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ISD1020 v ISD2560

Started by aziltz, July 06, 2011, 02:30:40 AM

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I have an ISD2560, and first glance at the datasheets, comparing to the ISD1020 is that they have more or less the same pinout, with the only difference being that the 2500 series uses pins that were original NC on the 1020.  Any reason to think that they can't be interchanged in the Loophole?

ISD2560 -
ISD1020 -

I also found evidence of an evaluation system for both 1000 and 2500 series chips.


I was wondering this as well. They seem pretty close. The most significant bits are still on pins 9 and 10 which go high and set the operational mode to M3 (high on pin 4 - looping mode). You might need to set pins 7 and 8 to ground but because they are not mode indicators maybe not. I think ovf (pin 22) is just a full memory indicator and can be left open. I remember reading a post about why an ISD10xx cannot replace an ISD25xx but that may not apply in this case; i think it was in the payback forum I will try to find it.

Update: Yeah I think it should work, still not sure what to do with pins 7 and 8, I would probably ground them. Sick! that is 75 seconds of looping time at the same sampling rate, or 60 seconds at 8KHz. I think 60 seconds is more than I would ever use.


Hmmm, anyone have a source for the ISD2560? There are some ebay suppliers in HK selling for around $30 with a 180 day guarantee... hmmm starting to seem like one of those tough to find chips that may not be worth the extra 40 seconds. 


i have one that I got from Jameco in 2006 for a class project, and it may have been $20.  i think there are some voice recorder kits floating around that are about $20 that include the chip.


There is a site called that will get you both those IC's , they are prompt very pro and well priced I got the ISD 1020 for $2.50 each and they also have the ISD2560 , I dont have a price for them though ...check them out