
Quote from: alanp on April 29, 2020, 04:34:49 AM
The thought occurred to me today that Toyota, Nissan, and the other major car manufacturers (like Suzuki, etc) need to bring out electric sports cars.
Not a hotted-up Prius or Smart, but a case where the Nissan Skyline team are given carte blanche to come up with an Electric Skyline. Something fast, sexy, and with a historical name behind it. Tesla have made a good one, but... they aren't wellknown as a carmaker, more as having a CEO who has a sideline of agent provocateur.
Because, IMO, just selling electric cars as 'eco-friendly' isn't going to get you the kind of market share it needs. You need aspirational cars -- both superfast voomvoom cars, and also luxury (with two g's... luggxury) of the kind that Maybach can pull off. As well as the greenies, the wider populace needs to buy into this on a mental level, rather than seeing it as being an 'eco-mentalist thing'.
I dunno. People who love thus luxury cars love them for their looks, and that glorious sound you make as you rev up the engine. You won't get that with an electric car. It's always going to be a case like with digital vs. analog. Some people will ALWAYS prefer the sound of analog over digital, so why would that be any different with fast flashy cars?
Besides, those cars are just a tiny tiny fragment of the total car market. If you want to end polution from cars you have to do like Ford did, not design high end cars, but one for the common man. The regular Joe may lust after a Ferrari, he's never in a million years going to be able to afford one. But he still needs something to drive from A to B, one that is affordable, reliable and economic. You're never going to get the masses to drive electric by designing electric super cars that they could never afford anyway. But build something that is cheap, reliable and cheaper to drive then gasoline and if you build it they will come. I for sure would.
QuoteThis was brought to mind by some photos of New Delhi, before and after lockdown, and what a difference no cars made to the polluted skyline.
New Delhi is like the most polluted city on the planet? That or Beijing. Or Tehran. In the latter you can taste the pollution. I reckon this may be one of the good things to come out of this crisis. People having to work at home and not commute. And discovering that they may actually like it. And companies discovering you can operate that way. I reckon if after this crisis is over, and provided the economy hasn't melted down, a lot more working at home will take place. If only on average we'd all work 1 day per week at home that alone would probably be a big savings for the environment.
A bunch of car companies tried fully electric in the 90's with models like the Ford Ranger and Toyota RAV4 and the infamous GM EV1. There is a documentary called "Who killed the electric car?" that goes into the details. I think they all lost big $$$ and got scared after that. It's all pretty interesting how it happened.
I saw another documentary about different Ford markets and it showed how they make a special Fiesta model just for India that has cheap replaceable exterior body panels. Apparently the city streets are so chaotic and unruly that cars get banged up really quick. I wish they would make that standard in all markets
I'm not one of these blokes who usually says something trite (or serious) about other countries going ons.... but to you guys in the USA, I hope you people as a society can get through what's going on now. It's scary, and hopefully some good will come out of it. I don't agree with looting and burning people's livelihoods, but I can kinda understand why it's happened. Good luck.
Quote from: Willybomb on June 03, 2020, 10:15:47 AM
I'm not one of these blokes who usually says something trite (or serious) about other countries going ons.... but to you guys in the USA, I hope you people as a society can get through what's going on now. It's scary, and hopefully some good will come out of it. I don't agree with looting and burning people's livelihoods, but I can kinda understand why it's happened. Good luck.
It's an election year, we're not nearly done being our worst selves. I hope we don't all come down with collective amnesia about how divisive things have gotten when this all calms down. There's plenty of lessons to learn from all of this and opportunities for us all to improve.
Been watching a few of this guy's rock and metal reaction vids. (I have no interest in hiphop, other than an Anthrax/Public Enemy vid he reacted to.) He's hyperactive as hell, which makes it entertaining, and also surprisingly insightful at times.
One insight was that metal makes you feel things emotionally. It's a very evocative style.
Another (admittedly a personal insight) was that you can actually enjoy listening to an instrument, with no singer or rapper.
Another vidrec, because why not. I love how respectful this video is, and at the same time it manages to be amazingly detailed.
Never realised just how ferocious North America can be. You always think of it as being the land of Big Macs and ice-cream...
Quote from: alanp on June 29, 2020, 09:42:55 AM
Never realised just how ferocious North America can be. You always think of it as being the land of Big Macs and ice-cream...
You forgot Walmart!
This is probably a really stupid question, but the band named 'Live'... (always wondered about that... "I'm seeing the band Live tonight!" "Which band?" "Live!" "Well, of course it's live, what band is it?")
Is it pronounced live as in "Performing live tonight!", or as in "Live long and prosper" ?
It's live as in performing live. I have 3 of their albums. Not sure what happened to them after that.
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Quote from: jimilee on July 11, 2020, 01:13:58 PM
It's live as in performing live. I have 3 of their albums. Not sure what happened to them after that.
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I'm not a fan, but I saw the singers name pop up on a marquee in town a few years back. At some point the band stopped being a band but that dude never stopped and still plays and has a following.
I saw the singer from Live once at a moderately crappy music festival. He performed a handleful of the old songs to polite applause. The lead singer of Fuel was also there, doing the same thing. Whatever is left of Everclear was also there (the singer was very high/drunk and forgot the lyrics to one of his songs). By contrast, Billy Idol performed at the end of the evening and rocked it.
Quote from: EBK on July 11, 2020, 01:40:14 PM
I saw the singer from Live once at a moderately crappy music festival. He performed a handleful of the old songs to polite applause. The lead singer of Fuel was also there, doing the same thing. Whatever is left of Everclear was also there (the singer was very high/drunk and forgot the lyrics to one of his songs). By contrast, Billy Idol performed at the end of the evening and rocked it.
I saw Hum a few years back. I had high hopes but I can just never get into the whole we just got back together to play the old songs thing. I don't begrudge anybody for doing it, it's just not something I'd want to watch myself.
Although Billy Idol would be pretty cool to see. White Wedding is a far better song than anything by the other bands you mentioned in my opinion.
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 11, 2020, 01:54:02 PM
By contrast, Billy Idol performed at the end of the evening and rocked it.
Just as long as he avoids stuff from his Cyperpunk album. That was... not great.
I saw Hum back when they were a thing ... easily the loudest band I'd seen at the time. still think they're criminally underrated
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 11, 2020, 01:54:02 PM
I saw Hum a few years back. I had high hopes but I can just never get into the whole we just got back together to play the old songs thing.
You don't have to worry about that anymore (go to 25:22 for the song "the summoning", oh, man):
The problem with these guys is they don't k ow how to do anything else. I was talking to a friend, who was a pro bass player with the likes of Billy Ray Cyrus, etc.... and felt fortunate he could do something else. He got out and now only does light gigs and sells pa type equipment for a company in Boca. He has spoken to other musician in his league who echoed the same sentiment, they can't really do anything else.
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I'm re-reading Robert Asprin's Myth series. They're satisfyingly consistently mediocre, in that I probably giggle about as often as I roll my eyes or yell at the book.
Anyway, there's a conversation in one of the books between the main character and narrator, Skeeve, and his mentor/partner, Aahz, where Aahz criticizes Skeeve for focusing on being "liked" and getting lost on focusing on trying to please people instead of doing what's right or required, and argues that if people don't like you, they can at least respect you.
So I had a discussion -- I dunno if it's exactly an argument -- but I complained about something and started a lengthy discussion with someone that was at least tangentially political. I thought that they misrepresented what I said, gave long and detailed responses, and concluded by saying that I thought it was a waste of both our lives to keep arguing such a minor point that doesn't affect both our lives. They wrote back that I was nitpicking and just being generally hostile when they were trying to be conscilliatory. So they probably think I'm a total asshat now, because it's im-frigging-possible to hold any meaningful conversation online: If you're thorough, then no one's taking a half hour to unpack what you said. If you're glib you not only can't explain your position but any point you do make is terse.
I mean, it's my fault, I've taken pretty extensive efforts to avoid any overtly political discussion since 2016, when I closed my FB account for the second (and final) time, because I couldn't post a picture of a kitten without my family members bickering in the comments.
So these were my thoughts after I sent first a kind of sarcastic "we're done here" response and then, 5 minutes later, an apology:
Maybe I should just scrub my post history of any other comments I've made in any thread that even touches on politics, whether my comment is political or not. That would keep me out of trouble.
I really wish there was a way to block someone. Should I block someone I don't disagree with but just don't want to continue a conversation with? (I can't block someone.)
I wish I had never started this conversation in the first place, and if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have engaged at all.
Now, I'm not super thrilled with this thought process. It means I don't stand by what I said, that I am inclined to just ignore something rather than even talk about it, and generally it's not super respectable. It's not the first set of thoughts I've had that don't paint me in a good light.
So then today, someone in the COVID thread here, when I complained that some recent comments were a bit inflammatory, said that America's just super polarized and it's nice to come to a place with smart people to get their opinions in a calm manner, but, man, nothing about those comments read like something I would have read on this forum 6 years ago, no matter how comparatively mild they are (I mean, I think if aliens had landed and their only material was the Madbean forum, they might not have been able to tell you who the president of the U.S. was 2008-2016), and I just wonder if I'm overly sensitive now or if other people are completely desensitized to it.
But really this is related to "wanting to be liked." Or at least in my case: I can't do anything with respect. And while I don't exactly care about being liked, I feel like it's almost impossible to discuss anything anymore without someone hating your guts, and really I'd just like to say something once in a while without feeling like I'm pissing half the people reading it off. I'm really sick of feeling like I might have to list my political view bonafides to say anything that isn't rabidly critical of certain government officials around most of my friends, or, as the case may be, criticize something as being blown out of proportion, misunderstood, or outright fabricated.
I really want to go back to a world where I can't tell you who my friends vote for, and I'm not under a constant microscrope by everyone, whether I agree with them or not. Maybe then we won't even have discussions where I feel like every minute I might say something that makes someone hate me for some micronuance.
And since most of the world is online only now, where nuance is too big an ask, everything's just worse. Disconnecting (except for work) would mean almost no outside world contact.
Quote from: somnif on July 11, 2020, 02:11:01 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 11, 2020, 01:54:02 PM
By contrast, Billy Idol performed at the end of the evening and rocked it.
Just as long as he avoids stuff from his Cyperpunk album. That was... not great.
I really, really like that album... I think it's so very different to his usual stuff that people really didn't seem to gel with it.
Quote from: juansolo on July 12, 2020, 02:26:23 PM
Quote from: somnif on July 11, 2020, 02:11:01 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 11, 2020, 01:54:02 PM
By contrast, Billy Idol performed at the end of the evening and rocked it.
Just as long as he avoids stuff from his Cyperpunk album. That was... not great.
I really, really like that album... I think it's so very different to his usual stuff that people really didn't seem to gel with it.
I haven't heard probably since it came out but I remember thinking At the time it wasn't bad. I think artist always take a risk with stuff like that, that No mater how good it might be that it won't be accepted because it's so different.
Quote from: alanp on June 29, 2020, 09:42:55 AM
Another vidrec, because why not. I love how respectful this video is, and at the same time it manages to be amazingly detailed.
Never realised just how ferocious North America can be. You always think of it as being the land of Big Macs and ice-cream...
My wife grew up in a city Lake Superior, her family had a camp/cottage on the shores, shes says they'd get freaked out when the big storms hit because they thought bodies would be washing up, all they ever found was driftwood.
Favourite cover of a song about a big storm and sinking of a ship near where their cottage was.
Quote from: jimilee on July 11, 2020, 07:49:39 PM
The problem with these guys is they don't k ow how to do anything else.
"You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time."
Quote from: midwayfair on July 12, 2020, 03:20:10 AM
I'm re-reading Robert Asprin's Myth series. They're satisfyingly consistently mediocre, in that I probably giggle about as often as I roll my eyes or yell at the book.
Anyway, there's a conversation in one of the books between the main character and narrator, Skeeve, and his mentor/partner, Aahz, where Aahz criticizes Skeeve for focusing on being "liked" and getting lost on focusing on trying to please people instead of doing what's right or required, and argues that if people don't like you, they can at least respect you.
So I had a discussion -- I dunno if it's exactly an argument -- but I complained about something and started a lengthy discussion with someone that was at least tangentially political. I thought that they misrepresented what I said, gave long and detailed responses, and concluded by saying that I thought it was a waste of both our lives to keep arguing such a minor point that doesn't affect both our lives. They wrote back that I was nitpicking and just being generally hostile when they were trying to be conscilliatory. So they probably think I'm a total asshat now, because it's im-frigging-possible to hold any meaningful conversation online: If you're thorough, then no one's taking a half hour to unpack what you said. If you're glib you not only can't explain your position but any point you do make is terse.
I mean, it's my fault, I've taken pretty extensive efforts to avoid any overtly political discussion since 2016, when I closed my FB account for the second (and final) time, because I couldn't post a picture of a kitten without my family members bickering in the comments.
So these were my thoughts after I sent first a kind of sarcastic "we're done here" response and then, 5 minutes later, an apology:
Maybe I should just scrub my post history of any other comments I've made in any thread that even touches on politics, whether my comment is political or not. That would keep me out of trouble.
I really wish there was a way to block someone. Should I block someone I don't disagree with but just don't want to continue a conversation with? (I can't block someone.)
I wish I had never started this conversation in the first place, and if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have engaged at all.
Now, I'm not super thrilled with this thought process. It means I don't stand by what I said, that I am inclined to just ignore something rather than even talk about it, and generally it's not super respectable. It's not the first set of thoughts I've had that don't paint me in a good light.
So then today, someone in the COVID thread here, when I complained that some recent comments were a bit inflammatory, said that America's just super polarized and it's nice to come to a place with smart people to get their opinions in a calm manner, but, man, nothing about those comments read like something I would have read on this forum 6 years ago, no matter how comparatively mild they are (I mean, I think if aliens had landed and their only material was the Madbean forum, they might not have been able to tell you who the president of the U.S. was 2008-2016), and I just wonder if I'm overly sensitive now or if other people are completely desensitized to it.
But really this is related to "wanting to be liked." Or at least in my case: I can't do anything with respect. And while I don't exactly care about being liked, I feel like it's almost impossible to discuss anything anymore without someone hating your guts, and really I'd just like to say something once in a while without feeling like I'm pissing half the people reading it off. I'm really sick of feeling like I might have to list my political view bonafides to say anything that isn't rabidly critical of certain government officials around most of my friends, or, as the case may be, criticize something as being blown out of proportion, misunderstood, or outright fabricated.
I really want to go back to a world where I can't tell you who my friends vote for, and I'm not under a constant microscrope by everyone, whether I agree with them or not. Maybe then we won't even have discussions where I feel like every minute I might say something that makes someone hate me for some micronuance.
And since most of the world is online only now, where nuance is too big an ask, everything's just worse. Disconnecting (except for work) would mean almost no outside world contact.
I hear you Jon. I feel the exact same way. I know in the past that we have butted heads however, we have also helped each other out for which I am grateful. In the end... I just think too many people let other things (i.e. politics, world views, etc.) dominate their lives. I know people around here (locally to me) that do nothing but talk of these things and it makes me think "Wow... what a horrible life you must lead if you have nothing else but THIS!"
I see you as a stand up guy with possibly different views than I. The difference is, I refuse to ever let that interfere with what we DO have in common which is this fun and engaging activity of DIY pedal building and music.
Its a shame that there are so many people in the world who cannot separate this and allow an all-or-nothing view to dominate their choices of whom they interact with :-\
Holy crap G_L I think you've just nailed world peace!!!
Well spoken.
This is, unfortunately, the reason I gave up on all forms of social media a very long time ago. Walking on eggshells is easier in person, and allows enough follow through that I can end a conversation with the same respect I had going in.
This is possibly going to sound really pretentious, but one of the most valuable self-discoveries I made was finding the ability to discern the difference between positions I hold because I honestly believe in that position, and positions I hold because I identify with the tribe affiliated with that position, whether they recognise that or not.
This is an actual political campaign sign in my state. Yes, he is using a gun to spell his name.
Arizona is weird sometimes.
I was wondering what sort of parents would name their child "Demand", but I got there eventually.
I was gonna post about a guy here running for congress who's ad campaign is literally cheeseburgers and handguns.
Instead I'll post the best cover of a song about a ship sinking in a lake. My parent's listened to WROR non-stop growing up so I heard this alot.
Oh please ... our current guv ran on bedtime stories to a baby about building the wall ... as you might expect we're doing poorly against COVID because we wanted those Memorial Day tourist dollars
Quote from: alanp on July 13, 2020, 02:10:24 PM
This is possibly going to sound really pretentious, but one of the most valuable self-discoveries I made was finding the ability to discern the difference between positions I hold because I honestly believe in that position, and positions I hold because I identify with the tribe affiliated with that position, whether they recognise that or not.
This is solid advice. Everyone is susceptible to confirmation bias; it's human nature. You can only be truly open-minded if you have a mechanism in place to check your own thoughts/feelings. That's difficult and exhausting, so if you don't want to put in the effort, it's best to accept that you're not perfectly open-minded.
Another healthy exercise, is to categorize ideas/statements/observations as true facts, false facts, valid opinions, and invalid opinions. This has been, for me, a useful way to find common ground and have a productive discussion with someone that I (initially) disagree with.
I just ordered a Hakko FX888D. I'm tired of using a blunt 2B Pencil tip for SMD work.
I feel a little dirty, like I'm betraying my trusty old 40W no-name pencil iron.
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Quote from: alanp on July 23, 2020, 10:51:04 PM
I just ordered a Hakko FX888D. I'm tired of using a blunt 2B Pencil tip for SMD work.
I feel a little dirty, like I'm betraying my trusty old 40W no-name pencil iron.
We've always assumed you were a little dirty ;D
Quote from: alanp on July 23, 2020, 10:51:04 PM
I just ordered a Hakko FX888D. I'm tired of using a blunt 2B Pencil tip for SMD work.
It arrived, and I tested it out with six TL074 SOIC16 chips. For SMD, the difference is light and day. I can quickly zip along the pins and solder them down, and not have to tidy everything up with braid later. (I still have to try finer pitch ICs, though.) The iron also heats up in no time flat, compared to the pencil.
I suspect it won't make such a difference with chunky through hole components, though.
Quote from: alanp on July 29, 2020, 11:20:48 PM
I suspect it won't make such a difference with chunky through hole components, though.
I found it helped with my through hole stuff as well. It holds heat like a champ, and I find it more "comfortable" to use than my old pencil iron, both of which helped me clean up my somewhat shaky technique.
Your mileage may vary of course, but I love my 888 (though I really should replace the brass sponge one of these days, it's getting rather lumpy)
Quote from: somnif on July 29, 2020, 11:47:34 PM
Quote from: alanp on July 29, 2020, 11:20:48 PM
I suspect it won't make such a difference with chunky through hole components, though.
I found it helped with my through hole stuff as well. It holds heat like a champ, and I find it more "comfortable" to use than my old pencil iron, both of which helped me clean up my somewhat shaky technique.
Your mileage may vary of course, but I love my 888 (though I really should replace the brass sponge one of these days, it's getting rather lumpy)
I can attest to this, the temperature is constant, makes things quicker.
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I'm re-reading _Science of Discworld_, and one part that really makes me chuckle is where Pratchett, Steward, and Cohen warn the reader to beware "scientific fundamentalists", and where they say that Paracelcus, a man who built his reputation on spitting on established authority, would be horrified at being cited as an authority.
"Lies-to-children" is probably the most widely impactful part of the series, though.
Nobody checks grammar, spelling, or relevance as to what is printed anymore:
Yep, that's an amp alright! But that's not the worst part: It's probably not even a photo by Aina Valles. If I was Aina Valles, I would be incensed. ::)
Quote from: lars on August 10, 2020, 03:53:33 PM
Nobody checks grammar, spelling, or relevance as to what is printed anymore:
Yep, that's an amp alright! But that's not the worst part: It's probably not even a photo by Aina Valles. If I was Aina Valles, I would be incensed. ::)
Django's 1950 Selmer?
Typos drive me knuts.
I'm actually being serious. I don't hang in social media and destroying the English language drives me crazy. Especially in these days of spell czech.
Quote from: gordo on August 10, 2020, 11:04:17 PM
Typos drive me knuts.
I'm actually being serious. I don't hang in social media and destroying the English language drives me crazy. Especially in these days of spell czech.
I was thinking about this the other day. I'm a grunt worker on the floor... and I can spot several bad spellings and typos in the specification sheets produced by a man paid to sit at a desk and work letters for a living.
I notice spelling and grammar mistakes all the time. The only one that seems to actually bother me is the use of a single quote instead of an apostrophe at the beginning of a number abbreviation. I think it bothers me because it is done automatically on behalf of the user by "helpful" software that really should be programmed to know better. Such things have a tendency to become "acceptable" when screwed up often enough.
Quote from: EBK on August 11, 2020, 02:47:11 PM
I notice spelling and grammar mistakes all the time. The only one that seems to actually bother me is the use of a single quote instead of an apostrophe at the beginning of a number abbreviation. I think it bothers me because it is done automatically on behalf of the user by "helpful" software that really should be programmed to know better. Such things have a tendency to become "acceptable" when screwed up often enough.
A keyboard doesn't offer an option, just a couple ambiguous figures for the apostrophe or quote designator.
Quote from: davent on August 11, 2020, 04:57:38 PM
A keyboard doesn't offer an option, just a couple ambiguous figures for the apostrophe or quote designator.
Try holding Ctrl and double tapping the quotation key (works in Windows, at least).
My old Windows operating system doesn't do it, but if i could remember how to access the character set i'm sure i saw them there. As well i've chart of HTML codes i can "reference" so i can get them.
When you used quotes in your original post, i see the ambiguous quote marks.
Quote from: davent on August 11, 2020, 05:50:55 PM
When you used quotes in your original post, i see the ambiguous quote marks.
