The best part of watching Sharknado the other night was the commentary from my wife and daughter.
Wife: Those poor sharks. They are just looking for food.
Daughter (7): Yeah, food made out of people!
I think my favorite comment was a tweet from Patton Oswalt, who suggest the sequel should be: "Partly Clowny."
Yep, raining Clowns. Scary.
Can't wait to watch that.
I love the SiFy originals. My favorites are "Rock Monster" and "Snowmaggedon". ;D
My four year old was harassing the victims at the top of his lungs. "You can't get away! That's a Great White! Why are they fighting it? They are going to lose."
I liked when the manhole covers were flying and the sharks were being firehosed straight toward people. It is good to see Tara Reid raising money for her boob rebalance.
We watched by accident really. nothiing else on, but what an accident!
I noticed the screenplay was written by Thunder Levin. Too bad my son already has a name. He wanted to change his first name to shark last year, but thunder would be good too.
Quote from: culturejam on July 13, 2013, 05:36:06 PM
I love the SiFy originals. My favorites are "Rock Monster" and "Snowmaggedon". ;D
We liked "Sharktopus" and "Jersey Shore Shark Attack" and "Pirhanaconda". I want to watch "Chupacabra vs. the Alamo". How could that suck?
Quote from: madbean on July 13, 2013, 06:42:42 PM
yep. He would own the playground. and the girls would want to tame him, and lose their hearts in the process.
:o My wife is in the bedroom watching "Axe Giant" as I type. He is blocking rifle shots with his giant axe. wow
SyFy has really outdone themselves. While they are making sharknado and supergator the BBC is making quality sci-fi like dr who and torchwood. I don't think ive seen anything good on that channel since Farscape.
I was going to watch sharknado. But I'm out of Doritos and my glaucoma prescription has run out ;)
It was good for MST3K in your living rm.
Since this is the second set of comments i've read on sharknado, figured I'd watch the trailer. I never thought there would be a movie worse than The Life Aquatic with Steve Issusou, but clearly I was very, very wrong. How far Ian Ziering and Tara Reid have fallen (okay, it was more like falling off the bottom stair but still).
It looks great. As long as you know what you are getting into, and it is hard not to with a name like Sharknado. I'm actually really bummed I missed it.
Sharks raining down on you from a tornado! How could that not be awesome?
Just finished watching Sharknado with the youth group from our church.
"We can't just stand here when sharks are raining on us!" Epic!
yeah i though it was kinda funny
how can anyone see this and not laugh
when he cut himself out of the shark it was hilarious
Just finally got to watch this.. "Now I hate sharks too"
Some great lines in this movie.
Quote from: Haberdasher on July 19, 2013, 03:33:44 PM
yeah i though it was kinda funny
how can anyone see this and not laugh
when he cut himself out of the shark it was hilarious
Greatest ending ever! ;D
Quote from: madbean on July 13, 2013, 06:42:42 PM
Haha at my YMCA, there's a picture a kid drew of "lightning shark". It looks like shark+ electric eel and is terrifying
Its on Saturday, just in case you forgot to record it. It looks like I'll finally have time to watch it too.
Is it worth two hours of my life?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 2
Quote from: Haberdasher on July 19, 2013, 03:33:44 PM
yeah i though it was kinda funny
how can anyone see this and not laugh
when he cut himself out of the shark it was hilarious
Did anyone notice that that chainsaw is actually too short to cut that shark in half in one sweep? Or is that me paying to much attention to detail...... :D
Now to find a way to watch this over here in Holland, probably brilliant!!
Really, in a movie whose premise is killer sharks raining down on the city from a tornado, the logic we question is whether the chainsaw is long enough.... :P
I'm betting you can find this on Hulu if you've got access to a US IP account (like Happy VPN), otherwise I'm sure there's a torrent engine out there that's got it.
Quote from: DutchMF on July 26, 2013, 08:26:43 PM
Quote from: Haberdasher on July 19, 2013, 03:33:44 PM
yeah i though it was kinda funny
how can anyone see this and not laugh
when he cut himself out of the shark it was hilarious
Did anyone notice that that chainsaw is actually too short to cut that shark in half in one sweep? Or is that me paying to much attention to detail...... :D
With Sharknado, paying attention to any detail is way to much. Just take it for what it is and enjoy it.
Ironically, my wife JUST called out from the other room that CNN is talking about Sharknado right now. Be right back as soon as I see what's going on....
Ok. Sharknado is going to be on the big screen next week for one night only in 200 theaters and the sequel will be set in Manhattan. New Yorkers and Sharks. I like it already!
Quote from: GermanCdn on July 26, 2013, 08:41:26 PM
Really, in a movie whose premise is killer sharks raining down on the city from a tornado, the logic we question is whether the chainsaw is long enough.... :P
I'm betting you can find this on Hulu if you've got access to a US IP account (like Happy VPN), otherwise I'm sure there's a torrent engine out there that's got it.
Sorry, that's just the way my mind works.... ;D And the torrent is already running!
no, this is not real. just tsayin.
:D Patrick Duffy put that one over the top.
Quote from: DutchMF on July 26, 2013, 09:34:52 PM
Quote from: GermanCdn on July 26, 2013, 08:41:26 PM
Really, in a movie whose premise is killer sharks raining down on the city from a tornado, the logic we question is whether the chainsaw is long enough.... :P
I'm betting you can find this on Hulu if you've got access to a US IP account (like Happy VPN), otherwise I'm sure there's a torrent engine out there that's got it.
Sorry, that's just the way my mind works.... ;D And the torrent is already running!
The first thing I noticed is that blood is already on the ground before the shark gets to him
I watched it and it was amazing. Seriously that twist ending blew my mind.
It will be in theaters Friday, one night only midnight showing.
I saw it last week as well. Definitely amusing if you are in the right mood.
Perhaps it's coming true?
Currently watching the Second One. So much worse than the first. It really needs Bruce Campbell to come and save the day. BOOMSTICK.
Quote from: GermanCdn on August 12, 2014, 12:37:52 AM
Currently watching the Second One. So much worse than the first. It really needs Bruce Campbell to come and save the day. BOOMSTICK.
boom! Any sequel that's called the second one has to be comically bad.
Shark sandwich?
I watched the first 10 minutes or so of the first one last week and that was about all I could take sober and by myself. I could definitely see it being a good time with a couple buddies in mystery science theater 3000 commentary type situation.
If I watched it by myself, I'd skip through the parts that annoy me (by the sound of it, most of the movie), and if I watched it with other people, I'd get told to shut up every minute and told to just enjoy it.
"But that would never happen in real life!"
"Shut up, Alan!"
My personal favorite maybe sequel, mostly because the secondary title is hilarious. Also, Tim Allen would be great :D