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3 in 1 Eternity/SHO/Treble Booster

Started by raulduke, February 01, 2012, 12:15:02 PM

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I built this pedal for a guy leading up to Christmas and it took a while, but came out really cool IMO.

It was something a bit different from what I usually do so please excuse the long write up!

The concept was pretty much his idea; a pedal with momentary and latching bypass footswitches, with a rotary control (with LED indicators) to select between a SHO Boost, Treblebooster and Tubescreamer overdrive.

The momentary footswitch is so he can switch on the effect for a brief period while playing a lead line in his band.

I did some clips and he liked the Omega Boost for the treble boost and the Eternity for the T Screamer so we went with those circuits. He knew he wanted a SHO for the boost and I was fine with that; I love em!

The pedal enclosure that we went with is a Hammond 1590X; a really nice enclosure with plenty of room for the three circuits.

The finish is purple Hammerite; created by mixing the red and blue versions old school style!

The PCB's are my design for the SHO and Omega Boost and Madbeans Neutrino PCB for the Eternity.

The wiring for everything took a while and I used shielded wire from the In and Out jacks due to the long cable run. I also used a bit of terminal block to common together the 9V and GND wires from all the circuits.

The guy I built it for was a really nice dude, plus he was from Sheffield so popped round to pick the pedal up in person which was great.

Anyway, hope you like the pics;

Enclosure prior to measuring and drilling for the control knobs for the 3 effects. The 3 circuit LED indicators, rotary switch and footswitches have already been drilled:

Enclosure after drilling for the control knobs and with the customers selected choice of knobs:

Picture of the enclosure after the purple hammerite had been applied. I was really pleased with the result and have used the same finish on some of my own builds; Prince would love it thats for sure!

Enclosure with most of the wiring done, excluding the bypass footswitches, LED's and +9V/Gnd Connections. I will upload a final gutshot later. The thicker grey cable on the left and right hand side of the enclosure is the shielded cable connecting to the input and output jacks. The wiring took a while to complete for this beast!

The finished article, the customer was really happy with the result, and came to pick it up in person which was really nice. I don't usually get to meet customers so it was great to get a chance to chat with him!



That, as they say, is the bee's knees. Nice work!


That thing looks awesome man. Cool idea with the rotary switch. I am really interested in how you did the momentary switch.

How did you wire that 3pdt for momentary?


Thanks for the comments guys; I reall enjoyed building this one.

In fact I enjoyed it so much I am doing my own version (but without the momentary switch).

sgmezei; I'll dig out the wiring diagram I did for the momentary switching; a picture paints a thousand words and all that!


Awesome! Love that finish man, and the combination with the cream knobs. How did you paint that? Seems a bit hard to mix paint from spraycans.........  ???

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Hammerite comes in cans mate; I mixed the paints by hand after pouring in the right amounts of red and blue. Its a pretty old school way of going about it ha ha!

I think the only hammerite available as a spray in the hammered finish is silver and black. I might be wrong though. Hand applying as opposed to spraying it usually gives a more 'hammered'/mottled effect in my experience.


Thanks for the reply! Probably depends on where you are, in Holland you can get a lot of stuff from Hammerite in spray-cans, so there's the confusion! Good to know I can get a kick-ass finish like yours with a can of paint and a brush! I'm not quite ready to go fancy-pants with my enclosures yet, I'm amazed I can get my boards to work in the first place! Expecting some pre-finished enclosures soon, so I can box 'm up. I'll keep you guys posted. But that purple 'n cream still looks mighty fine.........

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


That is epic!  The ultimate pedalboard space saver!
Love it, grea concept and great execution 8)


Cheers Dude!

Dutch MF,

Top hammerite tip mate; use a sponge to apply the hammerite and you get a better 'Hammered' effect than using a brush. Plus no visible brush strokes.


another hammerite tip: rustoleum sells hammered finish in a can. paint during cold weather or put your can/enclosure in the fridge/freezer to get tighter, smaller patterns

cool build  :)