That's my Android keyboard doing that. I'm not bothered by lazy quotes as much as quotepostrophes because, to me anyway, software that doesn't fix the formatting is better than software that actively fixes it incorrectly. ;)
In a surreal moment yesterday, I found myself sterilizing my flush cutters to perform minor surgery on my daughter's broken toenail. I would describe the problem as a delamination split, if that makes sense. Also, I'm hobbling around with a broken toe. I broke it Friday by accidentally kicking the corner of the baseboard outside my kitchen. It seems the pandemic has not been good for feet in my house. ::)
Damn. I've done the toenail thing though. Sometimes you need an accurate snip and a bit of isoprop is the key. According to my wife, filing is more accurate. I'm not sure I agree. I dread having to find any more of the 91% I've been using to clean boards. Luckily I'm kind of a lazy bugger when it comes to cleaning the trace side.
Just came across some twitter threads that claim that white USAian food is bland and boring. White bread, unseasoned chicken breast, and mayonnaise.
What really makes me laugh deeply with regards to this, is the historical disdain that the US seems to have for British cuisine as being dreadful.
What is with the recent love of self-flagellation for any reason? Some of the tastiest things I've cooked recently were from a recipe from a pale white Russian guy on youtube, and the all-time tastiest things were cooked by Nana.
Quote from: alanp on August 17, 2020, 02:50:55 PM
and mayonnaise.
I would agree that mayonnaise is pretty awful. Condiments are supposed to enhance the flavor of food. Mayonnaise is not a condiment, it's a mask. It was originally designed to hide the flavor of rotten meat, so from the beginning it has always been intended to dominate whatever you put it on. And it does. The only good mayonnaise is the Smashing Pumpkins song.
Americans have tortured themselves with food and dysfunctional eating since around the time the "TV Dinner" was invented. Through warped senses of entitlement to convenience and recognition of junk food as a sign of status, we messed up our eating to the point where our brains only recognized three flavors: sweet, salty, and fatty. At some point, guilt became a new marketing tool to introduce new convenience foods into the American diet, and food that tastes terrible began to become popular because it is "healthier". No one really tried to shift the American palate away from sweet/salty/fatty because it wasn't profitable. Today, most average American food is either something brown and unhealthy, or it is a salad or some other penance food like plain steamed cauliflower (likely with something brown on top). It is basically the opposite of, say, Thai food, which is exciting and favorful.
Quote from: EBK on August 17, 2020, 03:16:22 PM
Americans have tortured themselves with food and dysfunctional eating since around the time the "TV Dinner" was invented. Through warped senses of entitlement to convenience and recognition of junk food as a sign of status, we messed up our eating to the point where our brains only recognized three flavors: sweet, salty, and fatty. At some point, guilt became a new marketing tool to introduce new convenience foods into the American diet, and food that tastes terrible began to become popular because it is "healthier". No one really tried to shift the American palate away from sweet/salty/fatty because it wasn't profitable. Today, most average American food is either something brown and unhealthy, or it is a salad or some other penance food like plain steamed cauliflower (likely with something brown on top). It is basically the opposite of, say, Thai food, which is exciting and favorful.
I blame the parents.
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Quote from: jimilee on August 17, 2020, 03:59:14 PM
Quote from: EBK on August 17, 2020, 03:16:22 PM
Americans have tortured themselves with food and dysfunctional eating since around the time the "TV Dinner" was invented. Through warped senses of entitlement to convenience and recognition of junk food as a sign of status, we messed up our eating to the point where our brains only recognized three flavors: sweet, salty, and fatty. At some point, guilt became a new marketing tool to introduce new convenience foods into the American diet, and food that tastes terrible began to become popular because it is "healthier". No one really tried to shift the American palate away from sweet/salty/fatty because it wasn't profitable. Today, most average American food is either something brown and unhealthy, or it is a salad or some other penance food like plain steamed cauliflower (likely with something brown on top). It is basically the opposite of, say, Thai food, which is exciting and favorful.
I blame the parents.
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No legacy recipes from either side in our repertoire, i always knew there had to be more to it then what i was eating growing up, the search is endless.
Hellman's always on hand, sometimes a tube of Kewpie, homemade mayo as an easy make with pantry items, if all you can taste is mayo when you use it, like anything else that overwhelms, you're using too much.
Quote from: davent on August 17, 2020, 04:39:53 PM
Quote from: jimilee on August 17, 2020, 03:59:14 PM
Quote from: EBK on August 17, 2020, 03:16:22 PM
Americans have tortured themselves with food and dysfunctional eating since around the time the "TV Dinner" was invented. Through warped senses of entitlement to convenience and recognition of junk food as a sign of status, we messed up our eating to the point where our brains only recognized three flavors: sweet, salty, and fatty. At some point, guilt became a new marketing tool to introduce new convenience foods into the American diet, and food that tastes terrible began to become popular because it is "healthier". No one really tried to shift the American palate away from sweet/salty/fatty because it wasn't profitable. Today, most average American food is either something brown and unhealthy, or it is a salad or some other penance food like plain steamed cauliflower (likely with something brown on top). It is basically the opposite of, say, Thai food, which is exciting and favorful.
I blame the parents.
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No legacy recipes from either side in our repertoire, i always knew there had to be more to it then what i was eating growing up, the search is endless.
Hellman's always on hand, sometimes a tube of Kewpie, homemade mayo as an easy make with pantry items, if all you can taste is mayo when you use it, like anything else that overwhelms, you're using too much.
I can't describe to you the level at which I hate mayo.
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Quote from: jimilee on August 17, 2020, 05:28:27 PM
I can't describe to you the level at which I hate mayo.
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I grew up with Miracle Whip and margarine, Miracle Whip is no closer to mayonnaise than margarine is to butter, only time i'd experience butter was if dining out. All mayonnaise is egg yolks, oil, an acid and flavourings/seasonings. At least make sure you've tried the real thing.
Unilever contacted me a few years ago for permission to use a picture i'd posted of a meal i'd made and used Hellman's, no idea if it was ever used but was still pretty cool that they asked.
Quote from: davent on August 17, 2020, 06:53:43 PM
Quote from: jimilee on August 17, 2020, 05:28:27 PM
I can't describe to you the level at which I hate mayo.
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I grew up with Miracle Whip and margarine, Miracle Whip is no closer to mayonnaise than margarine is to butter, only time i'd experience butter was if dining out. All mayonnaise is egg yolks, oil, an acid and flavourings/seasonings. At least make sure you've tried the real thing.
Unilever contacted me a few years ago for permission to use a picture i'd posted of a meal i'd made and used Hellman's, no idea if it was ever used but was still pretty cool that they asked.
I have, don't care for it at all.
That's cool man, always makes you feel good inside. I was a freelance photographer for about 18 years. Spent my spare time taking pictures of things I liked.
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I'm an anti-mayo too. I have a condition which makes it hard to eat when my food wears mayo. And, I know my Constitutional rights.
Lost myself for a minute there! ;D
Seriously though, I don't like mayo. I think a small part of it stems from a childhood witnessing grown-ups put mayo in and on desserts (in chocolate cakes; on pretzel salad), which clearly defied all the logic I possessed at the time. :-\ These same people put salt on their watermelon.
Edit: my brother has informed me that it was Miracle Whip (technically not mayo) that illogically went on the pretzel salad.
Quote from: lars on August 17, 2020, 03:13:59 PM
Mayonnaise is not a condiment, it's a mask. It was originally designed to hide the flavor of rotten meat,
erm... cite your sources? (and I love mayo on stuff, for the record. Miracle Whip, though, I wouldn't use to start a fire)
I'm pretty sure mayo was invented by the Romans.
When I was growing up I didn't like it at all, now I think it's necessary for a sandwich. You put some on, but don't slather it on like peanut butter. It's supposed to be used as a tool: it's like putting a layer of water repelling oil on the bread of a sandwich to keep any wet ingredients from making the bread soggy, but since it's an emulsion it doesn't make the bread soggy either. At the same time it salvages dry bread, again without making it soggy.
As for the American palette, there are certainly regional cuisines that are packed with flavor: southwest, Tex-Mex, BBQ, Cajun, etc. It seems like the more North and inland you go, the blander the food gets. My dad said he was driving through Montana and stopped at a Mexican food restaurant and the salsa was basically ketchup...
Thai food is amazing. It's like a flavor explosion of every flavor category all at once. I'm white but I love it so much I even bought a kaffir lime tree so I can make it at home 8)
Quote from: skyled on August 19, 2020, 04:06:55 AM
I'm pretty sure mayo was invented by the Romans.
When I was growing up I didn't like it at all, now I think it's necessary for a sandwich. You put some on, but don't slather it on like peanut butter. It's supposed to be used as a tool: it's like putting a layer of water repelling oil on the bread of a sandwich to keep any wet ingredients from making the bread soggy, but since it's an emulsion it doesn't make the bread soggy either. At the same time it salvages dry bread, again without making it soggy.
As for the American palette, there are certainly regional cuisines that are packed with flavor: southwest, Tex-Mex, BBQ, Creole, etc. It seems like the more North and inland you go, the blander the food gets. My dad said he was driving through Montana and stopped at a Mexican food restaurant and the salsa was basically ketchup...
Thai food is amazing. It's like a flavor explosion of every flavor category all at once. I'm white but I love it so much I even bought a kaffir lime tree so I can make it at home 8)
One account of mayo history...
30 second mayo recipe - from Cooking in Color
1 large egg
1/4t salt
1/2t mustard powder or 1/4t Dijon mustard
1 tbsp lemon juice
Put it all in a tall thin container and whip with an immersion blender for 20 - 30 seconds, done orrrrr you can add other flavourings. Will keep for a week in the fridge.
Growing up, mayonnaise was like Thousand Island, it was something that mothers put on their salads, like how us kids put lots of tomato sauce on our sausage rolls. I never really liked mayo until I tried it on pizza (and even then, that's about the only time I bother. I still think of it as salad dressing.)
There's an interesting disconnect between my stir-fry and my sister's. I start with several ingredients with distinct taste of their own (onion, mushroom, good beef strips, veges, etc) and see where I go, adding some salt and pepper to taste, maybe some tabasco to bring things out. My sister starts with a definite destination in mind, and adds a jar of sauce to bully everything into line to where she wants things to end up.
I married into the deep south where mayo is a requirement in the household ... before, not so much. I developed preferences (blue plate or duke's) and I prefer McCormick's lime flavored mayo for elote which was about the only time I had mayo (as a condiment) before
I finally tracked back to the claims about bland American food ... I don't find that to be the case. Chain restaurants and prepackaged processed foods tend to be bland because their premise is based on mass appeal but American cuisine is actually pretty regional and usually anything but bland.
That said, we have absolutely ruined Chinese food in America and we're really working towards doing the same to Mexican food
I saw a brand of sauce here in Australia the other day, which was advertised as being "all the flavour of fast food, but in your own home".
Why would you want that in a sauce? Sounds terrible to me.
Quote from: mjg on August 20, 2020, 07:36:17 AM
I saw a brand of sauce here in Australia the other day, which was advertised as being "all the flavour of fast food, but in your own home".
Why would you want that in a sauce? Sounds terrible to me.
That's horrible!!!!
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Quote from: mjg on August 20, 2020, 07:36:17 AM
I saw a brand of sauce here in Australia the other day, which was advertised as being "all the flavour of fast food, but in your own home".
Vegetable shortening mixed with ketchup? :P
To sort of rip off a line from comedian Jim Gaffigan: I've never had a fast food meal and thought afterward, "You know, I'm glad I ate that." (His joke was about Hot Pockets instead.)
According to this site, McDonalds, globally, sells 75 burgers every minute, big market for sad sauce.
Quote from: EBK on August 20, 2020, 01:56:39 PM
Quote from: mjg on August 20, 2020, 07:36:17 AM
I saw a brand of sauce here in Australia the other day, which was advertised as being "all the flavour of fast food, but in your own home".
Vegetable shortening mixed with ketchup? :P
To sort of rip off a line from comedian Jim Gaffigan: I've never had a fast food meal and thought afterward, "You know, I'm glad I ate that." (His joke was about Hot Pockets instead.)
Hooot poooockets. I love gaffigan, he has a lot of things on amazon prime.
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Saw a pie in the supermarket which was marked as being "Burger Flavoured!"
Mustard does NOT belong in a meat pie. Tomato sauce yes, mustard no. Yech.
I don't know if a bierock (aka runza) is considered a meat pie but mustard is the cherry on the top ... practically required
Quote from: alanp on January 28, 2016, 07:47:09 AM
Or Apogee. What studios did they evaporate into? Secret Agent Man could do with a sequel, too. (
It's on Steam!
With all the Marvel and DC comic book movies coming out these days...
We need a mainstream Asterix movie. Like how we had a pretty good Tintin movie.
"These Romans are crazy!"
I think I must have read every one of them before I was twelve.
When you say "mainstream", do you mean "English language"? There's been multiple in french...
There's been several English dubs of those -- Asterix in Britain was my favourite.
I mean like a blockbuster :)
people in the US don't know the character at all. I'm only familiar with him from seeing a few (emphasis on few, they were very uncommon) comics at comic book stores years ago.
I was always intrigued but never had the money to buy them.
My favourite sauces:
Taka Tala - Beerenberg Farms
Spicy Ketchup - Aldi. Was a "Special Buy" so it hasn't been in stock for a while. Masterfoods did a Sriracha/Tomato sauce limited run that was close.
Burger Sauce - Also Aldi. The Coles Homebrand one is pretty good to, but they both make everything taste like a Big Mac.
Quote from: Willybomb on September 02, 2020, 03:31:16 AM
My favourite sauces:
Spicy Ketchup - Aldi. Was a "Special Buy" so it hasn't been in stock for a while. ....
I love mixing ketchup with one (sometimes both) of these, plus a small pinch of cumin:
buffa-cue sauce ... it is degen af, but I have some mixed up in the fridge for sure ... best on pork country style ribs (
A new rule is coming in where driveways are not required in new house builds, to free up more land (ie, more houses in the same amount of space. I sometimes wonder when NZ is going to start building more high-density blocks.)
The description in the story is "like Coronation street". Those forumites living in the UK, and Europe, what's life like in these houses with no parking?
Quote from: alanp on September 06, 2020, 10:51:13 PM (
A new rule is coming in where driveways are not required in new house builds, to free up more land (ie, more houses in the same amount of space. I sometimes wonder when NZ is going to start building more high-density blocks.)
The description in the story is "like Coronation street". Those forumites living in the UK, and Europe, what's life like in these houses with no parking?
Most driveways on my street are only big enough forone small car, family across he street has four, and most have more then one, the street is lined with parked cars. We're one street over from a commercial shopping street, we're walking distance from a major hospital so employees park on our street. We'd be better off without driveways then you wouldn't have to deal with cars parked blocking the driveway, street parking by permit would be a better arrangement.
Besides neither of us have ever owned a car or any other vehicle to park in our driveway...
Ah good old terraced housing. Massively compromised. You get thin walls between you and your neighbours, that's fun, especially if they're randy/shouty/have kids/etc. Nowhere to park your car that doesn't risk your mirrors being taken off by passing cars. Also don't hope to have multiple or large cars.
They were originally council or working class housing here. For people without cars or when it came to the working class, it was from a time where they were within walking distance of the mine or wherever it was that you worked. Inner city terraces are a different thing. Again they're from a time when cars weren't as common so it's less of an issue. But they can be quite sizable/expensive affairs.
The thing is, that in modern Britain, no one works where they live anymore because the housing price boom made moving house when you changed job impossible. So everyone has at least one car. Especially if you're out of a city, they're mandatory as public transport outside cities in the UK is horrible/non-existant. So you need cars, plural, depending on how many people live there or where they work.
Been doing a little bit of reading (disclaimer: I am not a shrink) since seeing the Epic Rap Battles of History episode with Sigmund Freud versus Mother Teresa. The line that stuck in my head was, "I helped people live! You watched people die!"
Some write-ups describe him as vastly over-rated, and that his theories are debunked these days. Some write-ups delineate him as the turning point where doctors in the mind changed from insane asylum wardens, to psychologists and psychiatrists and that, even though the details of his theories were wrong, he was right in that a lot of what drives the mind is subconscious, and that talking about things to people helps. The author of the DSM apparently described Freud as vastly over-rated in his day, but vastly under-rated today.
In some ways, it kinda reminds me a bit of Nietzsche. He's known these days as the philosophical father of the Third Reich, in some places... when he is quoted as saying, "The literary obscenity of leading the Jews to slaughter as scapegoats of every conceivable public and internal misfortune is spreading." (For reference, while Nietzsche was not an anti-Semite and actually respected them a fair bit... his sister and brother-in-law were, and, when Nietzsche suffered from insanity later in life due to neuro-syphilis, went through all his works and edited them to what they felt was right and proper.)
Ain't nothing ever as simple as it seems.
Quote from: alanp on September 10, 2020, 11:54:13 PM
Been doing a little bit of reading (disclaimer: I am not a shrink) since seeing the Epic Rap Battles of History episode with Sigmund Freud versus Mother Teresa. The line that stuck in my head was, "I helped people live! You watched people die!"
Some write-ups describe him as vastly over-rated, and that his theories are debunked these days. Some write-ups delineate him as the turning point where doctors in the mind changed from insane asylum wardens, to psychologists and psychiatrists and that, even though the details of his theories were wrong, he was right in that a lot of what drives the mind is subconscious, and that talking about things to people helps. The author of the DSM apparently described Freud as vastly over-rated in his day, but vastly under-rated today.
In some ways, it kinda reminds me a bit of Nietzsche. He's known these days as the philosophical father of the Third Reich, in some places... when he is quoted as saying, "The literary obscenity of leading the Jews to slaughter as scapegoats of every conceivable public and internal misfortune is spreading." (For reference, while Nietzsche was not an anti-Semite and actually respected them a fair bit... his sister and brother-in-law were, and, when Nietzsche suffered from insanity later in life due to neuro-syphilis, went through all his works and edited them to what they felt was right and proper.)
Ain't nothing ever as simple as it seems.
Freud broke ground, but a lot of what makes him great is that he led to Jung (I'm a fan... also not a shrink)
Quote from: alanp on September 10, 2020, 11:54:13 PM
Ain't nothing ever as simple as it seems.
Except cigars, sometimes. ;D
After watching far too many BosnianBill and LockPickingLawyer videos, I picked up a set of progressive training locks and lockpicks from Sparrows.
The part that gave me the shits was finding out that the lock I'd used for my bicycle all through intermediate and highschool was about as hard as the three pin training lock with no security pins.
Quote from: alanp on September 15, 2020, 08:19:41 AM
After watching far too many BosnianBill and LockPickingLawyer videos, I picked up a set of progressive training locks and lockpicks from Sparrows.
The part that gave me the shits was finding out that the lock I'd used for my bicycle all through intermediate and highschool was about as hard as the three pin training lock with no security pins.
It fulfilled it's mission unscathed?
I had a bike stolen from in front of the library while in university and during a bus strike. Cable locked to a post, cable cutters and gone.
Police got it back a couple days later. A few years after that used it to tour Europe for months (in the 80's), still have it.
if you like those guys check out deviantollam as well, a ton of practical physical security penetration testing information awaits
Quote from: alanp on July 11, 2020, 07:06:02 AM
This is probably a really stupid question, but the band named 'Live'... (always wondered about that... "I'm seeing the band Live tonight!" "Which band?" "Live!" "Well, of course it's live, what band is it?")
Is it pronounced live as in "Performing live tonight!", or as in "Live long and prosper" ?
That's just weird. Try searching for a band you saw during a gig and thought was cool which was called 'The Music'. Have fun googling that.
Quote from: alanp on August 31, 2020, 11:19:48 AM
There's been several English dubs of those -- Asterix in Britain was my favourite.
I mean like a blockbuster :)
By French standards those
were blockbusters. I reckon it would be hard to make them work like that as the action would be cartoony and the humor very European. Lots of European leaders, artists and prominents from the 60's and 70's had cameos in Asterix. Hollywood would just f*** it up. Like they always do. And throw in some gender and race swaps to boot.
Quote from: Matmosphere on August 31, 2020, 11:49:53 AM
people in the US don't know the character at all. I'm only familiar with him from seeing a few (emphasis on few, they were very uncommon) comics at comic book stores years ago.
I was always intrigued but never had the money to buy them.
I grew up on this stuff. All this American superhero stuff was as alien to me as Asterix is to you. I knew it existed but I never saw it at the time.
Quote from: alanp on September 15, 2020, 08:19:41 AM
After watching far too many BosnianBill and LockPickingLawyer videos, I picked up a set of progressive training locks and lockpicks from Sparrows.
The part that gave me the shits was finding out that the lock I'd used for my bicycle all through intermediate and highschool was about as hard as the three pin training lock with no security pins.
When I went to university we had the introduction beforehand, where senior students would help you to show you around the place. The group went out for a night on the town, the senior student locked his bike to mine with a big chain, and when we came back our bikes were still there, only the chain had been stolen.
My local library had every Tintin and Asterix book imaginable, so I was very familiar with the characters. Even if you bought them from the shop, they were usually a pretty good deal, being an entire book.
American comic books, on the other hand, were a special order from out of town, and cost ten bucks each (when, to a kid, this was a LOT OF MONEY.) They never got a lot of traction here.
Came across Nightwish's cover of "High Hopes" by Pink Floyd. I don't like it.
The Floyd's studio version of High Hopes always had that English quality of understated wistfulness to me. It's about reminiscing of things long gone, dreams you once had but never fulfilled in the day to day grind of getting by and looking after your family and friends, and looking forwards and realising that now, the chances of you fulfilling those dreams are even less than they were when you were eighteen, knew everything, and completely believed you could conquer the world. Part of this was conveyed was through Gilmour's understated singing -- a lot of the verses, he doesn't stray far from the original key, and in the chorus, even though he lets his voice soar a bit more, it's still not very far from what you could imagine a workmate in his fifties venting about at the pub.
