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Zero Point Micro - manufacturing error

Started by madbean, February 17, 2013, 05:06:54 PM

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A manufacturing error has been found on the Zp Micro PCBs that will effect SOME of the PCBs sent out. A small trace between pins 7 and 8 on the bottom side of the PCB has been discovered an most definitely does not belong there. This error will cause the modulation to not work properly.

After a visual inspection of the remaining PCBs on hand, I estimate that as many of 20% of the PCBs have this error so if you have one you need to check your board for the trace.

Fortunately, the fix is pretty straight-forward. Use an Xacto knife or sharp razor to cut the trace off the PCB. This will remove the connection. Please see the pic below. While there is no underlying ground plane between the pads to be damaged, please use care to limit the cutting to just this area.

My apologies for the inconvenience. I will definitely bring this to the manufacturer's attention.


I've just done the fix to my board and it is indeed very easy with no real risk. I just scored through the stray trace right between pads until my DMM's continuity checker indicated no connection. It only took about three firm cuts with the X-Acto and it was done. 
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).