Nightwish's live version I saw was overblown emo in tone, to me. The singing was too polished, and the whole production was 'everything louder than everything else', which doesn't really fit the song.
Quote from: alanp on October 07, 2020, 12:16:44 AM
Came across Nightwish's cover of "High Hopes" by Pink Floyd. I don't like it.
The Floyd's studio version of High Hopes always had that English quality of understated wistfulness to me. It's about reminiscing of things long gone, dreams you once had but never fulfilled in the day to day grind of getting by and looking after your family and friends, and looking forwards and realising that now, the chances of you fulfilling those dreams are even less than they were when you were eighteen, knew everything, and completely believed you could conquer the world. Part of this was conveyed was through Gilmour's understated singing -- a lot of the verses, he doesn't stray far from the original key, and in the chorus, even though he lets his voice soar a bit more, it's still not very far from what you could imagine a workmate in his fifties venting about at the pub.
Nightwish's live version I saw was overblown emo in tone, to me. The singing was too polished, and the whole production was 'everything louder than everything else', which doesn't really fit the song.
Yeah, well, Pink Floyd always was a restrained (as in not balls to the walls rocking it out) rockband. Lots of subtlety in their music. Metal is just not known for its subtlety and restraint. It's either ALL ANGRY ALL THE TIME or symphonic note overload. That's why we love metal in the first place, we're not subtle people. ;D
Yeah, but it's the different shades and dynamics that give impact. It's like when you see a little old granny in a nice floral dress and white apron, scowling, and suddenly coming out with 'dammit', after years of clean language, or seeing Tom Araya in a crisp, clean, three piece suit.
Quote from: EBK on September 02, 2020, 12:31:36 PM
Quote from: Willybomb on September 02, 2020, 03:31:16 AM
My favourite sauces:
Spicy Ketchup - Aldi. Was a "Special Buy" so it hasn't been in stock for a while. ....
I love mixing ketchup with one (sometimes both) of these, plus a small pinch of cumin:
Ketchup with Paprika is "The bomb".
Quote from: alanp on October 07, 2020, 10:34:34 PM
Yeah, but it's the different shades and dynamics that give impact. It's like when you see a little old granny in a nice floral dress and white apron, scowling, and suddenly coming out with 'dammit', after years of clean language, or seeing Tom Araya in a crisp, clean, three piece suit.
Seeing Tom Araya rock out Angel of Death in a clean three piece suit would be a refreshing and even more kick ass statement then in the usual metal uniform of jeans and a black t-shirt with bandlogo. It's for that reason that in my last band I ditched the jeans and band logo t-shirt in favor of a three piece suit.
Judges.... so many judges....
So yeah, got my ballot in the mail today, and just spent the last ~4 hours reading through case outcomes trying to decide who to retain. Really wish they made this stuff easier, like, a nice summary somewhere rather than having to DL pdf's of case outcomes one by one and reading through legalese. (Seriously I had 50 judges to vote on, my hand is cramped from filling in bubbles and my eyes are glazed from trying to decipher this damned legal language).
Worst part, I think that judges have only been recalled by ballot like, twice in the last several decades here, so all my research is probably pointless. But damnit, I'm gonna do it!
And hey, recreational use is on the ballot, and polling well ahead, AND includes language that would allow nullification of most pot offenses (I'm in an "any amount is a felony" state), so, that's cool at least.
I has always boggled my mind how the US has allowed its voting systems to become such a dispersed mess. 3rd world countries like India, which has 4 times as many people and endemic corruptions organizes its elections better. A clear case of of the law of the handicap of a head start if there ever was one.
Fascinating analysis of Deadpool from a psych point of view, and the end part honestly reminds me of Granny Weatherwax's headology. (A man is convinced he is being chased by a monster. A psychologist tries to convince him monsters are not real and there has never been any evidence. Granny would give the man a big, heavy stick and a chair to stand on.)
There are times when matching up multiple fictional universes makes for interesting thought experiments. But one fictional universe is the eight hundred pound gorilla in any match-up.
Which faction has the best defended homeworld between Warhammer 40k, Halo, Mass Effect, and Star Wars?
Gee, I wonder. It's more like a competition to see who can come in second place. No matter what the match-up is, Warhammer 40k has the most over the top example of it. Possibly including actual fun and pleasure, given the presence of Slaanesh (although, for the Imperium, they come in dead last for pleasure, apart from worlds dedicated to R&R... oh, for fu--) (
I'm just throwing this link in to remind myself in future when I think I'm worrying too much about details that are probably quite silly, in the end.
(I'm inclined to think that Dogmatix was a mutt, myself, not a particular breed.) (
Huh. I just learnt that tipping your dealer, in a New Zealand casino, is actually illegal, not just "not part of the culture" (for this particular job, at least... if you're a visiting USAian, you can still tip your espresso and flat white distributors.) It's considered a bribe, or an attempt at making the game something other than fair, apparently.
Quote from: alanp on November 02, 2020, 03:12:17 AM
There are times when matching up multiple fictional universes makes for interesting thought experiments. But one fictional universe is the eight hundred pound gorilla in any match-up.
Which faction has the best defended homeworld between Warhammer 40k, Halo, Mass Effect, and Star Wars?
Gee, I wonder. It's more like a competition to see who can come in second place. No matter what the match-up is, Warhammer 40k has the most over the top example of it. Possibly including actual fun and pleasure, given the presence of Slaanesh (although, for the Imperium, they come in dead last for pleasure, apart from worlds dedicated to R&R... oh, for fu--)
Pff, your average major world in the Imperium of Man is better fortified then the homeworlds of other scifi universes. Just look at the three wars for Armageddon.
Got a shirt for Christmas, and I think that it's absolutely brilliant. (For the uninitiated, Berserk is a nigh-legendary manga from Japan, and Guts has probably inspired several hundred similar characters.)
Better let Lars Ulrich not see that. For he will fire up that one warrior that beats even a berserker, the lawyer.
QuoteBetter let Lars Ulrich not see that. For he will fire up that one warrior that beats even a berserker, the lawyer.
In Lar's defence, he saw the whole mp3 thing coming with Napster.
Quote from: Willybomb on December 28, 2020, 01:42:54 PM
QuoteBetter let Lars Ulrich not see that. For he will fire up that one warrior that beats even a berserker, the lawyer.
In Lar's defence, he saw the whole mp3 thing coming with Napster.
He wasn't looking at the bigger picture. It spurred album sales. People that downloaded, weren't going to buy the album anyway.
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Quote from: Willybomb on December 28, 2020, 01:42:54 PM
QuoteBetter let Lars Ulrich not see that. For he will fire up that one warrior that beats even a berserker, the lawyer.
In Lar's defence, he saw the whole mp3 thing coming with Napster.
He saw the end of the music industry business model coming. But using repression to prop up a failing business model is not the answer, what's needed is a new business model. In that sense he was more like some middle eastern dictator unleashing his armies on protesters then the next Steve Jobs. And caused unrecoverable harm to the Metallica brand. There are people to this day who hate the band because of what he did and who used to be fans. The only way I can still stomach listening to their music is by pretending Metallica died after the Black Album tour and some tribute band took over. Which IMHO also explained why all successive albums have been shite.
Without Lars going nuts, we wouldn't have gotten the Napster BAAAD! animations, though!
I've been listening to Led Zeppelin, recently. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the lyrics correctly, but I think Robert Plant might be really good at sex.
the blues songwriters he's lifting lyrical content from probably were.
Quote from: thesmokingman on January 02, 2021, 07:57:05 PM
the blues songwriters he's lifting lyrical content from probably were.
Oh I know, I can't believe how much they lifted. If my calculations are right, there are only approximately 12 original blues songs and every one covered them. I've been listening to bluesville on XM radio. They play early early recorded stuff, and even those guys were ripping each other off.
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Quote from: jimilee on January 02, 2021, 08:44:26 PM
Oh I know, I can't believe how much they lifted. If my calculations are right, there are only approximately 12 original blues songs and every one covered them. I've been listening to bluesville on XM radio. They play early early recorded stuff, and even those guys were ripping each other off.
Covering famous blues songs and giving it your own spin seems to be standard in blues, to the point that sometimes most of a CD or even artist's output consists of covers. Whereas in rock this ceased to be cool, causing them to learn how to write their own material. Or be 'inspired', as Led Zeppelin often was. And woo to the rock band whose most famous hit was a cover, for they would forever be doomed to play that cover till their breakup days.
Covers are still preferable to what goes on these days. One song that gets airtime... the group responsible basically pinched Led Zep's Kashmir, stripped out Robert Plant, and dubbed themselves going yakyakyak talktalktalk on top.
At least with covers, they still play their own instruments.
Speaking about playing your own instruments, Rick Beato had a very interesting discussion about that.
Quote from: Muadzin on January 04, 2021, 03:52:16 PM
Speaking about playing your own instruments, Rick Beato had a very interesting discussion about that.
I can't help but have mixed feelings about that guy. He presents stuff like he is telling the gospel of rock music, but really he is just stating his opinions. He really only ever talks about a few dozen bands that he likes. Calling videos the "Greatest Guitar Intros Ever", instead of just saying "my favorite guitar intros" just rubs me the wrong way.
He is knowledgeable, and I do enjoy some of his explanations, but I don't seek him out unless he is talking about things I am already interested in.
Quote from: alanp on January 03, 2021, 05:50:47 PM
At least with covers, they still play their own instruments.
Thriller uses a drum machine, and they had access to Porcaro.
I just noticed that Rod Stewart's Young Turks (1981!) used a drum machine.
Most of the 80s used synths for like ... any instrument that wasn't a guitar made to sound like a keyboard (chorus).
Quote from: midwayfair on January 05, 2021, 02:03:15 AM
Thriller uses a drum machine, and they had access to Porcaro.
Let's hear it for Allan Holdsworth's great drummer pal, Mac Hine!
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Quote from: midwayfair on January 05, 2021, 02:03:15 AM
Quote from: alanp on January 03, 2021, 05:50:47 PM
At least with covers, they still play their own instruments.
Thriller uses a drum machine, and they had access to Porcaro.
I just noticed that Rod Stewart's Young Turks (1981!) used a drum machine.
Most of the 80s used synths for like ... any instrument that wasn't a guitar made to sound like a keyboard (chorus).
Yeah, didn't Sting take it one step further and actually erase Stewart Copeland's drum tracks at one point and just replace them with a drum machine? Copeland is a hell of a drummer, so a drum machine just doesn't make sense.
The eighties were a strange time.
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 06, 2021, 12:53:44 PMCopeland is a hell of a drummer, so a drum machine just doesn't make sense.
Because the point is that it's an artistic choice.
It's still an artistic choice if the producer decides that it's easier to get a particular dance groove they need for the purpose of the song by using a drum machine rather than a human.
Like a funky well-played groove gets people moving, but apparently so does asking your machine for literally just a kick and snare -- Blinding Lights was the biggest hit of the 2020, and while I know there's also a completely straight 8th note hi-hat in the chorus, I actually can barely hear it, so literally the entire song's drum part sounds like KSKS over and over again for the length of the song.
The reason statements like the one I replied to are frustrating to me is because they come across not only as profoundly ignorant of the songwriting process and artistic process of producing, but they ignore what actually sounds good to listeners and replaces it with some high-minded concept that there's a particular line that one must not cross before your song is declared as sucking out of hand. I mean, we're on a forum dedicated to essentially destroying the purity of the tone of an electric guitar, why's that okay? Hell, why use an electric instrument in the first place, shouldn't you stick with an acoustic? Maybe everyone should go back to gut frets, after all you're not a REAL musician unless you custom temper your instrument for each key! You've heard of listening with your eyes? This isn't even that, this is listening with your abstract principles.
Quote from: midwayfair on January 05, 2021, 02:03:15 AM
Thriller uses a drum machine, and they had access to Porcaro.
For me, it's always been the bass that drives Thriller. The push and pull of the baseline against the perfectly metrinomic drums creates the rhythmic tension. Parcaro would have made it groove for sure, but in a different way. At the risk of over thinking it, the drum machine is kind of like the zombie horde; inhuman and relentless.
Quote from: midwayfair on January 07, 2021, 04:44:11 PM
The reason statements like the one I replied to are frustrating to me is because they come across not only as profoundly ignorant of the songwriting process and artistic process of producing, but they ignore what actually sounds good to listeners and replaces it with some high-minded concept that there's a particular line that one must not cross before your song is declared as sucking out of hand. I mean, we're on a forum dedicated to essentially destroying the purity of the tone of an electric guitar, why's that okay? Hell, why use an electric instrument in the first place, shouldn't you stick with an acoustic? Maybe everyone should go back to gut frets, after all you're not a REAL musician unless you custom temper your instrument for each key! You've heard of listening with your eyes? This isn't even that, this is listening with your abstract principles.
You could also argue that his point was from another, more emotional bias that I think many of us tend to have as people who play instruments.
We could argue this point was not about the perceived quality of human created vs machine created music. As musicians ourselves (some of us farrr less skilled than others, myself included), many will often recognize and respect talent when we see it. And, for myself at least, it feels like there's talent being wasted when its replaced with machine made music. That doesn't invalidate the quality of the machine made music. But it does feel like his talent is being negated by that artistic choice, which reveals our bias as musicians ourselves, as by extension, it feels like like a negation of our own perceived talents.
Again, that's where our stance reveals it's bias. We also start to get into things at this point, like what is the personal & professional relationship between Sting and Copeland - if Sting didn't want to use Copeland's talents, why did he stick around and not take them elsewhere? That's for them to know, and only them.
People can boogie down to whatever they like. I think the hardest thing for anyone who loves human musicianship to see is a human to be replaced by a machine. Its like, if you want to use the machine, great. But couldn't you have just started with the machine and let the human use their talent somewhere that we'll get a chance to experience it rather than on the cutting room floor?
Just a thought.
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Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 05:58:26 PMI think the hardest thing for anyone who loves human musicianship to see is a human to be replaced by a machine. Its like, if you want to use the machine, great. But couldn't you have just started with the machine and let the human use their talent somewhere that we'll get a chance to experience it rather than on the cutting room floor?
A human made the machine and another told it what to do.
People record musicians all the time and have other musicians come in and play parts instead. I've had my parts on other peoples' albums replaced and I've done the replacing. How is THAT any different? But most people would say that's perfectly reasonable. The songwriter wanted something else and decided that what they ended up using was better for their song. But the second the source of that sound is a particular piece of electronics it's bad (all this other artificial stuff is fine, though).
It's not like ALL of Copeland's parts were replaced by a machine, just like the Thriller album didn't use one beat source (human or machine) exclusively. This may be hard to accept but a studio musician is just a tool in the same way that a machine is.
EDIT: I should say, people can have whatever emotional reaction they want to art and that's fine. But I think people should reexamine their prejudices, because some of them are received criticism. I believe the dislike of drum machines and the dislike of any autotune whatsoever are mostly received criticisms and not honest assessments of the art.
Quote from: midwayfair on January 07, 2021, 04:44:11 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 06, 2021, 12:53:44 PMCopeland is a hell of a drummer, so a drum machine just doesn't make sense.
Because the point is that it's an artistic choice.
It's still an artistic choice if the producer decides that it's easier to get a particular dance groove they need for the purpose of the song by using a drum machine rather than a human.
Like a funky well-played groove gets people moving, but apparently so does asking your machine for literally just a kick and snare -- Blinding Lights was the biggest hit of the 2020, and while I know there's also a completely straight 8th note hi-hat in the chorus, I actually can barely hear it, so literally the entire song's drum part sounds like KSKS over and over again for the length of the song.
The reason statements like the one I replied to are frustrating to me is because they come across not only as profoundly ignorant of the songwriting process and artistic process of producing, but they ignore what actually sounds good to listeners and replaces it with some high-minded concept that there's a particular line that one must not cross before your song is declared as sucking out of hand. I mean, we're on a forum dedicated to essentially destroying the purity of the tone of an electric guitar, why's that okay? Hell, why use an electric instrument in the first place, shouldn't you stick with an acoustic? Maybe everyone should go back to gut frets, after all you're not a REAL musician unless you custom temper your instrument for each key! You've heard of listening with your eyes? This isn't even that, this is listening with your abstract principles.
If OP had explicitly added "to me" at the end of "...doesn't make sense.", would that void your argument? A common problem that perplexes and frustrates me is how freely people assert their opinions as universal truth, regardless of how well informed or reasoned they might be (which I thought your opinion was). I mean, both of you can be correct.
Just saying.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some music with drum machines, and I can definitely appreciate many of the points you are making.
My point was more that the police were a band made up of individual artist. In the case I brought up Sting was just being a dick, it sounds like he did it not to improve the song but to piss off Copeland and break up the band. He basically took what another artist had made and erased while they were home sick.
There is a decent way to treat other people and other artist and that is not how to do it. If he wanted a drum machine then fine, either have a discussion, or start a solo project. Just don't do it to be an ass
And for the record I really like the Police, but I generally try to judge how people act and the art they create through a slightly different lens when I can.
I was talking about the statement about playing their own instruments that I originally replied to there.
Quote from: midwayfair on January 07, 2021, 06:27:38 PM
Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 05:58:26 PMI think the hardest thing for anyone who loves human musicianship to see is a human to be replaced by a machine. Its like, if you want to use the machine, great. But couldn't you have just started with the machine and let the human use their talent somewhere that we'll get a chance to experience it rather than on the cutting room floor?
A human made the machine and another told it what to do.
People record musicians all the time and have other musicians come in and play parts instead. I've had my parts on other peoples' albums replaced and I've done the replacing. How is THAT any different? But most people would say that's perfectly reasonable. The songwriter wanted something else and decided that what they ended up using was better for their song. But the second the source of that sound is a particular piece of electronics it's bad (all this other artificial stuff is fine, though).
It's not like ALL of Copeland's parts were replaced by a machine, just like the Thriller album didn't use one beat source (human or machine) exclusively. This may be hard to accept but a studio musician is just a tool in the same way that a machine is.
EDIT: I should say, people can have whatever emotional reaction they want to art and that's fine. But I think people should reexamine their prejudices, because some of them are received criticism. I believe the dislike of drum machines and the dislike of any autotune whatsoever are mostly received criticisms and not honest assessments of the art.
Ok, first of all, I want to say I was not attempting to be snarky, or passive aggressive, or retort your response. You're a smart dude, so I thought this
would be a worthwhile spot to explore more sides to the discussion.
I never said machine playing replacing human playing is objectively bad. I understand that the writer has full control over their art, and can do with it what they want. One human being recorded to replace another isn't less of a shame, to me, than is a machine replacement - barring a downright poor original performance of course.
I think that's part of why so many people love to hear demo and working tracks of their favorite songs. Personally, I love getting to to aurally explore that creative process. Hearing the first demo, the second demo, then the final is such a fun exploration.
Of course, this is all just my opinions and musings based on my experience. I personally don't like electronic centred music because its just not my jam. Doesn't mean the music is objectively bad, nor does it mean I dislike all electronic instrumentation.
But I also don't listen to music in order to objectively judge its quality as art. I listen to it for a lot of reasons, but never that. So for me, the consistency that a drum machine may produce over a human drummer doesn't do anything for me. I enjoy hearing those slightly off beat hits, or the tempo speeding up or slowing down ever so much, and when you replace that with the consistency and, sterility if you will, of a drum machine, to me that's a shame. That's all. Doesn't mean the drum machine version is bad. It just changes my personal interest in that song.
This also is not an explanation for a lot of the 'purists' either. I wholly understand where you are coming from with that, lots of people will argue that makes music objectively bad.
Like I said, just wanted to explore another side of the argument.
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Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 08:48:23 PMI enjoy hearing those slightly off beat hits
I'm learning drums and this is giving me hope after listening back to my practices.
Quote from: midwayfair on January 07, 2021, 09:34:49 PM
Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 08:48:23 PMI enjoy hearing those slightly off beat hits
I'm learning drums and this is giving me hope after listening back to my practices.
Love it! There's always something about the way a certain person playa a certain piece of music that adds an element that I quite enjoy.
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By 'play their own instruments' I do include things like drum machines -- I couldn't say otherwise and be able to keep my sweet synth rack, I suspect :)
I was more referring to just taping over someone else's released recordings and dubbing yourself on top.
Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 08:48:23 PM
I understand that the writer has full control over their art, and can do with it what they want.
I'm not a big fan of that. I usually write music by myself, creating everything including sampled drums. And then when I present this to my band I of course would love too have it recreated note for note as it was. But I've also noticed that critical feedback is key to making good music. When the other musicians take my musical ideas and are allowed to run with it songs can start to groove in ways that was never in my original vision. It doesn't always work, sometimes it doesn't live up to my original vision but usually it becomes better. And the best riff I ever wrote came about because my bandmates thought what I originally had wasn't that good so they demanded something better. It's this push and pull that makes for better creativity, even when what the others contribute is only tiny. This is why I think Sting was infinitely better when in the Police as opposed to his boring solo career. Why Roger Waters was better in Pink Floyd then solo. And why the original Star Wars trilogy was so much better then the prequel trilogy. Full creative freedom is a curse as much as it can be a boon. Studio musicians can't give you that critical feedback because they are just hired guns, not full members of a cooperative enterprise with something at stake.
One can argue that Thriller worked with the computer drums, because it became a mega hit album, every song a hit. And that is fine. We will however never know if the version with an actual drummer would have been better or not. Personally I find the drums on most MJ songs to be bland and boring, too much standard 4/4 kick snare kick snare. Your basic disco drum beat.
Quote from: Muadzin on January 08, 2021, 11:14:35 AM
Quote from: TheDude on January 07, 2021, 08:48:23 PM
I understand that the writer has full control over their art, and can do with it what they want.
I'm not a big fan of that. I usually write music by myself, creating everything including sampled drums. And then when I present this to my band I of course would love too have it recreated note for note as it was. But I've also noticed that critical feedback is key to making good music. When the other musicians take my musical ideas and are allowed to run with it songs can start to groove in ways that was never in my original vision. It doesn't always work, sometimes it doesn't live up to my original vision but usually it becomes better. And the best riff I ever wrote came about because my bandmates thought what I originally had wasn't that good so they demanded something better. It's this push and pull that makes for better creativity, even when what the others contribute is only tiny. This is why I think Sting was infinitely better when in the Police as opposed to his boring solo career. Why Roger Waters was better in Pink Floyd then solo. And why the original Star Wars trilogy was so much better then the prequel trilogy. Full creative freedom is a curse as much as it can be a boon. Studio musicians can't give you that critical feedback because they are just hired guns, not full members of a cooperative enterprise with something at stake.
One can argue that Thriller worked with the computer drums, because it became a mega hit album, every song a hit. And that is fine. We will however never know if the version with an actual drummer would have been better or not. Personally I find the drums on most MJ songs to be bland and boring, too much standard 4/4 kick snare kick snare. Your basic disco drum beat.
For me that give and take/ back and forth is what has defined Rock n Roll for the most part. Regardless of if you are playing an instrument manually or programming an electronic instrument. It's certainly the part that makes me enjoy playing in bands.
If you are Mozart or Bach and have that genius then sure what comes out of you might be better than what comes from the group. But no individual member of the Stones, the Beatles, Zeppelin, the Clash or any huge band really has shown to have that on their own. Maybe McCartney is the closest. What defines Rock to me is that a group of normal people, that may not have any training in music, can get together and put out something that is so much better than the sum of its parts. I know that there are some exceptions, but they are few. Rock is a collaborative artform. Maudzin, you clearly respect your band mates input and collaboration, even though you might be the guy bringing in the songs it sounds like you still enjoy that collaboration. It makes us all strive to be better, so we can make art.
Sting was better with the police
Byrne was better with the talking heads
Even Bowie was only as good as the band that backed him at the time (although one of his most stunning abilities was putting those bands together)
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 08, 2021, 12:22:45 PM
Sting was better with the police
Byrne was better with the talking heads
Even Bowie was only as good as the band that backed him at the time (although one of his most stunning abilities was putting those bands together)
And Gwen Stefani was immeasurably better with No Doubt. Still salty about that one...
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Although Dylan is better solo than with the Wilburys. Nothing against those guys but...
I enjoy Strummer's solo output as much as his work with The Clash, both settings in my collection still get regular plays.
Probably only applies to Cooder, but given that the weather right now is one, far too damn hot and two, sunny beyond belief, everyone take care out there :)
Quote from: davent on January 08, 2021, 05:59:36 PM
I enjoy Strummer's solo output as much as his work with The Clash, both settings in my collection still get regular plays.
Sure but was he the only solo artist that mattered? ;)
Nothing is without exception. Paul did some fine work after the Beatles.
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 10, 2021, 08:27:09 AM
Quote from: davent on January 08, 2021, 05:59:36 PM
I enjoy Strummer's solo output as much as his work with The Clash, both settings in my collection still get regular plays.
Sure but was he the only solo artist that mattered? ;)
Nothing is without exception. Paul did some fine work after the Beatles.
Not sure what you mean about the Clash? I do have the first Big Audio Dynamite which got lots of listens in it's day, The Clash, the first four but only the first three still get attention. Also heard some of a Paul Simonon album i was interested in but never able to track down.
Post Beatles i have a single Paul album and a single Ringo album which is the keeper of the two.
Quote from: davent on January 10, 2021, 05:25:47 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 10, 2021, 08:27:09 AM
Quote from: davent on January 08, 2021, 05:59:36 PM
I enjoy Strummer's solo output as much as his work with The Clash, both settings in my collection still get regular plays.
Sure but was he the only solo artist that mattered? ;)
Nothing is without exception. Paul did some fine work after the Beatles.
Not sure what you mean about the Clash? I do have the first Big Audio Dynamite which got lots of listens in it's day, The Clash, the first four but only the first three still get attention. Also heard some of a Paul Simonon album i was interested in but never able to track down.
Post Beatles i have a single Paul album and a single Ringo album which is the keeper of the two.
I believe at the time the Clash were famously referred to as "the only band that matters" by several critics. I think I read a book called that at some point. Just stick with me.
I don't actually have any of the Beatles solo stuff but I've heard a lot and they all did great stuff.
Massively impressive documentary, considering it's not made by a corporation or company. Impressive no matter the source, I think.
Learnt quite a bit from it. Jupiter was a rowdy drunk in it's youth, punching out planets it didn't like the look of, while in it's old age it settles for punching out solar bodies that act up.
The best documentaries on youtube are made by individuals. Companies always seem to feel the need to dumb things down. These guys can go into details so obscure it boggles the mind.
ParallaxNick -
John Michael Godier has two cool channels = and
Isaac Arthur -
Cool Worlds -
Melodysheep -
And if you are a wonderful person, Anton Petrov -
It's 0°C outside, but it is project painting day (schedule convenience and lack of precipitation), so I'm relying on my outdoor toaster oven to make things turn out ok. Please tell me that I'm not the only crazy one who paints when the rattle can instructions say "definitely don't".
back before I would just drop the coin on powder coated enclosures I was spraying in the garage and drying in the oven ... projects didn't take the winter off
Why i switched to an airbrush and waterborne acrylic paints, inside year 'round painting. In the summer when i could paint out in the shed i would prime a batch of enclosure for winter use with self etching primer, do the base plates with rubberized under panel rattle can paint, all of it nasty stuff.
Quote from: EBK on February 03, 2021, 02:11:54 PM
It's 0°C outside, but it is project painting day (schedule convenience and lack of precipitation), so I'm relying on my outdoor toaster oven to make things turn out ok. Please tell me that I'm not the only crazy one who paints when the rattle can instructions say "definitely don't".
I bring all my stuff inside before and let it warm up to room temp put it in a closed cardboard box, and then rush outside, open the box and spray it real quick, let it air out for just a sec, close the box, and bring it back in.
Oh State of Maryland.... how do I HATE thee.... let me state the way.....
With no significant change in my income for the year... my State tax return went from a $200 RETURN last year to a $400 OWED this year! >:(
My damn income didn't even go up that much! How in the hell did my taxes owed to the state manage to get larger than my total income change?? Did they change the tax rate on December 31st and not tell anyone??!!
On a roll lately....
Shipment from LMS left the USPS Distribution center 30 miles from my house 3 days ago! Lovely :-\
Should have walked there and picked it up ::)
One of the hardest things for the average Kiwi to grasp about how the US does things is the federal system.
NZ has local councils (at a town level), and district councils (covering a wider area, including rural regions.) They generally handle planning permissions, things like water supplies, that general thing. Local councils are probably about the same as in the US.
But the idea of state legislature is where we have a brain fart. District councils do not have the power to pass laws, or do anything really drastic, like how US states can create state-level taxes, or state level laws. The idea of the government at a national level empowering a district council to handle district-level crisis situations is... you what? Why is the Prime Minister being so lazy?
Maybe I'm just not understanding things right... I don't know.
Well for starts it is 37 times bigger and has 64 times as many people, vastly different climate zones, what works in Alaska isn't going to necessarily apply in Hawaii or Florida, impossible for one size fit all, the local's should know best.
I don't live in the USA.
Quote from: davent on February 20, 2021, 10:05:01 PM
Well for starts it is 37 times bigger and has 64 times as many people, vastly different climate zones, what works in Alaska isn't going to necessarily apply in Hawaii or Florida, impossible for one size fit all, the local's should know best.
I don't live in the USA.
Thats it exactly.. I think the original intention was that the federal part is for what the states can't handle themselves. It was a new land and all so they were separate groups that banded together like a wagon train
Quote from: alanp on February 20, 2021, 09:38:54 PM
One of the hardest things for the average Kiwi to grasp about how the US does things is the federal system.
NZ has local councils (at a town level), and district councils (covering a wider area, including rural regions.) They generally handle planning permissions, things like water supplies, that general thing. Local councils are probably about the same as in the US.
But the idea of state legislature is where we have a brain fart. District councils do not have the power to pass laws, or do anything really drastic, like how US states can create state-level taxes, or state level laws. The idea of the government at a national level empowering a district council to handle district-level crisis situations is... you what? Why is the Prime Minister being so lazy?
Maybe I'm just not understanding things right... I don't know.
Typically, things go local (incorporated city), county, state, then Federal ... then you've got outliers like tribal land ... there's pros and cons ... fair amount of autonomy out in the middle of nowhere, much less where you need more control of things. Sometimes it all falls apart because you can't see the downside of all that freedom from regulation, sometimes you end up wanting a beer in a dry county.
Quote from: alanp on February 20, 2021, 09:38:54 PM
One of the hardest things for the average Kiwi to grasp about how the US does things is the federal system.
NZ has local councils (at a town level), and district councils (covering a wider area, including rural regions.) They generally handle planning permissions, things like water supplies, that general thing. Local councils are probably about the same as in the US.
But the idea of state legislature is where we have a brain fart. District councils do not have the power to pass laws, or do anything really drastic, like how US states can create state-level taxes, or state level laws. The idea of the government at a national level empowering a district council to handle district-level crisis situations is... you what? Why is the Prime Minister being so lazy?
Maybe I'm just not understanding things right... I don't know.
Not just for Kiwi's, us Euroweenies also fail to understand how much power a state can wield and how they can defy federal authority. In Europe we're so used to centralized governments we don't see how in the case of even a major crisis like corona, or a disaster, presidents have to defer to governors.
Quote from: Aentons on February 20, 2021, 10:24:32 PM
Thats it exactly.. I think the original intention was that the federal part is for what the states can't handle themselves. It was a new land and all so they were separate groups that banded together like a wagon train
It does however confuses me that Americans act like their state is like some independent country that joined the union, when with the exception of the 13 Colonies and Texas, all the states were created by the federal government. Viriginia, to name one, was basically an independent country for a while, whereas Kansas is just lines drawn on a map in Washington.
Quote from: Muadzin on February 21, 2021, 05:57:18 PM
Quote from: alanp on February 20, 2021, 09:38:54 PM
One of the hardest things for the average Kiwi to grasp about how the US does things is the federal system.
NZ has local councils (at a town level), and district councils (covering a wider area, including rural regions.) They generally handle planning permissions, things like water supplies, that general thing. Local councils are probably about the same as in the US.
But the idea of state legislature is where we have a brain fart. District councils do not have the power to pass laws, or do anything really drastic, like how US states can create state-level taxes, or state level laws. The idea of the government at a national level empowering a district council to handle district-level crisis situations is... you what? Why is the Prime Minister being so lazy?
Maybe I'm just not understanding things right... I don't know.
Not just for Kiwi's, us Euroweenies also fail to understand how much power a state can wield and how they can defy federal authority. In Europe we're so used to centralized governments we don't see how in the case of even a major crisis like corona, or a disaster, presidents have to defer to governors.
Quote from: Aentons on February 20, 2021, 10:24:32 PM
Thats it exactly.. I think the original intention was that the federal part is for what the states can't handle themselves. It was a new land and all so they were separate groups that banded together like a wagon train
It does however confuses me that Americans act like their state is like some independent country that joined the union, when with the exception of the 13 Colonies and Texas, all the states were created by the federal government. Viriginia, to name one, was basically an independent country for a while, whereas Kansas is just lines drawn on a map in Washington.
I would hate to think what things would look like if the former President had supreme power. My guess is , that's why they don't. Get some asshat deciding he can do whatever he wants, and we're all pretty much screwed. Seems like Andrew Jackson was the same type of lovely individual.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: jimilee on February 21, 2021, 06:31:08 PM
I would hate to think what things would look like if the former President had supreme power.
I'm a big fan of that guy. But I am not going to do that debate. Worry not about the previous guy, for he is out. Worry about the guy currently in power, because he is now the guy in power.
My guess is , that's why they don't. Get some asshat deciding he can do whatever he wants, and we're all pretty much screwed. Seems like Andrew Jackson was the same type of lovely individual.[/quote]
Internally US presidents have never had that much power as the constitution pretty much constrained them in that regard. Foreign policy wise they have a LOT of power. Which is why that always seems to be a favorite playground for them. US presidents are strange though as they combine both being the head of the government and head of state into one function. Whereas most countries separate that function into a prime minister and a president/monarch respectively. I suspect it was because when the US constitution was being drafted in the 18th century, divine right of kings was still the norm. I reckon if the US would create a constitution today they would separate the executive and head of state.
Quote from: Muadzin on February 22, 2021, 05:29:31 PM
Quote from: jimilee on February 21, 2021, 06:31:08 PM
I would hate to think what things would look like if the former President had supreme power.
I'm a big fan of that guy. But I am not going to do that debate. Worry not about the previous guy, for he is out. Worry about the guy currently in power, because he is now the guy in power.
My guess is , that's why they don't. Get some asshat deciding he can do whatever he wants, and we're all pretty much screwed. Seems like Andrew Jackson was the same type of lovely individual.
QuoteInternally US presidents have never had that much power as the constitution pretty much constrained them in that regard. Foreign policy wise they have a LOT of power. Which is why that always seems to be a favorite playground for them. US presidents are strange though as they combine both being the head of the government and head of state into one function. Whereas most countries separate that function into a prime minister and a president/monarch respectively. I suspect it was because when the US constitution was being drafted in the 18th century, divine right of kings was still the norm. I reckon if the US would create a constitution today they would separate the executive and head of state.
Thank you sir. I should have left my opinion out and stated the facts. I didn't mean to offend anyone if I did. I certainly don't want to start that debate either.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Time for a rant about postage. I'm sure you've heard it all before.
I sent two pifs in late December from Australia to the USA. One arrived at the destination this week, the other arrived back at my house this week. Apparently it had been held up by Australian customs for 2 months, then they decided one of the two didn't have the right postage.
Just resent it, and this time it was $20 postage to send the PCB, rather than the usual $3 I've been paying. Because a PCB is a package, not an envelope now.
Guess I'll have to just do pifs to inside Australia next year. :(
exactly why my pifs went domestic only ... intl shipping from america is just outside of my means for giveaways
Quote from: thesmokingman on February 24, 2021, 03:06:10 AM
exactly why my pifs went domestic only ... intl shipping from america is just outside of my means for giveaways
Ordering stuff now from the US and the shipping costs can be jaw dropping.
A few years ago I ran a small package through Canada Post's online postage calculator sending it to a house in the neighbourhood and a friend's address in Pennsylvania USA, (an address i'd use for things sellers wouldn't ship to Canada)... the local neighbourhood delivery was slightly more, explain that one.
I used to do a lot of international shipping 10+ years ago. At holiday time, I sent a usps priority mail flat rate envelope to my sister in law in Korea and was shocked that what I remembered as $13 flat rate anywhere in the world was now $35
I haven't bought from Tayda in years and have no intention of ever doing so again, but another thread lead me to check out their shipping. Put together a $5US minimum order and checked shipping to Canada. Two options the $2.79 post , 7 - 120days, the DHL option ~$11US and a week or so, for small orders Tayda says not to use DHL because, my words, DHL are extortionist, in my experiences with DHL i'll need to hand over another $25 or so cdn to release a package. The $ 5US of parts from Tayda will run me around $45cdn or perhaps a 3 month wait.
The few orders i placed years ago were always weeks in getting to outside Toronto.
The UPU changes are the answer to alot of the international shipping questions. I think the newness of the changes will have to settle out for a little while before prices become stable again
I usually choose the cheap option and receive my order in about ~7days (I'm in Los Angeles area). The packages always come from Colorado.
Quote from: davent on February 24, 2021, 05:10:17 PM
Ordering stuff now from the US and the shipping costs can be jaw dropping.
It used to be that when you ordered a small enough package from the US it would sneak underneath the radar. Anything in a small box used to be safe from customs inspections. Not anymore. Governments are getting greedy and want to squeeze us for EVERY amount that they can.
Quote from: Muadzin on March 02, 2021, 03:33:00 PM
Quote from: davent on February 24, 2021, 05:10:17 PM
Ordering stuff now from the US and the shipping costs can be jaw dropping.
It used to be that when you ordered a small enough package from the US it would sneak underneath the radar. Anything in a small box used to be safe from customs inspections. Not anymore. Governments are getting greedy and want to squeeze us for EVERY amount that they can.
Another US based forum was pushing their new t-shirts and other clothing and someone in Europe said they would have ordered but the shipping was prohibitive so a no go. Curious i checked and even with us sharing a ~9,000k border with the US, shipping a T-shirt across the border to Canada was more than the shipping across the Atlantic to Europe.
Last i checked can still get free shipping to Canada from Mouser and Digikey so all is not lost. can be a nasty, received an email from a local electronics store on a new line of connectors they were carrying, looked for info on the new company and saw that had a listing. Local store was selling them for $71cdn,, had to do a screen grab...
Another time looking for a pair of high tops i'd bought for $50 locally, sellers on Amazon had five figure prices for them.
Looking to pad an order for free shipping so Amazon was the seller not an affiliate, store i can walk to Pentel pencil leads pack of two $2, Amazon $10, Avery labels, my store $4, Amazon $16.
Quote from: Muadzin on March 02, 2021, 03:33:00 PM
Quote from: davent on February 24, 2021, 05:10:17 PM
Ordering stuff now from the US and the shipping costs can be jaw dropping.
It used to be that when you ordered a small enough package from the US it would sneak underneath the radar. Anything in a small box used to be safe from customs inspections. Not anymore. Governments are getting greedy and want to squeeze us for EVERY amount that they can.
I have the feeling that more than ever gets through unscrutinized over the last year due to the overwhelming amount of packages they have to handle during the pandemy. I didn't pay import taxes on anything last year, even packages of a couple kilogramms where you would expect they'd take a look.
Quote from: TFZ on March 03, 2021, 08:05:36 PM
I have the feeling that more than ever gets through unscrutinized over the last year due to the overwhelming amount of packages they have to handle during the pandemy. I didn't pay import taxes on anything last year, even packages of a couple kilogramms where you would expect they'd take a look.
A couple of years small packages easy got through. As long as it were the paper envelopes I only got hit once on Tayda orders, and I ordered those twice a month. But now, EVERY package. I guess with covid the Taxman wants EVERY pound of flesh. There seems to be no exception from US stuff. Only stuff from China still has a good chance of not getting hit.
Might differ from country to country as well. But you're right, pretty much all packages I receive from outside the EU, pcbs and components, are of Asian origin.
Sadly surprised to discover that absolutely none of my preferred PCB designers thought it necessary to put on a festive St. Patrick's Day sale..I mean, crimony!
Quote from: dawson on March 17, 2021, 03:58:24 PM
Sadly surprised to discover that absolutely none of my preferred PCB designers thought it necessary to put on a festive St. Patrick's Day sale..I mean, crimony!
I think Storyboardist just had a sale, don't know if it was for SPD?
Quote from: Matmosphere on March 17, 2021, 04:04:07 PM
Quote from: dawson on March 17, 2021, 03:58:24 PM
Sadly surprised to discover that absolutely none of my preferred PCB designers thought it necessary to put on a festive St. Patrick's Day sale..I mean, crimony!
I think Storyboardist just had a sale, don't know if it was for SPD?
I think it was for Pi day and the sale was only for big muff circuits but I could be wrong
You are right. But it was on everything and you got a free muff board I think
Bought a set of brushes for my Audio Technica record player, including a stylus brush.
Is it me, or do new records have waaay more gunk on them than old ones? Because after I play a few new records, I always have to clean the danged needle.
Quote from: alanp on April 02, 2021, 07:02:42 PM
Bought a set of brushes for my Audio Technica record player, including a stylus brush.
Is it me, or do new records have waaay more gunk on them than old ones? Because after I play a few new records, I always have to clean the danged needle.
I've been wet cleaning vacuuming new lp's out of the package as it's said there's mould release on them, whether or not that's true? I clean/brush the stylus after every side checking with a 10x loupe o make sure it's clean before playing the next side, dust and lint, no gunk since i started wet cleaning my old collection and the virgin stuff as well.
Quote from: alanp on April 02, 2021, 07:02:42 PM
Bought a set of brushes for my Audio Technica record player, including a stylus brush.
Is it me, or do new records have waaay more gunk on them than old ones? Because after I play a few new records, I always have to clean the danged needle.
New vinyl? Only album i've ever ordered from Amazon, Miles Davis - Kinda Blue, mono, not Amazon's fault that a piece of vinyl was embedded in the record's surface, sent it back for replacement, the replacement arrived obviously not in it's original shipping box, local shipping address, oversized boxed, single flap secured with a single small strip of Scotch tape, nothing inside the box to secure the album so it bounced around inside, punched through the top cover seam, bent the cover corner...
Jeff Tweedy album was for my birthday this March from my daughter, she bought it from from Amazon, clear vinyl with a loose piece of black vinyl inside the inner sleeve, black smear? can't tell by looking whether it's surface or contained but no auditory presence.
Amazon is just bad news.
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
Quote from: PapaKev on April 04, 2021, 08:45:17 PM
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
Without actually watching this my reaction is.. oh shit I've been found out!!
I'm mad that inkscape defaults to A4 document size and I haven't figured out how to change the default. It just cost me an expensive sheet of gold foil stock because I forgot to change it
Quote from: PapaKev on April 04, 2021, 08:45:17 PM
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
I use audio taper for volume and tone. Pots aren't that expensive, why not just test both and find what you like?
Edit: Around 7:30 this guy demonstrates that he doesn't understand how a voltage divider works.
Algorithmic taper!
Always liked Brian Johnson -- he comes across as incredibly down to earth and humble. Foo Fighters, I've never really looked into (other than the Sound City documentary, good stuff), but Dave Grohl always interviews well with lots of good stories.
Hey -- it got me to watch this for a whole hour!
Quote from: Aleph Null on April 07, 2021, 10:02:11 PM
Quote from: PapaKev on April 04, 2021, 08:45:17 PM
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
I use audio taper for volume and tone. Pots aren't that expensive, why not just test both and find what you like?
Edit: Around 7:30 this guy demonstrates that he doesn't understand how a voltage divider works.
I don't know why I haven't seriously thought about this before, but nearly 100% of the time I play guitar, my volume and tone knobs are turned all the way up, so it doesn't matter at all what the pot tapers are. I really should build myself a guitar that has no knobs. (Or, alternatively, I should learn how to properly use the knobs I have. ::))
Quote from: Aleph Null on April 07, 2021, 10:02:11 PM
Quote from: PapaKev on April 04, 2021, 08:45:17 PM
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
I use audio taper for volume and tone. Pots aren't that expensive, why not just test both and find what you like?
Edit: Around 7:30 this guy demonstrates that he doesn't understand how a voltage divider works.
Wait... So is madbean a guitar forum? I had you guys all wrong 🤣 jk
How does he know if he's not on them as well so according to himself he's one too.
Quote from: EBK on April 08, 2021, 10:32:46 AM
I really should build myself a guitar that has no knobs.
I have heard on guitar forums that pickups are designed to have a knob.... it's usually in the 500k vs 250k discussion
Quote from: Aentons on April 08, 2021, 06:14:27 PM
Quote from: Aleph Null on April 07, 2021, 10:02:11 PM
Quote from: PapaKev on April 04, 2021, 08:45:17 PM
I wish this guy would tell us what he really thought. /sarcasm
I use audio taper for volume and tone. Pots aren't that expensive, why not just test both and find what you like?
Edit: Around 7:30 this guy demonstrates that he doesn't understand how a voltage divider works.
Wait... So is madbean a guitar forum? I had you guys all wrong 🤣 jk
How does he know if he's not on them as well so according to himself he's one too.
Is there a major guitar manufacturer that doesn't ship with all audio pots for volume and tone?
The Nikki Sixx Thunderbird has no knobs, just an on-off switch.
Quote from: Bio77 on April 08, 2021, 07:54:44 PM
The Nikki Sixx Thunderbird has no knobs, just an on-off switch.
It also has custom designed pickups 😁
Quote from: EBK on April 08, 2021, 10:32:46 AM
I don't know why I haven't seriously thought about this before, but nearly 100% of the time I play guitar, my volume and tone knobs are turned all the way up, so it doesn't matter at all what the pot tapers are. I really should build myself a guitar that has no knobs. (Or, alternatively, I should learn how to properly use the knobs I have. ::))
Me too, but sometimes its nice to play with the volume knob for volume swells. And the most useless knob on a guitar that makes it sounds muddy can be fun if you pair it with an oscillating fuzz with no buffer in between. So I keep them on.
Quote from: Aentons on April 08, 2021, 06:20:32 PM
I have heard on guitar forums that pickups are designed to have a knob.... it's usually in the 500k vs 250k discussion
Volume pots shave off a little high of the signal, 250K more so then 500K, and 1M barely at all. So people like to use a 250K pot together with single coils, to tame their highs, and 500K with humbuckers, as they could use a little more highs. I reckon it's most a matter of taste. One person's ice pick is another person's clarity and one person's warmth is another person's mud.
Quote from: EBK on April 08, 2021, 10:32:46 AM
I don't know why I haven't seriously thought about this before, but nearly 100% of the time I play guitar, my volume and tone knobs are turned all the way up, so it doesn't matter at all what the pot tapers are. I really should build myself a guitar that has no knobs. (Or, alternatively, I should learn how to properly use the knobs I have. ::))
Having experimented with pot values and pickups, it really does depend on the pickup and the rest of the rig. Higher inductance magnets and/or higher resistance pots tend to produce stronger resonant peaks, which may or may not be to your taste.
If you do decide to make a guitar with no knobs, you could add an internal 1M trim pot and tie legs 1 and 2 to hot and ground respectively. This wouldn't cut any volume, but it would allow you to dial in the treble loss you'd get from a standard volume/tone setup. Or you could just invest in a thirty foot coily cable to load down the pickups.
Quote from: Aleph Null on April 09, 2021, 04:30:01 PM
Quote from: EBK on April 08, 2021, 10:32:46 AM
I don't know why I haven't seriously thought about this before, but nearly 100% of the time I play guitar, my volume and tone knobs are turned all the way up, so it doesn't matter at all what the pot tapers are. I really should build myself a guitar that has no knobs. (Or, alternatively, I should learn how to properly use the knobs I have. ::))
Having experimented with pot values and pickups, it really does depend on the pickup and the rest of the rig. Higher inductance magnets and/or higher resistance pots tend to produce stronger resonant peaks, which may or may not be to your taste.
If you do decide to make a guitar with no knobs, you could add an internal 1M trim pot and tie legs 1 and 2 to hot and ground respectively. This wouldn't cut any volume, but it would allow you to dial in the treble loss you'd get from a standard volume/tone setup. Or you could just invest in a thirty foot coily cable to load down the pickups.
If I actually end up making a no-knob guitar, I'll probably still load the pickups as usual, except I'd use fixed resistors instead of pots to match the full volume, full tone control positions. I'm tired at the moment, and I can't actually recall what the normal volume tone arrangement looks like.
Get either a single pickup cabronita, or an unmodded 5E3. Those will teach you to use your tone and your volume knob, respectively.
If you're changing out your tone circuit, just put a PTB circuit in. Ridiculously easy mod, far more effective than a standard treble bleed.
Rest In Peace, Prince Philip. They don't make 'em like that any more.
Next door neighbour gave me an old Zippo lighter. It was dry, and, once re-fueled, only lit itself after twenty or so goes with the flint wheel. (I should add that I do NOT smoke, at all -- I intend to use it for lighting the fireplace in winter.)
I pulled out the old packing and the old wick... the wicks are supposed to go in a roughly S shaped serpentine manner through the packing. Whoever did this one originally just had a very straight 'tick mark' spiking through the packing, which also looked very manky. I put new packing and wick in (according to interwebz instructions), added more lighter fluid, and now it lights every time, no worries!
I don't think I'd be able to ever show it to anyone, though. It's one of Zippo's old ones with graphics on the side... the old USA Confederate flag, the one with the 'X' across it. :-\ :-\ but at least now it does a good job of lighting my fireplace.
Quote from: alanp on April 15, 2021, 05:21:25 AM
Next door neighbour gave me an old Zippo lighter. It was dry, and, once re-fueled, only lit itself after twenty or so goes with the flint wheel. (I should add that I do NOT smoke, at all -- I intend to use it for lighting the fireplace in winter.)
I pulled out the old packing and the old wick... the wicks are supposed to go in a roughly S shaped serpentine manner through the packing. Whoever did this one originally just had a very straight 'tick mark' spiking through the packing, which also looked very manky. I put new packing and wick in (according to interwebz instructions), added more lighter fluid, and now it lights every time, no worries!
I don't think I'd be able to ever show it to anyone, though. It's one of Zippo's old ones with graphics on the side... the old USA Confederate flag, the one with the 'X' across it. :-\ :-\ but at least now it does a good job of lighting my fireplace.
If you're leaving it until winter, it's going to be dried out again. Traditional Zippos only hold fuel for about a month before most of fuel evaporates. You can prevent this by wrapping electrical tape around the joining surfaces when not in use. Or spend 25 on a butane insert for it.
Quote from: alanp on April 15, 2021, 05:21:25 AM
Next door neighbour gave me an old Zippo lighter. It was dry, and, once re-fueled, only lit itself after twenty or so goes with the flint wheel. (I should add that I do NOT smoke, at all -- I intend to use it for lighting the fireplace in winter.)
I pulled out the old packing and the old wick... the wicks are supposed to go in a roughly S shaped serpentine manner through the packing. Whoever did this one originally just had a very straight 'tick mark' spiking through the packing, which also looked very manky. I put new packing and wick in (according to interwebz instructions), added more lighter fluid, and now it lights every time, no worries!
I don't think I'd be able to ever show it to anyone, though. It's one of Zippo's old ones with graphics on the side... the old USA Confederate flag, the one with the 'X' across it. :-\ :-\ but at least now it does a good job of lighting my fireplace.
They are dependable as all get out. Surely with you pedal building skills you have the resources to remove the artwork. The paint doesn't stick well. I had one with the Lucky Strikes logo back in the day and it started chipping off within a few months.
Maybe you should etch a circuit board faceplate for it.
I haven't been able to find mine since I moved but hopefully it shows up somewhere. I don't smoke either but that "tick" sound when you open it is like music. There's just something very comforting about the damn things.
Quote from: alanp on April 15, 2021, 05:21:25 AM
Next door neighbour gave me an old Zippo lighter. It was dry, and, once re-fueled, only lit itself after twenty or so goes with the flint wheel. (I should add that I do NOT smoke, at all -- I intend to use it for lighting the fireplace in winter.)
I pulled out the old packing and the old wick... the wicks are supposed to go in a roughly S shaped serpentine manner through the packing. Whoever did this one originally just had a very straight 'tick mark' spiking through the packing, which also looked very manky. I put new packing and wick in (according to interwebz instructions), added more lighter fluid, and now it lights every time, no worries!
I don't think I'd be able to ever show it to anyone, though. It's one of Zippo's old ones with graphics on the side... the old USA Confederate flag, the one with the 'X' across it. :-\ :-\ but at least now it does a good job of lighting my fireplace.
Technically of course the Confederate flag is not a USA flag but one of the Confederate State of America. A different political entity.
Quote from: gordo on April 15, 2021, 11:29:15 PM
There's just something very comforting about the damn things.
Agree. Not sure how they have that affect, but they do.
Quote from: GermanCdn on April 09, 2021, 08:36:46 PM
If you're changing out your tone circuit, just put a PTB circuit in. Ridiculously easy mod, far more effective than a standard treble bleed.
I can't really even tell if my treble bleed works, I used it on a 500kA 10% cts push/pull pot and the volume cuts before it tapers off fully, reading the posts about dumping the knobs isn't half bad idea, install a kill switch instead? 8)
Quote from: Matmosphere on April 15, 2021, 06:38:38 PM
They are dependable as all get out. Surely with you pedal building skills you have the resources to remove the artwork. The paint doesn't stick well. I had one with the Lucky Strikes logo back in the day and it started chipping off within a few months.
Nail polish remover and a bit of elbow grease sufficed to get it off, and now it's a super shiny Zippo with no artwork on it. (Maybe I'll pick up some black nailpolish and see if I can do something arty. Maybe some NPN/PNP circuitry diagrams. We'll see.)
I feel a little bit bad about stripping the confederate flag off it, since it was a gift from my neighbour, but I really don't want to deal with all the cultural baggage surrounding the iconography, or get into any arguments with visitors.
There's a quote from the Dick Tracey movie by Big Boy Caprice -- "A man without a plan is not a man."
Does anyone know where it's from? The internet suggests Nietzsche, which I can kinda see, but others argue that it is not Nietzsche, but someone else.
I've always liked the idea of space stations, as in 2001: A Space Odyssey and suchlike. I also like Penn & Teller's view on space exploration -- get NASA to do the research, and private industry to build the ships, since they aren't going to spend like $1000 on a hammer.
Space research is cool, but the most pressing issue is to get humans living in space and other planets. Off this one at least, cause this one is rather unique and should be saved. First step, industrialize the moon so we can get more space infrastructure in space at a much reduced cost. Start cranking out O'Neill cylinders so we can park our people there, and colonize the solar system. And once we got the solar system covered, next stop, other stars. We have to get out there or else EVERYTHING we've done here, all our art, history, suffering, achievements, they will have been for nothing as the sun inevitable will get hotter with time and make Earth unlivable.
And for those culture pessimists who think we are so bad as a species, we've NEVER been as enlightened, cultured, humanist and peaceful as we are today. We have less wars then ever before, less people are living in poverty, or suffer from malnutrition before, racism and sexism is at an all time low. Quit listening to the media and activists, they lie, all of them. Quit listening to university professors, they have always been doomsayers. Instead of scaring our kids with gloom and doom we should be motivating them with positive role models. Instead of telling people you do this or else, listen to people who say we're going to do this, because!
Can't tell if your just having a bit of fun there but an estimated 800,000,000 people in India live in poverty right now. At no time before 1750-1800 did that many people even live on the planet at one time. There is definitively more people living in poverty at the moment than ever before.
Quote from: alanp on May 02, 2021, 03:46:13 AMsince they aren't going to spend like $1000 on a hammer.
The U.S. Government is statutorily required to buy something off the shelf if it can, and it can and does get sued if it doesn't buy an off the shelf product that meets its needs.
Bu tif you go to a manufacturer and tell them that their off the shelf hammer is not good enough and you need three hammers with these exact specifications that are durable enough to do something in particular, they're going to cost $1000 each because you're paying a room full of engineers to make something bespoke for you. This happens a lot with military equipment: It doesn't exist, so you have to pay someone to make it, but you also won't let them sell it to anyone else, so you pay for their R&D as well.
NASA is not motivated not by profit but the desire to continue exploration. Its justification for the next mission is the success of the prior. Private industry has decades of experience trying to skirt safety, environmental, and every other expectation they can to please their shareholders. I don't want the kind of folks who hire the Pinkertons to spy on their workers or get a couple million dollars in exchange for failure in charge of the safety and success of pure scientific exploration whose achievements become part of the public good.
If the military spent that on a hammer it would be harder to justify, unless it was a prototype. Once the R&D is done though the cost should come down to closer to normal hammer prices.
Now $1000 for a space hammer isn't that bad if you are actually going to take it to space and use it there.
The cost in fuel to get that hammer to the ISS is not trivial, $45,000 a pound, so if they spent that grand to shave a few ounces off the weight they just saved a bunch of money. If they made it durable enough that they only need to send two up for the duration of the mission they saved a hell of a lot more money. Those factors make a big difference in fuel cost. I think NASA has always felt like they are working on borrowed time, if they spend to much or fail to much the money will stop and the mission will end.
If they spend $1000 on one it's because that is the most economically sound decision. Realistically though Alan just pulled that number out of thin air. A space hammer probably cost a lot more than a grand.
Quote from: Matmosphere on May 03, 2021, 08:07:31 AM
If they spend $1000 on one it's because that is the most economically sound decision. Realistically though Alan just pulled that number out of thin air. A space hammer probably cost a lot more than a grand.
It's a perennial myth, but it's based on a real thing. The circumstances and cost get repurposed on the internet.
The hammer thing is just referring to the big stink in the 80's that also included overpriced toilet seats.
"the Pentagon had vastly overpaid for a wide variety of items, most notoriously by paying $435 for a hammer,[1] $600 for a toilet seat, and $7,000 for an aircraft coffee maker.[2] In fact, these numbers were inaccurate; they were an accounting convenience rather than the actual cost of the materials."
"Commission reported that there was "no rational system" governing defense procurement, and it concluded that it was not fraud and abuse that led to massive overexpenditures but rather "the truly costly problems are those of overcomplicated organization and rigid procedure."
Quote from: midwayfair on May 03, 2021, 12:14:51 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on May 03, 2021, 08:07:31 AM
If they spend $1000 on one it's because that is the most economically sound decision. Realistically though Alan just pulled that number out of thin air. A space hammer probably cost a lot more than a grand.
It's a perennial myth, but it's based on a real thing. The circumstances and cost get repurposed on the internet.
Yeah, I've read about that stuff in the past. The point I was trying to hit home is that the needs and cost of a space hammer are very different than terrestrial needs and cost.
If you want to talk about wasteful spending I could tell you about how they used to repave roads in my hometown every few years because if they didn't spend their whole budget every year they'd get less the next year. They got extra for a big project back in the early eighties and have made sure to spend it every year since. The roads there are very nice. Not a pothole or even a patch in sight.
... I never realised how much the movie 'Independance Day' influenced me. (I'm thinking of the Jewish father saying to someone, "What, you think they spend $600 on a hammer, $1000 on a toilet seat?" when they ask how the secret alien research facility was built.)
Quote from: Matmosphere on May 02, 2021, 11:56:58 AM
Can't tell if your just having a bit of fun there but an estimated 800,000,000 people in India live in poverty right now. At no time before 1750-1800 did that many people even live on the planet at one time. There is definitively more people living in poverty at the moment than ever before.
India had to come a long way, but percentage wise MORE people used to live in poverty in India after independence right up to the 80's, when free market reforms were enacted. India's economy has been booming for decades and more people have been lifted out of poverty then ever before. Of course India's population is also booming, which is masking the massive gains that have been made. And that is also excluding the fact that India has not had a famine since 1972. Same with Africa, because of a booming population that masks the massive gains that are being made in lifting more people then ever out of poverty. Overall populations go up, including the total number of poor people, but as a percentage of the total population poverty goes down. If those countries had their population growth in check poverty would be dropping really hard. It's really two separate issues, poverty and population growth.
Through human history there has been an endless progression of culture pessimists and doomsayers, and yet history has proven then wrong again and again and again. We are far more resilient, resourceful and willing to do what it takes then what the naysayers keep on saying. I've experienced too many scares and so called endings of the world to fall for that again. We will make it work. Faith manages!
Quote from: midwayfair on May 03, 2021, 02:14:40 AM
The U.S. Government is statutorily required to buy something off the shelf if it can, and it can and does get sued if it doesn't buy an off the shelf product that meets its needs.
Bu tif you go to a manufacturer and tell them that their off the shelf hammer is not good enough and you need three hammers with these exact specifications that are durable enough to do something in particular, they're going to cost $1000 each because you're paying a room full of engineers to make something bespoke for you. This happens a lot with military equipment: It doesn't exist, so you have to pay someone to make it, but you also won't let them sell it to anyone else, so you pay for their R&D as well.
NASA is not motivated not by profit but the desire to continue exploration. Its justification for the next mission is the success of the prior. Private industry has decades of experience trying to skirt safety, environmental, and every other expectation they can to please their shareholders. I don't want the kind of folks who hire the Pinkertons to spy on their workers or get a couple million dollars in exchange for failure in charge of the safety and success of pure scientific exploration whose achievements become part of the public good.
NASA is also a government bureaucracy and they cannot make ANY good decisions because they are not driven by a desire to get the most maximal result (profit in the private sector) but politics. We've seen that with the Space Shuttle, which turned out to a money pit of limited value, as its far cheaper to send satellites into space with an unmanned rocket then it is with a reusable huge expensive space plane. But that shuttle sucked the budget out of NASA, eating up so much that its exploration missions were kept on a very tight budget. For the money wasted on the Space Shuttle we could have send a LOT more probes to Mars, Venus, all the other planets. Science could have been extended so much further, if it weren't for NASA's obsession with maintaining a manned space delivery system. And its not like the government safety record is so much better, because they lost half of their shuttles, including their occupants. And even in the military we see gross neglect of safety and concern with well being and health of soldiers. Exposing them to toxic materials and munitions and covering up any potentially harmful information. Harmful to the government that is. Governments aren't the solution, they are the problem. You say Pinkertons, I say FBI and NSA. And if one company takes risks with safety, I can usually go to a different company. If the government takes unnecessary risk or does other things, I can't go to a different government.
Quote from: alanp on May 04, 2021, 05:15:17 AM
... I never realised how much the movie 'Independance Day' influenced me. (I'm thinking of the Jewish father saying to someone, "What, you think they spend $600 on a hammer, $1000 on a toilet seat?" when they ask how the secret alien research facility was built.)
Hollywood is a poor source of information, and especially history. And sadly these days a poor source of entertainment as well. Just look at the disastrous Oscars ratings. I'm currently watching old Babylon 5 episodes and its writing blows ANYTHING recent out of the water.
Roughly 2001, 2002 or so I saw Grave of the Fireflies.
I never saw another Ghibli movie again. GotFF is one of the genuinely saddest movies I have ever seen. Titanic was a soppy soaked letter next to it. If you see Grave of the Fireflies, you will never want to see nuclear weapons used again.
In 2021, I just saw _Spirited Away_. It's... so wonderful...
Quote from: alanp on May 07, 2021, 08:34:34 AM
Roughly 2001, 2002 or so I saw Grave of the Fireflies.
I never saw another Ghibli movie again. GotFF is one of the genuinely saddest movies I have ever seen. Titanic was a soppy soaked letter next to it. If you see Grave of the Fireflies, you will never want to see nuclear weapons used again.
In 2021, I just saw _Spirited Away_. It's... so wonderful...
Sprited Away is an excellent film. GotFF is as well, but yes, it's kind of heavy. I really like the Ghibli films, Spirited Away is certainly among the best.
Princess Mononoke is also very good, though more violent and not kid friendly. I'd almost liken it to Dune actually, it's the intersection of politics, mythology, tradition, and the natural world. I'm guessing you would enjoy it. Something tells me you like Dune.
Kiki's Delivery Service and Ponyo are both excellent, for a little younger crowd, but they both capture a lot of what makes Spirited Away so wonderful.
But My Neighbor Totoro is the other one that is just a complete and total gem start to finish, just like SA, though in a different way. Once again, clearly made for a younger crowd, but it's just so great. It makes me wish I had a catbus.
Well... thing is... after Grave, I didn't want to take the chance, and never looked up anything by Studio Ghibli again, ever. (Until tonight, in 2021.)
Grave was bad enough. I didn't want to be driven any further down that dark path, if the other movies were like that.
Quote from: alanp on May 07, 2021, 10:13:11 AM
Well... thing is... after Grave, I didn't want to take the chance, and never looked up anything by Studio Ghibli again, ever. (Until tonight, in 2021.)
Grave was bad enough. I didn't want to be driven any further down that dark path, if the other movies were like that.
Yeah, I get it. That's a tough entry point. I think given Myasaki's age and country of origin I completely understood why he would want to tell that story. It can be a tough watch though. Sometimes it's weird movies or books that hit us, I can't make it through this Disney movie, Onward, without tearing up, but with a movie like GotFF it's probably more uncommon to not have that.
I was looking back through my videos the other day, and the concert I streamed in December had a copyright claim. I was pretty surprised because I was pretty sure everything I did in that concert was traditional or original.
It turned out that the copyright claim was for Stephen Foster's "Hard Times Come Again No More," a song that has been public domain since before the 20th century.
So after disputing it (which will take 30 days, and which if BMI decides to just arbitrarily say "no we own this" -- they aren't required to provide proof I believe), I did some reading, and apparently YouTube's content ID is actually too stupid to tell the difference between two different performances of the same work. So BMI can upload hundreds of recordings of classical or folk works and essentially claim them all.
The process is opaque, because YouTube understandably doesn't want people figuring out how to bypass their system and actually steal copyrighted material, but it's obviously broken in many ways. And since I have some background in machine learning I can take a guess how this works: The content ID takes a recording and strips it to is most salient features, which is going to be the melody. (Hence they can say "This video uses this song's melody.") Which is why they can't even label which particular recording I'm alleged to be violating the copyright of. (I assume that BMI is not, in fact, actually claiming to hold the copyright on a Stephen Foster *song*.)
I'm lucky if I get a hundred views on a video, but apparently this has caused classical musicians no end of grief, because they get can get muted for playing Beethoven.
I just kind of can't believe how stupid this all is, though. There should be some different method for whether someone is using the melody of a work that is under copyright and whether the work is actually a specific recording, but YouTube is happy to just funnel billions of dollars for BMI to pocket. Who the hell on BMI's roster would even get whatever minuscule amount of advertising is generated for that song? That's what bugs me the most. Like you want to incorrectly say "This is the Ma/Meyer/O'Connor version" I might say, "Okay, I like them, they can have the penny a year this might generate," but right now I'm just assuming that some executive at BMI pockets it.
This also feels like theft from the commons. There should be some sort of penalty for imposing ad revenue on something that is public domain against the wishes of the performing artist. I hope the EFF manages a lawsuit against YouTube at some point about this, because there are artists out there that are actually monetarily harmed by it.
Oh! I forgot to mention: There's no option in YouTube to say "This video does contain copyrighted material, but the material that's under copyright is not what's been claimed." So if you cover a song and play one that's in public domain, and only the public domain one gets claimed, you can't tell them that they got it wrong, so this is obviously not in any way meant to ensure that the actual artists get their money.
When did upgrading/replacing a car stereo become so "involved" and expensive? :-\
Want to replace my factory radio in my truck with something more modern. After days and hours of research, it looks like getting the features that I want is going to run me about $750+ AND... I will be doing all the work! :o
In addition to getting the updated receiver ($550) I also need to get a separate XM tuner (non-factory radios DO NOT come with XM tuners built in) which is $70. I also need a converter box in order to maintain the use of my OEM amplifier ($100) and yet another wiring harness to adapt to my factory wiring from the truck to the new receiver ($30)
right around 2012.
air con and lots of other things are now incorporated into the head unit, why? no one really can say other than someone decided it would make massive amounts of cash to force someone wanting or needing a new head unit to be forced to buy gadgets and adapters to get around it. at least that was a friends complaint who has a camero and found himself in this situation when just trying to add some subs and high end speakers with a new head unit.
he found a solution to it, but i think it was really involved and required a few adapters just to keep air con. he spent maybe $450 just to get the head unit installed and did the work himself.
Some absolutely gorgeous video of the inside of the Sagrada Familia, and the details of Gaudi's string physics model is also very interesting.
I'm really not the travelling sort, but I'd love to visit this one day.
Quote from: alanp on May 25, 2021, 05:44:28 AM
Some absolutely gorgeous video of the inside of the Sagrada Familia, and the details of Gaudi's string physics model is also very interesting.
I'm really not the travelling sort, but I'd love to visit this one day.
Wow, that's pretty amazing to see and learn about. thanks for sharing it.
Quote from: alanp on May 25, 2021, 05:44:28 AM
Some absolutely gorgeous video of the inside of the Sagrada Familia, and the details of Gaudi's string physics model is also very interesting.
I'm really not the travelling sort, but I'd love to visit this one day.
As far as churches go 137 years aint that out of the ordinary. York Cathedral was started in 1230 and finished in 1472. What is probably unique about this project is that it was started as a house of God in a deeply religious country and will now get finished as a work of art in a mostly atheist country. If it weren't for its magnificent design it would probably not be finished right now as the Catholic Church is dying in Europe. And in Spain at an above average rate. Churches are being closed, sold off or demolished all over the continent. There is really no need for a new one if the old ones can't be filled with devotees. My own city of Nijmegen used to be staunchly Catholic and had dozens of churches, and most of the remaining ones will probably be gone or no longer be a church within the next 10 years.
I remember reading about that place a long time ago, I'm surprised they actually finished it after being relatively close for so long. Hopefully I can find a minute for that video later.
Quote from: Muadzin on May 25, 2021, 10:41:30 AM
Quote from: alanp on May 25, 2021, 05:44:28 AM
Some absolutely gorgeous video of the inside of the Sagrada Familia, and the details of Gaudi's string physics model is also very interesting.
I'm really not the travelling sort, but I'd love to visit this one day.
As far as churches go 137 years aint that out of the ordinary. York Cathedral was started in 1230 and finished in 1472. What is probably unique about this project is that it was started as a house of God in a deeply religious country and will now get finished as a work of art in a mostly atheist country. If it weren't for its magnificent design it would probably not be finished right now as the Catholic Church is dying in Europe. And in Spain at an above average rate. Churches are being closed, sold off or demolished all over the continent. There is really no need for a new one if the old ones can't be filled with devotees. My own city of Nijmegen used to be staunchly Catholic and had dozens of churches, and most of the remaining ones will probably be gone or no longer be a church within the next 10 years.
I get why it took 150 years to build something like that a thousand years ago, but they just build a building that is a mile tall in Dubai in five years (the length of of a really good Bowie song).
I live in Ulm, Germany, home of the Ulm Minster (, the tallest church in the world. Apparently the Sagrada Familia is going to take that spot once it is finished. It also had a build time of over 200 years overall, with a big break of several centuries in the middle.
As a visitor you can go up narrow stairs to the top of the main tower. I love walking up there, it's like 15-20 minutes of stairs, and you are then rewarded with quite an amazing view, and the architecture is always a humbling experience. With good clear weather in the summer you can see the Bavarian alps over 100km away.
Quote from: on May 25, 2021, 11:28:17 AM
I get why it took 150 years to build something like that a thousand years ago, but they just build a building that is a mile tall in Dubai in five years (the length of of a really good Bowie song).
The Dubai building gets build by a commercial enterprise with a lot of money. In business time is money. Cathedrals get build by religious folk, who don't have lots of money. Well, at one time they did but not any more as there are barely any of them left today. Without the tourism this building would have run out of funds to build decades ago. Factor in a very destructive civil war in the 1930's, and how this cathedral was seen as a symbol of a rebellious province by a dictator who ruled Spain for almost 4 decades and I can see why finishing it wasn't seen as a priority for him either.
Yeah, I was talking about the impact of modern construction equipment more than anything else. Power tools, cranes, you know machines that can do things in seconds or minutes with relatively minimal human effort, versus those same jobs taking a large group of people hours, days, weeks or months to complete.
There is a show called Secrets of the Castle (bbc I think) where the document a group of people trying to restore a thousand~ish year old castle using the techniques they used at the time. Even things like making a single nail were incredibly time consuming. There was a section where they are putting in a single step from a spiral staircase and it took four or five people a day pretty much just to get it there and put it in. It really shows why it would take so long to make those cathedrals, but also exactly why it wouldn't take that long now.
I still think that they could have finished those old buildings a lot quicker then they historically did. Even with old tools. As the people back then were more primitive technologically, but just as smart as we are today. It's the same Mk.1 brain we all have. To quote from The Right Stuff, what makes rockets go up? Funding! Same with cathedrals. They didn't always have enough funding. Certainly not steady funding as famines, war, politics and other upheavals could interrupt their cash flows. They knew the risk, they accepted them, plus they were of a different mindset when it came to such things then we are. We are of the right here, right now mindset, no patience whatsoever. Theirs was a more if it will take a 100 years or more, so be it. As long as God's house gets finished it doesn't matter that much. If we die beforehand God will know what our intent was.
And you gotta love ancient engineering. First time I saw the Pyramids, see these mountains of stone rise over the horizon, I was so awed. Humans built these! With primitive tools and techniques compared to ours. If they could build these with their tools and skills, there is no limit to what we can build with our engineering tools and skills. One of my better more optimistic moments.
(on computers) "With the transistor, such a device might take up only a good-sized room."
Quote from: alanp on May 30, 2021, 04:22:32 PM
(on computers) "With the transistor, such a device might take up only a good-sized room."
Cool video!
I know we have some chemists here... what effects does Adenine and Guanine have on the body when consumed?
I was reading a small wiki article about Russian prison tea, chifir, which apparently dumps a lot of these chemicals into the tea due to the very long brewing process. Anyone know what this stuff is like?
I've heard of the Tesla Turbine before, but never had it explained so well to me.
Hmm...which price would you rather pay: The regular price, or the fantastic-deal "sale" price?
Help me, Rhonda.
Hmmmm what's the catch?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: jimilee on June 19, 2021, 08:29:53 PM
Hmmmm what's the catch?
The catch is they're hoping you don't notice. It does say "sale" after all. That's ALWAYS cheaper....right?
Quote from: lars on June 20, 2021, 01:18:24 AM
Quote from: jimilee on June 19, 2021, 08:29:53 PM
Hmmmm what's the catch?
The catch is they're hoping you don't notice. It does say "sale" after all. That's ALWAYS cheaper....right?
PT Barnum had it figured out.
What the large print giveth, the fine print taketh away.
- Tom Waits
Always always ALWAYS read the fine print.
FFS it's not fine print, it's just The Print, and the sale price is harder to read than the other price.
In fact, are you sure that the prices listed aren't just backwards, like it's just a display error on the website?
I was trying to make a joke with the Tom Waits quote :) but I would be interested in what kind of coding error would result in that.
Has anyone found that, with all the travel restrictions (quarantine times, etc) that local (ranging from town to national, but not international) bands are getting more gigs than they used to, now that international bands aren't able to travel like they used to?
Bwahahahahaha You can never escape. I haven't seen that one before. I've worked there for over 12 years, and I'd say I'm pretty out of touch with the goings on with the company.
Quote from: jimilee on June 24, 2021, 12:35:02 AM
I haven't seen that one before.
Consider yourself fortunate. That opening line has been burned into my brain from YouTube. Now I think everything in existence starts with, "As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland..." (then you can click SKIP AD)
As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland...
As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland...
As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland...
As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland...
As small-towners, we've always had a heart for the heartland...
The one I was getting incessantly was "the average human adult has 5-20 pounds of toxic poop in their colon..."
I thought that was babies in nappies?
Quote from: alanp on June 24, 2021, 06:10:19 PM
I thought that was babies in nappies?
Were that the case then the average baby would be 50% or more toxic poop.
BTW anyone want to start a band called toxic poop?
Fair warning, this channel is addictive. Tim is like an old granddad who has the most amazing collection of toys.
It's pretty well child-safe, though. (
The cloak is a traditional Maori cloak, worn by chieftains (if I recall correctly). Absolutely fascinating read.
Why is it that 90% of the Dimarzio humbuckers on the used market are F-spaced?
Oops, bought the wrong one, huh?
It's interesting, how translation can cause gaps in understanding, sometimes.
Ivan Grozny. In English, Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of Russia.
This is a bit misleading, to modern readers, though. It's like Pratchett's Lords and Ladies. "Elves are fantastic. Elves beget fantasy. Elves are terrific. Elves beget terror. No one ever said elves are nice."
The translation 'Terrible' doesn't mean as in the modern understanding of rubbish at something. It's closer to the original meaning, as in he was a terrible foe. Ivan the Formidable would possibly be a closer modern translation.
Man, this is bad. And I've had my share of bad reviews. I still remember my first good one, though: "Everything else in this production of Our Town was simply terrible. Joey Tribbiani was abysmal."
~Joey Tribbiani
Quote from: alanp on August 14, 2021, 05:59:37 AM
It's interesting, how translation can cause gaps in understanding, sometimes.
Ivan Grozny. In English, Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of Russia.
This is a bit misleading, to modern readers, though. It's like Pratchett's Lords and Ladies. "Elves are fantastic. Elves beget fantasy. Elves are terrific. Elves beget terror. No one ever said elves are nice."
The translation 'Terrible' doesn't mean as in the modern understanding of rubbish at something. It's closer to the original meaning, as in he was a terrible foe. Ivan the Formidable would possibly be a closer modern translation.
English is abysmally terrible on non-English names. Don't get me started on how all Roman emperors have lost the final 'us' from their names in English. Augustus became August, Trajanus became Trajan, Hadrianus became Hadrian, to name a few. All except Titus. I suspect for obvious reasons.
Just saying I haven't visited this forum in a looooong time and I should change that :)
Hey, welcome back Rockhorst
I don't even build pedals anymore and I still enjoy coming here. So welcome back!
Quote from: mjg on August 20, 2021, 07:48:00 AM
Hey, welcome back Rockhorst
Thanks MJG and Muadzin!
I designed a bunch of PCBs during the first lock down, then lost interest. Working on getting them verified and on the website again after a break :) Fun stuff coming.
Quote from: Rockhorst on August 21, 2021, 12:04:56 AM
I designed a bunch of PCBs during the first lock down, then lost interest. Working on getting them verified and on the website again after a break :) Fun stuff coming.
I don't know why Youtube brought this one up... but it's utterly hilarious.
All my life, this has been flax, to me. The leaves are a meter or so long, the flower stems two or three meters long (and lovely when they open), and flax makes famously strong rope. In past times, it was also used to make cloth. It's probably closer to non-desert agave than anything else.
Today, I discovered that, to a European, this is flax:
which is also used to make cloth. Apparently, when Captain Cook found out about New Zealand flax, and how the Maori used the plant, he named it after European flax... which has largely similar uses. (
Write-up about NZ flax.
I just sat through First Amendment Auditor training at work ... my hot take was very "get off my lawn" ... the irony is that 20 years (and two children) ago I would have enjoyed this form of legal trolling and "I'm not touching you" brand of shenanigans
Rebuilt my old Windows Home Server V1 setup into an Unraid box. All the data is transferred, and I've now added a 12TB drive for parity (error checking and backup, basically.) WHS uses SMB version 1... and Windows 10 no longer actively supports SMB1 due to massive security issues (WannaCry, and others.) So I had to do something.
Unraid supports the "bunch of random drives appearing as one network share" thing that WHS does, and also spreads files across the drives natively, like WHS. Unlike WHS, it also supports a cache drive (super quick SSD for temporary storage when copying new files on, to be transferred to the slower main drives later), and a parity drive (if one of the data drives turns into a cactus, you can replace it with a new drive and rebuild the data from the parity drive.) The only main drawback is that the individual data drives cannot be bigger than your parity drives.
Windows Home Server's idea of this kind of RAID-like rebuildability was an option to have a network share mirrored on a second drive. That was literally it.
I've just added the parity drive, and Unraid is now creating the parity backup stuff on it. The ETA for the parity drive setup is 5 days or more. Probably more.
Excellent. It sounds like your data is well protected.
Not at the moment, hence why the parity drive is currently being built.
Current drive load-out:
1x 12TB (Parity)
1x 6TB (Data)
2x 3TB (Data)
1x 1.5TB (Data)
5x 1TB (Data)
At some point, I want to start replacing the 1TB drives (this server is more than a decade old.) But I'm in no hurry, it's not like I'm running out of room in a hurry.
I originally built it because the classic storage method of hundreds of CD-Rs (and later, DVD-R) effectively meant that I never actually watched any of the movies, anime, or TV series I collected due to the hassle of finding the necessary storage medium and putting it on the PC. It... escalated from there. Fileservers are surprisingly useful critters once they're built.
Quote from: alanp on September 04, 2021, 05:18:11 AM
Not at the moment, hence why the parity drive is currently being built.
Current drive load-out:
1x 12TB (Parity)
1x 6TB (Data)
2x 3TB (Data)
1x 1.5TB (Data)
5x 1TB (Data)
At some point, I want to start replacing the 1TB drives (this server is more than a decade old.) But I'm in no hurry, it's not like I'm running out of room in a hurry.
I originally built it because the classic storage method of hundreds of CD-Rs (and later, DVD-R) effectively meant that I never actually watched any of the movies, anime, or TV series I collected due to the hassle of finding the necessary storage medium and putting it on the PC. It... escalated from there. Fileservers are surprisingly useful critters once they're built.
That is a project that has been on my "someday" list for a long time. I am in the same boat with tons of old DVD-R's and CD-R's for backup and I would love to make a media server and use like Kodi or Plex (Or whatever the program of the day is) to view all my media. Someday....
I threw a bunch of movies on a Radpberry Pi running as a Plex server. A little more modest than your solution, but I was an early adopter of streaming movies so I stopped buying dvds well over a decade ago. It's great and honestly I grab it whenever we go vacation and our hotel rooms always have all our movies ready to go.
Quote from: Rockhorst on August 19, 2021, 08:30:49 PM
Just saying I haven't visited this forum in a looooong time and I should change that :) (
I used a PT2395 for a delay module for my eurorack synth... it got very, very involved, circuitwise (CV control over everything!)
How are you finding the '95 chip?
The first answer option says it all. I really hope the person that made this survey is not in any kind of mechanical maintenance field or has any weighty responsibilities. Good grief. No wonder the world is broken.
(if you can't see the problem: THERE'S NOTHING "ABOVE" THE FIRST OPTION!!!)
...and they left out "All of the above"
I still have a brief WTF moment when I'm watching a video by an American (in this case, one of Peter Santenello's Amish ones) and they talk about how a cafe' has the most amazing pie... and, rather than a steak and cheese, or steak and mushroom, or chicken and bacon pie... they bring out pudding.
Quote from: alanp on September 25, 2021, 07:17:21 AM
I still have a brief WTF moment when I'm watching a video by an American (in this case, one of Peter Santenello's Amish ones) and they talk about how a cafe' has the most amazing pie... and, rather than a steak and cheese, or steak and mushroom, or chicken and bacon pie... they bring out pudding.
Yep, they are almost exclusively desserts over here. We would refer to the others as a "pot pie", as in chicken pot pie. I do have similar reaction as you when someone refers to pizza as a pie.
On the other side of that coin, a meat pie sounds terrible. The pudding sure isn't the jello pudding I grew up with either. Crazy how the meanings are not the same considering the origins of the US.
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I think "pudding" in non-American English is just another word for dessert. I don't think he meant pudding as in sweetened starch-thickened milk. Of course, I reserve the right to be completely wrong. :P
You don't serve Christmas Pudding at Christmas, then?
When I was a kid, Gran made the most amazing ones. Grandad poured his homemade brandy over it and set it on fire just before serving :)
regrettably no, though it has become a running gag within the household about figgy pudding and how I won't stop until I get some
Quote from: thesmokingman on September 28, 2021, 11:28:52 AM
regrettably no, though it has become a running gag within the household about figgy pudding and how I won't stop until I get some
the lyrics to We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Quote from: alanp on September 25, 2021, 07:17:21 AM
I still have a brief WTF moment when I'm watching a video by an American (in this case, one of Peter Santenello's Amish ones) and they talk about how a cafe' has the most amazing pie... and, rather than a steak and cheese, or steak and mushroom, or chicken and bacon pie... they bring out pudding.
I'm more amazed when I see a mentioning of pie and it has meat in it. Pies are deserts, not dinner. Only the British could come up with such a bizarre dish, and they are of course world renowned for their culinary arts.
I once had a slice of sausage, tomato, fennel pie that was pretty amazing.
PSA for those that travel and book through 3rd parties......
I booked a family vacation hotel stay apparently through a 3rd party (I was linked to it via the hotel website without knowing) and received what I thought was a decent price for the entire hotel stay. Upon departing the hotel on the last day, I was given a printed receipt for my stay. Funny thing was, the total on the receipt from the hotel was exactly $372 LESS than what I paid >:( After WEEKS of back-and-forth communication with the booker and hotel, I discovered that the 3rd party had added the extra expense as "Taxes and Fees" even though their policy stated that they only charge a $14.99 booking fee. Also learned that the hotel was NOT supposed to give me a receipt. Now I know why.
Currently have a BBB claim against them and awaiting mediation.
Bottom line... ALWAYS get a hotel receipt when you check out and compare that to what you paid (if booked via a 3rd party)
You may also consider filing a fraud report with the FTC.
You won't benefit directly from doing so*, but if the FTC or DOJ ever investigate that third party, they can use what they have in their database as evidence.
*Settlements between companies and the FTC aimed at compensating consumers financially are rarely satisfactory and thus rarely pursued. Instead, the FTC is likely to force a stop to the unfair/deceptive activity and require corrective disclosure of the company's policies.
Sampling of fifty savory non-dessert pies from all over Europe, filled with vegetables or meat or fish or poultry or cheese or eggs or various combinations... Pot pie apparently was a Roman Empire dish served at banquets.
Europe & beyond.
Don't know how many of you fine people reside in the state of Pennsylvania but, I hope you are all getting serious kick-back checks!
Just got billed for a 290-mile round trip car ride through the state on the Turnpike. Total cost = $81 :o
For those that don't want to bother with the calculator, that would be $0.27 per mile!
I don't remember seeing any gold in them roads!
By who?
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Quote from: jimilee on October 06, 2021, 02:36:02 PM
By who?
That would be the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Collectors for the toll roads.
They don't have people working the toll booths anymore. It is all automated. Go through the toll booth and it snaps a pic of your license plate and they bill you. Got 2 separate bills. One for the trip there. One for the trip back.
Bill #1 = $46.70
Bill #2 = $33.60
That is just RIDICULOUS!
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 06, 2021, 02:46:44 PM
Quote from: jimilee on October 06, 2021, 02:36:02 PM
By who?
That would be the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Collectors for the toll roads.
They don't have people working the toll booths anymore. It is all automated. Go through the toll booth and it snaps a pic of your license plate and they bill you. Got 2 separate bills. One for the trip there. One for the trip back.
Bill #1 = $46.70
Bill #2 = $33.60
That is just RIDICULOUS!
That's insane. Is there a way to avoid toll roads?
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Quote from: jimilee on October 06, 2021, 02:56:55 PM
That's insane. Is there a way to avoid toll roads?
There always is. Until now, it was always better to pay the tolls to save the added time. Now, it may just be worth the extra few hours ::)
Quote from: davent on September 29, 2021, 04:00:33 PM
Sampling of fifty savory non-dessert pies from all over Europe, filled with vegetables or meat or fish or poultry or cheese or eggs or various combinations... Pot pie apparently was a Roman Empire dish served at banquets.
Europe & beyond.
some of the unmentioned ones I regularly frequent here in Tampa include Jamaican beef patties and the various Cuban entries like pastelitos con carne, deviled crab, papas rellenas, or croquetas de jamon ... a little closer to my midwestern roots I feel like tamales should count as well as bierocks and kolaches
For a couple years now, I've had better luck crimping molex connectors with needlenose pliers than my crimping tool.
I found out a couple weeks ago that there is more than one kind of crimping tool. The one I have is meant for crimping round sleeves over stranded wire. (It's also dead keen for crimping spade connector-y things.)
Bought a proper molex crimping tool from Tayda. So much pain and hassle I could have skipped!
The nice thing about the Melbourne Cup being on this year is that, even though I really don't care about a load of ponies running around in circles, my bosses do. So, on Cup day, it tends to be an early day.
Unexpected side benefits of the job for the win? (
It's a list of videos, this time. All stationary steam engines running rice mills in Myanmar, all at least 90 years old, some 100, one 120 years old, all still chugging along.
It isn't as stupid as you might think, too. They're usually in remote, rural areas where electricity is not reliable, and fuel costs a lot of money. Steam engines will run on anything burnable... like, say, the chaff from the rice, which the mill owner would otherwise have to pay to have taken away, so the engine effectively runs for free.
Quote from: alanp on November 12, 2021, 02:39:55 AM (
It's a list of videos, this time. All stationary steam engines running rice mills in Myanmar, all at least 90 years old, some 100, one 120 years old, all still chugging along.
It isn't as stupid as you might think, too. They're usually in remote, rural areas where electricity is not reliable, and fuel costs a lot of money. Steam engines will run on anything burnable... like, say, the chaff from the rice, which the mill owner would otherwise have to pay to have taken away, so the engine effectively runs for free.
Without watching the video, what heats the water, and is it clean energy?
The chaff from milling the rice -- basically the shell around the part that you actually cook and eat. (If you eat brown rice, you sometimes get a grain with a husk around it. That's part of the chaff.) It goes from the milling machinery to the firebox.
And yeah, it is not green in any way at all, other than the fact that it's making use of the chaff, rather than dumping it in a river or something.
QuoteThe chaff from milling the rice -- basically the shell around the part that you actually cook and eat. (If you eat brown rice, you sometimes get a grain with a husk around it. That's part of the chaff.) It goes from the milling machinery to the firebox.
And yeah, it is not green in any way at all, other than the fact that it's making use of the chaff, rather than dumping it in a river or something.
Depends of definition of green, but much more sustainable than nuclear reactors that split atoms to generate heat to spin a turbine to generate electricity...
Once all the chaff is burned, you can make potash fertilizer and return it to the rice paddy - much better than sticking spent nuclear waste in 55 gallon drums and finding a place where they will be safe for greater than 2,500 years until the first half-life occurs - longer than recorded human history (and you still need to wait that long for the second half-life), etc.
This week I discovered that you *literally* can't sell music in 2021 in some cases without social media sites. And I don't just mean "You can't communicate with anyone who would buy it," either.
Since I can't just give Apple or Spotify money to make my music available for streaming, I have to use a distribution service. (This HAS to be some sort of legal culpability thing, right? There's no way companies like that would just leave the money on the table, especially Apple ...) And for the distribution services I was looking at (and the one I picked), you need social media accounts with a follower threshold. I guess it's a good thing I didn't delete my Twitter account years ago when I ditched Facebook.
I did, however, have to rename my personal YouTube channel, because no one subscribes to the band's.
Quote from: alanp on November 12, 2021, 02:39:55 AM (
It's a list of videos, this time. All stationary steam engines running rice mills in Myanmar, all at least 90 years old, some 100, one 120 years old, all still chugging along.
It isn't as stupid as you might think, too. They're usually in remote, rural areas where electricity is not reliable, and fuel costs a lot of money. Steam engines will run on anything burnable... like, say, the chaff from the rice, which the mill owner would otherwise have to pay to have taken away, so the engine effectively runs for free.
That's pretty relaxing to watch. I can't imagine it could be fueled by the chaff alone, but cool non the less.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 12, 2021, 03:34:19 AM
This week I discovered that you *literally* can't sell music in 2021 in some cases without social media sites. And I don't just mean "You can't communicate with anyone who would buy it," either.
Since I can't just give Apple or Spotify money to make my music available for streaming, I have to use a distribution service. (This HAS to be some sort of legal culpability thing, right? There's no way companies like that would just leave the money on the table, especially Apple ...) And for the distribution services I was looking at (and the one I picked), you need social media accounts with a follower threshold. I guess it's a good thing I didn't delete my Twitter account years ago when I ditched Facebook.
I did, however, have to rename my personal YouTube channel, because no one subscribes to the band's.
Daaaamn. Does anyone buy music anymore? I do from my favorite artists, but I stream or listen to XM radio mostly.
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I still buy some stuff on vinyl, but generally just buy things on Bandcamp Friday anymore.
At the very least try to pick up Mojo & Uncut magazines (monthly) for the included comp cd's, can count on them to introduce me to a couple dozen artists and pieces of music i've never heard before. That'll lead to searching out albums and cd's to add.
Vinyl shopping, record cleaning is a winter activity and i'm still mostly doing outside jobs but that's drawing to a close, so soon, back to the vinyl.
Edit, we have a local college station that provides lots of new ear candy so that's always on in the house except when i'm dj'ing the stereo.
Quote from: matmosphere on November 12, 2021, 04:08:58 PM
I still buy some stuff on vinyl, but generally just buy things on Bandcamp Friday anymore.
Same here. I used to enjoy buying vinyl in town, but now that shop doesn't sell media of any sort except playstation games. (They still sell stereos and televisions, but not things to play on said appliances.)
I 'find' new bands through word of mouth online (here and a few other forums) and through random youtube recommendations, myself.
I buy Vinyl occasionally, but for the most part, I was just curious if anyone bought music anymore. Interesting mix.
Quote from: jimilee on November 12, 2021, 03:06:38 PM
Daaaamn. Does anyone buy music anymore? I do from my favorite artists, but I stream or listen to XM radio mostly.
Do you save tracks to playlists on any platform?
Lots of people do, that's sort of the modern equivalent of buying.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 12, 2021, 03:34:19 AM
This week I discovered that you *literally* can't sell music in 2021 in some cases without social media sites. And I don't just mean "You can't communicate with anyone who would buy it," either.
Since I can't just give Apple or Spotify money to make my music available for streaming, I have to use a distribution service. (This HAS to be some sort of legal culpability thing, right? There's no way companies like that would just leave the money on the table, especially Apple ...) And for the distribution services I was looking at (and the one I picked), you need social media accounts with a follower threshold. I guess it's a good thing I didn't delete my Twitter account years ago when I ditched Facebook.
I did, however, have to rename my personal YouTube channel, because no one subscribes to the band's.
It's been a number of years since I've release any music, but CDBaby is how I got songs listed on most of the major steaming services. You just put your music with them and they get it listed on all the sites. I still make a sweet ~$40 bucks a year ;D
I've purchased stuff from Bandcamp and CDBaby in the past. I usually buy the CD and rip it so I can add it to my ripped CD collection in the car. Kinda sad that the mechanisms have changed so much and I'm not on ANY form of social media (curmudgeon) so I'd be SOL if I had tunes to sell.
That said, I hope to start writing again because dumping my old stuff to SoundCloud kind of recharged me.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 12, 2021, 09:10:55 PM
Quote from: jimilee on November 12, 2021, 03:06:38 PM
Daaaamn. Does anyone buy music anymore? I do from my favorite artists, but I stream or listen to XM radio mostly.
Do you save tracks to playlists on any platform?
Lots of people do, that's sort of the modern equivalent of buying.
This might sound crazy, but I'm too OCD for a playlist. Makes me nuts. But listening to XM radio is ok.
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I've had an XM account forever but I'm finding that even they don't mix it up enough. I like Jim Ladd's show but that's about it. Pandora is free and should be because it's got an even MORE limited scope. I had a Pandora subscription but cancelled during covid because I mostly listen in the car on my commute. No commute=no subscription. I'm finally throwing in the towel on my XM subscription as well.
I balk at the price of most concert tix these days so maybe I've officially hit old age. The wife and I hit a show with her buddy and I found out the tix were $160 to see Kevin Costner's band. And he sounds like if Kevin Costner had a band. Good band and it was disturbing to watch age 50+ women get all greasy but was pretty much a good bar band with a no name front man.
At the end of the show he plays a recording of Bruce Cockburn's "Last Night of the World" (worth Googling...he's a hero of mine) and wanders around the stage toasting everyone with a bottle of Dom. Very weird.
Quote from: jimilee on November 13, 2021, 12:28:44 AM
Quote from: midwayfair on November 12, 2021, 09:10:55 PM
Quote from: jimilee on November 12, 2021, 03:06:38 PM
Daaaamn. Does anyone buy music anymore? I do from my favorite artists, but I stream or listen to XM radio mostly.
Do you save tracks to playlists on any platform?
Lots of people do, that's sort of the modern equivalent of buying.
This might sound crazy, but I'm too OCD for a playlist. Makes me nuts. But listening to XM radio is ok.
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Last year I listened to my music collection alphabetically by artist name. The year before it was alphabetically by song name. OCD? Yeah a bit.
Lately there has to be an order to SOMETHING.
Quote from: gordo on November 13, 2021, 12:57:50 AM
I've had an XM account forever but I'm finding that even they don't mix it up enough. I like Jim Ladd's show but that's about it. Pandora is free and should be because it's got an even MORE limited scope. I had a Pandora subscription but cancelled during covid because I mostly listen in the car on my commute. No commute=no subscription. I'm finally throwing in the towel on my XM subscription as well.
I balk at the price of most concert tix these days so maybe I've officially hit old age. The wife and I hit a show with her buddy and I found out the tix were $160 to see Kevin Costner's band. And he sounds like if Kevin Costner had a band. Good band and it was disturbing to watch age 50+ women get all greasy but was pretty much a good bar band with a no name front man.
At the end of the show he plays a recording of Bruce Cockburn's "Last Night of the World" (worth Googling...he's a hero of mine) and wanders around the stage toasting everyone with a bottle of Dom. Very weird.
Yeah, that sounds strange.
So, my 19" 4:3 LCD monitor died a few weeks ago. I since discovered that 19" 4:3 LCD monitors are a pain to get these days (in NZ, at least.) Anything else doesn't fit in the available desk space between the 29" monitor, and the computer itself.
I could see the screen flickering, as if the poor little PSU was trying to do SOMETHING. So my inner suspicion was that one of the power supply capacitors was toast.
I finally got around to carefully pulling it open, and yes indeed the PSU board had two bulging-top electrolytic caps. They were 1000uF 16V... while I don't have that in my stash, or any 1000uF caps that would FIT in the space available, they were in parallel for 2000uF, and I did have some 2200uF caps, one of which would fit. So, rip 'em out, tidy up one pair of holes and stick the new cap in...
Good thing, too. You get used to three monitors :)
Nice, nice job man.
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Quote from: alanp on November 27, 2021, 02:49:50 AM
Good thing, too. You get used to three monitors :)
Everyone at work thinks I'm weird and/or crazy for sticking with my laptop monitor alone. I keep telling them I don't want to get used to two screens. I mean, the other reason is that I don't have anywhere on my desk at home to put it, but that's beside the point.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 27, 2021, 04:24:28 AM
Quote from: alanp on November 27, 2021, 02:49:50 AM
Good thing, too. You get used to three monitors :)
Everyone at work thinks I'm weird and/or crazy for sticking with my laptop monitor alone. I keep telling them I don't want to get used to two screens. I mean, the other reason is that I don't have anywhere on my desk at home to put it, but that's beside the point.
Laptop is the one I use just about all the time, and it's a smaller MacBook Pro. I have a 24" screen in my office on a max mini, but I hardly use that one, unless I'm building, then, that's about all I use it for.
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I LOVE a multiple screen setup. I have them at work and now at home too. Ideal to run youtube on one screen and do some work or forum stuff on another. I'd have a three screen setup if I could. They're also ideal for online zoom fitness, to have the instructor big on one screen and gallery view of the participants on another. So you at least feel part of a group and not alone in your living room.
Quote from: midwayfair on November 27, 2021, 04:24:28 AM
Quote from: alanp on November 27, 2021, 02:49:50 AM
Good thing, too. You get used to three monitors :)
Everyone at work thinks I'm weird and/or crazy for sticking with my laptop monitor alone. I keep telling them I don't want to get used to two screens. I mean, the other reason is that I don't have anywhere on my desk at home to put it, but that's beside the point.
I'm the same way at work to. I ran just my laptop screen for about 10 years. They just upgraded me to a new laptop at work with a super small screen. I think I'm going to have to update to a dual screen or bigger screen monitor...
I've been working multiple-monitor jobs for quite some time now and have yet to have a matching set of monitors ... I don't know how it happens but I know it should stop.
When I was in school we had a dual screen setup in the math lab. You could rotate the screens to be vertical. I found it the best possible setup. Split the available space well and required less desk space. Plus websites and coding both generally work better oriented that way, you can have more on the room at one time with less dead space.
I have dual 24" monitors both at work and my main workplace at home (the lab/home office). But we also have an office downstairs, two desks, and I have a 28" monitor on that desk, can't imagine going dual with 28"s because that would require a lot of head movement I think.
And then there's this:
Quite often, I have two presentations open, one which is the one I need to build, and then others from which I copy slides. Also reviewing documents, I often have my mind mapping program open to take notes (Mindjet Mindmanager is great), or have my notes open when writing a document. Or two drawings to compare dimensions and see if things will fit. Or in the case of a CAD layout, the schematic and layout in different screens. it really is wonderful, and you can always minimise everything on the second screen to have the tasteful desktop background showing.
I've been watching Linus Tech Tips for the last couple days, and a few things sprang out at me.
Firstly, flippin' heck I am out of date. I have no idea what the latest hawtness is anymore. These M2 SSD things are completely new to me.
Secondly, I hate the idea of RGB fans and RGB RAM. My favourite case I ever had was a Lian Li PC60. I like clean, elegant lines... not lit up like a baboon's bottom after the poor monkey did some bad LSD.
Thirdly... what happened to 5.25" and 3.5" drive bays? None of the cases that the LTT videos show have any!
Also, to update on my fileserver... I'm replacing all the little drives (1TB, 1.5TB and 3TB) with a single 8TB drive, so it will end up with just three massive drives instead of half a dozen scrappy little ones.
Why do people think they're the ones that's gonna Kill John Wick??? He killer 4 guys in a bar with a pencil, don't they know they're just gonna die???
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Quote from: gordo on November 13, 2021, 12:57:50 AM
I balk at the price of most concert tix these days so maybe I've officially hit old age.
Sadly, I do not do big concerts anymore. This is mainly due to the change in getting tickets to them. Endlessly getting "Early Notices", "VIP Access", etc. and only to find that once you actually do get into the system, most of the good tickets are gone or sold out. Businesses like Ticketmaster doing contracted sales to 3rd party vendors (Stubhub, etc.) before anyone can get them has killed the concert-going experience. The day they stopped letting people get in line at venues for tickets and made it a cash-grab online operation was the day it was all over. Getting tickets today is akin to participating in a horrible Ebay auction where your pulse is pounding and you are constantly clicking or mashing buttons to try to get a $60 face value lawn seat ticket for $300!
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on December 06, 2021, 03:44:45 PM
Quote from: gordo on November 13, 2021, 12:57:50 AM
I balk at the price of most concert tix these days so maybe I've officially hit old age.
Sadly, I do not do big concerts anymore. This is mainly due to the change in getting tickets to them. Endlessly getting "Early Notices", "VIP Access", etc. and only to find that once you actually do get into the system, most of the good tickets are gone or sold out. Businesses like Ticketmaster doing contracted sales to 3rd party vendors (Stubhub, etc.) before anyone can get them has killed the concert-going experience. The day they stopped letting people get in line at venues for tickets and made it a cash-grab online operation was the day it was all over. Getting tickets today is akin to participating in a horrible Ebay auction where your pulse is pounding and you are constantly clicking or mashing buttons to try to get a $60 face value lawn seat ticket for $300!
Yeah, I never go to shows that cost more than $30. I figure that no later how much I want to see a particular band I don't generally like shows in big venues. Plus I fell like there are plenty of good bands to be seen in small venues for way less money.
Yeah i do, well did club shows, general admission & no seating, get in line for the doors opening, stand for the show and it's 5, 6, 7 hours before you get a chance to sit down again in a restaurant after the show. Last show was July 4 2019, Drive By Truckers, Lee's Palace Toronto. Shows are just slowly starting back up again, nothing to speak of so far.
Quote from: davent on December 06, 2021, 05:20:57 PM
Yeah i do, well did club shows, general admission & no seating, get in line for the doors opening, stand for the show and it's 5, 6, 7 hours before you get a chance to sit down again in a restaurant after the show. Last show was July 4 2019, Drive By Truckers, Lee's Palace Toronto. Shows are just slowly starting back up again, nothing to speak of so far.
That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking. There are very few shows I have been to in the past decade or two that involved buying tickets in advance.
Quote from: matmosphere on December 06, 2021, 06:03:26 PM
Quote from: davent on December 06, 2021, 05:20:57 PM
Yeah i do, well did club shows, general admission & no seating, get in line for the doors opening, stand for the show and it's 5, 6, 7 hours before you get a chance to sit down again in a restaurant after the show. Last show was July 4 2019, Drive By Truckers, Lee's Palace Toronto. Shows are just slowly starting back up again, nothing to speak of so far.
That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking. There are very few shows I have been to in the past decade or two that involved buying tickets in advance.
Always advance tickets or there'd be no chance of getting in, pay face value for the tickets months in advance, i do get in line at the venue early and end up with no one other then my wife between me and the stage.
I think I've lost the "don't be on FB" war and it blows.
I found out that some of my best musical friends put out an album ... in November 2019. I've shared multiple gigs with them, recorded them and produced songs for them, and I had no idea. They're not the only ones. I actually missed the release of another album I played on for basically the same reason: I think it really is so difficult to be a musician without Facebook that most musicians don't use anything else to communicate with people. I lose a subscriber every time I send a mailing list e-mail, and the online stuff I do use like forums aren't exactly a way to keep in touch with too many people I know near home.
There is at least one local venue (that I've played several times) that won't use anything else to book shows. Can't call, can't e-mail, can't talk in person. Have to use FB.
It was kind of easy to ignore this problem when I was in school and couldn't play shows or even most of the time find time to go to any, and during the pandemic when no one could play shows and I wasn't going anywhere and didn't get frequent reminders that I didn't have any clue what was going on.
That sucks Jon. I feel your pain. I was on Facebook when it was invitation only. Dropped off about 7 years ago , too much drama. Now, I feel like I don't hear about shows or albums. Hell, I feel like forums are moving over to facebook groups. Cant enter any contests or even keep up with what's going on at work anymore.
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Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 04:07:23 AM
I think I've lost the "don't be on FB" war and it blows.
Fuck Facebook. And the horse it rode in on...
Quote from: jimilee on December 07, 2021, 04:14:51 AM
That sucks Jon. I feel your pain. I was on Facebook when it was invitation only. Dropped off about 7 years ago , too much drama. Now, I feel like I don't hear about shows or albums. Hell, I feel like forums are moving over to facebook groups. Cant enter any contests or even keep up with what's going on at work anymore.
It's not just the shows and albums, it's indicative of how hard it is from both sides to keep up with people who are sort of locked into FB as a primary way of communicating. Another friend
and bandmate (not like some random acquaintance), who I've had text conversations with several times during the pandemic just had their second baby and I found about it a month afterward. I'm not some super social person, but I feel like the nature of communication about friendship has fundamentally changed, to the point where it wouldn't even occur to one of my close friends to mention his family's second baby on a text, because of course everyone's already known for a while. I'm completely disconnected from community in a very fundamental way now. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and it's very different from the last time I reactivated my account, at the worst possible time, for about a year. I originally ditched the account in 2013, then reactivated it in like 2015 or 2016. I have actual data from that experiment about how disconnected I became from the music community in Baltimore, because I had almost no gigs for two years (at least not my own -- I was playing guitar and mandolin for people at the time though) and then I had lots of gigs in 2016 many of which came just from responding to a Facebook post. If I needed to rely on this to put food on the table, I would probably starve if I didn't use it, so it's no wonder to me that most musicians I know are on there and heavily invested. (By the way, when I got rid of my account in 2013 or whenever, I actually nuked the account: I deleted all my posts and removed everyone from my friends list. This time I just deactivated it.)
I get it. Only keep in touch with a few friends through text. Not a single ex band mate has reached out unless they need something not pertaining to music. Very frustrating and a little depressing. Me and my wife keep to ourselves. Facebook just isn't the society I want to be a part of, but you make very valid points. To keep up as a musician, he'll even part of society, it's a necessary evil.
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QuoteHell, I feel like forums are moving over to facebook groups
I agree with this and feel like it's a bad thing. Forums are fantastic collections of knowledge for the most part, and a facebook thread in a group isn't the same as browsing the topics or doing a search.
Quote from: Willybomb on December 07, 2021, 11:32:51 AM
QuoteHell, I feel like forums are moving over to facebook groups
I agree with this and feel like it's a bad thing.
Yeah, FB and the like are uniquely ill-suited to any collective knowledge task since its results don't show up even in Google results and the content is designed to be dynamic (a timeline) rather than the static display of a forum. Discord is very slightly better because it's better organized but it's still not designed for acting like a library.
Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 04:07:23 AM
I think I've lost the "don't be on FB" war and it blows.
I gave up on FaceBook in 2016...mostly because I realized it made me a lazy friend. It was easy to post something and assume that everyone you'd want to know would see it and never actually take the time to connect with people. It was also easy to assume that friends would post everything they'd want you to know. I'd fallen out of the habit of pursuing friendships. Since quitting, I've made a concerted effort to stay in touch with the people I care about by other means, but unfortunately, it would seem FaceBook has made lazy friends out of all of us. Even if I put in the effort, for most old acquaintances, I've basically disappeared.
I haven't played a gig in years, but that's because I have small children to take care of. I can't imagine what landscape awaits me should I ever try to start gigging again. What are the youths doing nowadays? They're not on FaceBook. Are they learning about shows from TikTok?
Quote from: Aleph Null on December 07, 2021, 08:57:46 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 04:07:23 AM
I think I've lost the "don't be on FB" war and it blows.
I gave up on FaceBook in 2016...mostly because I realized it made me a lazy friend. It was easy to post something and assume that everyone you'd want to know would see it and never actually take the time to connect with people. It was also easy to assume that friends would post everything they'd want you to know. I'd fallen out of the habit of pursuing friendships. Since quitting, I've made a concerted effort to stay in touch with the people a care about by other means, but unfortunately, it would seem FaceBook has made lazy friends out of all of us. Even if I put in the effort, for most old acquaintances, I've basically disappeared.
I haven't played a gig in years, but that's because I have small children to take care of. I can't imagine what landscape awaits me should I ever try to start gigging again. What are the youths doing nowadays? They're not on FaceBook. Are they learning about shows from TikTok?
Very well said, that's exactly what it does.
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Quote from: Aleph Null on December 07, 2021, 08:57:46 PM
I gave up on FaceBook in 2016...mostly because I realized it made me a lazy friend. It was easy to post something and assume that everyone you'd want to know would see it and never actually take the time to connect with people. It was also easy to assume that friends would post everything they'd want you to know. I'd fallen out of the habit of pursuing friendships.
I was the same.
Unfortunately, I am and always have been a lazy friend. Being on or off facebook didn't change that about me very much.
I also have no idea how anyone finds out about shows, but if I had to guess the most effective is still direct communication, or at least the appearance of it, until you get to the point where there's a critical mass of people who will tell others. That was always the most effective way.
The last person to post something to my timeline (in 2016) is dead. He died in 2019. I don't know how and I certainly didn't hear about it.
I played in his band for a couple years. We weren't close friends anymore as he'd kind of gone off the deep end in several ways.
Frigging surreal.
Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 09:18:24 PM
I was the same.
Unfortunately, I am and always have been a lazy friend. Being on or off facebook didn't change that about me very much.
I also have no idea how anyone finds out about shows, but if I had to guess the most effective is still direct communication, or at least the appearance of it, until you get to the point where there's a critical mass of people who will tell others. That was always the most effective way.
The last person to post something to my timeline (in 2016) is dead. He died in 2019. I don't know how and I certainly didn't hear about it.
I played in his band for a couple years. We weren't close friends anymore as he'd kind of gone off the deep end in several ways.
Frigging surreal.
I'm not saying I'm very good at it, but I'm trying. It's well documented that men loose friends as they age, starting after 25 or so. There's a lot more that plays into that phenomenon than FaceBook and I don't think it will be completely solved with more texting and coffee dates on my part. I have become downright aggressive about inviting people to do things (brewing, dinner parties, play dates, camping {vaxinated and spaced out, of course}) and I'll be sure to join clubs, attend open mics, and church services once my whole household is vaccinated.
In some ways falling out of touch with people has been a relief. I stopped using FaceBook (2016) because the politics was making me hate my friends. I can't imagine what seeing some people's takes on vaccines would do to my opinion of them. I'd rather remember them fondly than watch them go off the deep end.
Quote from: jimilee on December 06, 2021, 03:09:16 PM
Why do people think they're the ones that's gonna Kill John Wick??? He killer 4 guys in a bar with a pencil, don't they know they're just gonna die???
Why do people think they can kill James Bond? (well, now they can) Or Superman? Or Son Goku? Because the studio wishes to milk the franchise and make more money. Although logically there's always people who think they can make a name for themselves by taking out the biggest and the strongest Mofo out there.
Quote from: matmosphere on December 06, 2021, 03:56:06 PM
Yeah, I never go to shows that cost more than $30. I figure that no later how much I want to see a particular band I don't generally like shows in big venues. Plus I fell like there are plenty of good bands to be seen in small venues for way less money.
I'll still go to a large concert, I went to Muse twice in 2019. But getting GA tickets for Muse was still doable. Unlike U2 which basically requires you to sell your firstborn and pledge allegiance to Satan. But yeah, smaller bands and venues are more enjoyable, if only because you can still interact with the band before or after the gig.
Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 04:07:23 AM
I think I've lost the "don't be on FB" war and it blows.
I found out that some of my best musical friends put out an album ... in November 2019. I've shared multiple gigs with them, recorded them and produced songs for them, and I had no idea. They're not the only ones. I actually missed the release of another album I played on for basically the same reason: I think it really is so difficult to be a musician without Facebook that most musicians don't use anything else to communicate with people. I lose a subscriber every time I send a mailing list e-mail, and the online stuff I do use like forums aren't exactly a way to keep in touch with too many people I know near home.
There is at least one local venue (that I've played several times) that won't use anything else to book shows. Can't call, can't e-mail, can't talk in person. Have to use FB.
It was kind of easy to ignore this problem when I was in school and couldn't play shows or even most of the time find time to go to any, and during the pandemic when no one could play shows and I wasn't going anywhere and didn't get frequent reminders that I didn't have any clue what was going on.
I'd ditch FB in a heartbeat if I could. I need it for work. Which on the plus side has kept me from sperging on political issues and stuff like so many others seem to do. Gotta keep my account free of politics. If only I keep my FB friends from doing so. I'm fed up with their 'I am pro/anti-vax and here's why those I disagree with are stupid'. As somebody said, I think it was youtuber Razorfist, FB is like having that crazy uncle you only met at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and now having to hear what he says ALL THE TIME!
Quote from: midwayfair on December 07, 2021, 04:32:20 AM
It's not just the shows and albums, it's indicative of how hard it is from both sides to keep up with people who are sort of locked into FB as a primary way of communicating. Another friend and bandmate (not like some random acquaintance), who I've had text conversations with several times during the pandemic just had their second baby and I found about it a month afterward. I'm not some super social person, but I feel like the nature of communication about friendship has fundamentally changed, to the point where it wouldn't even occur to one of my close friends to mention his family's second baby on a text, because of course everyone's already known for a while. I'm completely disconnected from community in a very fundamental way now. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and it's very different from the last time I reactivated my account, at the worst possible time, for about a year. I originally ditched the account in 2013, then reactivated it in like 2015 or 2016. I have actual data from that experiment about how disconnected I became from the music community in Baltimore, because I had almost no gigs for two years (at least not my own -- I was playing guitar and mandolin for people at the time though) and then I had lots of gigs in 2016 many of which came just from responding to a Facebook post. If I needed to rely on this to put food on the table, I would probably starve if I didn't use it, so it's no wonder to me that most musicians I know are on there and heavily invested. (By the way, when I got rid of my account in 2013 or whenever, I actually nuked the account: I deleted all my posts and removed everyone from my friends list. This time I just deactivated it.)
I also never understood why people do all their communications via FB. Its messaging system sucks ass compared to whatsapp, or the old MSN messenger it replaced. And for keeping track of your friends the algorithm keeps track of which friends you check on the most, so it stops showing you what your friends you keep less track off are doing after a while. And never never never use FB as a news source. Even without the censorship the algorithm will only feed you what you think you want to hear. Hello bubble!
But yeah, I get what you're saying that you need FB as a means to stay in contact with other musicians and as a means to get gigs or jobs. Only reaso I keep it basically.
I think I must be the only troglodyte left who actually prefers email over social media.
Quote from: alanp on December 14, 2021, 05:00:29 AM
I think I must be the only troglodyte left who actually prefers email over social media.
Me too, not that there's much use of email, i do have one friend that by using Instagram i'll get a much more timely response. Have never joined Facebook owned a cell phone of any sort and couldn't tell you the last time i placed a phone call other then to my wife or daughter on the land line here, months & months & months...
Quote from: alanp on December 14, 2021, 05:00:29 AM
I think I must be the only troglodyte left who actually prefers email over social media.
I agree. I would much prefer someone sending me an email about a pedal or something than just a random FB or IG message.
Quote from: davent on December 14, 2021, 05:35:24 PM
Quote from: alanp on December 14, 2021, 05:00:29 AM
I think I must be the only troglodyte left who actually prefers email over social media.
Me too, not that there's much use of email, i do have one friend that by using Instagram i'll get a much more timely response. Have never joined Facebook owned a cell phone of any sort and couldn't tell you the last time i placed a phone call other then to my wife or daughter on the land line here, months & months & months...
I have a cell phone but virtually never use it for calls. Text message with my wife and use it for internet stuff and driving directions. Honestly I think text messages are, next to face to face interaction, the best method for communication.
That said I think cell phones may be the downfall of our civilization.
I used to like Instagram but Facebook is slowing destroying it and turning it into, well, Facebook. It's a shame too because very early on, before you could even post photos, Facebook was actually kinda nice. The thing I want from a platform like that is to keep in touch with people I know but don't see or talk to all the time.
Also wish I could find a music service that has a better algorithm, but I'm pretty sure that it's just going to a record store instead.
Just read an article about why we were better off growing up in the 80s and 70s than kids who are growing up these days. (
They completely missed the absolute best reason, in my opinion. Remember all the really, really stupid shit you said and did as a teenager? All the cringey clothing you thought was absolutely trendy and hip?
Imagine if you grew up these days, and both photo and video of all of that would live in the Internet forever. We're lucky. Only our mates remember that stuff, and we can claim they're just remembering things wrongly.
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
Quote from: harryklippton on April 03, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
Same, I do like them scrambled on occasion.
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Quote from: alanp on December 27, 2021, 01:24:57 AM
Remember all the really, really stupid shit you said and did as a teenager? All the cringey clothing you thought was absolutely trendy and hip?
Imagine if you grew up these days, and both photo and video of all of that would live in the Internet forever. We're lucky. Only our mates remember that stuff, and we can claim they're just remembering things wrongly.
Right? I get enough random instant replays upstairs without zucky's help. Glad I'm rid of that place, all the same...
Quote from: harryklippton on April 03, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
Yolk, yes; white, no. This? HELL no:
Quote from: jessenator on April 03, 2022, 04:28:25 PM
Quote from: alanp on December 27, 2021, 01:24:57 AM
Remember all the really, really stupid shit you said and did as a teenager? All the cringey clothing you thought was absolutely trendy and hip?
Imagine if you grew up these days, and both photo and video of all of that would live in the Internet forever. We're lucky. Only our mates remember that stuff, and we can claim they're just remembering things wrongly.
Right? I get enough random instant replays upstairs without zucky's help. Glad I'm rid of that place, all the same...
Quote from: harryklippton on April 03, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
Yolk, yes; white, no. This? HELL no:
Lava pancakes!
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This is what happens when somebody that knows nothing about guitar is enslaved into trying to push some cheap knock off MIC item. "Make picture of guitar with item" is the extent of their training. The heading: "For Les Paul guitar". And the world's IQ takes another dip...
That is hideous. I must have one!
Also to be fair it also happens other times as well. (
I don't get it... are you implying that whamolo bridge isn't factory? /s
Quote from: jessenator on April 03, 2022, 04:28:25 PM
Yolk, yes; white, no. This? HELL no:
Things like this remind me how bad the internet is for humanity.
Quote from: jessenator on April 03, 2022, 04:28:25 PM
Quote from: alanp on December 27, 2021, 01:24:57 AM
Remember all the really, really stupid shit you said and did as a teenager? All the cringey clothing you thought was absolutely trendy and hip?
Imagine if you grew up these days, and both photo and video of all of that would live in the Internet forever. We're lucky. Only our mates remember that stuff, and we can claim they're just remembering things wrongly.
Right? I get enough random instant replays upstairs without zucky's help. Glad I'm rid of that place, all the same...
Quote from: harryklippton on April 03, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
Yolk, yes; white, no. This? HELL no:
Hard to imagine a pancake could even get worse.
Quote from: harryklippton on April 03, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
If an egg yolk is cooked all the way through, I don't even want it
There is cooked, and there is food poisoning.
People also get angry with me with regards to how I like my steak. Cooked, not raw.
Quote from: alanp on April 04, 2022, 07:36:39 AM
There is cooked, and there is food poisoning.
People also get angry with me with regards to how I like my steak. Cooked, not raw.
Why get angry over a food preference? Unless that is the way you serve steaks to other people. And it's your way or the highway.
Boysenberry filled chocolate is absolutely wonderful.
I don't eat steak often but when I do I prefer it on the rare end of medium rare. My uncle used to just sear each side for a a few seconds and eat it blue, but that's a bit much for me.
Quote from: peccary on May 07, 2022, 08:11:38 PM
I don't eat steak often but when I do I prefer it on the rare end of medium rare. My uncle used to just sear each side for a a few seconds and eat it blue, but that's a bit much for me.
I like it that way, but it's hard to chew. I liked to sear it and then put it in the oven. I'm a pescatarian now, so all I can do is watch my wife eat it, but it does smell good.
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I might be a steak snob. I need a dry aged ribeye, and I need it about 3" thick, hard crust seared in butter, salt and thyme, and rare
w/re: steak—spicy take—the only crime against a steak is cooking it to well-done. However, if a steak is overcooked and I'm not there to eat (or pay for) it, it's none of muh bidness :P
personal pref: sous vide for 3 hrs @ 118F, fridge salt cure for 48, pan sear in butter each side (once), the occasional herb thrown in, and 10 min rest. Maybe make a pan sauce from what's left.
I don't even like steak. Never did. Give me chicken or pork any time over steak.
Quote from: harryklippton on May 07, 2022, 09:16:23 PM
I might be a steak snob. I need a dry aged ribeye, and I need it about 3" thick, hard crust seared in butter, salt and thyme, and rare
How long until you're raising your own steaks out there?
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Quote from: peccary on May 18, 2022, 05:39:28 PM
Quote from: harryklippton on May 07, 2022, 09:16:23 PM
I might be a steak snob. I need a dry aged ribeye, and I need it about 3" thick, hard crust seared in butter, salt and thyme, and rare
How long until you're raising your own steaks out there?
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I raised geese one summer a few years back cuz geese are the smallest cow. Actually I think id eat goose over beef 🤔 geese are true vegetarians, unlike other fowl who prefer insects over vegetation. I always want to get geese again but they're really really obnoxious and my wife hates them
Quote from: harryklippton on May 18, 2022, 08:34:36 PM
Quote from: peccary on May 18, 2022, 05:39:28 PM
Quote from: harryklippton on May 07, 2022, 09:16:23 PM
I might be a steak snob. I need a dry aged ribeye, and I need it about 3" thick, hard crust seared in butter, salt and thyme, and rare
How long until you're raising your own steaks out there?
Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
I raised geese one summer a few years back cuz geese are the smallest cow. Actually I think id eat goose over beef
geese are true vegetarians, unlike other fowl who prefer insects over vegetation. I always want to get geese again but they're really really obnoxious and my wife hates them
When I was in high school I was an FFA nerd who raised sheep. They were pretty easy to take care of and they'd keep your grass trimmed at the same time! Birds would be easier to slaughter, though, for sure.
Not sure I've ever eaten goose. I always assumed that only people in old Christmas movies ate geese lol
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I'd love to have some sheep but we have a really high water table here so that was a no go
Quote from: harryklippton on May 19, 2022, 12:19:15 AM
I'd love to have some sheep but we have a really high water table here so that was a no go
Good thing geese float!
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Speaking of large birds, I was driving home last weekend and there was suddenly a traffic jam on the entry road into the city. I thought the city was doing some road work again. Turned out there was a swan standing in the middle of the road and every car had to go around it.
Today I Learned...
That, as well as the classic metal band Diamond Head, there is also some place in Hawaii called 'Diamond Head'.
Now I'm wondering if there's a place called 'Celtic Frost'.
I know this thread is old, but I prefer to use what is established, rather than start a million new threads covering the same thing.
Soapbox time:
Have you ever been on an airline that didn't have ANY barf bags? I was on one last night. And of course, they hit some really bad turbulence, the kind that has those wonderful free-fall drops mixed in. And yep, people started puking. But there were no bags anywhere. And since it's "company policy" that everybody (including flight attendants) have to stay where they are during turbulence, that means nobody could go to the bathroom, nobody could get any assistance, nobody could do anything about puke flying all over. By the time the plane landed, the aisles looked like a crime scene of spent napkins and piles of digested pretzels.
I'm wondering...who is the absolute bungling idiot that refused to put barf bags on the plane? What did they expect would happen when the puke starts flowing? Does somebody hate the poor souls who have to clean the planes? Yet another example of the crippling stupidity so prevalent in the world today.
That's horrifying...
Y'know, now you mention it, on the only two flights I was on in 2023 I didn't notice a single barf bag. Like, how rare is WAX and PAPER and maybe some WIRE to cause supply chain issues for barg bags?
They probably took the bags out so they could move the seats closer together. :)
Quote from: Aentons on April 16, 2024, 02:01:06 AMThey probably took the bags out so they could move the seats closer together. :)
LOL! Come to think of it, that flight did feel more cramped than any flight I've been on recently.
Here is the kicker though: they handed out free earbuds to anybody that wanted them! You can't tell me a barf bag is more expensive than earbuds. And people take the earbuds with them. People don't take the barf bag if they don't use it. So the absence of bags can't be because of economic considerations. It seems like it would be illegal for airplanes not to have bags, especially with the hyper-sensitivity the world has to communicable disease after that little covid thing. Barf hurling around has to be one of the most unsanitary things this side of who flung poo. I guess flying from now on is a BYOBB situation.
Quote from: lars on April 15, 2024, 09:01:31 PMI know this thread is old, but I prefer to use what is established, rather than start a million new threads covering the same thing.
Soapbox time:
Have you ever been on an airline that didn't have ANY barf bags? I was on one last night. And of course, they hit some really bad turbulence, the kind that has those wonderful free-fall drops mixed in. And yep, people started puking. But there were no bags anywhere. And since it's "company policy" that everybody (including flight attendants) have to stay where they are during turbulence, that means nobody could go to the bathroom, nobody could get any assistance, nobody could do anything about puke flying all over. By the time the plane landed, the aisles looked like a crime scene of spent napkins and piles of digested pretzels.
I'm wondering...who is the absolute bungling idiot that refused to put barf bags on the plane? What did they expect would happen when the puke starts flowing? Does somebody hate the poor souls who have to clean the planes? Yet another example of the crippling stupidity so prevalent in the world today.
:o Dude that is a nightmare
Quote from: lars on April 15, 2024, 09:01:31 PMI know this thread is old, but I prefer to use what is established, rather than start a million new threads covering the same thing.
Soapbox time:
Have you ever been on an airline that didn't have ANY barf bags? I was on one last night. And of course, they hit some really bad turbulence, the kind that has those wonderful free-fall drops mixed in. And yep, people started puking. But there were no bags anywhere. And since it's "company policy" that everybody (including flight attendants) have to stay where they are during turbulence, that means nobody could go to the bathroom, nobody could get any assistance, nobody could do anything about puke flying all over. By the time the plane landed, the aisles looked like a crime scene of spent napkins and piles of digested pretzels.
I'm wondering...who is the absolute bungling idiot that refused to put barf bags on the plane? What did they expect would happen when the puke starts flowing? Does somebody hate the poor souls who have to clean the planes? Yet another example of the crippling stupidity so prevalent in the world today.
Weird, some article popped up on my Firefox homepage today talking about where all the barf bags went.
I didn't have any desire to read it at the time but now ...
Quote from: midwayfair on April 25, 2024, 09:39:47 PMWeird, some article popped up on my Firefox homepage today talking about where all the barf bags went.
I didn't have any desire to read it at the time but now ...
I wonder what other things they'll start getting rid of that don't seem to get used often. preserver under the seat? C'mon. How many people really take a dump on the plane? Goodbye, toilet paper! Co-pilot? You only need one pilot, really. Extra fuel? Gone.
Pretty soon we'll all just be sitting on the floor flying in a stripped-down tin can that may or may not make it if there's any kind of delay. But don't worry. You can buy a testor of Jack Daniels for $50...if you pre-ordered it with our app!